Undertale x reader oneshots

By BreeBee666

3.2K 67 38

Hey peeps! I became undertale trash so why not? Also my OC is Sky! She is a robot like mettaton but she is hi... More

Sans x Shy!reader
Sans x papyrus
Chara x Reader
Sans x Sky(OC)
Napstablook x reader
Im sad and stff
Mettaton x depressed!reader
Sans x Monster!reader
Chara x Monster!Male!Reader

Muffet x reader

169 3 2
By BreeBee666

  You sighed as your old lover cuddled with you. You lost your love for him, but you didn't want to break his heart. Now he was getting a little to clingy. He put his hand on your chest, then you snapped. You pushed him away "LOOK! I don't want to do that thing with you! I lost my love for you, and I know that you have been cheating on me! Stop being so clingy and shit! WE AER OVER!" you stormed off. You couldn't help it... you needed to calm down.

  You walked into your best friends bakery. Muffets bakery to be exact. Its been a year since the break up, and 'HE' wanted to get back with you. He started threatening you now. He just wanted to use you, and you knew it. You sat at one of the purple tables and sighed. It was stressful. "(Y/N) Deary~ What is wrong now? Is 'HE' still at it?" Muffet asked you as she set a cupcake infront of you. you don't know why she called you (Y/N) deary, she just started it one day. "Yes he is. its stressing me out!" I said and ate the cupcake. "Maybe if you started dating someone else he will stop..." Muffet said to me. She is acting weird, but I didn't want to bother her. "Maybe that will work!" I said and finished the cupcake. "Thanks muffet, I will come back later!" I said and ran out. God dangit... the way she said that was just so cute! I know I love her.

  After getting some stuff I went back to the bakery, I was in a nice purple (the one in the picture). It was a little frilly with a belt that had black, yellow, red, and Green on it. I had matching black shoes and stocking-like things (forgot what they were called) on with the shoes. My hair was like

Short: http://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=OIP.Ma2e5466902f54c5eadb7c2e806ff3bd0o0&w=300&h=225&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0&r=0

Long: http://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M0c80cbb6b69aba519f2fb4926bcceb7bo0&w=201&h=171&c=7&rs=1&qlt=90&o=4&pid=1.1

The reason? I was taking Muffet to a restaurant. She didn't know, but this was a surprise. I got out of my car and ran to muffet, she was closing up the shop. "Muffet! Come with me!" I grabbed one of her hands and dragged her to the car. "Woah, (Y/N) Deary what is it?!" She asked and got in the car. "It is a surprise!" I answered and took her to the restaurant.


  As the waiter took our plates away Muffet looked at me. "(Y/N) Deary why did you take me here?" Muffet asked me. "B-because... You said that 'HE' would leave me alone if I date someone... and I have a crush on someone... so why not do this for them...?" I look at Muffet hopefully. She was blushing like a mad women. "Oh my gosh... (Y/N) Deary I feel the same way!" She said and came over and hugged me. Some people 'aaaaaaaaaaw'ed while some said 'ew'. I hugged back* "So does this mean we are..." "Yes (Y/N) Deary we are!" Muffet cut me off. Best day ever!


Mettaton and burger pants looked in the window. Mettaton high fived BP "The plan worked!" Mettaton said. Mettaton and BP were acting like 'Him',AkA NICECREAM GUY, just to get you and muffet together.

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