CSI: A New Beginning

By timelxrdart

40.7K 711 166

Elizabeth Mitchel thought her graduation day was going to be like any other, that is, until her ill mother ga... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Graduation
Chapter 2: The Journey
Chapter 3: The First Night
Chapter 4: The Plan
Chapter 5: The Truth
Chapter 6: Surprises Surprises.
Chapter 7: The Night Out
Chapter 8: Riddle #3
Chapter 9: Struggles

End Summary

1.7K 42 16
By timelxrdart

So, here is what I would have liked the ending to be. From the last point I left off.

Nick would help Elizabeth recover and get back to her job while Sara and Grissom continued to catch up. Grissom would decide to stay for a while to better know Elizabeth, and also helps her out with continuing Riddler case. She and Nick go on a date, secretly, to the Coldplay concert finally, and Nick flirts with another girl that he knows while they're there. Elizabeth gets a bit angry with him and he doesn't understand why, because he doesn't think their relationship should be anything other than private. They separate for a bit, until Grissom gets tired of Elizabeth's moping and Nick's grief that he locks them into his old office so they can talk it out. All goes well and they make up, without being noticed by the rest of the team, other than those in the know like Catherine, Greg, and Sara. All is well for a long time after that. Time jump to the following year to New Year's Eve, and everyone is up on a rooftop watching the ball drop on a projector while a band plays. And right before the ball drops, Elizabeth and Nick are dancing, and Nick stops to kneel down before her, holding a little velvet box, and asks her to marry him. She accepts and they kiss as the countdown reaches zero. The team is happy for them, and promises to keep their affair a secret until it's absolutely necessary to speak a word of it. They plan on their wedding being the following August, but a terrible occurance happens between. A short time after their engagement, Grissom goes missing. No one knows where he is and everyone is extremely worried. The Riddler comes into question, and it is confirmed when another riddle is sent to the lab. It's criptic message tells Elizabeth her father is being held captive by the Riddler, and there is nothing she can do to save him. No intimation whatsoever. New evidence arises and the entire lab is working to save Grissom, but no one more than Elizabeth. She lost her mother, but she was not losing her father if she had even the slightest chance of saving him. She interrogates the suspected Riddler (as seen in the prologue) and the woman, whose name has come to be known as Lillian Beaufort, refuses to disclose the location of Grissom. She does explain her connection to Grissom, as a girlfriend long past, like her mother. Only she was before Evelyn, and she sought revenge on the way she was rejected. So, coming from the same home town, she traveled back and forth to Las Vegas, knowing at some point she would find him. And as she got her chance, she snatched him away and hid him where no one would find him, or so she thought. Elizabeth was very clever, and knew her father's hometown well, because that's also where her mother grew up, and she knew the nooks and crannies of the place. On a hunch, she and a team of people, including Nick and Sara, all head out to California, where they search for Grissom. They find him under ground, in an abandoned bomb shelter, where he was tied up and extremely dehydrated. Left to die. They take him to the nearest hospital where he can recover, and soon becomes well enough to be up and moving. Then skip to August, at Nick and Elizabeth's wedding, Grissom is walking Elizabeth down the aisle, and gives her away. She and Nick exchange vows, and kiss, then jump over to the wedding. The newly weds dance their first dance, to Benny and the Jets no less. Then Elizabeth and Gil dance the father daughter dance, and he tells her how happy her mother would be to see her now. The rest of the wedding goes without incident, and Nick and Elizabeth drive away in a car, stating Just Married on the bumper, to their honeymoon destination. And there it ends.

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