My Slytherin Boys

By silverair

3.9K 65 11

Gaunt. Willow Gaunt. A tree, and a relative to the most evil wizard of all time. Not the best name ever. But... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 3

288 7 0
By silverair


The Hall was silent.

The old witch took off the Hat and Albus got up and started walking toward the Slytherin table.

I started clapping, and soon everyone was.

After the polite clapping died down, you could hear quiet whispers going around, 'A Potter, in Slytherin?' Some of the  Slytherins looked smug and the Gryffindors kept glancing at what looked to be a 2nd year boy, he looked like Albus. He must be the James that Albus and Rose has been talking about on the train.

I had not been paying attention to the Sorting when I heard, "Weasley, Rose" but she got sorted into "GRYFFINDOR!" No surprise there.

The old witch climbed up to a pedestal and said:

"Well now, welcome again, first years, and welcome back to everyone else. Now remember, no one is allowed to go into the Forbidden Forest, and will serve punishment if done so. Also Quidditch Tryouts will be this Monday, if you wish to try out the sign up sheet will be posted on your house news board." She says then smiled, "Now, let's eat!"

With that all the tables fill with food and I began to load my plate with anything I could reach, the candy on the train seemed like ages ago and everything looked so good.

"Sooo, took you a while with the hat..." Scorp said to Albus.

"Yeah," Albus mumbled, "And you guys can call me Al, Albus is for serious statements only."

I couldn't help myself, I laughed.

But I noticed, and so did Scorp, that Albus was avoiding the subject of his Sorting.

"So, what did the hat say?" I asked, while I devoured a drumstick.

"Ahh, nothin' just was thinkin' bout whether to put me in Gryffindor or Slytherin, and I said 'Well what's the best about Slytherin?' And the hat said, 'Well you tell me!' And I said, 'I don't know!' Then the hat said,-"

"Okay! Okay!" So did you choose or did you let the hat choose?" Scorp asked.

"Ummm..." Albus looks at his plate and shifted in his seat, "I'm not sure."

"Oy! Will! Come here and introduce us!" Guess who!!

"You come here, you're too far away." I said simply.

There was grumbling but Jake and Nate came over anyway. They slid in between two second years, who gladly moved over for them.

"This is Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Potter," I said and point to both of the boys, "Those are some of my brothers," and I pointed to Jake, "That's Jake, he has a twin named Joseph," then at Nate, "That's Nate, and Adam is sitting back by Joey."

"You have a big family," Scorp said then smiled, "I'm an only child." He glanced at Al, "We already know that Potter has siblings, and so does Weasley."

"Nice to meet you," Al said ignoring Scorp's comment about his family.


After the feast, the old witch, whose name was Professor McGonagal, stood up and said another reminder about not going into the Forbidden Forest, like that's going to stop me. She then told us to follow our prefects to our house's common room.

The prefect's first name slips my mind but his last name remains.

We used to play when we were little, and his dad is one of the few who actually knew who we were.

Now we're enemies, for a misunderstanding that he won't apologize for.


I chose to forget his name.

He wasn't worth it.

And besides, his father is dead...

Long dead.



:o what's that mean...? :)

Lol I know...

Any who-




Love ya,

Arya <4

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