Login Accepted - Incipere Onl...

By RJ_Triveri

13.4K 378 83

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Login (FD)
Part One: Login Established (FD)

Conception (FD)

3K 119 34
By RJ_Triveri

The books didn't do justice to the feelings of having oneself downloaded into Incipere. Everything Athos read in the manual explained that it was close to falling, but experiencing it was like nothing he had ever felt. For him, logging in could best be conveyed as two parts falling, one part vomiting through your ears, and eleven parts jumbling chaos incarnate.

Almost as soon as it began, his fall stopped and reality quickly stabilized around him. Athos, the newest member of the world of Incipere, stood in a large, undecorated, blue glass room overlooking a void of blinding darkness and twinkling azure stars. All that separated him from it looked to be around a foot of blue glass on each side of the room. Not that it comforted him as he saw his nude form reflected from all angles.

Everything was gone now. Despite his nudity, a feeling of complete loss at his old life bubbled up inside of him as he took a few steps away from his landing zone and pressed a hand against one of the glass walls. The icy chill of it took him by surprise, and his hand shot back.

Rubbing the chill out with his other hand, it didn't take him long to regain some of his lost heat. The world was much more interactive than he had imagined. The cold felt cold, and emotions still fired off without mercy.

Mom, Sarah... two people that used to mean the world to him, but now they only brought tears to his eyes. No chance to say goodbye, no chance to finish the things he had started; there was so much that he had left to do but was powerless to finish now. Cold, alone, and quiet... was this what it felt like to be a ghost?

Hello, Athos Aramis.

The voice came from everywhere, but nowhere at the same time. As he looked around, his first reaction was to drop his hand down to cover himself the best he could. Then his mind started working a little faster. There was nothing around him. Another glance around the room confirmed that there was nowhere the voice could be coming from either.

Don't be embarrassed. Do you know how much pornography exists on the Internet? Modesty is not something you should worry about here. In fact, if you worry about it that much, I suggest staying away from the eastern lands of Bru'Dea. The climate there has drawn many of both our people there as a vacation destination. I'm Gama, Profession Administrator of Incipere, English Language Division.

Would he really have to get used to the voices in his head being real? Well, it had to be better than the alternative. Didn't it? It took a moment for Athos to adjust, but at least he wasn't going crazy. He tried to conjure up a smile to make a better first impression, but it just wasn't in him. "Hello, Gama."

I understand you aren't in the best of spirits. Some people have killed to get this far, well, before the test. Ferris filled me in during your download as to what was going on, and she assures me that you will be given an exception to make contact with your family as soon as you are settled in. It's critical at this junction for you to let your mind adapt to your new environment.

For him to settle? An exception? Emotions were boiling over, and he wanted to scream. He wanted a better reason, but all he could manage was, "It didn't say that in the manuals."

The voice was silent for a moment before answering, Well, most people aren't brought in during their own death either. Did Ferris lie to him? Could individuals from the Singularity, from Incipere, even lie? Anyway, I'm here to give you the options of your profession based on your individual intelligence and aptitudes. As you know, from near the beginning of our world, there have been dangers, and we have been given hundreds of options to defend ourselves. That ability was passed to your kind once the test was conceived.

It was like reliving the test all over again, and he was getting a little tired of hearing things he already knew. His mind was already reeling from his loss, but he managed to nod. "When will I be settled in enough to make contact with my family again?"

Gama sounded rather bored as the explanation continued. Well, that depends on how well you adapt. It could be days, weeks, longer... some people never get over the log in process. They simply wander off to be eaten by the local wildlife when they realize what they've given up. It hesitated. Or in your case, forced to give up. In the end, everyone here made the choice. Accepting that will be the fastest route to becoming a productive member of our world. When that happens, you will be given the chance to make your contact. Can we continue so you can get some clothing and stop trying to cover yourself? It's distracting. The more you cover it, the more anyone will want to look.

"So, the sooner I adjust to staying, the sooner I can say my goodbyes?"

Exactly. Correct. Wizard. Whatever affirmation you would like to hear.

His arms relaxed a bit and, finally, came to his sides, but only for a moment. His left hand reached across to rub his forearm a bit nervously as he talked the disembodied, electronic voice. "Then I'm sorry for interrupting you."

It'd be easier if you didn't do it in the first place, but apology accepted. Now, as I was saying... according to our records, you studied chemistry and literature with a focus on old English texts. However, your aspirations were still undeclared.

"I was going to declare this year," Athos argued, but quickly realized he was interrupting again when the silence got louder.

Now, we have four classes that might be of interest to you. First up is the warrior class tree. Typical brawn and brains over foes, but from your professor's recommendation after taking medieval British literature, it would be right up your alley.

He shook his head, "I loved the lore, but I don't think I'd be a good knight. I have a problem with sharp things."

The voice dropped just a decibel as something like static filled his ears for a moment. Then that eliminates the two other choices. Are you sure I can't interest you in a nice pointy object today?

Was Gama getting an attitude or just trying to annoy him? His hand left the comfort of its supporting arm to cautiously rub against a spot on his lower back. Of course, nothing was there here. "No, sorry. Honestly, I'm not a fan of knives, swords, anything sharper than a spoon really..."

Alchemist it is then. One of the support and research professionals of Incipere. Specialties are nature and creature lore, medical and combat brews, and of course, alchemy. I trust this is acceptable. No knives to speak of, just mortars and pedestals. Well, the same basic principles of one anyway.

Well, it was better than the alternatives. Athos nodded as the glass in front of him began to spark to life. From a small glimmer of light came a full body screen reflecting him and a plethora of options, some of which he couldn't even identify as anatomy.

Now, Athos. This is the fun part! What you see is you as you were. After you leave this room, your avatar will be set and you will not be able to make the kind of changes you can here. Don't like yourself? Change it! Male, female, ungendered, unidentified... Long hair, short hair, red hair, blue hair, it's all up to you there! Everything and anything you could want to change can be done here. Might I suggest a few inches shorter, a red coat, and blond hair? I hear blond is very popular right now.

"No, thanks though," He really didn't mind his black hair. His eyes though... he always thought brown was so dull. With a touch of the screen, a hexadecimal chart appeared and he began scrolling through the colors until he reached a frosty blue and selected it. On screen, his eye color changed to match.

Nice choice! Can I interest you in...

"No, thank you. I can make the changes myself. Could you please wait until I'm done? I just need a little time."

The voice didn't respond, but he got the feeling Gama wasn't happy. Still, this was a major decision. Looking over the rest of the facial options, he decided to leave it mostly alone. Just a bit longer sideburns, he never could grow them. Well, them or a beard to go with them. Already six foot, he didn't want to be any taller or shorter, and he didn't mind being a little on the scrawny side. Definitely staying male; he didn't want to find out of Incipere women had to put up with the same problems as Earth women.

Click, click, click...

All that was left was the wardrobe, but his mother had told him more than once that he had no sense of style. "Gama, could I have some help?"

I don't see why I should. You seem to be doing well on your own.

"I'm sorry. I've had a long day, and I don't have much patience left. I just want to rest."

I wish I could understand that. All my days are the same length, but I will take your word for it. What do you need, Athos?

"What do alchemists wear?"

Gama took a moment and then began displaying multiple images of what Athos assumed other Incipere alchemists wore. Most wear multi-pocketed coats of holding for reagents and extra inventory space. Some carry satchels or other side bags. Most wear some type of headgear. Otherwise, it seems pretty standard with pants, a shirt, and the rest depending on what their specialty or weapon type is. For your body type, I would suggest a little longer than a thigh length coat in black, trimmed with your new eye color and silver buttons. We can go with the reverse for your shirt and pants. Each time Gama spoke, the reflection changed to reflect its ideas. Athos was beginning to suspect that Gama had quite a flair for its work. Maybe a satchel in leather? No, a lighter black all around... not that shade. Perfect! That matches your hair, and it's not too dark. Let's move the satchel over the coat and make its trim blue as well. What do you think?

Looking at himself from all angles, Athos had to admit it wasn't bad. A coat with two large side pockets and more on the inside, a nice bag, nice clothing, and it all felt like nothing at all. "It's the first good thing that's happened today. You do good work, Gama."

I know. Are there any changes you would like to make, Athos?

He shook his head, "No, I really like it. It feels so light."

Then please pick your home city. For Alchemists, I always suggest starting in one of the larger cities. The best recipes to learn, the biggest shops, everything you need to get started.

He shook his head, "I want the smallest city you can find that has someone that can teach me the ropes." He knew he would have to get used to being around so many others, but if he could put it off for a while longer...

I see. Well then, do you care about the population?

"Just that it's small enough for me to get my feet wet."

Well, it isn't near the beach, but there are streams and rivers nearby. Are you ready then?

Feeling around his coat and seeing himself in the mirror, Athos smiled for the first time since he had arrived.

"I'm as ready as I'm going to get. Upload me."

With pleasure. Good luck, Athos Aramis, Alchemist of Incipere.

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