The Narrowest Days

By haylbaylz

899 60 0

I see you're awake finally. Let me explain, I'm the overseer, and my name is Hayley, I will guide you on your... More

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 5 (night)
day 6
Day 7
Day 8 (1/2)
Day 8 (2/2)
Night 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 18
Day 19

Day 17

36 2 0
By haylbaylz

Day 17~

The pounding echoing through my head continued as I was beginning to wake to a strange environment. My skin felt cold, my muscles ached, and my veins burned. I knew I wasn't sitting because there was nothing under me, but my arms felt like they're being pulled. Slowing I began to open my eyes, the room was bright, all I saw was a bright white light.

"You're awake?" I heard a quite voice. "Here, this will help."

The person moved around, and a clicking sound was heard.

Soon as I heard the click, my veins burned, but I felt my eyelids become less heavy, and the room became more visible.

There were large glass containers, holding some strange green liquid.

"Where am I?" I ask, but my voice was croaky.

"You're in Hayley's hell hole of a base." I knew exactly who's voice that was now... It was Ryster.

"I thought you were on her side?" I question him.

"I was, but I skipped my medication that I'm supposed to take, because something just didn't feel right. Turns out the medication makes me believe in her bullshit." He says, but I still can't see him in the room. "I can't help you, Lexi. The tubes are in to deep into your veins, I don't know how to get them out."

With him saying that, I became confused. What tubes? As I was trying to make sense of what he just said, I turned my head slightly.

Ten tubes of green liquid were imbedded in my skin. I began to have a panic attack, and a beeping noise was heard at a rapid pace.

"Lexi, calm down. If you panic to much, the liquid will kill you." Ry says.

"Way to make me calm down!" I yell.

"Listen, Logan is fine. I've made sure he's been getting food, and water. Luckily he isn't in a chamber like you, and he doesn't have these things sticking into him. Ace is in the bottom chamber of this place. They will begin to kill him soon, I'm trying to get him out without being caught." Ry explains in a soothing voice, calming me down.

"Go, get them to safety then come back if you can. If you can't, leave me." I order him.

"But Lexi, I can't just leav-"

"You will, this is an order Ryster."

With that he finally comes into my line of sight.

"As you want, my swan." He brought back my old nickname.

"Quick question, why the hell with all the weird bird names? Do I look like a bird?" I laugh, joking around with him.

"Well, you're nose is kinda like a beak." He laughs, "I'm only joking. I don't know, I guess I just like it."

"Call me babe or something like that okay? The bird names are awkward." I tell him though a laugh.

"Whatever you want, sweet thang." He says chuckling.

"Better, but seriously you need to go."

"Oh yeah, I forgot. I will be back Lexi, I promise." Soon as he said that he left to go on his way to save ace, and Logan.


Okay I know this short as hell, but I'm on medicine that my doctor gave me for my pains I get, and it kinda makes me out of it. So evidentially I can't exactly write a story very well at the moment. Please bare with me, I'm trying my best, and I love you all for coming this far with my into the story. There will be more updates to come xox

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