Happy Birthday Wifey

By KingBizzle--

83 2 1

"Real friends are more than just friends. We have a lot of friends but just a few of them are real friends. A... More

Happy Birthday!

83 2 1
By KingBizzle--


This won't be as good a gift as what you gave me I know but I'm not as creative I'm just well, your dummy :p

I'm feeling particularly sappy, so I get to tell you how much I love you a million times or in a million ways and you can't do shit about it XD

There are multiple reasons why writing this letter seemed like a perfect gift (the best I could come up with, anyway). 1) I'm broke and unemployed, 2) I enjoy writing, and 3) You deserve to know you're awesome every now and then.

There are some people come into our lives yet barely leave a trace and others, others they leave a string of footprints etched upon our hearts, letting us know they are with us every step we take.Life, sometimes it pulls the rug from under our feet and we find ourselves broken and unable to get back up. When I thought all hope had gone, you were always there to dust me down and tell me everything is going to be okay. you were the only one still cheering and giving me that little piece of hope to carry on when I felt like I should have just given up and that's what real friends do. They're  the glue that holds us together when we feel like we are falling apart, the anchor to keep us grounded when life has a tendency to blow us away, the wind beneath our wings, keeping us going when we feel like giving up and without friends like you, everything would be so much harder, maybe it's the constant teasing, jokes, random moments, or those times where despite having your own baggage you listen to mine and help me find a solution, or how youll randomly change the subject halfway through a conversation- its friends like you wifey who brighten our lives. So thank you for being a true friend. For sticking by me. Thank you for letting me pour my heart out, for listening and for not just telling me what I want to hear.And thank you for just being there when I need you.

I call you wifey and you know what I mean by that, its just best friend is overhsed and I wanted something different, I can't call in another way to the person who advices me when I hit a low pount or when I'm stuck, who is with me whenever is needed, who helps me to forget the sorrow and encourages me to keep going, who doesn't let me to give up.

You're special. I've never really had a lot of people I feel comfortable talking to. So every time I was low or upset, I usually resorted to ignoring most of my problems instead of figuring out where I went wrong and attempting to make things better. But we met and became friends....well we became friends over my using caps on you and that's just how we talk now, always at it with the caps And for some reason, I thought you could be the person I could confide in. Sometimes I wonder how you know me so well. I've always kept to myself but you know things even before I tell you. (Seriously, what kind of sorcery is that?) You know when I am upset even when I'm tryna cover it up...you somehow just know. I love you. There're not a lot of people I'd take a bullet for. I don't think I tell you enough.You deserve so much more than this little letter, but since I don't know how I could ever repay you, this is an attempt to do just that. You care when veryone else bails. To be honest, I expect them to. Times get rough and I'm not fun to be around when that happens. People don't like being around when in times like these. It's a burden. But you stay. You stay even when things look bleak. You let me talk and never make me feel guilty for needing you. You're selfless and loving despite what you believe. You're smart and intelligent. And no matter how lost you feel, I know for a fact that wherever you find yourself, will be the right place. It breaks my heart to think of you struggling, because I know sometimes you do. Because, I do, too. I know it feels like the world is being a dick to you sometimes, when people are mean, or when life is changing and everything is just way too overwhelming, but I know you can endure it. You're my tough wifey. Even if you're exhausted or busy or mad, I know you make time for the people you love.  I promise never to leave you alone, because I am incredibly creepy or clingy sshhhh

I think there's a need to include an apology. I'm not perfect (I know, I know, shocker, right?). For all the unnecessary drama, utterly pointless rants

okayyyy ill stop being sappy now, I know youre not too big on birthdays but at least accept this.

Happy Birthday!! It's the big 15. How exciting is that? I have so much to say, but I don't know if I can put it into one page of simple words. I sure am gonna try though. I want you to know how important you really are to me. I know I say it all the time, but it just seems like I don't make my point clear enough. I can't stress it enough to you that you really are my best friend. You are something out of this world. You are one of the most intelligent young women I have ever met, not to mention sweet, kind-hearted, happy, hilarious, loving, and absolutely beautiful. You have a heart of gold and a personality that should be cherished. You have such an amazing effect on me and my life daily. You make me laugh when I all I want to do is cry. Your craziness is as contagious as the flu and whenever you're sad I feel like I should be too. You really are an absolutely incredible individual. I have never in my whole life been so lucky and proud to have someone like you. You are my best friend. Happiness is what you bring to me. You are unlike anyone I have ever met. There's just something about you that draws people close to you. Our friendship is perfect which makes me so happy. You are my shoulder to cry on and my arm to lean on and I am the same for you. Thank you so much for everything you do for me. I'm ridiculously lucky to have you and I love you so much wifey. I hope your birthday and every other day is perfect. Best of luck in all that you do, and remember that I am always here for you no matter what.



Love your Troyia

p.s that last quote may just be how I feel I dunno though XD

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