Fallen Radiance

Af greenie1D

205 3 0

Melanie Winters is an average girl whose main occupation is fangirling and living in a universe where the lit... Mere

The Beginning Of It All
Apparently I Am A Miracle
The Story Of My Short Death
Back To Normal...I Hope
The Entry Of The Devil
Maybe The Devil Poses For Magazine Covers In His Spare Time
The Worst Torture In The History Of Tortures
Fate Has A Twisted Sense Of Humour
Heterosexual Ships Don't Fill The Void In My Heart

There Is An Ugly Burger Waiting To Be Eaten

9 0 0
Af greenie1D

The sky was grey and still crying by the time I scramble out of my house with an umbrella in my hand. I am taking a break from driving as I am still shaken up about the 'almost' accident and think that breathing in fresh air instead of air conditioned will be a nice change. Well, no luck there considering that the atmosphere was completely saturated. Despite the heavy humidity clinging to my skin, the smell of petrichor is has a calming affect on my mind.

With One Direction blasting in my ear, I am jogging at a comfortable pace when my neck starts to prickle and my spidey senses begin blaring. The uneasy sensation means that I was not alone anymore yet a quick sweep of the street proves me wrong. Call me paranoid but my heart started thumping inside my chest like a drum and adrenaline pumped through my veins. The recent events justified me being more cautious than necessary. I turn around, shove my earphones in my pocket and start jogging furiously towards my school. My eyes are on a constant lookout and my ears strain for any sound of footprints on the wet gravel.

Reaching school, I finally slow down and take deep, gasping breaths. I am the furthest thing from fit and the run has left me on the edge of death. Despite my umbrella, I am mostly wet and shivering. A deep sigh manages to escape my lungs and frustrated tears spring to my eyes. Don't take me wrong, I am not emotional. Yet the constant stress and looking- over- my- shoulders has been driving me crazy. Wiping my cheeks roughly I enter the school and the monotonous humming of students calm my mind. The banging sound of lockers and the high pitched laughs are soothing and familiar to my shaky nerves.

Stretching my lips to a bright smile I march down the corridor to get to Clary's locker and bask in her comforting warmth. She is leaning against her locker chatting with Martin with a slight pink hue tainting her cheeks, when I smack her upside the head to get her attention. She turns towards me with a murderous glare and I flash a wide grin to her. Martin, feeling like an intruder, quickly says his goodbye before leaving me to my death.

"What?" She hisses through her teeth.

"Tsk, tsk. Is that the way to treat your back- from- the- dead best friend?" I grin at her.

Her eyes loose the fire and she whines, "But Martin with his goofy smile and adorable brown eyes had just started talking to me. You made him run away. Jerk."

"Female dog."

She chuckles, remembering my oath to never swear, and starts pulling me along with her to our English class.

"Did you see Teen Wolf last night? It was so interesting and Derek looked downright dreamy and Stiles was so amazing and Scott-."

"What would Martin say if he heard you now," I shake my head at her,"And I've already called dibs on Stiles. He's mine. Keep your paws off him."

"Not a chance," she smirks evilly at me. Just then the temperature seems to drop a little and a dark aura seems to encompass the corridor, making a trail of goosebumps appear on my arms. Looking back I see Dmitri, completely clad in black, enter the school. His tousled hair and chiseled jaw makes everyone pale in comparison. Before his steel grey eyes find mine, I jerk ahead like the coward I am and join Clary to fangirl over Allison's fighting style. The memory of being in his arms, more correctly, having a breakdown in his arms haunts my brain and my cheeks start to burn. The memory of his vulnerable and intense eyes still linger in my brain's crevices.

We walk down the long corridor and plop down in our seats. There are still few minutes left for the bell to ring so Clary revises her essay on the 'Significance of eavesdropping in the play Much Ado For Nothing by Shakespeare' while I read the 'The Last Star'. I know I have my priorities sorted, unlike Hermoine.

The shrill sound of bell breaks my concentration and makes me jump on my seat. The patter of the students' footsteps along with the clicking of our teacher's heels can be heard.

"Arthur is alive!" I exclaim with a hand against my heart and an exaggerated expression of incredulity on my face, "Arthur is alive and he will surprise Merlin one day. Mark my words."

"Sure. In another universe. Not this one," Clary retorted with an eye roll. We are in cafeteria at the moment eating the stale, expired food.

I'm making heart broken faces at her when my eyes spot Bryan. He looks worse that a man hit with a bus. Repeatedly. One of his eyes was swollen shut and a cut was running along his cheek. There were purple bruises decorating his sharp jaw. The slouching and limping shows further damage hidden from view. His eyes are down and he's not meeting any of the stares. A wave of whisper has already started flowing. Curious gazes and surprised faces glimpse not so discreetly at him. My body's reaction is also instantaneous. Disgust and nervousness battle in my heart. I mean, he's bound to take revenge and there is only one person who could have roughed him up and because of only one reason. Me. His dishevelled mane of dark hair is bowed down as he crosses me yet I do not miss the the second in which his eyes cut across to me, churning with anger.

Maybe I actually did die and this is hell. It would sure seem like it with the constant death threats.

He goes and sits clumsily on a corner table with his rowdy friends. I need to talk to Dmitri about this. That's for sure. Oh joy! I groan and slump on my seat.

I glance towards the 'popular table' and sure enough a smug smile is gracing Dmitri's lips. He continues to play with his food rather than meet my gaze even though I know that he knows that I am looking at him.

Fine then. Ignore me. I'll corner him later. Right now there is an ugly burger waiting to be eaten.


Teen wolf (duh)

Merlin (again duh)

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