Girl Meets Camp Half-Blood

By a_truby

11.6K 416 175

Maya was just a regular teenager. She had her best friends Riley and Farkle by her side, everything was norma... More

-This is Why I Don't Like Cheerleaders-
-Alright Who Invited This Guy?-
-Let's Play-
-Running Into You-
-This is Why You Ask for Directions-
-When You Try to do Something Nice-
-What the Hell is That-
-What Kind of Hotel is This?-
-It Wasn't My Fault-
-How Could You?-
-Anyone Have Marshmallows?-
-Our Reward-

-Interesting Campfires-

1K 36 21
By a_truby

A/N: this is what they sing later on, play it whenever or not at all. Whatever you prefer

"That was a good game Hart," Lucas smiles.
     "Thanks, you weren't so bad yourself," I smile back. "So can you show me where the showers are?"
     "Sure, do you have anything to change into?" I stop. Well, I guess I didn't think this through. "I'll take that as a no. You can borrow one of my hoodies, and I'll have Riley pick out some clothes for you and drop them off." He starts to walk away, but I grab his arm.
"Where do I go afterwards?"
"To the campfire." I stare blankly at him. "Okay, I'll come back with Riley and wait for you so you don't get lost."
"Thank you!" I jump and give him a quick hug and head for the shower. As I close the door I see him blushing.


When I come out of the shower, I put my hair up and I'm wearing Lucas's Camp Half-Blood sweatshirt, a pair of athletic shorts, and tennis shoes. I smelled the hoodie, and it smells just like a sea breeze, like him: it just makes me smile. "Maya?"
"Huh?" I snap out of my thoughts.
"I've been trying to get your attention, are you ready to go?" Lucas asks.
     "What? Oh. Umm, ya. But do I have to walk?" He looks at me funny, and I jump on his back. He immediately reaches to support my legs so I don't fall off his back, and stumbles a bit. "Really Maya?"
     "I'm tired," I pout and give him my best puppy dog eyes. He looks at me, and caves, "Alright, fine. But you ready?"
     "Wait, ready for wh-" He takes off running towards the campfire, and I start screaming, "WOOOOOO!" He laughs and does the same. We finally reach the campfire and I see some girls glaring at me. What? Friends can't have fun together? I spot Riley and Farkle. I see them laughing, and Riley's twisting a strand of hair. Oooo, you go Riles! Get your flirt on! These guys are my ultimate OTP. "Hey, you can sit with me and my friends," Lucas offers.
     "Thanks," I smile. He walks over there and he introduces me. "Alright, this is Billy, Nathan, and Chad."


(A/N:Nathan is a son of Hephaestus and Chad is a son of Apollo)
"Hey," I smile. "I'm Maya." They look at us funny, and I realize I'm still on his back. "Lucas?"
"You can put me down now."
"Oh, right." He sets me down and I see him blush again. It's seriously so adorable!
"Why is she wearing your hoodie? Oooooooh, wait! Is this the Maya you- Ow! Man, what'd I say?" Chad rubs his arm that Lucas just elbowed and glares at him. Lucas turns a bit red and sheepishly smiles. I look at them funny and just roll my eyes playfully.
     "She didn't have a clean shirt so I offered her my hoodie," he explained.
     "Yeah, and now I don't think he's gonna get his hoodie back." We all start laughing.
     "Aww man. That's my favorite hoodie too," he smiles and shakes his head.
     "So Maya, did you know that you already have quite the reputation already?" chuckles Nathan.
     "Is that a good or bad thing?" I nervously laugh.
     "You tell me. 'Badass camper takes down Minotaur and wins first Capture the Flag game'. I think it's a good one," he cocks an eyebrow and smiles. The sly brow. I thought those were just myths! I start to giggle a bit. "You know, you have to tell us how you won. That was pretty impressive. Lucas is one of the best players on our team," Nathan says. Just then, Missy comes and sits next Billy. "Hey guys, what're you talking about?" She asks. "Just how we managed to pull a win," Billy answers. He leans over and kisses her cheek and she smiles. "Should we tell 'em?"
"I don't see why not. Chad?"
"I'll explain what our little plan was to Lucas later. I think it'd be better that way," Chad says to them and they nod. Now I'm confused. Am I the only one that doesn't understand this? He then elbows Lucas and starts wiggling his eyebrows.
"Man, shut up. Don't look at me like that," Lucas chuckles.
"Look at you like what? This is my face." We all laugh, and Chiron appears. This time, he's half horse. I lean over and whisper to Lucas, "Has he always been a centaur?" He nods, and I'm wondering how the heck he can fit into a wheelchair. Seriously! This guy is half horse!
"In honor of the Capture the Flag victory, we celebrate! Marshmallows for everyone!" I see people passing around several bags and we all cheer. "Hey! Who wants to sing some songs?" We all cheer again, and we see Will pull out a guitar. As he's about to speak again, we see a light shimmering. Everyone turns and we see it's coming from Riley. There's a glowing eagle circling above her head, and everyone sits there as still as statues. "Is there marshmallow on my face?" she asks Farkle. "Umm, Percy. Percy Jackson, please come forward," Chiron instructs. He makes his way through the crowd. "Since Jason is gone on a quest, would you please welcome Ms. Riley Matthews to the Zeus cabin after the campfire?"
"Sure thing."
"Well today has been eventful," Chiron laughs nervously. "Please welcome Riley Matthews to the Zeus cabin, Farkle Minkus- is it Minkus?" Farkle nods and he continues, "That's an odd name. Farkle Minkus to the Athena cabin, and Maya Hart to the Apollo cabin!" Then it gets so loud I have to cover my ears, and I start laughing. I look over and see Farkle and Riley having the same reactions. Once it quiets down, I remove my hands and see Lucas and Nathan staring at me. I blush and look away. "So what are we all sitting around for?" I shout for everyone to hear. "Let's sing some songs!" Everyone applauds and we all look at Will. He starts clapping and  we follow his beat.
It doesn't matter if your days are long
It doesn't matter if your night's gone wrong
Just grab your hands and stomp your feet and sing it
It doesn't matter if he let you go
It doesn't matter if she hurt you so
Get up and dance
Just feel that beat and sing it

I don't know what you've been told
But music make you lose control

Sing, sing, sing, sing
Sing it out as hard as you can
Make 'em hear from L.A. to Japan
Don't let 'em bring you down
This is how we do it now
Go and roll them windows down and
Sing, sing, sing, sing
Sing it with your hands in the sky
Light it up like it's the 4th of July
Don't let 'em bring you down
You know what I'm talking 'bout
A little bit louder now

The lyrics say get louder right? Yeah, that doesn't happen. I notice that everyone has stopped singing and they're all looking at me. Ok, do I have to start wearing a paper bag over my head? "What?" I look at Lucas, Nathan, Chad, Billy and Missy and their mouths are hanging open. "Do I sound that bad?" Chad elbows Lucas for him to say something, and he shakes off his daze.
"Have you actually ever heard how you sound?"
"You remember how that lyre that was shining incredibly bright above your head?"
"Yeah... I almost went blind. Where are you going with this?"
"When it glows like that, it means you have an extremely rare musical gift. Normally it's a bow with some arrows that glow, but yours was an instrument. Not only that, but it's never glowed like that before. Hey, Nathan, can you put up an apple on a stool and set it in front of that tree?" Nathan nods and goes to get everything set up. The tree he was pointing to was about 50 feet away. "Take out your bow and arrows," he instructs. I take out my hair tie and bobby pin.
"Really? That's all you have? Oooo, so intimidating," Drew snickers. Oh my gods, does she have an off button or would I have to throw her in a lake? I look at her with a smug look like, 'Really? Watch this' and wave my hand over it. It turns into my bow and arrows and Drew shuts her mouth. She sits back down and I hear a few people snicker.
     Nathan comes back and we see that everything is set up. "Maya, try and shoot the apple," Lucas says. I look at him and he nods. I get up and walk a little farther back, away from the campers, so now I'm about 50 ft. away from it. I knock my arrow and aim. I take a deep breath, hold it, and release my arrow. It ends up piercing the apple right through the core with so much momentum, the apple is in the middle of the arrow that's currently stuck to the tree. Everyone looks at the apple and they look like they can't believe it. "What! Now way, her- her arrows must be enchanted! She's cheating," Drew accuses. Why that little-
     "Alright. Drew, can you go and grab any arrow that you think Maya won't be able to use to hit the apple?" Lucas asks.
     "Gladly." She leaves and after a few minutes, she returns. I see this worn out, shitty looking arrow in her hand. Great. "Here," she smirks.
     "Thanks," I fake smile. Now I have everyone's attention. I knock this arrow, and take a deep breathe. Right when I'm about to release the arrow, I hear, "WAIT!"
     "What now Drew?" I ask, completely annoyed.
     "You should wear this." She hands me a blindfold. "Oh, and step back further." I take a few steps back. "Further," she ushers. I take a few more. "Further." I do it again. "Hmm, further." She keeps telling me to go further and I keep going until it starts getting ridiculous. I sigh and stop dead in my tracks, crossing my arms.
"I'm not moving back any further."
"Why not?" Her eyes narrow.
"Because it's getting ridiculous," I shrug.
She scoffs and turns to the campers next to her, "Can you believe her? See, I knew she couldn't do it. She's just all talk." The nerve of her! While she's not paying attention, I get one of my good arrows and knock it. When I shoot it, it tears the expensive-looking shirt she was wearing right on the sleeve. She gasps and faces me, completely shocked. "I'm now, what, 85 feet away from the apple? If you're gonna complain, then you get your butt over here and do it yourself. I'm going back any farther, end of debate." She closes her mouth and sits down. Good. I look at Riley and she gives me a thumbs up. I look at Farkle and see him nervously biting his fingernails. Oh Farkle.
     I put on the blindfold, and pull back the shitty arrow again. I take a deep breath, picture where it's at, and shoot.
     I hear a lot of gasps and take off my blindfold. I run over to where the apple's at, and see the crappy looking arrow right below my arrow. I look back and smirk at Drew. She just huffs and storms off. I shrink my weapons back down and Lucas runs over to me and hugs me. He picks me up and spins me around. I yelp, but end up laughing. He puts me down and gives me another hug. I smile and hug him back. "I knew you could do it!" He praises.
     Then Riley and Farkle come and give me a hug. "That was amazing Peaches! How did you do that?"
     I shrug, "I don't know. I didn't even know I could do that. I just wanted to wipe that stupid smirk off Drew's face."
    "Well that was awesome!" Farkle yells, and they give me another hug. Then Nathan and Chad come over and give me high fives and congratulate me. Nathan gives me a hug too, and when I try to step back, I notice he's still hugging me. I laugh and he lets go. "Sorry," he sheepishly scratches the back of his neck.
     "So not only have you taken down a Minotaur by yourself and win your first Capture the Flag,  but you have the best singing voice I have ever heard, and have a killer aim. Literally," Missy laughs. I smile, "I guess."
     "Remind me not to get on your bad side," Billy laughs nervously. But I could tell he was acting.
     "Oooooo, I don't know. How do you know you're not already on it?" I tease. Everyone laughs, and we hear suddenly hear a horrible screeching noise. We all cover our ears and it stops. "Alright you horrible little children," he says.
     "That's Mr. D," Lucas whispers. He's really close, but that's ok. He smells pretty good. Or that might just be his sweatshirt. How does he smell this good?! Wait what.
     "Go back to your cabins now."
     "Hey, I'll walk you back," Lucas offers.
     "Thanks," I smile. "But do I have to walk?" I ask innocently. He shakes his head and bends over. "Yay!" And I jump on his back. He starts running a bit, and I see camp getting farther away. "Hey Lucas?"
     "Where are we going?"
     "To the beach."
     "Isn't it a little late to swim?"
     He smiles, "Who said anything about swimming?" We reach the shore, and I jump down. "I thought we could watch the stars for a bit." I smile and take a seat in the sand and he does the same. "Look." He points to the sky and I look up. I stare, and then I see a shooting star! I smile and look back at him, but find him staring at me. "Why does everyone keep doing that?" He smiles and stands up. He offers me his hand and I take it. "I thought you'd wanna see a shooting star." He then throws me over his shoulder and I start laughing.
     "Lucas! Put me down!" I can't stop laughing, so I don't think I sound that intimidating.
     "Not until you tell me I'm the best and funniest and funnest person you know."
     "Fine, you're the funniest and funniest and worst person I know."
     "Still not putting you down," He laughs.
     "Fine, you win. And the best." He finally puts me down, and I take off sprinting. He doesn't process what's happening, so I get a head start. I start running back to camp, with him right on my trail. I can see the cabin(it's hard to miss, it's practically made of gold) and then I'm lifted up. He spins me around and we continue laughing. I get on his back again and he carries me the rest of the way. "Thanks Lucas. I had a lot of fun."
     "Me too." The moonlight hits him just right, and I see his eyes sparkle. "I had a lot of fun, I hope we can do it again soon."
     "You just said that, but me too," he smiles.
     "And Lucas?"
     "You're not gonna get your hoodie back."
     He laughs and shakes his head, "I was afraid that was gonna happen. At least they have my size."
     He laughs, "I was gonna let you keep it anyways. It looks good on you." I blush this time. "Goodnight Maya."
     "Goodnight Huckleberry." I smile, walk into the cabin and I'm about to close the door. He turns around and is about to start heading back. "Hey Lucas!" He turns around as I run up to him.
     "Thank you." I give him a hug, lean up and kiss his cheek. I smile at him and run back inside. I see him touch his cheek and smile right before the door shuts.

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