Da hiddenheartless

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EPISTOLARY NOVEL STATUS UPDATE: Why am I afraid of being myself again? Why am I scared to take the risk? The... Altro

The Beginning
I Am Falling
I Wish I Could
Shut up!
What If I Know You?
Can We Talk?

He's Creepy

17.1K 293 16
Da hiddenheartless


DAY 14

(She Status Update: I want to be alone, yet I want him to notice me all over again. I want to be myself, but I just can’t. I want him to send me messages yet I don’t want to reply, both at the same time. Am I willing to take the risk?)

(5:32 am)

KIN: I didn’t bother you last night. Why the hate? Soul-searching huh?

KEISHA: I was just...

KIN: What?

KEISHA: I am just...

KIN: Spill!

KEISHA: Are you mad?(backspace)

KEISHA: Are you okay?(backspace)

KEISHA: Are you mad?

KIN: Who wouldn’t?

KEISHA: Is it my fault?

KIN: I just want someone to talk to, but it seems like I’ve chosen the wrong person.

KEISHA: I am broken.(backspace)

KEISHA: I just hate strangers.

KIN: I am being friendly here.

KEISHA: Okay fine.

KIN: You want now?

KEISHA: Want what?

KIN: To be your friend.

KEISHA: I’ll think about it.

KIN: After the insults and threatening words coming from you, you would still think about it?

KEISHA: Do you want or not?

KIN: Haha, just kidding. I’m fine with it. As long as you’re not gonna ignore me for the rest of your life.

KEISHA: Funny.

KIN: I am joking actually^__^

KEISHA: Owww you should inform me next time for me to laugh harder.

KIN: Just a tip. Sometimes you don’t have to be mean to hurt someone.

KEISHA: Are you preaching?

KIN: I’m not a priest.

KEISHA: Then don’t teach me.

KIN: I’m not a teacher.

KEISHA: I’m going.

KIN: Why?

KEISHA: Out of town.

KIN: Can I come?

KEISHA: No animals allowed there.

KIN: If you’re trying to be funny, cut it out.

KEISHA: Crazy!!

KIN: Proud to be^___^

KEISHA: Bye! (phone-off)

KIN: Didn’t wait for my reply....hurt...

KIN: Take care. (phone-off)


KIN: Happy Lunch

KIN: Working hard?

KIN: Chat you later (phone-off)

(8:21 pm)

KIN: Hi, Kin here!!

KIN: Hello, is anybody there?

KIN: Waiting...............

(after 22 minutes)

KEISHA: Hi. (backspace)

KIN: You’re here^___^


KIN: How was the trip?

KEISHA: The trip? Hmmm fine.

KIN: How about the place?


KIN: The food?


KIN: You?


KIN: Us?



KIN: ^_______________^


KIN: We’re fine?

KEISHA: What are you talking about?

KIN: Ouch. You aren’t paying attention. View my previous messages.

KEISHA: Owww that. We’re really fine.

KIN: Are you serious????????

KEISHA: Do I look like I am not?

KIN: I don’t know how you look like right now.

KEISHA: Whatever.
*roll eyes*

KIN: I have something to ask.

KEISHA: Is that sensible?

KIN: Depending in your mood.

KEISHA: I’m fine.

KIN: Don’t laugh at me.

KEISHA: You wouldn’t see me anyway. What’s the point?

KIN: Just promise me you won’t.

KEISHA: It’s not my thing.

KIN: Okay fine. I just hope you won’t laugh at me.

KEISHA: Spill.

KIN: Okay, what would you feel if someone you like doesn’t care about you at all?

KEISHA: Unlike him.

KIN: It’s a “her”.

KEISHA: You are asking me. I am not addressing my answer to you.

KIN: Hayyy! Okay fine. What if I’m in love with her?

KEISHA: Unlove her.

KIN: You mean fall out?


KIN: What if it isn’t possible?

KEISHA: Make it possible.

KIN: By how?

KEISHA: Kill yourself in front of her.

KIN: When will you be serious?

KEISHA: Right now.

KIN: Being a bitch huh?

KEISHA: It is not being a bitch. It is being realistic.

KIN: I am serious!!!!!

KEISHA: Then don’t call me bitch!Asshole!! (phone-off)

KIN: Hey! Sorry.

KIN: Please don’t be mad.

KIN: I am really sorry.

KIN: Sorry. (phone-off)

(She Status Update: My mind already knows what I feel. But my heart.... this heart needs more time to accept it.)

DAY 15

(He Status Update:  Sometimes, there is no better way to ease the pain I feel right now. The only thing that I can do is to stop and breath. I just don’t want to lose her. I don’t want to be mad at her.)

(6:31 am)

KIN: I am sorry last night.


KIN: I didn’t mean it.


KIN: How funny right? I can have all the regrets inside me, and to you, it’s just words.


KIN: Don’t be mad.

KEISHA: Urrrrgggg! Fine.

KIN: Jesus!!! Thank you.!!

KEISHA: Happy Birthday....(backspace)

KEISHA: Welcome.

KIN: Aren’t you going to...


KIN: You didn’t visit my timeline?

KEISHA: Is there something I need to know there?

KIN: Nothing serious, I guess.

KEISHA: I am going.

KIN: That fast?

KEISHA: We have a whole day seminar.

KIN: That would be a boring one.

KEISHA: How’d you know?

KIN: I am the organizer.(send)


KIN: I am the organizer.




KEISHA: What????????

KIN: Just joking^____^

KEISHA: Okay. Gotta go.

KIN: You really don’t have something to say?

KEISHA: Nothing.

KIN: Alright. Take care



KIN: I hope you would greet me like you used to. I miss you so much. I never wanted to be like this. I need you. I don’t want to escape anymore. (delete)


(11:01 pm)

(He Status Update: I keep telling myself, one day I will make you happy again. But I always find myself sitting in a corner, so I know; everything I planned will always be “one day”)

KIN: Are you still up?


KIN: Why are you still awake?

KEISHA: Thesis.

KIN: How’s your day?

KEISHA: Happy. How about...

KIN: About me or my day?

KEISHA: Both maybe?

KIN: Haha, I’m not.

KEISHA: You’re not okay? How about your day?

KIN: Both are like typhoons.

KEISHA: I see.


KEISHA: Wait,.. Happy Birthday.(Backspace)


KIN: Goodnight.

KEISHA: How about your birthday?(backspace)

KEISHA: Goodnight.

KIN: Sleepwell.

KEISHA: Wait.(Backspace)

KEISHA: Ahmmmm wait.(backspace)

KIN: Wait.

KIN: Do you have something to say?


KIN: Why?

KEISHA: Do you have something to say?

KIN: Nothing, unless you have something to. Hahaha

KEISHA: You sure?

KIN: Haha. Of course.

KEISHA: Stay still.

KIN: Okay.

(11:32 pm)

KIN: Still there?

KEISHA: Yeah. I am just thinking.

KIN: Please don’t keep me waiting.

KEISHA: Heavy-eyed?

KIN: No, I am fully awake.



KIN: I am sleepy.

KEISHA: I thought you’re fully awake?

KIN: I am but...

KEISHA: Fine, just sleep.



KEISHA: Still there?




KIN: Yes and no.

KEISHA: Meaning?

KIN: I waited but I’m not mad.



KEISHA: Happy Birthday!!!!!!

*his phone fell*




KEISHA: Still there?


KIN: I love you for this!


KIN: I love you for this!








KEISHA: W---hat?




KIN: Sorry, my phone fell. That is one way of saying my “THANK YOU”^________^.


*beats stop*

KEISHA: Weird.

KIN: I waited you greetings actually.

KEISHA: I’m sure, I’m not the only one.

KIN: You greeting is more important for me. What's the use of receiving a lot of birthday messages if the only person you wanted to greet you never cares?

KEISHA: Nice:) GTG to sleep.

KIN: Thank you again, friend.

KEISHA: No problem....

KIN: Goodnight

KEISHA: Same here

KIN: Dream of me.

KEISHA: It’s not a dream if you’re there. It’s a nightmare.

KIN: See You...


KEISHA: Bye. (phone-off)


KIN: Goodnight. (phone-off)

*he shouts: YES!!!*

(She Status Update: And sometimes I have kept my feelings to myself because I could find no language to describe them-@APieceOfEden)

DAY 16

(He Status Update: She keeps growing. I remember when I left her, she’s still thinking what she wanted to be. Now, I'm watching her walking towards the stage like an angel. She changed a lot. She was too shy and silent before. She never talks to anyone except me and her friends. She’s will never talk unless she’s comfortable with the person. But now, boys are looking at her. I want to drag her beside me and shout at every one to back-off because she's mine. But it’s not possible....anymore...and will never be....)

(5:32 am)

KIN: Hi, morning

KEISHA: Wazzup?

KIN: Daily routine. How are you?


KIN: What are you doing?

KEISHA: Practice for the pageant.

KIN: This early?


KIN: With whom?

KEISHA: With Rac.







*her: fudge!!!*

KEISHA: How do you know his full name?

KIN: Good guess^____^

KEISHA: You’re really weird. Yes I am with him. He is my partner.

KIN: I see. Be careful then.

KEISHA: As if he’ll kill me.

KIN: Precaution.

KEISHA: He’s a good guy.

KIN: You can’t trust anyone.

KEISHA: Should tell that to myself every time I chat with you.

KIN: Well, I assure you, I am harmless.

KEISHA: Well, who would confess his crime before he’ll do his thing?

KIN: Promise, I will never make you suffer.

KEISHA: Someone told me those words, in the end, he just broke them.


KIN: Who?


KIN: Psssst!

KEISHA: Personal questions not allowed.

KIN: I thought we’re friends?

KEISHA: You assumed.

KIN: It’s embarrassing on my part. Hahaha

KEISHA: I don’t need you.

KIN: You need me.

KEISHA: Over billions of people in the world, you think I still need you?

KIN: May I ask, why do you hate me so much?


KEISHA: Why do you keep on chatting with me?

KIN: I don’t know.

KEISHA: Then that’s my answer.

KIN: I just want your attention.

KEISHA: What’s wrong? Don’t you get any attention back home?

KIN: Haaaayyyy. This conversation is never going anywhere.

KEISHA: That’s what you get in trying to converse with a boring person

KIN: You’re not boring. It’s just.....

KEISHA: No need to elaborate. I have to go now.

KIN: Okay, take care.

KEISHA: Sure. (phone-off)

KIN: Godbless. (phone-off)

(She Status Update: Promises are like the shine of the sun after a typhoon. It will bring you to an endless hope. It is like a candle light that gives flickers in the darkness. But broken promises are like a sudden thunder storm that keeps on destroying everyone. They are like pieces of broken glass that continuously bleeds your heart.)

(6:01 pm)

KIN: Hi Kei!!!

KEISHA: I’m not in the mood.

KIN: Why?

KEISHA: Too personal.

KIN: C’mon, give a break to your sarcasm.

KEISHA: There’s this guy who keeps on following me. He’s creepy!

KIN: Then?

KEISHA: He asked me if I wanna go out with him. Arrgggg! He’s crazy.

KIN: Go on.

KEISHA: When I refused, he dragged me down from the practice.

KIN: You don’t really know him?


KIN: Then tell me more.

KEISHA: After dragging me, he drives me home! I am still at the practice with Rac for Pete’s sake!!

KIN: You’re mad because he takes you away from Rac or you’re mad because he dragged you?


KIN: Hey!! Calm down. Your phone must be mad at you right now.

KEISHA: Me too.

KIN: Hahaha! I just couldn’t imagine your face right now.

KEISHA: You have no idea.

KIN: Hahahaha!! I have something to say. I’ll say, “knock!knock”, you would reply back “who’s there”.

KEISHA: Are you serious?



KIN: Knock!Knock!

(after a minute)

KEISHA: There’s no one here!!!!


KEISHA: Hey!!!


KEISHA: I am going!

(after 2 minutes)

KIN: Hahahahhaha!!! You’re awesome!!!


KIN: I was going to tell you a joke!!

KEISHA: really?

KIN: Face palm, Keisha</3

KEISHA: I am not fond of replying “who’s there” when someone is knocking at the door. I would just peep in the monitor.

KIN: My joke is really epic!!!!Hahahaha. You have no idea how much you made me laugh earlier.

KEISHA: You told me a joke?

KIN: Yeah. But you became the joke itself.

KEISHA: I don’t get you.

KIN: Okay, nevermind. Are you fine now?

KEISHA: Yeah thank you.

KIN: Wow! First time.

KEISHA: You really made me forget what happened, so might as well thank you.

KIN: Welcome. There’s something happened to me.


KIN: There was this man who points a gun at me.

KEISHA: That’s bullshit!!

KIN: Don’t curse!!!

KEISHA: Okay, what happened next? Unfortunately you escaped....

KIN: How horrible friend I have. But next to that, he asked me if I want to die.  I answered yes. You know what happened after?

KEISHA: He lowers his gun and said,”Damn, you want to talk about it?”.

KIN: How’d you know?

KEISHA: Someone told me that story before.

KIN: Owwww sorry.

KEISHA: No problem. It was just a part of my past. Hey!! I’m going.

KIN: Okay.

KEISHA: I will be out for a week. Please don’t flood my inbox.

KIN: I would love to do that “flooding thing”.

KEISHA: It’s up to you.

KIN: I am going to tell stories. I don’t care if you’re offline.

KEISHA: You’re hopeless!!! Bye.

KIN: Thanks for trusting

KEISHA: bye!

KIN: Can you please refrain from typing “bye”?

KEISHA: Go to hell!!

KIN: Prefer the latter. Hahaha. Take care.


KIN: I hate Racky!!! I hate him!!(backspace)


(She Status Update:”Every heart has a rhythm, let yours beat out so loudly, you don’t need to hide it anymore”-@hunterhayes)

PS: This is my first English story. Don’t know how’d going so far.

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