Girl Meets Camp Half-Blood

By a_truby

11.6K 416 175

Maya was just a regular teenager. She had her best friends Riley and Farkle by her side, everything was norma... More

-Alright Who Invited This Guy?-
-Let's Play-
-Interesting Campfires-
-Running Into You-
-This is Why You Ask for Directions-
-When You Try to do Something Nice-
-What the Hell is That-
-What Kind of Hotel is This?-
-It Wasn't My Fault-
-How Could You?-
-Anyone Have Marshmallows?-
-Our Reward-

-This is Why I Don't Like Cheerleaders-

2K 49 20
By a_truby

A/N: This is my first story, and I want to point out I don't own any of the characters(I wish tho) and I just thought this would be fun! I love Percy Jackson and GMW, so I thought I'd combine the two since there aren't a lot of these two mixed together. And if you enjoy a chapter or think it deserves it, please vote and don't be a silent reader! I love getting to read your thoughts and comments! Unless they're mean, then you can keep those thoughts happily in your head :) Anyways, done talking, enjoy!

Hey everyone. My name is Maya Hart and I'm 16 years old. Now the boring basics: I live with my mom, I never really knew who my dad was growing up, and whenever I would ask, my mom would change the subject. She says I look just like him, but I can't tell. I mean, there's no picture of the guy! Maybe he's a spy or something, I don't know. Umm.... my best friends are Riley and Farkle. We've been friends for as long as I can remember. That's all I got. Oh! I go to Abigail Adams High School. That's kind of important to mention, kinda, not really. Oh well, now you know. So I thought today was going to be a normal, typical day of high school. HA! Think again.

     I was at my locker talking to Riley, when she tensed up all of a sudden. Tess, the head cheerleader, approached my locker with her stupid snotourage, I mean entourage. "Hey Macy," Tess said. "Umm, hey. And it's Maya," I replied. "Yeah, whatever. That's what I said. Anyways, I was wondering if I could ask you a question," she said. "Sure," I answered uneasily. She was never this friendly to me. "Could you meet me at the gym after cheer practice, I need a favor."
"Umm, not to sound rude(which I wanted to), but why can't you ask someone else for help?"
"Because silly! I need some help for art class, and I know you're really good at it. So what do ya say?"
"Yeah, I guess." I just really wanted to get away from her. I close my locker and grab Riley's arm and drag her away to our next class. "Was it just me, or was Tess being unusually nice to me?" I asked her. "Nope, I noticed it too. Something's up," she replied. "Yeah, but I guess we won't know until later. Come on, we better get to class." When we got to our seats, the bell rang and class started. Greek mythology, one of the very few subjects I'm good at. While the teacher was talking, some guy stumbled into the classroom. "Yes?" the teacher asked. "Oh, umm, hi. My name's Grover. I'm a new student sir." He hands the teacher his schedule. "Alright Mr. Underwood, please take a seat next to Ms. Hart. Ms. Hart, please raise your hand." I raised my hand and Grover took the seat next to me. He had curly brown hair, a little wispy beard, and was pretty tall. He was wearing jeans and a cool looking hat, but it was 80 degrees outside. Why would he want to wear jeans? This class dreaded on and I can't believe I'm saying this, but now I'm looking forward to after school. Hey, just because I'm good at it doesn't necessarily mean I enjoy it.

Time Skip

"Thanks for coming with me Riles. I don't really trust what's going on."
"No problem! You've done the same for me, and I'd do anything for you, you are my best friend," she smiles.
As we approach the gym, we see a sign that says to go into the gym. We look at each other, shrug, and walk in. I look around , but don't see anything. When I turn around, I get hit in the stomach with a dodge ball. What kind of dodge balls does this school use! I land flat on my butt and hear Tess laughing. My vision gets blurry as I look around. I hear Riley yell at me to duck. I do as I'm told and hear another ball whistle past my ear. It ends up slamming into the back wall with a loud BANG! I look closely at it and realize those "dodge balls" looked a lot like canon balls. I stare at Tess and her two irritating friends. "Wow, I really thought that by now she would've figured this out. She really is as dumb as she looks." She cackles to them. Figure what out? What the heck is she talking about? Is it just me or did she eat a bunch of crazy this morning? I look at Riley, and back at them and notice their appearance changing. Their eyes turn completely red, their teeth grow into fangs, their hair burst into flames, and skin getting even paler, if that was even possible. Now I need sunglasses just to look at them! "Riley, you see them changing too right? I'm not going crazy. Please tell me I'm not going crazy." Riley came from behind and helped me get up, "Good! You see them too. You aren't going crazy. But if you are, I am too." I hear the gym doors opening and everyone turns around. I notice that it's Grover. I look back at Riley and she shrugs. "What the heck are those things!? Some sort of vampires?"
     "No!" Tess yelled. "Why does everyone always think that we're vampires?" Then I saw her left leg turn brown and shaggy, with a donkey's hoof. Her other leg was shaped like a human's, but it turned bronze. "See, I'm not a vampire! Honestly, demigods are so stupid. And Hart, you're the dumbest of them all." Ok, I'm losing it now. And what the heck is a demigod?
     I know I should be scared and at a loss for words. But when I'm scared, I don't get at a loss for words, "I always knew you were an ass." She shrieked and threw something at me. I ran and hid behind the bleachers. "I don't know why those stupid humans had to call that animal an ass! I mean, we're beautiful and nice. And we existed before those creatures!" Tess ranted. "Maybe that's because you're a pain in the ass!" I shout. They throw another one of those canon ball things and I shrink down even lower. "Ok, yeah, Riley! Who are these people o-or creatures or whatever they are!? Why are they after me! What the heck is a demigod! WHAT IS HAPPENING!?!" I panic. "Peaches," she says while I freak out. "PEACHES!" I jump and turn to look at her. "Calm down!"
"Yeah calm down! You're giving me a headache," Grover says. We scream and jump back. How is he that quiet! "What they are, Tess and them, they are called empousai, and they are after you because you are a demigod. Monsters come after demigods and a demigod is half human-half god."
"Thanks, that really clears things up," I say sarcastically. Wait, he has horns on his head. How long have those been there? I'm so confused. "Heavy freakin' dodge balls are being thrown at us as we speak, WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO?!"
"Here," he says, and hands me a hair tie. "Thanks, a hair tie. How exactly does that help?" I point out.
"Wave your hand over it," he tells me. I look at her funny and yelp as another one of those dodge ball things slam against the bleachers. "You can't hide back there forever!" Tess says. 
"Just do it!" Grover commands. I jump and do as he asks. Suddenly, the hair tie turns into a beautiful bow and he hands me a bobby pin. I do the same thing and it transforms into a quiver filled with arrows. Riley and I gasp and stare at him. "You look like you've never seen a bow and quiver of arrows before," he laughs. "Hardee-har har. So what am I supposed to do?" I ask.
"Oh, just dust them off and look for a place to put them. What do you think!? You use them! Aim for their knees, then their hearts." And like that, he disappears. I swallow and glance up from the bleachers. Another one of those things hits the bleachers and I yelp again. "Oh poor poor Maya. Doesn't know what's happening, do you? You wouldn't be the first, and you won't be the last. Oh! Your blood smells so good right now! I can't wait to be ripping two demigods to pieces! Especially that one," And she points at Riley. "Excuse me. Yeah, EXCUSE ME!" I shout and they look at me annoyed. "Don't touch my best friend you jackass! You have to go through me first."
     "Ok," they say and each of them throw a canon ball, but one hit the cart filled with basketballs. I take a deep breath, and aim for Tess's knee. I release the arrow and duck back down. I hear her howl in pain, and then aim for her heart and it penetrates right through her and hits Stacy in the leg behind her.
Tess then falls into a pile of dust and I just stare. Erin takes advantage of that and tries to throw the ball at me. It completely misses me and hits something on my left a good 30 feet away from me. So she was the one that hit the basketball cart! "Wow, your aim is almost as bad as your looks," I taunt. She shrieks and tries to throw another. If she was aiming for the basketball hoop behind her, she nailed it. Wow, this is why she does cheer, she sucks at throwing! And what did basketball ever do to her?
I set another arrow and release it and Stacy turns to dust. Riley yelped as Erin threw another ball at her and Erin got blasted into the wall by a sudden gust of wind. What was that? None of the doors are open. While she's down, I shoot her in the heart and she turns to dust. "Well that went better than I thought," Grover says from behind me. I scream and grab my fist as I shove my elbow into his gut. He falls to the ground and I feel kinda bad. "I'm so sorry, it was just a reflex! And don't do that! I could've hit you somewhere worse! Are you ok?" I hear him grunt and he says he's fine. Oops. I put a hand over my heart and find that it's still beating. I look around and see the bleachers destroyed, that basketball hoop that was hit to my right, and dust covering the floor. "Well, I think we should get out of here before anyone else comes," I say and we run out the doors. "So where do we go now?" I ask.
     "Now, we go to Camp Half-Blood," says Grover.
"Is that some arcade or something?"
"No, it's a place for people like you."
"People like me?"
"Yeah, demigods. Your mom knew this was going to happen soon, it just happened later than we expected."
"Wait, you knew this was gonna happen, and you didn't warn me?"
"Well, yes. But this happened later than we thought. Chiron sent me to bring you to Camp Half-Blood when the time is right. That's now by the way."
"Thanks, I got that now. But this has to be a mistake. I don't have a god parent, just two normal ones."
"Uh huh. Yeah, so Maya. Have you ever been told anything about your dad? Any information to know for a fact that he isn't a god. Any indication that he was human? Have you ever even seen a picture of him?"
I thought about this. It did start to add up. Why whenever I asked about him, the topic was just ignored. Why my grandparents never met him. Why we never went to get tests done to find out who the dad was. Everything makes sense now! I looked down and realized I still had my bow and arrows out, so I quickly waved my hand over them and they transformed back to a hair tie and bobby pin. I hope no one noticed...
He noticed and laughed, "Don't worry, the humans weren't aware of you carrying your weapons. You can thank the mist for that."
"Oh right, you don't know anything," he laughed. A loud crash comes from the distance and his eyes grow wide. "We have to go!"
"Wait! What about my other friend?"
"Crap! I was assigned three, not two! Be right back, DON'T go anywhere."
I look at Riley, "What was that?"
"How the heck am I supposed to know?"
"Well the wind thing was cool! How'd you do that?" I ask.
"I-I don't know. I never knew I could do that. What about you? You never told me you had a killer aim. Literally!"
"I didn't know either. I've never shot an arrow before. I guess it just came naturally."
Just then, the doors from the gym bust open and we see Farkle being dragged by Grover. He looks at us and Farkle points to the gym doors and says, "I don't know what the heck happened in the gym, but I wanna know why I wasn't invited."

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