Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...

By TheGreenNinja82

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The name is Nick. How do I begin? Should I tell you how my life is perfect or how it epically sucks? That... More

Chapter 1 ~ A Different Life
Chapter 2 ~ Lies Lies and Surprisingly More Lies
Chapter 3 ~ I Fight For My Life (And It Doesn't End Well)
Chapter 4 ~ The Secret is Out...Finally!
Chapter 5 ~ Story Time Takes a Dark Turn
Chapter 7 ~ It's What Mikeys Do
Chapter 8 ~ I Get Kicked Out...Then Kidnapped
Chapter 9 ~ Just For Now
Chapter 10 ~ A Bitter Family Reunion
Chapter 11 ~ The Mutt Got Lucky
Chapter 12 ~ Raph Steals a Chapter and I Got Dreams
Chapter 13 ~ He Knew All Along
Chapter 14 ~ The Shocking News
Chapter 15 ~ Cherry Blossoms

Chapter 6 ~ Black Eyes and Ninja Fights?!

2.6K 133 36
By TheGreenNinja82

~ Chapter 6 ~

April flipped out her tessen. "Leave my friend alone."

I clutched my eye and stared at her in shock. April...

Headmistress growled. "I said, GET LOST!"

"And I said leave my friend alone!" April snarled back.

I never saw April so mad, or well, mad. She's always laid back and nice...or that's what I thought anyway.

A thought popped into my head. If April did attack her, it could count as assault, but on the other hand, I was a child abuse victim by her.

I stood up and glanced at April. She nodded her head as if she knew what I was going to ask.

You can only live once, I told myself. Let's change what's going on in my life.

For years, I've held my tongue, kept all my anger bottled up, my hatred, resent, but now it was time to use it all.

"Hey!" I screamed. "I'm done letting ya push me around! And..." I took a deep breath. "I'M DONE!"

I tackled her to the ground as April gawked at me. Maybe she had something different in mind, but that didn't matter anymore.

"You little brat!" She snarled.

April grabbed my wrist. "Let's go."

I nodded as April and I ran out of the orphanage. I was never going back.

"What are we gunna do now?" I asked as April lead me across the street.

"You're staying with the turtles, Splinter will understand."

I blinked. From a crummy orphanage to the sewers, not much of an upgrade but oh well.

We turned and past another building.

I don't know where we were heading but I followed, not wanting to turn around.

April kept pulling me along, trying not to risk a glance behind her.

Another turn and we came to a stop.

"Oh gods," April's face went pale.

A groan escaped my lips. "Not these guys again."

Perched up on the ledges if rooftops, dumpsters, and fire escapes were ninjas. Those ninjas...again.

"Where's the dog and fish?" I whispered at April.

"I dunno, I don't seem them." She replied, digging in her pocket for something.

A second later she tossed me a dull green thing the size of my hand.

"Call Donnie, until then, I'll hold them off."

I stared at the device in my palm. It looked like a turtle shell, but on a flat side was a phone screen.

"What is this thing?" I asked.

"A T-Phone, one of Donnie's inventions. It's pretty much like a cell phone."

I blinked, realizing it was what April was texting with at Antonio's pizzeria.

Frowning, I tossed it back and balled my fists before saying, "I'm sick ad tried of running."

April glanced at me. "Remember what happened last time we went against these guys? You got knocked out."

I looked at her and smirked. "Yeah, but now they don't have the puppy and sushi to hide behind."

April rolled her eyes. "I'll never understand you."

"Exactly, that's why we're friends." I grinned, and charged.


Don't you love how I charge at enemies and never think? I believe April sure does love that, note the hint of sarcasm in that statement.

Anyway, April sighed with her shoulders sagging down before whipping out her tessen.

I laughed and smacked one in the head with my foot and then tackled another to the ground.

At first they were stun, probably that we attacked, and then they came at us, various weapons ready.

I kicked another in the stomach and slammed my fist into ones gut.

My breathing started to get heavier and they kept coming. It was like I was being swarmed by a hoard of black blobs, soon to be overcome.

Attacks started getting slow as April and I's backs were pinned by each other's.

"I really wish you called the guys." April told me.

"Sorry, Ape, that's not how I roll," I told her as I swatted a ninja aside.

Suddenly I was tackled from the side and flew into a swarm of the ninjas.

A numerous amount of them grabbed my arms and legs as I thrashed around.

I cursed and struggled against them.

"Nick!" April yelled. She threw her tessen and acted like a boomerang, knocking out the ninjas that grabbed me. It returned to her hand and her face was dangerously calm.

I fell to the ground with a yelp and rubbed my tailbone. "Ouch." I mumbled.

My eyes glanced around, only around ten ninjas left, but that was sill considered a lot. Ten to two, not really a fair fight but it was all we got.

I grabbed a broken pipe and twirled it in my hands. Not a lethal weapon, but it would have to do.

My hand gripped the side of it and started swinging. It was better than just my hands, I have to say that.

April fought amazingly, she was a true girl ninja...uh what do they call them? Kettlecornuich? Oh, yeah, a kunoich.

Soon, the ninjas were gone.

I gasped for air as I let go of the pipe and clattered on the asphalt.

April flicked her tessen shut and put it away, then went to a nearby manhole.

She grunted and struggled with it. "Help me with this," she said.

I walked over and we lifted it together. I dunno how Raph did it, those things are heavy.

Soon we were running through sewer tunnels underground.

I plugged my nose. "Ugh, it stinks down here."

"You'll get used to it in time."

"I don't think so," I mumbled as I followed April.

The sewer scum turned into a different tunnel and light appeared up ahead.

We bursted into what April called the turtles "lair."

The old arcade beeped in the corner as Leo was literately right in front of the TV, I didn't see Donnie, Mikey was eating pizza in the kitchen and Raph was feeding his pet turtle.

I bent down and caught my breath. "Holy...crap..."

Leo's eyes never left the TV, "You and your friend here, April?"

April walked over to him, leaving me gasping for air. "Yeah, you still watching Space Heros?"

"Uh huh, it's an eight hour marathon, no way I'm missing it."

I straightened up and Mikey was suddenly right by me.


I jumped out of my skin. "GAH!! Don't do that!"

He laughed. "Ops, sorry."

April chuckled.

A huge crash was heard and dark gray smoke poured out from under two doors to my left.

I coughed and waved the smoke away.

The doors flung open, with more smoke pouring out. Donnie appeared, covered in soot, and also coughing.

Splinter walked into the main room, frowning. "Donatello, my son, what happened?"

With a few more coughs, Donnie managed to say, "Sorry Sensei, the Shell Razor didn't work to well with the upgrades I gave it."

He nodded. "Hand me your Bō."

Donnie unstrapped a six foot stick from his shell and handed it to him.

Splinted twirled it around in his hand before bonking Donnie on the head, and returning it to him.

Raph and Mikey chuckled, along with me.

Splinted glanced at us, and we shutted up. Then Splinter looked directly at ME. "What happened?"

At first I didn't know what he meant until I looked down and saw I was covered in scratches and bruises for the ninja fight. And the fact my eye was swollen shut.


April covered for me. "The ninjas, they attacked again."

Splinter nodded. "Then, I wonder..." He was still looking at me.

Leo finally unglued his eyes from the corny old cartoon show and looked at Splinter. "Wondering what, Sensei?"

Raph, Donnie and Mikey looked curiously at him too.

I stared right into his eyes. He wouldn't look away.

What was with him?

"I wonder if Nickolette would care to spar with us."

I blinked. "What?"

The turtles and April repeated the same word. "What?"


I just stood there, completely awkward with myself, no clue what to do.

The turtles and April were across from me with Splinter in front of us all, by the Japanese tree.

I, out of everyone, was probably the most confused. It seemed like Splinter just said - "Oh, so you fought ninjas, I think you should fight with my turtle sons and your best friend!"

Totally weird.

After the awkward silence, Splinter spoke up. "Michelangelo, you will start."

Mikey jumped up and grinned, he twirled out his weapon; nunchucks.

"No weapons," Splinter added sternly.

"AWWW!" He whined and tossed them down.

Everyone moved back where it seemed like Mikey and I had the whole room to ourselves.

I took out ninjas, I said in my head, he's just a ninja turtle so it can't be that hard...right?

"Hajimaru!" Splinter yelled

Mikey whooped with delight and charged.

My legs wanted to buckled as I dove into a tuck 'n roll at the last second.

I slapped aside Mikey's arm attacked when I just stopped fighting, letting pure instincts kick in.

My body moved by itself, my moves coming for swift. I saw Mikey's expression go from care free to concerned.

Mikey's attacks started to get harder to block, but I wasn't in control of my body, I surrendered to whatever was instinctively making my body go into defense mode.

Finally, I made a move. I moved to the left, a punch sailed past my head.

I grabbed his arm and twisted, his body jerking to. I swung his arm down, along with his body slamming into the floor.

My eyes widened and I let go. "I'MSOSORRYIDON'TKNOWHOWIJUSTDIDTHAT,MIKEY!" I said.

Mikey stared at me as I was frantically dancing around the room, freaking out.

This was seriously WEIRD. First I fight ninjas THEN I take down a freaking ninja TURTLE. And I shouldn't have even been able to do THAT.

Splinter just the only one who's eyes didn't get HUGE.

"Donatello," Splinter said. "You are next."

He stood an politely handed Splinter his staff before taking a stance.

Mikey scooted over to Raph with a big pout on his face.

I clenched my fists and looked at Donnie.

He was taller and was swift looking. Tall and thin meant speed. With his Bō he would be even more difficult. Splinter paired him with the correct weapon.

I blinked. Where did all THAT come from? It seemed like the information just popped into my head.

"I am not a freakin' human google!" I yelled.

Everyone blinked.

"Um, what?" Donnie asked.

My face reddened. "Nothing, just...speaking out loud..."

Splinter yelled at us to begin and Donnie lunged.

I yelped as he barley missed my stomach when he swung a kick.

My hand snatched his foot before he had time for another move.

"What the--." Donnie began.

I narrowed my eyes as I flipped him and he landed on the floor with a THUD.

But the fun wasn't over yet. I yelled and tackled him. He yelped, like me, as we rolled around, kicking and punching.

Finally I got lucky and nailed him in the cheek. I pinned his arms with my elbows and his legs with my knees. With my bent arm, I put my forearm across his neck.

I flashed a smirk. "Give up?"

His face turned bright red as Splinter declared me the winner and took a spot by April.

Splinter looked at Raph. "Raphael, it is your turn."

Raph cocked a smirk as he set down his sais and walked over.

"This shouldn't be a challenge at all."

I scoffed. "Ya took the words right outta my mouth...Greenie."

His smirk turned into a sneer. "We'll see, Peachie."

My jaw dropped as my face turned bright red. "Excuse me but, one, I'm the one who gives nicknames and two, I'm tan!"

He nodded sarcastically. "Yes, because I will defiantly take back my words because of that."

"Hajimaru!" Splinter yelled.

I huffed as I charged at him. Raph rolled his eyes like he didn't have the time to deal with me and side stepped my blow.

Twisting my ankle in an ark, I twirled around and smashed into him from behind.

Raph jumped up and back flipped away. He lunged a kick as I dodged.

Okay, he was tougher than Donnie and Mikey. But those two had their own sets of strengths and weaknesses.

I leaped back and balanced myself on a branch of the Japanese tree.

Frowning, I looked at Raph. I wonder what his weakness is...

Suddenly something small and black started to crawl down the trunk of the tree.


I pounced out of the tree and tacked Raph, then used him as a shield.

"KILL IT!!!" I yelled.

Leo frowned and stood up as April sighed.

Peaking at the branch I was perched on, Leo raised his eyebrow.

"Are you screaming over the spider?" He asked.

I nodded. "Kill it."

He sighed and squished it with his thumb. "You're worse than Raph and his fear of cockroaches."

I shuttered. "Blech, those things are disgusting, but aren't as scary as spiders."

Suddenly, I realized Raph was caught off guard.

I grinned and slammed him to the ground.

He growled and jumped up. "Hey! That wasn't fair!"

"All is fair in love and war." I quoted.

April rolled her eyes. "There is no war and there is no love."

I chuckled and saw Donnie glance at April before turning away, blushing like crazy.

"There may not be war, but I'm not so sure about the love part..."

Raph rolled his eyes before taking a seat. Now it was Leo's turn.

Leo took off his scabbard containing his double Katanas and set them down before walking towards me.

He bowed and took a stance. I blinked and slowly shuffled to a stance. Splinter yelled and we began.

From all the dodges I took, Leo and Raph must've been the top two fighters, their speed, strength and everything else was much better. From the look in Leo's eyes, he knew that as much as I did.

I side stepped a punch like Raph as the little voice came nagging back, telling me a move. I grinned.


I planted on foot on the ground as I beckoned Leo to charged. He did.

As Leo came, I locked one foot around his and spun, throwing him to the ground on his back with a thud.

Splinters eyes widened as fire was burning through out him. "Where did you learn that move?!" He growled.

I blinked. "...Learned it?"

The turtles went crazy.

"...There's no way..."

"...Only Dogpound did that..."

"...Changed everything for Sensei..."


I stood there as Splinter demanded again, "Where did you learn it?!"

My body trembled, "I-I didn't l-learn i-it, a-a voice j-ju-just told m-me to d-do it."

April looked as confused as I was.

"Um," I said, "what exactly did I do..?"

Splinters expression hardened. "You perfectly preformed a martial arts move called the Death Dragon. Only two people has ever preformed it."

My head spun as I said, "W-who..?"

They didn't answer.

"Who?!" I demanded. "I deserve to know!"

Splinter turned away as I heard him mutter, "The man who destroyed my family."

Leo stood up and very harshly said, "Oroku Saki, the Shredder."


Blah blah blah, just random mumbo jumbo going through my head when I wrote this.

~ Myranda

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