An Heir

By Vanhessa

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Book One of the Heritage Series Imogene is thirteen, and for the past six years her life has been the most co... More

Part One- Awakenings and Beginnings
Part Two- Books and Photographs
Part Three- A Meeting with Snakes
Part Four- In Sickness and in the Absence of Health
Part Five- My Mistress
Part Six- Wanted: Invisibility... or not
Part Seven- Professor Boggart
Part Eight- Insults will get you killed
Part Nine- Poison
Part Eleven- The Curtain Rises
Part Twelve- Dreaming
Part Thirteen- Family
Part Fourteen- The Ancestral Centre
Part Fifteen- Questions left Unanswered
Part Sixteen- Regurgitation
Part Seventeen- With Morning Comes the End
Part Eighteen- Remorse, Regret and Rebirth
Part Nineteen- Failure
Part Twenty- Hallowe'en
Part Twenty One- Be the Broken or the Breaker
Part Twenty Two- claims of innocence
Part Twenty Three- Strange or Stranger
Part Twenty Four- Just a Theory
Part Twenty Five- The Start
Part Twent Six- Moderate Success
Part Twenty Seven- The Faulty Patronus
Part Twenty Eight- Sick
Part Twenty Nine- Merry Christmas
Part Thirty- Happy Birthday
Part Thirty One- Chasing the Ginger Cat
Part Thirty Two- A trip to Hogsmead
Part Thirty Three- The Final Exam
Part Thirty Four- The Curtain Rises
Part Thirty Five- Fought in Desperation
Part Thirty Six- The Curtain Closes

Part Ten- The Birthmark

4.6K 125 11
By Vanhessa

I woke up and my face was in a smooth white pillow, I was lying on my stomach and the familiar sounds of the hospital wing surrounded me. I felt Sthyss on my back but there was something different, my spine seemed to sting, and Sthyss seemed to be completely immobile, like he was- dead.

Sthyss?” I asked, so worried I was shaking.

I’m here, I just had to take precautions; wait.” I did as I was told and I felt like a plaster was being peeled off my skin, and then Sthyss was moving up next to me.

They tried to take you?” I asked; concerned.

Snape did.” He replied abruptly. He didn’t like the potions master and to be honest I wasn’t too fond of him either. I shivered again, but this time because I was cold. There was a window above me and the cool air came in and chilled me, I flipped onto my front and pulled the quilt closer around me as I sat up and leant my back against the pillow, Sthyss resting on my stomach hissed and his weight on my stomach eased the muscles underneath.

“Imogene.” I turned and Professor McGonagall was striding towards me, her hands clutched about a goblet, she offered it to me and I looked down at the water and only as I gulped it down did I realise that I was incredibly thirsty.

“Professor,” I clutched at Sthyss and held him closer. “Please don't take Sthyss, he didn’t do it on purpose, Pansy tried to kill him-”

“I know Imogene.” She assured me, and smiled. “And what happened to Miss Parkinson was entirely her own fault, she admitted that she did indeed try to kill your snake, and has been dealt with accordingly, but there is still the matter of how you are alive, I was assured by Professor Snape that your um- pet is highly poisonous.”

“He’s right, but Sthyss has been biting me for years, I’ve built enough resistance to his venom.” I explained and she nodded understandingly, I smiled and could tell that she wasn’t entirely sure if I was telling the truth but then again it hadn’t really gone as planned.

“And am I in trouble?” I asked uncertainly.

“Not unless there’s something that you did other than save another students life?” she smiled at me and was about to pat my leg when Sthyss moved and she quickly withdrew her hand.

I yawned, trying not to laugh at her face, and stretched my shoulders, flexing them.

“Professor, how long was I unconscious for?” I inquired and she raised her brows even higher than they already were.

“Just over a week, why do you ask?”

“I was just wondering how much school I had missed.” I answered, not really lying, I liked to keep track of days I’d missed because of the lunar cycle but I did wonder how much work I’d have to catch up on. “It’s been ten days.” Sthyss clarified and I nodded.

“Well, I had better be going, I wouldn’t be surprised if Professor Snape came and asked for a vial of its venom.” She pointed distastefully at Sthyss and then stood and after squeezing my hand and smiling at me she turned and left. I was amazed that Sthyss had been left untouched in my arms.

My body felt as if it had been thoroughly bruised from the inside and while I had felt like this on numerous occasions before it had never been this bad. “Sthyss what exactly was it that you did before?” I questioned him, frowning at the increased discomfort on my back, exactly where I knew the birthmark was.

I attached myself to you.

You can do that?” I asked surprised and intrigued.

I certainly can, I just don't like doing it because it can have some effects on you.

Such as?” I asked scared.

Well for one you birthmark has a definite shape and detail now and you may feel unwell, and there is a possibility that it could affect your anatomy if it is prolonged.

“What do you mean affect my anatomy?” I asked in English accidentally and was thankful that no-one had seemed to have heard me.

I mean that I won’t do it again unless I need to-

So why did you this time?” My head was heavy on my shoulders but I was too emotional to be tired.

That was more poison than you’ve ever had to cope with before. You were dying. That’s why Snape won’t come and visit; because he knows as well as I that you should be dead.

If I’m meant to be dead then why wouldn't he? Shouldn’t he have a million questions-”He cut me off sharply.

He’s being careful Imogene; he doesn’t quite know just how to deal with you.” I sat staring into his unblinking eyes in silence until another thought occurred to me.

Why haven’t you told all this to me before now?” Suspicion thick in my voice and he merely flipped his head slightly.

I never thought that I would have to,” he admitted and he seemed guilty enough so I let the subject drop.

I heard someone else heading my way and looked up seeing Harry and Hermione walking nervously towards me, seeing that I was awake they smiled and walked more confidently.

“Hi Imogene, are you feeling better?” Hermione greeted cheerfully and I returned her warm smile.

“Yeah, well I’m not dead if that’s any indication.” Her face dropped and I felt that had been a little too dark to pass as humorous.

“Ron wouldn’t come with us, he’s still scared of you,” Harry said when I looked at him and I chuckled.

“For some reason or another, lots of people are.” I said in a melancholy tone. I didn’t like or enjoy being strange or scaring people it just tended to happen.

“Yeah, well he’ll come round; eventually,” Harry replied, his eyes were directed to his feet and Hermione began.

“Imogene we were wondering- I was wondering, why don't you ask Professor McGonagall to move you into Gryffindor? I mean I’m sure she would.”

“Hermione I’d love to but Slytherin is where I’m meant to be.” I said regretfully, I knew that it was the house I was supposed to be in but that didn’t mean I liked it.

“I’m not sure, you just don’t seem like the kind of person to be put in Slytherin, I know you’re a parseltongue but then again so is Harry-”

“Hermione, I appreciate the suggestion but there has to be other reasons I was put in Slytherin.” Yeah like being Salazar Slytherin’s great-great-great etc. granddaughter, “I don't really think anyone’s going to try anything again anyway.” I sighed, and I could see her blink as I looked down at Sthyss, who was back resting on my stomach.

Harry looked at me frowning and opened his mouth as if to say something but then closed his mouth again much like a fish, he was still frowning when Professor Snape came through the doors and strode purposefully towards us.

I thought you said he would stay away?” I hurriedly accused Sthyss.

I thought he would,” he hissed back, Harry looking between us but staying silent.


 “Potter, Granger off you go, surely you have enough homework to keep you occupied, or do you need more?” Harry stepped forward and looked like he was going to say something when Hermione butted in, “We came to see how Imogene was Professor; we’re just going.” She smiled at me and mouth ‘see you later’ and proceeded to drag Harry back off to Gryffindor commons.

I watched my two friends until they turned the corner and went out of view; Snape was looking down at me condescendingly, “Befriending Gryffindor’s will not make you anymore popular with your Slytherin peers.” He told me, I smirked and didn’t look up at him.

“Professor I don't really care, at least no-one from Gryffindor has tried to kill Sthyss.” I felt his gaze burning into me and bravely looked up and held it.

“I would like a vial of his venom.” He directed boldly and after looking to Sthyss and seeing the way he was holding his head I shook mine.

“And what if someone else gets bitten and you can’t provide another heroic rescue?” he asked snidely and I merely looked calmly back at him.

“Sthyss won’t be biting anyone anymore, because I don't think anyone else is stupid enough to try and kill him.” He looked disapprovingly down at me and then nodded, conceding to my undeniable logic.

“In which case, I hope you catch up for the work you have missed before your next potions class.” He left without another word and I looked to Sthyss sighing deeply.

Are you sure it’s been only ten days?” I asked him sadly.

Yes, why do you ask?” He seemed to be concerned and I lay back down into the pillow resting my head back and staring up at the ceiling.

I don't know it just feels later.” I explained and he slithered up onto my chest so that he could look at me clearly.

It could be the venom, you should sleep.” With that he slithered off my bed and into the bag that was surprisingly by my bedside.

I was in the hospital wing for another week, the rest of the venom leaving my system and leaving me weak like a new-born rat, which unsurprisingly I resembled closely. It was the twenty first today and I kept in mind that I had only six days until the next full moon, so in reality I got out just in time, I didn’t want Madame Pomfrey anywhere near me when the cycle began in only three days.

Upon my return to the commons things were even worse, now that people had heard what happened it seemed that a large amount- i.e. everyone- had taken to Pansy’s side of the story, and so I received glares and sneers by the bucket full, fortunately there were those who ignored me entirely, but still I felt more of an outcast than ever before, and in the one place I ought to be at home.

I didn’t go straight to bed once I’d gotten back, despite the fact it was close to ten. I went and had a shower first, I found it better to have one later on anyway, not that I was disturbed, everyone seemed to be avoiding me anyway- not that I was surprised.

The water was very warm, in fact it was almost scalding but I didn’t mind, in fact I relished the near burning sensation, it was cleansing. The water ran down my arms and I picked up a cloth and began scrubbing, I just felt dirty, like I’d been lying in a puddle full of mud and was coated in a layer of it. I scrubbed my arms first and then the rest of my body, being careful around the birthmark on my back which was stinging but not in an entirely unpleasant way. I washed my hair quickly and turned the water off, immediately wrapping myself in a towel to avoid freezing in the chilly air. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed loudly, I had bags under my eyes and my skin was paler, and the cycle hadn’t even started yet, I was exhausted but Sthyss had told me that it was to be expected. Sthyss, who had been lying at the bottom of my bag which I had decided would stay with me at all times, slithered out of the bag and up my leg, but he only reached my ankle before he flinched away and looked up at me with unblinking eyes. “I think I wasn’t careful enough,” He hissed and I felt my leg, it was hairless, and I hadn’t shaved. Looking at my arm I noted that they were hairless as well; smooth under my thumb the palest of hair that had once been there, gone. I checked the rest of my body and the same could be said, except for the hair on my head, which thankfully was still there, I effectively was completely hairless.

How… what happened?” I asked confused.

You remember how I said that there might be some anatomical differences to you if I stayed attached to you for too long?

Yes?” I answered unsure.

Well I think that this is my fault.

It isn't your fault,” I began, “its Pansy’s fault for being an idiot and trying to kill you.

I looked in the mirror again and corrected myself, I wasn’t completely hairless apart from my head; I also had eyebrows- yay.

“Well at least I won’t look like a complete freak.” I muttered to myself, sighing again I walked back into the girls’ dorms and got into my pyjamas in the silent emptiness, I felt a surprising lack of loneliness, and at least I had Sthyss. Two girls walked in the room close to midnight, and by that time I was lying down, staring at the drapery around my bed and breathing deeply so that they would at least think I was asleep. I was still really fascinated that there was absolutely no hair on my body whatsoever, it began to scare me after about two in the morning and I allowed Sthyss to curl up next to me, the feeling of his scales comforting me till I eventually found peace and slept.


“Imogene, you feeling any better today?” Hermione asked as we waited outside the Defence against the Dark Arts classroom, and I smiled half-heartedly at her, “Yeah I’m fine, I’m just still trying to get over the past month.” I wasn’t well and there was no way I looked it either, I was suffering internally from lack of sleep and from throwing up twice already this morning. It was the first night of the cycle and I had had to literally drag myself out of bed, my nose had only just stopped bleeding and my ears felt like they were going to explode; my head pounding nauseatingly. “Imogene?” Hermione must have said something because she was looking around my hair at me and I could see her worried face, I guess I’d been off in my thoughts for a little while.

“Sorry Hermione, I was just thinking, what did you say?”

“I just asked if you wanted to join me down at Hagrid’s this afternoon.” She offered and I nodded.

“Yeah that’s cool but we have to be sure that we get back before nightfall, I heard that the dementors have been coming further into the school grounds,” I was lying of course I really didn’t want to be out at night this close to the full moon.

“Definitely; well we have divination last so we can go down after that.” She agreed.


Just then Professor Lupin opened the door and everyone became quiet, he looked tired and his voice was hoarser, and quieter than usual as he bade us to enter the class.

“Sit down and take out your books, today we’re working on brownies.”

The class went as any other would but there was definitely something wrong with Professor Lupin, I couldn’t pass up the fact that tonight was the first night of the cycle and he, like myself seemed unwell, yet it could be that he just had a cold. He walked around the class and when I felt him coming behind me as I wrote down notes from the book I resisted the urge to move further away from him, remembering the suspicion he had showed when he had seen what was now a long scar on my face back on the first day of school.

Instead of moving away I looked up and saw something, hollowness that I wasn’t entirely sure I was imagining but that I thought was there in his eyes, and he did look noticeably paler, unlike me he didn’t have the hair to hide the scars that looked purple against his skin. But I wasn’t sure. I had never seen another werewolf in human form before and therefore didn’t know if the cold, pale and empty appearance was just me or if it was the same for all werewolves; even in books, there weren’t any clear list of symptoms or signs, just hints and speculations. I would have to be careful in the two days to come, because the look that the greying professor returned was one of definite suspicion, no matter how brief it was. At the end of a lesson that seemed like it would go on forever I was the first to leave the room; I didn’t want to give my teachers the chance to ‘chat’ today, not when feeling like this.

In Transfiguration we learnt how to turn teacups into tortoises, and Sthyss who was hungry kept trying to get his fangs into the poor, panicking, shelled reptile once I had managed to do the spell. “Stop it you’re going to get me into trouble.

“Imogene, have you finished yet?” Professor McGonagall asked from the front of the class.

“Yes Professor.” I was often the first to finish, purely because the professor would often exhibit the spell and from watching I could figure out how to do it, once I’d learnt the word correctly I was done, and in this case I had a turtle in front of me within ten minutes of sitting down. A few of the class turned and looked at me and had I been anyone else someone might have asked for help but unfortunately I was me; and everyone was so terrified that they were going to be killed that I sat alone, reading the latest book I‘d gotten from the library or my Arithmancy book or something along those lines.

Professor McGonagall walked to the back of the class that I had placed myself in from the very first class and looked approvingly at my turtle, “Good job Imogene,” she lowered her voice, “I was asked by Professor Dumbledore to let you know that he wants to speak to you after this lesson,” she told me through the gentle hum of noise in the classroom. “But Professor,” I began, “I have potions next and Professor Snape-”

“Professor Snape knows where you’ll be.” She explained kindly, and smiled before turning and walking hurriedly over to Seamus Finnegan who had just managed to turn the teacup into a mixture of turtle and teapot, that appeared to still have a handle and was still rosy-pink in colour.

I looked down into my book and kept my head down for the rest of the lesson, keeping an eye on Sthyss who was still watching the turtle hungrily. Finally we were excused from class and I nearly started walking towards Potions with the rest of the class when I remembered and turned in the opposite direction towards Dumbledore’s Office. “Hey Imogene where are you-” Harry asked when he came out of the class and saw me walking the wrong way.

“I’ve gotta go see Dumbledore, I’ll catch you guys in History of Magic.” I waved to him and continued on, almost bumping into Hermione as I turned around. “Hey Hermione, weren’t you still in the classroom?” I asked confused, I could have sworn I had seen her go talk with Professor McGonagall at the end of the lesson and here she was around the corner from the classroom. “Oh no, I left and went to the toilet… Aren’t you going the wrong way?”

“Dumbledore wanted to see me.” I explained still fuddled by her random appearance as she nodded and ran off with a wave.

“Well that was weird,” I muttered and hurried to the Headmaster’s tower.

I reached the stone gargoyle and realised that I didn’t know what the password was, I stood for a little while staring at the gargoyle wondering if Professor McGonagall had told me to come at some other time but I was almost positive that she hadn’t. I was about to give up and walk down to Potions when I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see the maroon robed headmaster heading my way, he saw me and smiled, “I’m sorry I’m late Imogene, I had to go talk to Mr Filch about paintings disappearing from the school and then reappearing in Professor Snape’s office.” I laughed at how preposterous that sounded but stopped quickly at the reproving look the headmaster gave me, he led me to the gargoyle and said “Liquorice wands.” I stifled another laugh but didn’t fail to see a smile upon the headmasters face from the corner of my eye.

“I was informed that you have recently found out something new about your family,” he stated as we climbed the staircase to his office, the door opened and he stood aside to let me in shutting it behind us. “Actually Professor, I found it out a while ago, when I went to get my wand from Olivander’s,”

“So why is it you never told anyone until recently?” he wondered and I shrugged siting in the chair opposite the one he had lowered himself into.

“It just didn’t seem important and then what with Sthyss biting Pansy-”

“I find it intriguing how you don't appear to directly blame Miss Parkinson for what happened.” He commented, interrupting me.

“Well I just don’t think that she fully realised what she was getting herself into Professor, when I think about it I don't blame Sthyss for biting her either, if there should be any blame it should be on me because if I hadn’t aggravated her when Malfoy was scratched by the hippogriff then none of this would have happened.”

“That’s very mature for someone of your age.” He told me and I wasn’t sure if it was a compliment until I saw the sincerity in his eyes.

“I suppose so, but it’s also the truth.” I admitted plainly.

“If only all Slytherins were like you,” he muttered and a thought came to mind.

“If they were then Voldemort wouldn't be Voldemort really would he?” I asked frowning. He looked fascinated and lifted his brow.

“I suppose not,” he smiled and then seemed to suddenly recall why we were here. “So your surname is Hydrus.”

“That’s what Mr Olivander said sir, and I suppose he could be right,” I sounded unsure and that was because I was; what if the old fragile wand maker had gotten it wrong?

“Well if he is right then I was too, and I know who your parent’s are-” 

“Professor with all due respect I don't want to know.” He looked puzzled at my sudden interruption and so I explained. “They abandoned me as I child, I know that for sure, it’s one of the few things that I remember from before the orphanage, and everything else leads me to think that they are not people who… well I think that they are or were, probably in league with Voldemort.”

“Oh really” His wispy, grey eyebrows climbed a little higher.

“Well it was just something I remember hearing, I think it was my mother and she said, ‘if the dark lord finds her he’ll kill us,’ and well I don't see what else that could mean.”

“And how does that make you think that they are or were on his side?” he asked me captivatedly.

“Well, I was talking to Professor Snape and …well, he calls Voldemort ‘The Dark Lord’ and I asked Harry and he said that Snape used to be a Death Eater and that-”

“Calm down.” He interrupted, I had been getting more and more worked up as he watched me intently and I felt as if I was being somehow cross examined. I took a deep breath and forced my shoulders back.

“Sorry sir.” I apologised and he laughed.

“There’s no reason to be sorry Imogene, and you are quite right Death Eaters do call Lord Voldemort; The Dark Lord, but I think Professor Snape would rather you kept his secret to yourself.”

“Yes Professor.” I replied looking at my feet guiltily.

“Well if you really don't want to hear about your parents then I guess that’s up to you,” I was close to giving in to the temptation and ask him more questions but I had decided a long time ago that I wouldn't look into the people who had left me alone.

“So how are you recovering?” Dumbledore asked me resting his elbows on the desk and leaning forward slightly in his high backed chair. I knew I looked like shit warmed up so lying would have been both stupid and unnecessary.

“I’m not feeling great, but considering everything that’s happened I could be worse.”

“Professor Snape told me that you should have died.” He stated, obviously hoping that I would expand.

“I probably should.” I answered carefully.

“And would that have anything to do with what Sthyss did?” he asked, and he had obviously picked up on it.

“What exactly was it that Sthyss did professor?” Sometimes it was better to play the idiot; this was one of those times.

“I was hoping you could tell me.” He suggested openly and I considered it for a moment but decided against telling him.

“I’m not entirely sure, and Sthyss hasn’t been very open about anything recently.” Sthyss hadn’t been quite so talkative recently, however that was more likely because of my small anatomical shift and he still hadn’t quite figured out how I was reacting to it.

“Well that’s a shame.” The headmaster noted, leaning back into his chair, and looking up at something behind me, I turned and looked up to the clock that hung on the archway.

“Well I’d hate to keep you from anymore of your classes today. I hope you feel better soon,” he smiled and led me out of his office.


I woke up on the day of the full moon and was thankful that it was a Saturday. No-one woke up before ten on the weekends so it was a doddle to be the first one up and out of the commons.

I felt stifled inside the school and even though it was raining I went out onto the steps leading up into the courtyard near the entrance and sat under the sky with my eyes closed, just enjoying the rain on my skin, not feeling insecure or weird or strange or even like an outcast, just living in that moment, letting it soothe my worry about tonight.

“Imogene what are you doing?!” I opened my eyes and span around and saw Hermione, she was shivering and looked confused. I smiled and ran under the shelter of the walk way and answered her as best as I could. “I just felt like sitting in the um… well yeah I just…” I was too tired to be thinking straight but seeing the utter confusion and befuddlement on her face was just too satisfying and a smile came to my lips. “So why are you out here?” I asked shivering, my hair dripping water down my face and clinging to it stickily.

“I was just going to see Hagrid, he’s still pretty shaken up,”

“He’s not any better?” He had been awful when we had gone to see him on Wednesday and it was only getting worse as the date of the trial got closer.

“I still can’t believe Draco made such a big thing of it,” I told her disbelievingly.

“It’s just like him to get his dad involved, I can’t believe that the ministry would even consider trialling Buckbeak when it was Malfoy who was in the wrong.”

“Yeah well that’s what they do to non-humans isn't it, they just prosecute for the sake of it.” I had been reading about Werewolves some more in my spare time and I understood why Sthyss had told me that I would be dead if the ministry thought I had anything to do with Voldemort, they treated anything that wasn’t completely human unfairly and unjustly.

“Yeah I suppose,” she said rather lamely. “Well I guess I’ll see you later then?”

“Yeah, see you later,” I muttered as she strode down the path to Hagrid’s hut.

After she had gone I grabbed my bag from under a bench in the dry walkway and bolted down to the edge of the forest, dodging and jumping rocks and branches that had fallen off trees the night before; realising that I wouldn’t get another opportunity today and that it could be better to get things done before it got too late. There had been a massive storm last night, and even down below the waterline in the Slytherin commons you could hear the thunder echoing through the castle as students tried to sleep. My clothes were saturated by the time I got under the thick protection of the enshrouding trees, just bordering the Black Lake. I checked my bag and everything was there, I had my wand and spare clothes in the bag, along with a potion that would help me to stop vomiting so much after I changed back, but even after knowing that this was all that I could possibly do; I still felt as if it wasn’t enough.

I would have happily sat there until the sun went down but the grounds were swarming with dementors and so I left the forest and got myself back inside the castle as quick as possible, my clothes only wet until I used a spell I had learnt the day before in a fifth year Charms book to dry them off.

I was walking along a corridor when I heard a loud clang from somewhere behind me, turning around I ran in the direction of the noise and stopped when I came to a door, except it was on the stone floor in front of me, rather than on its hinges where it should have been, I ran back a little and stopped just around the corner. Professor Snape came through the doorway first, “I don't have to do this for you Lupin!” He screamed at my Defence against the Dark Arts teacher, who came out into the corridor only seconds later.

“No you don't Severus but you don't need to be such an ass about it either! You know I can’t -”

“If you can’t control yourself then maybe you shouldn’t be here!” Professor Snape yelled as he stalked off and Professor Lupin did something I never would have expected from the normally so quiet and withheld teacher; he lifted his wand and for a second I thought he was aiming for Snape until I heard a loud smashing noise and all the suits of armour that lined the corridor flew apart and bits of helmets and spears and flails clattered everywhere, I didn’t need telling twice and I ran for it, not quite knowing where I was going until I reached it.

It wasn’t like I’d never been in the astronomy tower before, in fact I had been in it lots, it just happened to be my least favourite class, and I didn’t have to wonder why. It was still raining but it was surprisingly dry inside, I suspected that there must have been some charm or spell in place to stop the weather from getting in. I stood by the railing and leant over it looking down, I’d never been afraid of heights and I could see the dark, muddy grass down below me, and the rain pounding the the roof above created a steady battering sound that seemed calming. I thought about where Sthyss would be, and remembered how annoyed he’d been with me this morning, I’d kept him awake last night with my tossing and turning and he was very grouchy when he didn’t sleep well. Tired and sore, I sat down and leant my back against the railing, waiting for the clouds to pass, the smell of rain had begun to fade, and the sun would soon peer through them. I didn’t know what my excuse would be for the night, Sthyss wasn’t moulting so there went my excuse for the cuts; and I was sure that someone in Slytherin would notice I wasn’t in my room where I should be. I could say that I got in late from the Library and say that everyone was asleep when I got to bed. That would work unless someone woke in the middle of the night and realised I wasn’t there.

Then it came to me. The girls in my dorm would all have a drink of some sort of potion before sleeping that was meant to stop them breaking out in pimples, if I could slip a sleeping potion into that then I was golden. They wouldn't wake up and see me gone and I wouldn't be caught.

I ran down to the commons and grabbed a few things from my trunk, things that I had kept behind from the cupboard where we kept our things in potions to prevent them from being stolen. I was lucky that I had just enough of what I needed for the draught that I had embossed in my mind. Checking briefly that Sthyss was still sleeping under my bed I tucked my things neatly in a spare bag I had and ran back up to the deserted astronomy tower. The sleeping potion took me almost 2 hours to make and by that time it was almost two o’clock, it was getting closer to winter and so the days were shortening, I would need to be down in the forest by four.

Having finished I poured out the potion into a flask and stoppered it and then hid everything back in my bag and walked slowly down to Slytherin, knowing that the closer it got to dinner the emptier the common room would be. There were only two people in the commons and no-one in the girl’s dorm, so I went by unnoticed. I found the anti-pimple potion and laughed quietly to myself at the rancid smell coming out of it, smelling like a goats rear end would mask whatever little smell my sleeping potion created; and once it was mixed in well enough to appear unchanged I stoppered both flasks back up and placed them back where they had come from. I wasn’t sure if it was just chance but at the same moment I was closing my trunk Pansy and her friend Claire walked in, halfway through a conversation and paused mid-laugh as they saw me in the room. They both glared at me and I sneered at them before leaving the room and checking the clock on my way out, it was two-forty five, if I left to the forest now I could make it look like I was just going down to see Hagrid before the sun went down and then run for the Black Lake as the dementors were further out of the grounds than that.

“Alright then,” I whispered, took a deep breath and stepped out into the main school; heading up the stairs to the entrance hall.

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