Hostage - boyxboy

By KAWN131313

75.6K 1.3K 175

When a rich teenager gets kidnapped for ransom by the boss of the mafia and his slightly attractive but intim... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 7
part 8
part 9 ( sexual)
Part 10
Need help

part 6

5.1K 108 9
By KAWN131313

Nathaniel's POV:

As soon as he said that word I panicked and froze, I just didn't know what to do or where to go. Ezra saw I was low key freaking out and came over to me and placed his hands on my shoulders."Nathaniel I know this seems scary but you need to listen me ,stop freaking out and just follow me because right now we need to leave and quick." he said before taking me by my hand and guiding me towards the window.
"Now climb out of the window and run to the car as fast as you can and get in I'll be right behind you I just have to get something really quick." He gave me the key and I nodded in agreement climbing out of the window which I was able to do since we were on ground level, I would've been screwed if we weren't. I got out and ran to the place where we parked the car as fast as I could. I unlocked the door and got in.

I was out of breath because of the running obviously but also because I was afraid that something might happen to Ezra, I don't know why I suddenly cared so much about his safety but I did. I was relieved when I finally saw him running to the car.He got in the car and placed his suitcase in the backseat and started the car as fast as he could and took off like an arrow. I stared at him hoping he would explain the situation but he was too concentrated on the driving but I guess that's a good thing. I saw that he was consistently looking back, I looked back trying to see what he was so worried about. Then I saw that we were being followed by a black car. "Who are those men and why are they following us?" I asked him." They're employees of my dad and they want you, the deal that he made with the men that wanted to buy you was a very important one so they're not going to give up that easily, I don't know how they found us so fast tho." he said still keeping his eyes on the road. " Well did you ever consider that maybe your dad placed a following device in your car , it would only be logical wouldn't it?" I asked slightly mocking him for not thinking about it. " You could have a very valid point there." he said. " Well obviously I do Ezra, I mean duh."

After he thought about it for a couple of minutes while continuing to avoid the black car he came up with a plan."Okay Nathaniel you're gonna have to do something for me." he said very seriously."What do you want me to do?" I asked worried that I would have to do something I wasn't able to do." Okay Nathaniel so take that suitcase that I put in the back and open it." I nodded and took the suitcase and opened it. I was shocked to see what was in it, a gun." Okay don't worry about the gun I'll handle that you just gotta take the wheel really quick." Ezra said. " You're not going to kill them,are you? They're still people." I asked him."Don't worry Nathaniel I would never kill anyone unless there was no other option I just need to buy us some time okay, do you trust me?" I nodded and it was true, I trusted him more than I've ever trusted anyone.

"Okay take the wheel now." Ezra said. I did what he asked just keeping it steady so that we would continue to drive straight ahead. I kept looking over at Ezra trying to see what he was doing. He aimed his gun at the car's tires and shot, he hit his target perfectly and he also hit the other tires with his next shots. They were forced to stop which gave us time to get away.

"See I told you I wouldn't kill them." Ezra said with a smirk. "Yeah that's because you can aim ,if that would've been me shooting I wouldn't even know where my bullets would have gone." I said laughing." Okay Nathaniel so the plan now is to leave this car behind somewhere and find something else." he said. We drove a little longer when we finally saw a store with a huge parking lot which definitely came in handy.We pulled over and got out of the car and started looking for another vehicle.

As I was trying to find something I looked over at Ezra, he seemed completely mesmerised by something . As I got closer I saw that he was staring at a motorcycle."Really Ezra that doesn't look like the most comfortable way of transport." I said laughing at how excited he looked." Can we please take it, I've always wanted to ride one of these. I promise we'll look for something else later but just for now can we?" he asked with the biggest puppy eyes I've ever seen." Well okay you're the one driving anyway." I said sighing not really liking it but going with it anyway.

He got onto the motorcycle and so did I and I placed my hands on my lap." Nathaniel you're gonna have to put your arms around me." He said laughing." Urgh do I have to?" I asked knowing he was loving this situation." Well yeah if you don't want to die." I agreed against my will and wrapped my hands around his waist. Ezra started the motor and took off. As we were driving I started to feel more and more comfortable and before I knew it I had placed my head on Ezra's shoulder, he looked back at me very pleased that I did this as I rolled my eyes at him but I didn't really care It felt good and at this point that's all I cared about. We drove for two more hours when we finally saw an exit ahead of us which led to a small town, there wasn't much but at least there was something. We decided to go eat something since I was starving and I'm pretty sure Ezra was too since I could feel his stomach rumbling the entire time we were driving.

We went to this little cute diner, It wasn't very luxurious or anything but it was cosy and I was excited to finally get some food into my system.
We both ate something simple but filling. We talked about what happened and a lot of other random stuff. It was about 9 pm when we left,we had booked a hotel online when we were eating so that's where we were heading.

As we were walking I suddenly felt someone grab my arm and pull me towards him, I looked at who it was and saw it was a drunk middle-aged man."Aren't you a fine piece of meat." He said as I felt his hand gliding down my back. "Let go of me!" I yelled trying to get out of his grip. I saw Ezra getting heated as I looked over at him with pleading eyes. I didn't want Ezra to hurt him, he was drunk he didn't know what he was doing but Ezra lost his temper when he saw the man trying to take off Nathaniel's pants. He took his gun which he apparently he had hidden underneath his shirt and shot the man in his leg which caused him to let go of his grip on me, Ezra and I ran off.

We drove to the hotel in silence and Ezra started speaking as soon as we entered our room." I'm sorry for everything Nathaniel, I never wanted any of this to happen to you." He said with so much guilt in his eyes."Ezra stop apologising ,I know you never meant for any of this to happen and I would never blame you for anything, ever." I said looking him straight into his eyes."But it's all my fault I got you into this mess and ...." He was saying as I interrupted him by placing my lips on his, I pulled back and hugged him. "Listen to me Ezra I don't care about what happened in the past all I care about is that you're here for me now." I said. "I'm sorry I kind of didn't hear anything of what you were saying, did you just kiss me ? What's that about I thought you weren't gay, don't tease me like this." Ezra asked me confused. "I'm not teasing you, I don't know I guess it just feels right and I don't like to put labels on things anyway." I said not really caring about whether I was gay or not."Well since you finally accepted your obvious attraction towards me I can finally kiss you properly." he said jokingly as he pulled me in for a full make out session. I quite liked it he made me feel so happy and safe and I know now that I want him to be at my side as long as possible. We went to sleep and I cuddled up to him instantly feeling completely happy I fell asleep as he was gently playing with my hair.

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