You're my everything (Robin a...

By secretdave99

25.6K 429 94

Short info: This is my first love story with Robin and Starfire. I'm from Poland and I'm still learning Engli... More



3.1K 54 8
By secretdave99

Starfire's POV

When Alfred and Robin left us, I went back to my room. I was really excited to see Robin's mentor and his step father. Every time when someone's mentioned about Robin's family he was very sad. Maybe when Batman come he'll feel better and, maybe I could learn more about him. Robin never wanted to talk about his past. Sometimes... I feel, that he doesn't trust me. I always thought I was someone more to him. When I see him I have really pleasant feelings. Suddenly I heard that Robin's back and went to his room. I immediately ran out of my room and appeared in front of his room.



"It is me, Starfire. Can I come in?"

"Sure Star."

The door of his room opened, I came in and sat beside him on his bed. I noticed that he was sad, so I asked him...

"Robin? Are you ok?" I was worried. 

"Yeah Star, I'm fine..." He tried to smile in order hide his sadness.

"Robin... I know that something is bothering you, please, tell me the truth."

"I'm sorry Star, I don't wanna talk about this." I knew that it was very difficult to him, but I couldn't just leave him like this. I had to say something but I was afraid he could be mad at me, but on the other hand I really care about him.

"Is it because of your parents?" Maybe I shouldn't... He remained silent for a few minutes so I softly grabbed his hand and apologized.

"I am so sorry Friend Robin, I am just worried..." I wanted to end, but then he cut me off.

"It's not your fault Star. I should apologize you. I know you just want to help me but... It's very difficult for me to talk about this." I moved to him closer and looked toward his mask.

"Robin, you can trust me, I'll keep it as a secret." I smiled to him, and laid my head on his shoulder, actually I don't know why, but it formed a little smile on Robin's face, so I think it's okay.

"I trust you Starfire..."

Robin's POV

I blushed when she laid her head on my shoulder. I can't hide my past from her anymore. She's too important. I gotta tell her about my parents.

"I trust you Starfire... and I always will. It started when me and my parents were in the Gotham City. We were acrobats known as the "Flying Graysons". One night, mafia came in order to export money from the circus that employed us. My parents disagreed and then... mafia boss killed them, in front of my eyes. I couldn't do anything, I was too weak. Batman stopped them from killing me, but it was too late for my parents. After witnessing their deaths, he took me in and I became his sidekick known as Robin. I couldn't be myself for a long time. I really miss them Star..." I took off my mask. I couldn't stop my tears. Starfire never saw me crying, I felt bad, because I wanted to be strong for her.

"I'm so sorry Star, I just..." then Starfire hugged me saying...

"I understand Robin, thank you for your trust. I promise you I shall never tell this to anyone."

I hugged her back, and stopped my tears.

"Thank you Starfire." I smiled.

Starfire's POV

I was happy to see Robin's smile. After a while I stood up and he did the same. I stopped hugging him and he walk me to doors of his room. I was already in hallway, when I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"Star, wait!" he said and kissed me in my cheek. I blushed.

"Thank you so much again." I just giggled like a little girl and he came back to his room. The doors closed. It was so cute. I went back to my room  thinking about what just happened.

Beast Boy's POV

I was just going to went to the kitchen and make my tofu breakfast, but I noticed Starfire and Robin on the hallway nearby Robin's room. I saw that Rob kissed her.

"I can't believe! I have to tell about it to Cyborg! Cy, hey Cy!" I ran to the living room where he was watching TV.

"What's going on BB? Why are you shouting!?" He asked with a serious face.

"I have a news!" Cy interested.

"What news?" He asked.

"I saw Robin and Starfire..."


"They were on the hallway, all alone..."

"And??" Cy became a little mad.

"And then..."

"C'mon Beast Boy! Tell me! I can't wait!"

"And then Robin kissed her in her cheek!"

"Dude! That's awesome! You think that they're a couple?"

"Actually... I don't know." My face became sad. And then in one moment we shouted

"It's spying time!"

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