Brad Simpson and Me

By wrenny27

81.6K 1.9K 86

Arianna Field accidently bumps into the gorgeous Brad Simpson. But will this mistake turn into something good... More

Chasing Clara
Was She Right?
Oh, really?!
Best. Night. EVER...kind of
Now that's what I call a date
That's A Weight Off My Shoulders
Why now...
Author's Note
That Was So Stupid!
Well, Goodbye For Now..
That's A Start
Not More Drama...
And There's The Drama!
First Concert
Night Of Love ;)
How Could You Do This
This Cant Be Happening
And Then There Were Two
The Plan
Wait, wait..
New Enemies
The End :(

Brad Simpson and Me

13.7K 146 7
By wrenny27

"Dammit" I cursed as my alarm went off. Let's just say I'm not a morning all. I groan once more and end sit on the edge of my bed. Just doing that was an effort. With the last bit of my energy I drag myself to my bathroom. I look into my mirror. Ugh. I was hoping I would be having a good skin and hair day, but no. I sighed thinking of doing even more work. Anyway, I brush my teeth and turn on the shower. "Just get it over and done with, right?" I say in my head

-one hour later-

I swallow my last spoonful of cereal and drop, rather loudly, my bowl into the sink. "For heavens sake Arianna, can you try not to make such a racket! My goodness!" My mum screams from her bedroom. See where I get my anti-morningness from..yeah. "Sorry.." I scream back then head out the door. Across the street I see my best friend Clarissa waiting on the bench. Her silky, golden hair falls perfectly and stops just at her shoulders and her rather light make-up was flawless. And she didn't even try. How can I tell you may ask? Because Clarissa is just like me, absolutely lazy. But she's just one of those people who look naturally beautiful. I've always been jealous of her for that. Anyhoo, I walk across the road. "Hey, ari!" Clara (her nickname) greets . I smile and say hello back. We start walking and obviously talking. This was the only time we can really just relax and talk because we are so busy at school. I enjoyed getting done fresh air too.

-at school-

"Where is it?!" I scream/whisper, looking for my biology book.Then bang. I knock into something hard. It was a person. great. "Don't scream at me.." I whisper to myself. I look up to see a boy with curly, chocolate hair and hazel eyes. He was slightly tan and was INCREDIBLY attractive. "Oh I'm SO sorry, I wasn't looking ahead." He apologised. How sweet, we both clearly know it was my fault. "It was my fault, really" I apologise back. " Well it doesn't matter who's fault it was, I just which I had looked up so I could see your beautiful face sooner" he smiled. I blushed at the compliment. "Awh, thanks" I giggle. He says his name is brad and I reply with, "Arianna"


It was long but oh well...plz vote x I would REALLY appreciate it x :)

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