Apocalypse (a twilight fanfic)

By blackdust

1.5M 17.6K 2.9K

Amelia has been alone virtually her whole life. One day she gets a letter from her mum saying to go to the Cu... More

Apocalypse (a twilight fanfic)
Chapter 1- past
Chapter 2- story
Chapter 3- hunt
chapter 4- smile
Chapter 5- game
chapter 6- deal
Chapter 7-shopping
Chapter 8- cliff
Chapter 9- wait
Chapter 10-return
Chapter 11-family
Chapter 12-time
chapter 13-sweet
Chapter 14- proposition
Chapter 15- rematch
Chapter 16-power
chapter 17- practice
Chapter 18-confession
Chapter 19-reaction
Chapter 20- soccer
chapter 21-plan
chapter 22- talk
Chapter 23- sisters
Chapter 24
Chapter 25- call
chapter 26- desicion
chapter 27- back to forks
chapter 28- Charlie and Sue
Chapter 29- we are vampires
chapter 30- la push
Author's note! MUST READ!
Chapter 31- plans for the big day
Chapter 32- shopping for the big day
Chapter 33- the big day
Chapter 34- home sweet home
chapter 35
chapter 36- News
chapter 37- Baseball
Chapter 38- Max's birthday
Chapter 39- first date
Chapter 40- details
Chapter 41- First day
Chapter 42
Chapter 43- Choir
Chapter 45- Surprise
Chapter 46- note
Chapter 47- Hurt
Chapter 48- tears
Chapter 49- Gone
Chapter 50 - Comprehension
Chapter 51- Actions
Chapter 52-Fault
Chapter 53- Darkness
Chapter 54- Sense
Chapter 55- Revenge
Chapter 56- awake
Chapter 57
Chapter 58- apologies
Chapter 59- feelings
Chapter 60- Forever
Chapter 61- unexpected
Chapter 62- Answers
Chapter 63- complications
Chapter 64- Revelations
Chapter 65- Promise
Chapter 66- indecision
Chapter 67- Battle
Chapter 68- Victory
(FINAL CHAPTER) Chapter 69- Farewell

Chapter 44- Arcade

17.1K 141 29
By blackdust

All rights to Stephanie Meyer...

Chapter 44- Arcade

***Amelia's POV***

I opened my eyes, stretched then sat up. I sat for a few minutes then focused my ears to listen to my favourite sound. I frowned. Why can't I hear it? I shrugged and then got ready for the day ahead. After showering and getting changed, I headed downstairs. I didn't bother having breakfast and sat myself in the family room. Uncle Emmett and Jacob were playing some video game and Uncle Jazz was sitting silently in the corner. I then got up and sat myself next to him.

"Hello Uncle Jazz." I said. He focused his attention on me before opening his mouth to speak.

"Hello Amelia. I guess you are curious to where Max is. Am I correct?" he said. I smiled. I was curious! Maybe he went hunting?

"Yes I am and you are at peace am I correct?" I said whilst concentrating on his feelings. He smiled.

"Max has gone shopping with Alice, Rose, Ness and Bella. And yes I am at peace I am trying to see what it is like to be peaceful like you." he replied. Max shopping? Seriously? Max doesn't go shopping! He complains more than me!

"Seriously he has gone shopping? Did Aunt Alice kidnap him? Because I am sure that we both know that he doesn't like to go shopping. And I think my peacefulness came with the fact I wasn't really feeling any emotions in the three months I was coming here." I said.

"Well you know how Alice is, she might've." he replied. That's true. But if she took Max how come she didn't take me? Something must be up.

"Why are you suddenly becoming suspicious?" He said.

"I am becoming suspicious because if Aunt Alice took Max shopping why didn't she take me?" I said. I nodded.

"I'm not sure maybe there was a reason?" He said. I thought for a minute and then looked into Aunt Alice's future. In about five minutes she should be home. That's weird because she spends the whole day shopping.

"Well, Aunt Alice should be home in about five minutes but the thing is that doesn't she spend the whole day shopping?" I said. Uncle Jasper shrugged. Something tells me that he knows something.... I shook my head then let it go. Then Dad came in the room. I looked in his mind to see that f there was any information kept there. I frowned. There wasn't! Unbelievable!

"That what is the real reason for them to go shopping and coming back in like five minutes?" I asked. Dad pursed his lips.

"Well... Alice took Max as well as the girls because apparently he needed more clothes and Max didn't want wake you up." Dad said. I felt like I was missing something but I just shrugged it off. It can't be something can it? After a few minutes I heard the familiar purr of Aunt Rose's car on the freeway and approach the drive. I walked to the front door and opened it at excellent timing because they were just about to open it. I am now ready to interrogate.

"Hey guys." I said and took a step back so they could pile in. I threw myself at Max and gave him a hug. He smiled and kissed me on the nose.

"Hello beautiful." He said. I blushed slightly.

"So..." I said. How should I start this interrogation thing?

"Yes?" He said.

"Why did you go shopping? Because I think we both know you do not like shopping and argue as much as I do and I don't get why you didn't wake me up. And how come you are back so early?" I said. I pursed his lips and looked as if he was choosing his words.

"I went shopping becasue Aunt Alice said I needed more clothes and yes I did argue but knew arguing was pointless and I didn't wake you up because it was better if you slept. And do you really want me still at the mall?" He said.

"No I don't but I was curious because Aunt Alice spends the whole day there!" I said.

"We spent three hours there and I didn't want to leave you alone so I somehow got them to cut the trip short and come home." He said. He was telling the truth! BUT I know that there is something missing!

"What did you get?" I asked.

"Clothes, shoes?" He said phrasing it into a question. I nodded.

"So what's on the agenda?" I said.

"Well I wanted to take you out. Would you come?" He said.

"You don't even have to ask as long I don't have to ridiculously spend hours in Aunt Alice's clutches but then again at the end of it I would end up with you." I said.

"I'll take that as a yes and no you don't, well not hours anyway." He said. I smiled.

Wait did he just say I am going to be in Aunt Alice's clutches anyway? 

"What do you mean not hours?" I said.

"Well you know Aunt Alice she wouldn't let you leave without dressing you up." He said. I considered that for a second. I then looked into Aunt Alice's future and saw that she was now five feet behind me. Great.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"Out." He said simply.

"Oh I know that." I said.

"It's nothing big just out." He said. Just out? I thought. Hmmm.... That could be anywhere!

"That helps." I said. He smiled.

"You'll find out as soon as we get there okay?" He said. I nodded and then let go of him.

And then was in the grasp of Aunt Alice.

"Nothing big." I said to her. She nodded obediently but I knew she had some plan in mind.


Ness helped Aunt Alice get me ready. Ness is like Aunt Alice but isn't evil. Aunt Alice didn't dress me up like I was going out ballroom dancing. I was wearing a dark demin skirt with lilac legging and a white t-shirt whih had a multicoloured flower on it topped up with a cardigan and some jewellery. My hair was straigthen and my make-up was light.

"As much as I do not want to say this but thank you Aunt Alice you are awesome." I said reluctantly. She beamed.

"Your welcome Amelia and I might just use those words against you in the future so keep a eye out." She replied. I frowned. I would look to see what she is on about but I don't want to know what she has in store for me.

"And Ness thank you too you are awesome as well." I said. She smiled.

"Your welcome and you look beautiful. Max might gape again." She said. I smiled I remember the time when I had a so-called entrance and he was gapping at me. I was funny.

"He might we are going to have to wait and see." I said.

***Max's POV***

The real reason for me going out shopping this morning was to get Amelia a birthday present. Her birthday is on friday and according to Uncle Edward she is clueless about it. Which is good because then everything would be a surprise.

She is upstairs now. They are taling whether I would gape aat her when I see her. You know it is not my fault! She is so breathtakingly beautiful I could only stand and stare! Drool too! I self- conciously wiped my mouth. Even thinking of her makes me drool! She has such an effect on me!

I brought Amelia a locket. Nothing big but I am sure that she would like it.

After a few minutes I heard her heartbeat draw nearer. I got changed Aunt Alice lay an outft out for me and gave Uncle Edward a message that if I didn't get changed into them I would not be going out. Which is sad because I could pretty much get ready by myself and I think I look perfectly fine.

But then again so does Amelia. Well she looks more then perfectly fine, she looks beautiful. And she is in the clutches Aunt Alice. I ran my fingers through my hair as Amelia walked down the stairs. I hope I don't make a fool out of myself again!

"Max relax why are you worried?" Uncle Jasper said. I then kept my feelings in check.

"I just hope that I don't make a fool out of myself." I said truthfully.

"You'll be fine." Uncle Edward said. He seemed kind of amused for some reason. I wonder why....

Uncle Edward again voluteered to drive us. Which I was grateful to.

"Could you now tell me where we are going?" I heard from behind me. It was Amelia for sure. Her voice was music to my ears. I smiled and then turned around to face her. She was... what can I say? There are no words to describe her. I stared at her for a while.

I'm gapping! I said to myself.

You need to stop!

But she is so beautiful!

Why am I arguing to myself? I heard a laugh which was from Uncle Edward. He must've heard my thoughts and thought that it was funny that I am arguing to myself. I shook my head and smiled sheepishly.

"Y-you know I-I get t-there." I stuttered. Great I am stuttering! I heard some laughter chorusing the room. Amelia smiled and giggled a little she grabbed my hand.

"Max, son you better look away before you forget your name." Dad said. My attention snapped to him. How could I forget my name?

"Great advice dad." I said sarcastically.

"No prob son." He replied. I guess he never the got the sarcasm.

"C'mon let's go." Amelia whispered.

"Yeah let's go." I agreed and then let her tug me out of the room.

"Remember to have fun and be safe okay?" Mum said.

"Sure thing." Me and Amelia said in unison.

We left the house and went into the volvo.

"Seriously where are you taking me?" She asked.

"Out." I said simply. Where I am taking her is nothing big just out I guess.

"I'll read your mind." She threatened.

"I'm not thinking of it." I said. She scowled at nothing in particular.

"Fine." She said. She then started to absentmindedly play with my fingers. We reached the destination. It was the cinema which was nothing big. It's a step down from the first date but that doesn't matter. We exited the car and said goodbye to Uncle Edward and entered the cinema. 

"Where exactly are we?" She asked whislt observing her surroundings.

"At the cinema. As I said nothing big after we can go to the arcade." I said.

"What do you do in a cinema and arcade?" She asked sheepishly. I smiled.

"A cinema is a place where you watch movies which have recently come out. And an arcade is a place you can play some games and stuff." I replied.

"What are we watching?" She asked.

"That's your desicion. I don't mind watching anything as long as I am with you." I said. Amelia gave me a kiss on the cheek and put her arms around my neck and I automatically put my arms around her waist.

"That's so sweet and you look amazing, dashing, amazing, hot the list could go on forever! I don't mind what we do or watch because I am with you and there is nothing else I would rather want and I love you so much." She said. I smiled at her words. Her very presense makes makes my day. I leaned forward to press my lips to hers. I held her close. I don't care if anyone is watching us all I care about is being with Amelia. We broke apart and kept in each others embrace.

"I love you so much too and words can't describe the way you look." I said. She smiled.

"We better go and watch the movie before we get carried away." she said. I blushed slightly. If no one was around we most likely would be carried away.

"C'mon lets decide on a movie." I said. She nodded and I grabbed her hand and tugged her over to the posters on the movies which were showing. There were a few horror movies, action movies and chick flicks. I wonder if Amelia is the type for that. But then again she's unpredictable.

Amelia looked at the posters and then came up with a decision.

"I want to watch that one." she said and pointed at the poster. I looked to see which one she was pointing at and it was a horror movie. Okay why does she want to watch that?

"That's a horror movie Amelia you could get scared." I said.

"You know that can't nearly be as scary as what I have been through." she said. I considered that for a second.

"Still you could get nightmares." I said. I knew she most likely wouldn't because the movie was X rated.

"I won't we could watch that if you want or are you scared that you could get nightmares?" she said. I shook my head. There is no way I would be scared of something like that. My only real fear is losing Amelia. But that won't happen right? I wouldn't let it.

"No Amelia I won't get scared and are you sure you want to watch this movie?" I asked making sure. She nodded.

"Of course I do!" she said. I then tugged her over to the ticket booth and brought the tickets. The guy at the counter was giving me weird looks, probably because I'm taking my girlfriend to watch a horror movie. It was her choice anyway.

After the tickets, I got us some popcorn and a drink to share. Amelia was protesting because she didn't want me to spend all my money on her. But I ignored her well kind of. We went to our screen and I tugged her to our seats.

"Why is the screen so big?" she asked.

"I'm not sure but it's the point. Watching a massive tv." I said. The lights started to dim and the trailers came on. Amelia watched them curiously and then the movie came on.


The movie was alright. I liked it. Amelia seemed to have liked it as well. But there were parts she would cling on to me with her strong grip. There were a few times she would jump because of the sudden noises and appearances. But I would just reassure her that everything was alright. When the movie finished the lights brightened and everyone got up from their seats. Amelia was still clinging on my arm and I then thought whether taking her to watch the movie was a good idea.

"Are you alright?" I asked concerned. I really hope that this doesn't give her nightmares. She let go of me a straightened herself.

"Yes I am that was a great experience and I don't think I want to watch another horror movie just yet." she said. I then felt a little guilty for letting her watch the movie. I pulled her dainty body into my arms and gave her a hug.

"I am sorry for letting you talk me into letting you watch this movie it is all my fault." I whispered in her ear. She pulled back so we could have eye contact.

"Don't be silly I'm just a little freaked out. Nothing big." she said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes I am." She replied. I looked into her eyes to see if she was telling the truth. And she was and with that we left the theater.


We entered the busy arcade hand in hand. I know Amelia likes a challenge so I won't regret bringing her here. We walked around and then something seemed to have caught Amelia's attention. It was air hockey.

"Let's play that!" she said and then tugged me over to it. I told her the rules and we began to play. Amelia caught on very quickly and occasionally hit the puck too hard it would fly off but I caught it in time. After that we brought some candy floss. Amelia looked at it curiously and touched it with her finger making an indent in it. But she refused to eat some so I had to stuff some in her mouth when she wasn't concentrating.

"Max!" She said and she swallowed it down.

"How else was I suppose to get you to eat it?" I said.

"You didn't have to stuff it in my mouth!" She said and then scowled at me.

"I'm sorry." I said with an innocent look and tenderly kissed her on the cheek.

"Stop distracting me!" she said trying not to smile.

"Well I am sorry." I said.

"I know and the candy floss isn't half bad just that it is too sweet." she said. I smiled. I took to quick glance around the arcade and my eyes locked with someone else's. I realised it was Nicolas. Great why does he have to be here? He looked away from me and started to look at Amelia. I tensed up.

Does he get it? Amelia is mine and alway will be. Amelia sensed my reaction and looked at me with questions in her eyes.

"What's wrong Max?" She said.

"That guy Nicolas is here and is staring at you." I said. My voice came out rougher then I had intended. Amelia took a quick glance behind her and then tilted her head.

"Well if he has to stare I think we should give him something to look at." She said. I arched an eyebrow at her. She leaned forward and it was when her lips met I knew what she was thinking.

***Amelia's POV***

I leaned forward and then mine and Max's lips met. His lips were sweeter because of the candy floss we just ate and put my hands around his neck and pulled him closer as he put his hands around my waist and pulled me closer. We kissed tenderly forgetting that we were in a place full of people and in the sight of Nicolas. We then pulled apart, Max had a smile on his lips and so did I. But that smile on his lips disappeared when his eyes again locked with Nicloas'. I sighed. Boys would be boys right?

With my power I made him look away and I gave him a stern look.

"Max, we are here together on a date so I don't think it is a good idea giving someone the evils. I know you don't like him but I don't too so I think it is better that we forget that he is here and we can carry enjoying the day like any other couple do you understand?" I said firmly. I feel like I am talking to a five year old... wait he is five isn't he?

Max nodded and got one of his hands from my waist and tucked a stray hair behind my ear.

"You look cute when you are angry." He murmured. Aww... that's sweet! My expression softened.

And then realised he is distracting me! He is so good at it as well.

"Quit distracting me! And I need to go to the comfort room, don't kill him while I am gone." I said. He nodded.

"Okay but I am not making any promises. If they are any murders in the area don't blame me." He said. I smiled and them hit him(not hard) in the arm. He clutched on to it.

"That hurt." He said.

"Really I swear I didn't do it hard." I said innocently.

"Your 'didn't do it hard' is something else." He said. I smiled at him innocently.

"I'll only be a few minutes. So behave." I said.

"Yes Ma'am." He said. I chuckled a little. I scanned the acade for the comfort room. When I found it and walked towards it and entered it. I did my business then washedd my hands. I then checked if my hair was okay and whether the make-up had smudged. Urgh. I'm starting to sound like Aunt Alice! I then left the comfort room and went towrds Max. He wasn't hard to find because I could hear his heart beat and he was in the same place where I had left him. A smile formed on my lips as I saw him looking absentmindly at the ceiling. The smiled went when I heard a painfully familiar voice.

"Amelia what are you doing here?" Nicolas said. I frowned and walked away pretending I didn't hear him. I was too concentrated on going to Max to realise his actions. I felt something grab my wrist. I reluctantly turned around to face him. I ripped my wrist from his grasp effortlessly and was about to walk away again.

"Amelia, you must've not heard me but I asked what you were doing here." He said. Oh I heard you loud and clear.

I was just about to reply but someone else did.

"What she is doing here doesn't concern you and don't touch her." Max said from behind me. I sighed in relief that he was here but had to keep an eye on his actions to make sure he didn't do anything reckless.

"You invited you into the conversation? I was talking to the lady and it is a free country I could do whatever I want." he replied. Great. I hope this doesn't end bad.

"Well anything concerning her concerns me you got that?" Max said, he voice was venomous.

"How could you date a jerk like that Amelia? You can date me after he breaks up with you." He said. Is this guy for real?!

"Max a jerk? Seriously? Nicolas he is the best guy I know and he isn't going to break up with me. Okay?" I said. I was surprised to how calm my voice was.

"I told you to call me Nick and you bet he is." He replied.

"Don't hold your breath." Max said.

"Oh I am holding it alright I don't think a guy like you can handle a girl like that." He said. My blood started to boil and so did Max's. What is his problem?

"Listen you don't want to mess with me. So I advise you to go away and stay away." Max said. I have never seen Max like this before and I really hope I don't again. I think we should just walk away.

"What are you going to do? Call your big brothers on me? Like I'm scared." He said. Nicolas sure did look confident but I knew for sure he never stood a chance.

"Oh just shut up. I beating you up would be like breaking a tooth pick it's quick and effective." Max said. His fists were clenched and he was ready to punch. But I can't let that happen.

"You two break it up and Max let's go." I said. I didn't look at Nicolas again, I guess grabbed Max's hand and walked away. I really don't anything bad to happen.


It took a while to completely calm Max down but I managed to. By time we were ready to go home he was back to normal. I seriously hate that Nicolas dude he had to ruin our date didn't he? I couldn't let him get to me through there is no way I could lose my temper. God knows what I could do.

We arrived home and informed the family of what happened. They told us to simply ignore him. Which I guess could be bearable?

"Max I can't believe you took her to watch a horror movie." Uncle Emmett said. I smiled that was my fault I insisted on watching it.

"She wanted to watch it." Max said defensively.

"Was she scared?" Mum asked.

Max was just about to reply but Uncle Emmett interrupted before he could say anything.

"No the question is were you scared Max?" He asked. I laughed a little.

"No I wasn't scared the movie wasn't scary." Max said truthfully. I wasn't scared really... Just some parts either freaked me out or took me by surprise.

"Right.... It must've just been Amelia..." He said unconvicinly. He probably thinks he did get scared but he didn't. 

"I didn't get scared just suprised." I said.

"Sure Amelia I know you got scared." he said.

"No I didn't." I said.

"Whatever we'll know whether you were tonight because you could get nightmares." He said.

"I won't get nightmares you will." I said. He arched his eyebrow at me.

"I don't sleep remember?" He said.

"Oh I know that I would be your living nightmare." I said. that kept him quiet. Is he actually scared of me? 'Cause if he is that could be very useful in the future...

The rest of the day went smoothly and I hope tomorrow does as well it is only Monday that could be awkward...


Hey guys I was supposed to upload yesterday but I was tired and I had to do my essay which I still haven't completed. Sorry if you think that this chapter is crappy the story will get better very soon I promise!

And guys could you recommend me a good romance story? Not on wattpad an actual book but not a classic. I don't like classics. I had the book Jane Eyre from September and I am on chapter seven. I seriously don't like the book. The only reason I have it is because it is basically what I am studying at school and what I have the essay on.

Enough about me, I just want to say that I love you guys! YOU ROCK!

This chapter is dedicated to sydneypottercullen!

 And me and my friend (the other person on this account) have finally updated Blood Rose Academy please check it out it is the only story we are writing together and if you like this story or you can't have me anymore or any other stories you would mostly likely like that too!


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