In the Air.

By 4emma4everago

502 26 30

When Augustine Adkins' Aunt gets sick, her family is forced to move across the country. Augustine is used to... More

In the Air.
Chapter Two.

Chapter One.

106 9 11
By 4emma4everago

 Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

That's the only thing running through my mind as I sprint up the steps to the church. Because of my 'oh-so-trustworthy' car, I'm a half-hour late to this Sunday's service.


I open the doors to the old building and almost instantly everyone whips around in their seat to stare at me. I walk with as much confidence as I can build up in two seconds. I scan the room to find my parents and Charlie seated towards the front.

My mom covers her face with her hands and my brother tries to stifle his laughter.

The soles of my shoes echo throughout the silent church as I make my way to the pew my family's seated in. The pastor looks down at me, an unforgiving frown plastered on his face. I just sit down as quietly as possible, and stare forward.

If I show any sign of weakness, they'll devour me. I've been the new kid before; I know how it works.

The pastor doesn't let my late arrival mess with his sermon. He picks up right where he left off, ranting about the importance of remember your morals over everything.

"Nice entrance," Charlie leans over and whispers in my ear.

I fight a smile from appearing on my face, but the corners of my lips turn up. I shake my head and continue on pretending to listen to the service.

~ ~ ~ ~

"... See you all next Sunday," The pastor finishes up and closes his bible.

Everyone breaks out into chatter as they get up. Kids from all over the church stare at me. They whisper things to their friends. They try to discreetly point fingers at me. Some even laugh.

I look around at the girls and frown. Every single one of them are wearing a cute little dress with flats; their Sunday best. I look down at my outfit. I wear an old off the shoulder sweater, with a pair of jeans and boots. At least my jeans don't have holes in them.

"Mr. and Mrs. Adkins, Welcome!" The pastor continues to use his loud voice, that I'm starting to realize might just be the norm' for him. "I want to thank you for moving all this way, just to take care of Magdalen. That's very kind of you," He says, speaking of my Aunt that was so sick this morning that she couldn't even go to church.

"Thank you," My father shakes his hand and smiles.

My dad and his sister, my Aunt Magdalen, used to be really close. She used to come and visit us in California every year for Christmas, and would sometimes spend the summers with us. But, ever since she was diagnosed with Leukemia, she hasn't been able to. Dad felt bad leaving her all alone, since her husband died a few years ago, and they never had any kids, so he packed up all our things and relocated us here.

"And these must be your children that she always talks about?" He asks, looking to Charlie and I.

"Yes, this is our daughter, Augustine, and our son, Charlie," My dad smiles and puts his arm around us. I force a smile on my face, because I could feel my mom's eyes on me.

"I assume you'll both be attending Masterson High School?" He asks, politely.

"Yes, sir," Charlie answers for us.

Although Charlie is the younger sibling, he acts like my guardian. He gets all protective whenever he sees me with a boy. Or, he'll check in with me at lunchtime, to make sure that I'm fine. It doesn't help that he's an entire foot taller than me.

I just let him do all the talking this time, instead of butting in and showing who the older one is.

"Very good," The pastor smiles at Charlie, "Well, I hope you all are adjusting nicely. And, I hope I'll see you here every Sunday," He says to us before going to mingle with some of the seniors who still are lingering around the church.

Mom and Dad lead the way out of the church. We find the entire place already cleared out, except for a few groups of kids piling into cars, all probably hanging out together. It made me think of Jenna and Ethan back home. They were probably hanging out at the beach, like we usually do on Sundays.

"So, what's your excuse this time?" my mom puts her hands on her hips once we reach the parking lot.

"My car wouldn't start, I've tried telling you that it's unreliable." I shrug, crossing my arms. Of course she'd think I was lying. She never trusts me. She doesn't believe me now, either. She just rolls her eyes. "Whatever, I'm going home." I grumble, and walk towards the other end of the parking lot.

I can hear mom complaining to dad, saying how much of an attitude I have, and that I should be grounded.

I shove my hands in my pockets as make my way to my car. Mom calls me a drama queen, yeah right. 

"Hey, California. You look lost," I hear someone shout.

I look over my shoulder to see a group of kids piled in a very noisy, pickup truck. The one that shouted at me, grins from the passenger seat.

"Nope, actually I'm fine." I continue on walking towards my car, irritated.

"Honey, he wasn't offering to help you. He was just telling you that you don't belong here," A girl pipes up, who was sitting on his lap.

The entire truck breaks out into laughter. I resist the urge to turn around and start cussing them out. That would only make my situation worse.

The loud truck speeds up, flying past me.

"HIPSTER!" They all shout at me, before speeding around the corner.

I've been here less than two days, and already people are labeling me. Wisconsin is just getting better and better, isn't it.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Hey, Aunt Maggie! I'm home!" I bellow as I throw my keys on the table.

I slip off my shoes by the door and make my way into my aunt's bedroom. I see her laying there, watching some cheesy movie on the Hallmark channel. I can't help but to smile. She loves these awful movies.

"Hey, Augustine," She says, her voice sounding a little better than from when I left this morning. "How was church? Did you meet Pastor Saul?" She asks, turning down the volume on the tv.

I take a seat on the bed, by her feet. She sits up slowly, using all the strength she has.

"It was... alright, I s'pose." I grumble, but she frowns, "This place is a lot different than California, that's all," I try not to put her in a bad mood.

"What happened?" She asks, placing her hand on mine.

"It's nothing, really. I'm just going to have to adjust to everything here." I force a smile on my face.

My Aunt and I are really close. She's always understood my problems, even though she's many years older than my dad. She threw a fit when Dad said that he was moving us all up north to be with her. She didn't want to pull Charlie and I from school, when we were both very close to finishing high school. Dad says that I get my stubbornness from her.

"Being a new kid stinks, you already know that. But, just don't let what people say about you, bring you down. You're a unique, beautiful, special girl, and if they don't see that. Then, piss on them," She assures me. I let out a laugh. I guess I see the similarities between us.

"Thanks, Maggie," I smile and give her a hug. "Now, what's going on in this movie?" I change the topic, snuggling in beside her in bed.

Her frail body doesn't even take up half of the bed. I lay my head on her shoulder as she turns up the volume on the TV.

"Well, Theresa is married to John, but John has a secret affair with Brody, her brother. And, Theresa and John have a daughter, who may or may not have gotten kidnapped," She explains, in a soft whisper as I watch a very emotional fight break out on the TV.

I smile and hold her hand.


A/N: Hey, so the chapters won't usually be this short, but this is the best place for me to stop the chapter!

This is my first book I'm writing, so I'd love some feedback! :)

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