Back To The Start (ON HOLD)

By GoddessOfAphrodite

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I haven't always been like this. I got straight A's. I never skipped school or even talked back to my parents... More

Chapter 1 - How It Started
Chapter 2- Not Your Ordinary School
Chapter 3- Some Kind Of First Night
Chapter 4- Face to Face With The Devil
Chapter 5 - Hell For Lunch
Chapter 6- Cereal For An Apology
Chapter 7 - Take This Away
Chapter 8 - Throwing Those Two Years
Chapter 9 - Open For 12 Hours
Chapter 10- Matchy Matchy
Chapter 11- Call For Back Up
Chapter 12- Asking Friendship
Chapter 13 - Drunk and High
Chapter 14 - Starting Over
Chapter 15 - Seriously, I Tried
Chapter 16 - My P.O.V
Chapter 17 - Duck Tape My Mouth
Chapter 18 - Proclaimed Ungrateful
Chapter 19 - Surprise Tag-Along
Chapter 20 - Like Nothing Happened
Chapter 21 - Wendy Runaway With Me
Chapter 22 - The Call
Chapter 23 - Back To Reality
Chapter 24 - Unexpected As Heck
Chapter 25 - Then There Was Pain
Chapter 26 - The Feel of The Sun
Chapter 27- Project Make Her Smile
Chapter 28 - Not So Disney Day
Chapter 29 - Getting Back Up
Chapter 30 - The Truth
Chapter 31 - Custaroons? I love you.
Chapter 32 - I Beat Jenna Hamilton
Chapter 34 - Lzaer Tag Disaster
Chapter 35 - Cannot Be Long Hidden
Chapter 36 - What Happens Now?
Chapter 37 - Three Months And Four Days

Chapter 33 - Biggest Clue

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By GoddessOfAphrodite

Before you start, just wanna warn you that there's a LIGHT SEXUAL CONTENT. But very very light.

Chapter 33 - Biggest Clue

My love for sleep is a perfect epitome of unconditional true love. It was something I was not willing to sacrifice. It was just too damn important. I make sure to make Sundays my date with sleep. It was simply a must. I mean God practically rested on the 7th day, right? So imagine how grumpy I was to be woken up at 4 am on a freaking Sunday.

"You better be dying, Alec, or I'm killing you," I hissed at him as I buried my head in my pillows.

Alec stopped playing with the lights making me relax a bit and was going back to my dreamland but then Alec pried my hands away from my pillows.

"Come on, Toriiiii! Wakey wakey," he sang song as he shook me awake.

This boy was just goddamn lucky that I love him more than sleep or he would have been six feet under the moment he tried to wake me up. I could practically kill him even in my sleep. But then again, I love him.

Dammit, I love him. If only I have the guts and courage to actually tell him other than just thinking about it.

"Please stand up, love. I promise as soon as we're finished, I'm taking you back here then you can go back to sleep," he bargained.

I was going to stand up since I couldn't exactly resist him. But I was still mustering up every energy I have to actually stand and be a human being.

"Do I have to carry you to the shower again?"

With that said, I sat up on my bed with a frown on my face. But it was hard to keep the frown on with a beautiful blue eyed boy in front of you. He was even holding a warm cup of coffee with a sweet sweet smile on his face.

Okay, waking up at... um... 4:11 am was definitely worth it.

"Let's get you caffeinated before we go," he said in a very chirppy voice as he gave me the cup of coffee.

I was drinking the coffee as I watched him walked towards my closet. He took out my black coat which I usually wear in London, not here in California since it was usually hot here. Now thinking about it, I wonder why I even brought it here.

"You do realize that it's hot and always summer here in L.A., right?" he voiced out what I was thinking.

"Well, if you're taking that out from my closet that means I had a perfectly good reason to pack it," I retorted.

He chuckled as he walked towards me with the coat on hand. Slowly, he placed the coat on the foot of my bed. He climbed up my bed and crawled a bit towards me. His biceps were bulging making his movements ten times hotter than it was. I was pretty sure my mouth was hanging open and my coffee was abandoned.

"Pretty much," he whispered huskily towards me.

I was still staring at him, gawking at how hot he was being right now. He took my coffee mug with one hand and placed it on my night stand but remained in position. The fact that our faces were merely inches apart was breaking me. I could feel his hot minty breath against my skin. Slowly, a smirk made its way on his face, obviously aware of the aura that he was radiating towards me. I was so turned on.

"I would give everything to know what's going in that head of yours," he murmured with his blue eyes capturing mine.

A sense of strength sparked in me. With a smile on my face, I grabbed him by the neck pulling him closer to me. My lips were brushing his, making it burn a bit. God, why must he be so freaking hot?

"Why don't I show you," I muttered.

I saw his eyes traveled towards my lips for a second before I connected our lips together. Alec was now in a kneeling position in front of me since I noticed that he was higher than me now and was leaning down. His arms encircled my hips, pulling me closer to him; making the kiss deeper--- more sexual. His tongue sensually traced the bottom of my lip. Originally, I was suppose to open my mouth to let his tongue in, but the movement made me moan. At the action, Alec's tongue entered my mouth and was immediately in contact with mine. I felt his hands move to my bum, he lightly gripped it making me moan more and me earning a groan from him.

"I fucking love your ass, have I ever told you that?" he growled on my ear before planting kisses to it.

I can't help but giggle at that as he trailed kissed from my ear to my jawline before marking his territory on my neck. He was taking his time to a certain sweet spot on my neck making me want to cry out because it was just so good. Instead, my hands made its way to his hair, tugging it lightly. In return I was also trailing kisses to any part of him that I had access to.

I was crumbling in pleasure as he continued to assault my neck and caress my ass, sometimes spanking it lightly from time to time. My legs were now wrapped around his waist giving him more access to my ass. The position we were in only made me aware of how hard he was. His crotch was directly placed on my crotch making me too horny for my own good. I have no idea what I was thinking, but next thing I knew I was sucking on his neck and grinding myself onto him. Alec stilled on top of me before groaning my name out loud. His grip on my ass tightened making me gasp out. He pulled me closer to him and I did too by his ass, and let me tell you, his ass was just P-E-R-F-E-C-T. Our lower bodies were pressed up to each other and we were both grinding and moaning.

"What the hell are we doing?" Alec half moaned and half said as he laid me on the bed with him on top of me.

"I don't know, but keep going- Ahh god!"

He lifted his head from my neck and looked at me with amusement in his eyes.

"Are you okay with this?" he asked.

I frowned at him and pushed my lower body towards his more.

"Yes. Now shhh."

With Alec on top of me he took the lead. He grinded harder this time making both of us moan louder. I was starting to feel a knot forming in my stomach like there was something going to explode soon. That's when I realized what the hell we were doing. My eyes opened in panic and saw the look Alec had. He had his eyes closed tightly and his lips were slightly parted. The grip he had on my arms were tight making my panic grow more.

In shock, I pushed him off of me. Inside I was screaming but I was trying so hard to keep it in and remind myself that the man in front of me was Alec. But since he was bigger than me, my push didn't make him budge one bit.

"Alec," I said but I was muffled by his moan.

He was close judging by how ragged his breathing was and how his grip tightened more. The sounds he was making was giving me get these flashbacks. My heart was beating heavily and tears were starting to spill from my eyes.

"Get off of me!" I screamed.

Alec immediately stopped and was already away from me in a second. I pulled my knees towards my chest and started to sob. I was trying to stop myself from crying but tears just kept flowing.

One look at Alec broke my heart. Fear was evident in his eyes but there was one thing I wish I could remove, he was hurt. He looked at me with concern, but obviously confusion masked him.

"Tori?" He whispered lightly, taking a little small step towards me.

Out of instinct I move closer to my bed and farther away from him.

He was touching me in places I never wanted him to touch me. His face was masked in pleasure as I was just covered in fear and disgust. Every time he came he would yell out my name and kiss me roughly not even caring that the girl he was doing was drugged and helpless.

"Tori, I'm gonna get closer, okay?" Alec said louder this time but his voice was trembling.

His voice. It was Alec. Not that man. Alec cares and loves me. He would never hurt me.

Daring to look at him, I saw him slowly walking towards me with his hands held up to show he was not going to hurt me. I wanted to nod and tell him that it was okay to get closer to me, but all I did was cry.

Stupid. I was pathetic. Crying because of this. I was just pathetic.

"Tori, it's me. Alec. I'm not gonna hurt you, okay?" He whispered to me as he was close.

I nodded my head at that. Trying to muffle my cries, I bit my lip as watched Alec sat on my bed cautiously.

"Can I touch you?"

The only thing I managed to do was nod.

I hated the fact that Alec still had this fear in his eyes. I scared him. It was like he was now afraid to touch me. But he took my hands away from my thighs that I didn't even realize was there. He brought it to his chest before bringing my whole body in the safety of his arms.

"I'm so sorry," I sobbed in his chest.

He kissed my temple and caressed my hair.

"Shh don't say sorry. I'm the one who should say that," he answered back with so much pain his voice.

"You did nothing wrong."

He didn't say anything after that. He just continued kissing my temple and brushing my hair with his spare hand.

Trying to muster everything I had me. I realized that I was ruining what he had in mind for today. From the clock I realized that it was already 5:00. I pulled away from him immediately.

"What?" He asked me with a concerned look.

I sent him a sad smile before leaning in to kiss him. He was still but he kissed me back hesitantly. It was painful. I knew that after what happened, Alec was now going to hesitate with every touch he was going to make with me.

"Let's go?" I asked once I pulled away from him.

One thing I was very good at, was trying to ignore the problem. And right now that was what I was going to do. I was going to ignore that I practically had an episode of my PTSD today.

"Are you sure?" Alec asked with a confused look on his face.

I stood up from the bed and grabbed the coat. "Yeah. Unless we're late?"

He shook his head. "No, we're just on time."

With that, he stood up. Together we walked out my room. But he was inches away from me with a frown on his face. As soon as we reached his car at the parking lot, I grabbed his hand and kissed it. The surprised look he had was enough to break me, but I stood my ground. No way was I ruining what we had.

"Don't," I started, not really sure what to say, "don't be afraid of me. Please."

"I'm not."

As soon as he said it, he pulled me towards him and kissed me like he was making me feel every emotion he had.

"I love you. That's not gonna change," he said smiling once he pulled away.


All the way to where we were going (which I have no idea where that was) Alec was holding my hand. He never broke the contact. From time to time he would glance at me with a concerned look on his face.

        Not even ten minutes have passed, Alec parked in front of a two story place in the middle of nowhere. It was still dark making the whole place creepy.

        "Are you gonna tell me what we're doing here?" I asked him, looking around.

         Alec shook his head with a boyish grin on his face. He turned the engine off and passed me my coat. I was still in my pajamas and so was him, making the both of look like two people on the hunt for some midnight snacks.

         Before we went out of the car, Alec brought my hand (which was still on his hand) to his lips and kissed it.

        "You're gonna love this," he assured.


       I hated it when people do things as if they know me. After all the crap that has happened, I tend to be secretive about myself. I didn't want people knowing the inner me. That was why I had mastered the bitch poker face that made people stay away from me. I've built walls around myself just to make people believe that I'm just that and not something more.

       But when I got the sight what Alec had for me, I was happy that the boy did in fact knew me.

      "Oh my gosh," I muttered as I took in what was in front of me.

       At the back of the building that we entered in was a huge clearing. It was too huge that you couldn't exactly see where it ends. From where we stood we could see mountains that California had to offer. It was still dark but you could still see from it's outlines. But what really struck me the most was the deflated huge balloon in front of us that was connected to a huge brown basket that could probably fit six people. Yup, you guessed it right, there was a freaking hot air balloon in front of me.

       Alec was looking at me with a smile on his face as I stared at the hot air balloon in front of me. I've always wanted to be in one of these.

       "We better be going in if we want to see the sunrise," Alec told me.

       I looked at him immediately with a shock look on my face. "What? Do you even know how to fly this?"

       A low chuckle escaped from his lips as he pulled me towards him. "If we want to die, then yes."

       He planted a soft kiss on my temple before pulling back. Once he was a bit away from me, a man that was probably on his mid-30s came into view. He was wearing a jumpsuit and a cap was on his head.

      "Tori, I'd like you to meet Gary Holland. I met him when I was shooting a movie," Alec introduced the man.

      Gary outstretched his hand for me to shake with a smile on his face.

      "Nice to meet you, Gary," I said as I shook his hand.

      "It's nice to finally meet, Alec's girlfriend," he said with a teasing smile directed towards us.

       I was lucky enough that it was still dark or my blush would have been for everyone to see. I would have looked like a tomato in a coat with her pyjamas on. Yup, both Alec and I were wearing our PJ's.

      Gary must have sensed that what he said made me blush like hell because he laughed out loud. He sobered up quickly then pressed his hands together.

      "Okay, we better be going up so we can catch the sunrise."


As the balloon ascended to the clouds and the cold air swept us, a feeling of wooziness and high engulfed me. There was this unexplainable feeling deep in my gut that the only thing I could do was smile as we ascend.

"Do you like it?" Alec asked as he cane up behind me.

I glanced sideways at him, allowing him to see the smile that was plastered on my face. I was beyond happy that it was shocking.

"I love it. Thank you, Alec."

His hands we holding the railing at the either side of my body, but he wasn't touching me. The sight of it was making my mood deflate, but I didn't allow it. I grabbed both of his hands and pulled it towards my body, making his arms encircle my waist. I heard Alec sigh before he pressed his cheek against my head.

"Anything for you."

We stayed silent for a few minutes. Both of us staring at the vast expanse of Los Angeles. It was still a bit dark but there was already a tinge of light. Slowly the sun started to ascend. The mountains that were merely shader a few seconds ago, started to show its true form. It was beyond beautiful.

"It's so beautiful, my gosh," I let out the words.

Alec's arms tightened around me. "Do you feel it?"

Slowly, I turned my body to look at him. Confused at his question, I asked what he meant.

"Like your heart is going to burst any minute. It's like a bittersweet moment where you're so happy you want to cry. Your heart's constricting and it's like you couldn't breathe properly," he explained.

I knew exactly what he meant. I was feeling those things at the moment but not because of the sunrise. It was simply because the man that I love was in front of me. His arms were wrapped around me. His smile was big and tinge with pure happiness. His eyes were on me and just me alone. I was sharing a beautiful moment with him and I would never replace this in a million years. Everything at the moment felt right. I was finally, truly and really okay.

"I know what you mean," I answered.

Alec nodded before leaning in for a kiss. But he didn't let out lips touch just yet.

"That's what I feel but simply because I'm with you," he murmured against my lips.


He chuckled right before kissing me with everything he had. And I did the same.

And in that moment I knew. I had to tell him. Alec deserved every last bit of the truth no matter how much it would haunt me.

When he pulled away I was already thinking how I would tell him. If I told him now it was gonna be a downer for the both of us. Maybe when we get back to the school... Just then Alec said something that was going to change things.

"Tori, will you please be my girlfriend again? I've always been yours, I just want to know that you're officially mine."


Hope you like it! Will start the next chapter tomorrow 😘

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Thank you!

Always smile :)


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