The Peanuts Gang in High Scho...

By JadexStyles20

25.7K 338 415

We all know the Good Man Charlie Brown together with his gang. But now that they're in high school, probably... More

The Peanuts Gang in High School


1.8K 23 20
By JadexStyles20




Lucy's POV:

The bell started to rang and me together with Violet, Patty and Frieda, we walked to our first class, which is English. So you see, We have this tiny group and everybody in school knows us. People say we're The Mean Girls. But we wouldn't deny that. Ever since we were little, I was known as the mean, bossy and crabby one. Also the other girls. And we usualy pick on Charlie Brown. But when the years goes by, I'm starting to realize that I don't feel like being the mean one anymore. Like in a movie, I'm so tired of being the antagonist in everyone's lives. But I still couldn't figure everything out. Now that in one more year, I'm going to college.

"Oh look who we have here." Violet smugly spoked as she sat on her assigned seat. The four of us focused on the person who is sitting at the left side of the classroom.

"Charlie Brown." Patty teasingly stated, which makes Frieda and Violet laughed a little.

"And that stupid brother of mine." I added, staring at the person behind Charlie Brown, which is Linus. I rolled my eyes at him, and Linus just groaned.

The four of us sat down on our seats. Frieda took her mirror from her handy bag and starts staring at herself, admiring her naturally curly hair. Violet grab her phone and starts scrolling through the screen. Patty scoots a little closer to me.

"Why is your brother in the same class as you anyway?" Patty questioned and I look at her.

"He was accelerated. He's supposed to be a junior but i don't know he's smart, so he's in senior like me." I rolled my eyes, showing Patty that I'm uninterested in our topic.

"He's kind of getting hotter too." Patty whispered while eyeing my brother. And I just feel like I want to puke.

"Shut up Patty!" Violet whispered-yell behind us.

"Oh you know it too, Vi." Patty smirked, taking a glance at Violet then started looking over at Linus again. Violet didn't said a word, as she eyed Linus, agreeing to Patty.

"I'm not suppose to be hearing this." I say in disgust. "You were talking about my brother being hot, isn't it kind of awkward talking about it, while I'm here. His sister." I pointed out, letting out a groan.

"And you girls are older than him." Frieda stated, which she receives a glare from the two. She just shrugged in response.

The door opened in which, Mr.Bates was walking swiftly towards his desk. He was covered in sweat as he put down his stuffs on his table. He fixed his glasses, look over his wrist watch then finally looking at us.

"I'm sorry, I'm 15 minutes late." He stated, wiping his sweat away from his forehead. "Traffic." He nodded. "So, who made their homeworks?" He asked, raising an eyebrow towards us.

Most of the students let out a groan. And the others whispering that they forgot. I took my notebook from my bag and put it on my desk. Violet which is behind me, passed her and the other students notebooks towards me. And I grab all of it including mine, passing it to Mr.Bates.

Mr.Bates grabbed it, putting it down his table. "So for our today's lesson, We're going to talk about-"

His sentence was cutted by a knock on the door. After a few moments, the door opened softly. Revealing a Blonde boy, wearing a dark purple shirt with black stripes on it and his black pants and purple converse. His bagpack was behind him. He walked towards Mr.Bates. And seeing him, makes my heart swell.

"Damn, He's hotter." Patty hummed, her eyes getting wider at the blonde kid.

"Uh, Hi. I'm the new student from Germany." The Blondie started talking. "I'm also taking english for my first class. I'm sorry I'm late." He gently spoked, the whole class' attention was on him as he look down at his feet.

"Isn't that-?" Frieda started talking but I shush her.

"So you're a german?" Mr.Bates asked.

"Oh no Sir. I'm originally from this town. I just studied Middle School and some years of high school in Germany. And my parents decided to move back here so here I am." He explained. His hand carefully brush his light blonde hair away from his face.

"Alright. Why don't you introduce yourself in front of the class?"

I quickly grab my book and started opening it. My eyes focused on the material as I pretended to read, faking that my attention was on the book and not to him.

"Uhm, Hi. My name is Schroeder and-" When he stated his name, that's when I lost it. Everything turns into a flashback. Everything about him and me.

He's the musician who always plays his toy piano inside his home. I remembered, everytime I had the chance to walk in his house, I would do it. I would lean over his piano and listen to him play. I also remember myself asking him about marriage and all the romantic things I know. My cheeks heating up at the memories. I suddenly frowned, remembering the moments that we argue and him shoving to my face the words that I didn't want to hear. I'm all head over heels for him, but he just throws my love away and focused on that Beethoven. While he was gone, I'm missing him. And when I was getting older, I realized that I should stop myself for hoping that he'll like me back or that he'll ever come back. If you review all the moments we had, You'll see how desperate I am. How a fool I was for him. I thought he'll be gone for good. But here he is, in front of us. Introducing himself and saying that he's back.

Seeing Schroeder, makes me happy. Also hearing the news that he's coming back. But I have to remember how he rejected me, and that I shouldn't waste my time on him. I was hurt. And now, I'm not letting him do that to me again.

"Thank you Schroeder." Mr.Bates finally said after Schroeder introducing himself. "Now find yourself a seat." Mr.Bates smiled, Schroeder just walked on and sat at the corner of the classroom.

I was suppose to feel nothing. But why is my heart pounding when I saw him in the first time again?




Charlie Brown's POV:

I entered the cafeteria and luckily found Linus sitting on our usual spot, the table over the middle. Linus was sitting alone and when he tilt his head, he saw me. A smile forming over his face as I started walking to his direction. I sat down in front of him, taking the paper bag that I had and put it on the table.

"What do you have for today Charlie Brown?" Linus asked, looking towards the paper bag that had my food inside. I look over at his meal, and he got his tray with cookies and other snacks on it.

I sighed, opening my paper bag and seeing the usual sandwich that I have. "Peanut Butter." I rolled my eyes and Linus just chuckled.

"As usual." Linus nodded. Silence occured between us, the noise inside the cafeteria was the only sound we hear.

"Linus," I started. He just look at me, while chewing on his food. "Why didn't she showed up?" I started taking a bite from my Peanut Butter sandwich.

"Heather?" Linus asks back. "Heather's her name right? The little red haired girl?" I nodded in response and he looked at the ceiling. "Let's see, maybe she's sick. She can't come to school. Or maybe she's not arriving in the town yet. Or maybe she decided to go to school tomorrow, or-"

"-Or Peppermint Patty and Marcie was just joking about it. They just want to make fun of me." I cutted Linus with my own sentence. And I lean my elbow on the table, my right hand under my chin.

"Charlie Brown what makes you think of that?" Linus looked at me strangely. "Patricia and Marcie wouldn't do that. They're a good friend of yours. The only person who'll make fun of you was Lucy." He explained. I was about to talk back but he beat me to it. "Even Violet, Frieda and the mean Patty. Those stupid girls." Linus groaned, while looking at something behind me.

I turn my head and look where he was looking. And he was looking at the four girls on the other table. They were laughing and giggling as Violet was talking about something. Patty looked at our direction and she waves. "Oh how their faces disturbs me." Linus stated as I turn my head around back at him.

As I finished my sandwich, I look down at my hands on the table. "Ever since we were little, I'm the one that they're making fun of. Calling me blockhead and round face." I laughed and then frown. "I'm used to it. Even Shermy makes fun of me too. When will I ever gonna have the courage to stand up for myself?"

"Charlie Brown," Linus started.

"No, Linus. Look, Violet, Lucy, Frieda and Patty are girls. But I'm letting them to take over my life. I'm letting them to make fun of me. I'm such a wishy washy failure. I'm a failure. And I guess I will always be a failure." I continued.

"Wait, Charlie Brown," Linus stated again.

"I'm tired Linus. I want to stand up and be the hero for once. But I don't know how I'll do it. I don't even know where to start." I chuckled.

"Charlie Brown just stop talking!" Linus whispered-yell at me and I look up at him in surprised. He was still looking behind me. He looked stunned, his wide eyes was staring at something. "Just turn around Charlie Brown." He instructed and I knit my eyebrows together. I turn my head and look at where he was looking.

And that's when I lose it. A beautiful girl entering the cafeteria. She was wearing a mint green top and a skater skirt, she was holding her books as she walked on. Her red hair was shining and swaying from side to side. Most of the students in the cafeteria, stopped talking and their heads was turned to the beautiful red haired girl.

"Is that Heather, Charlie Brown?" Linus whispered behind me. "She's beautiful." He continued.

I found myself smiling while looking at her. She finally sat down on one of the available chair with her somewhat called new friends. I slowly turn back to Linus as I lean my chin over my hands. The smile isn't fading away, as I feel my cheeks heat.

"She's absolutely beautiful." I say slowly, closing my eyes.

"You really sure does like her still. Years had passed, Charlie Brown. But you still like her. Is that true love now?" Linus finished his sentence and I opened my eyes, still smiling.

"I don't know what it is. But everything about her makes me happy." I stated, letting out a deep sigh.

Linus grab his blanket, that turns into a medium handkerchief, and he copied my position, putting his head over his hand while his blanket is still between it.

We stayed like that for a moment, until suddenly, someone interrupts us by running towards us. "Hey guys! Have you heard the news?" Franklin said as he was still catching his breath.

"What news?" Linus asked.

Franklin sat down beside Linus and put his arm over his shoulder. "The prom, dude. The prom!" Franklin stated.

"Prom is in 3 weeks!" Pig Pen entered, he sat down beside me. And the three of us coughed because of the dust that he brings. Pig Pen smiled apologetically.

"Since when do guys got excited for prom?" Linus shakes his and laughed.

"This is our last prom! Next year we're going to college." Franklin sighed. "I don't know why you boys aren't even excited. You're going to ask a girl, dude." He explained, tapping Linus on the back.

I feel my cheeks heats up more. Maybe this is my chance to talk to Heather. Maybe this is my chance to finally do something for myself. And this is my chance to show them that I can achieve something.

"Charlie Brown and I are not interested." Linus said.

"No, Linus we are going." I talk back against him. His jaw fell down and his eyes turn wider. As if asking if I was serious about what I just said.

"That's what I'm talking about." Franklin nodded his head while smugging.

"I'm going to ask Heather. Linus, this is my chance." I whispered, and the three of them looks at me strangely.

"Ooh. The girl with the red hair?" Pig Pen questioned and I nod my head at him, smiling.

"Man, I was about to ask her." Franklin groaned.

"Give it to Charlie Brown will ya? You got Marcie." Linus stated.

"We're not yet dating anyway!" Franklin groan once again. Pig Pen, laughing.

We all stayed in silent as the four of us look at each other.

"You're going Linus, right?" Pig Pen asked, skeptically.

Linus let out a deep sighed as he look down at his hands. "I don't know. I have no one to date with. If Janice was here maybe-"

"Janice." Franklin groaned. "Linus, Dude. Why don't you just live your own life as Janice lived her own? It's been years and you're still.." Franklin didn't finish his sentence as he looked at Linus, sympathetically.

"I still can't move on, right?" Linus laughed fakely.

"Linus, It's time for you to live up a little." I said to him and he just looked up. I smiled at him, trying to comfort him but he just shakes his head.

"I'm going to think about it. And I have to go to the library." Linus replied, he stood up walking out of the cafeteria and making his way to the library, maybe.

"Is he really going to the library?" Pig Pen asked. Me and Franklin shake our head, no. Because I definitely know that he just said that to dodge the current topic. Which is, Janice.

But there is an important thing that I should be doing right now, and that's preparing myself to ask Heather to the prom. I know I can do it. I finally have the courage to do it!




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