My Country Man

By xoshannonxo27

647K 11.9K 930

Nellie grew up in a small town in Georgia with her two older brothers and their friend, Connor, the man she h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 13

21.2K 450 17
By xoshannonxo27

After many excruciating hours later, Lindsay finally had her baby.

A baby girl and let me tell you, she is beautiful. I’m not just saying that just because she’s my niece.

Connor and I relaxed in the waiting room in the corner the majority or the time. I tried to calm Jake down, but had no success. See, whenever everyone rushed into the kitchen, Jake didn’t get the memo that Lindsay’s water broke so when he came running in, he slipped on the leakage. He’s been cussing about how he’s never having kids for the past two hours. At least Scott leant him some clothing before we rushed to the hospital.

When the time came for me everyone to see her, we went in groups. Connor and I decided to go last.

When it was my time to old her, I looked down at her lovingly. She was the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Ben and Lindsay should be so proud to have created this little beauty. 

I look at Connor behind me and notice he’s looking at me, not the baby in my arms.

I can’t read his expression, which only makes me more curious.

Connor’s P.O.V.

When Ben came into the waiting room filled with friends and family, he had the biggest grin that spread from ear to ear.

I wonder what he’s thinking right now. Scratch that, I wonder what he’s feeling right now.

One by one each family member went to go greet the newest member of the Douglas family. Nell and I stayed back, waiting for our turn. We let all the young ones and people who had to work tomorrow, go ahead of us.

By the time we got to hold her, almost everyone had left wishing them good luck and complimenting how beautiful she is.

Ben signaled us over; telling us it was now our turn.  Nell went ahead with me following right behind her.

Ben picked up the baby and guided her into Nell’s waiting arms.

Nell smiled a small, proud smile. Somehow she looked so right, standing there with a child in her arms. She should be going through this right now. I’ve wondered the past few days how strange it is that she doesn’t have a man in her life. I mean, Nell was breath taking. I knew she’d grow up to be a beauty when she was younger, but I never knew she would turn out as gorgeous as she did.

Nell looked up and I saw just how happy she was. She seemed almost envious of Ben and Lindsay, not that I blame her. But it was also mixed with confusion?

“Isn’t she just the sweetest thing you ever did see?” Nell asks.

“She certainly is.”

I look over to see Lindsay fast asleep, not that I blame her, with Ben holding her hand smiling lovingly down at her. He must be so proud to say that he brought this baby into the world with the one woman he truly loves. I can’t even try to explain or guess what he must be feeling. The only time I will find out is when I have children of my own.

“Would you like to hold her?” Nell asks.

“Are you sure, I don’t want to crush her.” I joked.

“Oh, pish posh, here.” She gently set the baby into my arms, helping me hold her the right way.

“You want to hold onto her head, be extra careful there.” I just nodded.

Here, in my arms, is a precious baby girl and I am just full of wonder. They must feel so blessed to have her.

I look up at Ben, and ask, “What are you going to name her?”

“We’ve been thinking a little bit on the names and we both agreed on Annabel. It’s Scottish and means loveable.”

“I have no doubt in my mind that this little girl will ever have a problem with being loveable.”

“Of course, Ben ya’ll are going to have a hard time keeping the men away.” Nell teased.

“They better, princess, being protective of you was just practice leading up to the real deal, meaning my daughter.”

“Benjamin James, you better not put her through what you boys did to be.”

“Oh you can count on it, and ten times worse when she has a little brother.”

Nell just scuffs and rolls her eyes.

“Common Con we better get you back home, you must be tired on those crutches since you refused to be in a wheel chair, you stubborn man.”

“Hey now, I just got out of a hospital, being transported in a wheel chair, this is like freedom to me. But like you said, I am pretty tired. Congratulations Ben, she’s gorgeous. Say the same to Lindsay when she gets up.”

“I will man, thanks for coming. I really did miss having you around.” I just laugh.

“Tell Linz I’ll be back tomorrow. Bye, love you!”

 Nell and I walk out of the room just smiling to ourselves. Well, more like I tried to keep up to Nell on my crutches. She must be deep in thought.

I couldn’t blame her, though.               

I know my mother has been nagging me for years to settle down and start a family. After seeing how happy Ben was, I couldn’t come up with a reason of why not too.

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