The End Of Time

By BadPunzBookworm

378 17 2

You were walking around, and decided to look up in the sky. Wait. What is that? A light is floating in the sk... More

A normal life in a normal house.
The start
The tunnel
The crash
Start the comedy!
Getting an explanation
The choice

Here comes fun

25 2 0
By BadPunzBookworm

You were terrified. A teleporting telekinetic hell king? He is the ruler of all evil! How would you not be terrified?!

-Is he following us?!

Your friend looked back.

-He... he has his eyes closed. And has the dark purple cloud thingy. Wait... he blinked out of existance!

You knew what he did. He ha-

-Woah. What- OH GOD

You bumped into him. Satan.

-Oh, hello. Look who's here. Heh heh heh... -you and you friend started levitating, as he lifted one hand- You're not going anywhere, friend. Oh no, no, no! You are going to a place where we can talk in peace. Because you are special! YAAAY! But your friend isn't. And he... IS.



Those words made you feel horrible. The evil grin on his face... The panicked and distressed face on your friends face... Suddenly, your friend went flying through the air! You heard his scream fade away.


-Because he was bad for you. He let you and... that halo-ed dumb idiot know that i was coming! I just wated to say hello...... heh heh heh...

Suddenly, he lifted his other hand. Everything went black. When you woke up, you were lying in a hospital bed. In a closed room, with a camera in the corner.

-Wh... what are you doing to me?

-Calm down. I just want to talk. I won't hurt you. Here's the deal. Apparently, you were born to be evil. Now i don't know what you've been doing, but the thing is that if you die you might end up killing me an taking my throne. And i would not like that. So, if you wanted to team up with me, we could work... together. If not... i will have to be the bad guy here. And i don't want that, either.

-You plan for me to team up with you... After you killed my friend?

-Oh, come on, that was hilarious. If you had seen how he looked... he looked like a splat of bad quality paint with a skin-colored pancake on top. And the sound he made? Oh, it looked like the cartoons i watched when i was alive! Ah, the good old times. Now im talking to disgusting humans. Have you seen how food works for you? It goes through your body... and then comes out... I mean, what are butts for? You could just have a hole, and not two big MEAT BALOONS! And the blood that gets air and brings it to decomposing cells... who then literally SMOKE. They leave CO2. Smoke. Gross.

-What happened then? Everything went black...

-Oh, well, since a rock fell on the left side of your head, i thought you would like to keep it equal. So i threw a rock at the other side. Suprisingly, no blood came out.

-Well, i wont ally you. Actually, i have decided... -you picked up a rock nearby- that i hate you.

You threw the rock at the speaker, and then threw it again at the camera. Both fell and broke. Then, you saw a ventilation duct. From it, you heard Satan swearing angrily and saying "a human is on the loose. Please, if you see him, tell your nearest superior". You crawled through the vent. It was really dusty... And cold air was being pumped through. There were two directions. From one, you heard a strange hum. From the other, you heard Satan's voice. You decided to go towards the humming. There, there was a fan with a button. You pressed it, and the fan stopped. You easily pulled it off. While doing this, you found a pink lipstick in your pocket. You had bought it to give it to your friend's sister at her birthday. When you got outside, You saw a weird machine producing the humming. When you got closer, you saw a chair, a control pannel, and a screen that said "reactor active". Suddenly, you heard footsteps. When the sound got there, you saw Satan. He got suprised, and before he reacted further, you threw everything you had at his face. Basically, a lipstick. Weirdly, he screamed in agony and held his face. The lipstick went right through his ear, since you had really bad aim.


He fell to the floor, swearing. You ran away, confused. You saw a door and ran through it. Outside, the second you made a sound, tons of people looked at you. No, not people. They looked like Satan but with no gargoyle-like wings. When they saw you, they looked at your hand. Then, they ran away screaming. Your hand had pink lipstick on it. Pink appeared to be dangerous to them, as it burned through Satan's ear... It started to be too hot to bear. Scared, you looked up. There was a rock roof. You assumed you were in hell. You saw a sign that said "do not trespass". Behind it, there was a religious cross planted in the ground, with a rock slab in front. The slab said "stand here". You went there and decided to stand in the slab. You saw the dark purple cloud that Satan creates when teleporting form around you, and when the cloud dissapeared, you were standing in a brighter place. The light hurt your eyes, and the floor was made of clouds. When you tried stepping off the slab, your foot went right through the cloud. You nearly fell, but you managed to get back on top of the slab. Then, you saw the nice angel thing you talked with on Earth come over, and he said:

-Oh, im so sorry for not being able to help you earlier on Earth. I had to come attend my duties. Being god is hard, you know? But, enough about me, more about you. Are you hurt? Did he do something to you? You come from the hell teleporter! He fixed it? That's a big problem! Here, have these cloud shoes. You can walk here with them... now, let me destroy this thing. I thought we could try peace... but no. Not while he is Satan.

-Wait, "while he is Satan"..?

-Well... Let me explain.

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