An Heir

By Vanhessa

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Book One of the Heritage Series Imogene is thirteen, and for the past six years her life has been the most co... More

Part One- Awakenings and Beginnings
Part Two- Books and Photographs
Part Three- A Meeting with Snakes
Part Four- In Sickness and in the Absence of Health
Part Five- My Mistress
Part Six- Wanted: Invisibility... or not
Part Eight- Insults will get you killed
Part Nine- Poison
Part Ten- The Birthmark
Part Eleven- The Curtain Rises
Part Twelve- Dreaming
Part Thirteen- Family
Part Fourteen- The Ancestral Centre
Part Fifteen- Questions left Unanswered
Part Sixteen- Regurgitation
Part Seventeen- With Morning Comes the End
Part Eighteen- Remorse, Regret and Rebirth
Part Nineteen- Failure
Part Twenty- Hallowe'en
Part Twenty One- Be the Broken or the Breaker
Part Twenty Two- claims of innocence
Part Twenty Three- Strange or Stranger
Part Twenty Four- Just a Theory
Part Twenty Five- The Start
Part Twent Six- Moderate Success
Part Twenty Seven- The Faulty Patronus
Part Twenty Eight- Sick
Part Twenty Nine- Merry Christmas
Part Thirty- Happy Birthday
Part Thirty One- Chasing the Ginger Cat
Part Thirty Two- A trip to Hogsmead
Part Thirty Three- The Final Exam
Part Thirty Four- The Curtain Rises
Part Thirty Five- Fought in Desperation
Part Thirty Six- The Curtain Closes

Part Seven- Professor Boggart

4.3K 121 3
By Vanhessa

In the morning I was the first up and living in an abandoned house full of snakes had taught me to be quiet enough that I wouldn't wake anyone even if I was being my version of noisy. I even snuck past Pansy, who was snoring like a chainsaw. I chuckled a little at that and then changed into my robes, tying the Slytherin; green and silver tie in place and then picking Sthyss up, shoving him unceremoniously in my bag and deserving the angry spitting it got me. I opened and closed the door silently, without even the slightest sound and walked slowly but surely up to the great hall, hoping that I wasn’t too early for breakfast.

My stomach growled angrily, making me wish that I’d eaten more last night as I reached the hall, there was toast and bacon and eggs and cereal. And as I sat down at the Slytherin table I helped myself to a bowl of cornflakes and a piece of toast, I had noticed this morning that the left over nausea had gone completely and I was feeling more energetic and most importantly less tired. No-one showed up after half an hour and I decided that I must have gotten up really early.  I looked up at the ceiling and noticed that there were clouds inside, I hadn't noticed it before; it was amazing, the way the sun seemed to glint through it just like it was outside. “It’s a start I suppose.” Sthyss had woken up and was peering out of the top of my bag.
It’s beautiful.” I smiled at him and then up at the ceiling. “I wish I knew what it -
Someone’s coming!” He interrupted me and I stopped speaking, instead I put my head down and dug into my cornflakes. I looked up a little and saw through my hair the girl who had been sitting with Harry, she had blonde-brown hair and her robes looked new. She sat down and put a piece of toast on her plate, spreading it with jam before she noticed me. She looked at me, but didn’t notice me looking at her and I continued watching as she stood and came over to where I sat and put her stuff down opposite me. “Um… It was really nice of you, shutting Malfoy up last night at the feast.” She sat watching me as I looked up and smiled.
“Oh, that’s alright; he was being a bit of a plonker.” I justified myself and she looked over the table, she saw my books and frowned.
“You’re taking Arithmancy?” she asked her eyebrows pushed together closely.
“I’m… um yeah, I had to catch up for the first two years of school last week and apparently I did a good enough job that Dumbledore said I could study the extra-”
“Wait, you caught up for two years of school in a week?”
“Um yeah I have photographic memory so… yeah.” I felt so uncomfortable at her disbelieving stare that squirmed a little, pulling my hair further over my wound so that she wouldn't notice.
She sat back and sighed. “So you’re just doing Arithmancy?” she asked.
“I'm also taking Muggle Studies and Ancient Runes.” I smiled at her as I took another mouthful of cereal.
“I am too.” She said finally.
I laughed and put down my spoon. “I'm glad I’m not the only crazy person here.”
“How are you getting to all your classes though, I presume that you’re doing all thirteen subjects?”
I frowned, and her excited look left her face briefly.
“I’m doing it without class time,” I said waiting for her reaction. I was positive that she would be going to every single class and I felt bad admitting that I was doing all the work without classes; looking at it now it seemed weird that professor Dumbledore had offered it in the first place.
“Oh… but you’re going to normal classes right?” She asked.
“Of course.” I grinned and she finally seemed to relax and took a bite of her toast. We munched away in silence for a few minutes and finally I worked up the nerve to speak, “So is Draco always like that?” I asked her.
“Yeah, he can be…” I had the feeling she had stopped herself from saying something else entirely. “Annoying.” She concluded finally. I smiled.
“He’s a git.” I said for her and she scoffed.
“I can tell you now that you’re the only person in Slytherin who thinks so.” Smirking she took another bite just as another student walked through the doors.
“Oh right.” Harry’s friend exclaimed suddenly, bringing me back to our conversation.
“I can’t believe I didn’t… well I suppose… My name’s Hermione.” She held out her hand and I shook it briefly.
“Imogene.” I introduced myself.

More and more students started coming through the doors and eventually Hermione left to go sit with her friends at the Gryffindor table, although it seemed people were a lot less rigid at breakfast because there were people sitting at other houses tables and I was sure that the reason she had moved was because of the other Slytherins that lazily showed up. Having finished my breakfast and with Sthyss safely in my bag I wandered off to the front of the hall where Professor Snape was handing out timetables, so far only two Slytherin’s had actually gone up to him so I was willing to wait but I was looking forward to my first class so I went up anyway.
“Ah so you’re still here.” Professor Snape said cryptically. Ignoring him I greeted him.
“Could I have my timetable please?” I asked, looking up at his pale face. He held my gaze for a few seconds and then handed me my timetable.
“Thank you professor.” I smiled mirthlessly and walked off.

I walked quickly out of the great hall that was now full of people and at the door ran into Professor McGonagall, I was however feeling pretty vexed about my head of houses’ attitude and it must have shown on my face. “Alright Imogen?” she asked as I was about to walk past her. I stopped and took a deep breath before explaining my mood.
“I think I understand now why Professor Dumbledore had qualms about the Sorting Hats’ decision. Am I that bad?” I asked her gesturing with my hand towards the hall.
She appeared to be confused for a moment and then conceded, “I do see what you mean and no you’re not. But there isn't anything you can do about it now.” We both sighed and she frowned. “I wouldn't worry about it Imogene, your classes are mixed with another house, in fact most of them with my own house, so you won’t have to put up with Mr. Malfoy alone.” I raised my eyebrows in surprise
“How did you know it was Malfoy-?” I began.
“It always is dear, now off you go, I’ll see you in Transfiguration.” She patted my shoulder and flinched away when she heard Sthyss from my bag. I smiled a little at her reaction and walked off, up the stairs and towards my first class. Defence against the Dark Arts.
I’m going back to the dorm after this.” Sthyss whispered in my ear, I was mildly startled by his closeness but I recovered.
Just don't come out during class, I’ll try and remember that you’re there.


“You can put your books away as we’ll be having a practical lesson today; so you’ll only need your wands.” I’d gone and sat down next to Hermione, who seemed to enjoy the company, from what I gathered she either sat on her own or with someone who intended to copy all her work. Professor Lupin led us out of the classroom and we trotted down to the teachers’ lounge, on the way we encountered Peeves, the schools Poltergeist.
“Loony Loopy Lupin, Loony Loopy Lupin.” He jeered melodically, Hermione looked confused, and I admit that I was too; normally Peeves left the teachers alone.
“Peeves you should take the chewing gum out of the lock, Filch won’t be happy.”
Peeves replied with a wet raspberry, Lupin, completely unfazed turned and looked to the class.
“Pay attention class, this could come in handy.”
“Waddiwassi.” As he said it there was a pop and the wad of chewing gum zoomed out of the lock and lodged itself up Peeves’ nose. He flew away screaming and cursing; only making us laugh harder. We calmed down a little and Professor Lupin let us into the teachers’ lounge. It was empty apart from Snape who was sitting in a chair by the fireplace, he looked at me and I stared back turned away. “Leave the door open Lupin, I don't want to have to see this.” He walked past us and left. Professor Lupin smiled as he shut the door behind him. “Alright this way please.” He directed us to the cupboard in the corner, which moved violently as we neared it. “W… what is that?!” One of the girls asked startled.
“It’s a boggart.” I said.
“Well done Imogene it is indeed a boggart.” He smiled at me and I smiled back. “Can anyone tell me what a boggart does?” Both Hermione and I shot our hands up into the air.
“It takes the form of whatever scares someone the most.” Hermione called.
“Exactly Hermione It takes the form of the thing you fear the most, therefore the way to get rid of one is to make it less scary by forcing it into a form that is truly funny, naturally, that makes laughter is the best way to finish a boggart. For example Neville, what are you most afraid of?” we all turned to look at Neville, who looked like he wished he could disappear. He whispered something and no-one heard him, not even the Professor who was standing next to him. “Sorry Neville I didn’t catch that.” He said.
“Pathetic; Longbottom,” I heard Draco ‘whisper’; I turned and looked at him disapprovingly and he seemed to stop, I couldn’t understand why but he listened to me.
“P…p…professor Snape,” he stuttered and I withheld a giggle, unlike everyone else who laughed uncontrollably, even Professor Lupin chuckled heartily.
“And I understand that you live with your grandmother.” He added once the other students had quieted down.
“Yes but I don't want it to turn into her either.” He sounded petrified, I didn’t blame him.
“Don't worry Neville; I just want you to think about her clothes, and only her clothes Neville.”
“She has a vulture topped hat, and a fox skin scarf, and a green lace dress…”
“And a handbag?” Professor Lupin prompted.
“Yeah, A red one.”
“Brilliant, now when the Professor Boggart Snape steps out of the cupboard I want you to picture him wearing your grandmothers’ clothes, raise your wand and thusly say ‘Riddikulus’, everyone say it now, without wands if you please.”
“Riddikulus” we repeated in unison.

Neville was ushered forward and stood nervously in front of the cupboard, “Ready Neville?” Professor Lupin asked lifting his wand; Neville nodded, looking paler than I was, and the auburn haired professor flicked his wand, an audible click resounding as the cupboard was unlocked.
Admittedly I hadn’t quite believed it when Neville said he was scared of Professor Snape but when I saw an exact replica of the creepy professor step menacingly out of the wardrobe I giggled; but I was the only one, everyone else seemed intent on poor, shaking Neville. “Riddikulus.” He mumbled, I hadn’t thought that it had worked at first until the boggart stumbled backwards and was suddenly dressed in a lacy green dress and wearing a stuffed; vulture topped hat. I laughed until I was crying as we were herded into a line I was pushed in between Harry and Hermione, and I could tell that everyone was thinking hard about what scared them the most. “Parvati, you’re up.” The Professor shouted from the front, Neville moved to the back of the line and another Gryffindor girl moved to the boggart, looking behind me I noticed that my fellow Slytherins had gathered at the back of the classroom. I pulled my hair back out of my face and tied it back so that I could think clearly about what it was I scared of. I thought about Sthyss, and about what would happen if he left me. But that didn’t scare me as much as worry me, so I racked my brain, but I couldn’t think of anything I was truly frightened and it was getting close to my turn. Harry was standing in front of me and the whole class jumped back; laughing as Harry’s ginger friend Ron walked towards the boggart and it turned into a giant, hairy spider. “Riddikulus!” He exclaimed excitedly and the spider crashed to the floor rolling around, its legs had disappeared completely and the class exploded into laughter, confusing the boggart. Harry was next in line and I watched as he stepped forwards nervously but with a clear smile on his face. Professor Lupin though looked at Harry and I could see the concern on his face, he jumped in front of the black haired boy in front of me just as the Boggart had looked at Harry “Here!” He shouted at it and got its full attention because it immediately changed into a glowing orb above his head. It that was when I thought about the moon and turning into a werewolf. “Riddikulus,” He yelled and it turned into a balloon and sagged shallowly to the ground. “Neville finish it off!” he instructed and Neville hurriedly ran forward and Professor boggart Snape returned, “Riddikulus.” He said and it was pushed back with a deafening crack into the wardrobe, where it fell silent.

“Excellent!” There was a collective sound of disappointment from the class and he smiled briefly. “No that’s enough for today five points to everyone who fought the Boggart and five points to Hermione and Imogene for answering my questions. If you would kindly go…” He looked at me and both his eyebrows shot up and then down again quickly, I suddenly became conscious of the fact I’d pulled back my hair; and that my wound was showing. I pulled it out immediately and looked down, it seemed that no-one else had noticed, the professor continued seamlessly. “Go back to the class and collect your things, I want each of you to read and summarise the chapter on Boggarts, to be handed in on Monday.” I rushed to the door and was about to bolt down the corridor when the professors voice called over the crowd of Slytherin and Gryffindor students pushing at each other. “Imogene could I see you please?” I sighed and reluctantly turned, Hermione frowned at me when I turned back and she stopped me briefly. “Imogene what happened to your face?” she whispered, and I shook my head and promised her that I would tell her later. I pushed past the rest of the scrambling people and finally past Draco who frowned at me and walked out of the room, flanked my Crabbe and Goyle.

“Yes professor?” I asked once all the students had left the staff room, he was sitting on the arm of a chair and looked very seriously at me, strangely he had a sorrowful look on his face and his voice was hoarse when he spoke. “What happened?” he asked indicating my face. I sighed and thought quickly to what I had told Dumbledore.
“My snake did it while he was moulting, I annoyed him and I didn’t realise that he was quite so tired.” I answered in what I thought was a believable voice; he lifted an eyebrow and pursed his lips.
“Your snake?” He said, and I wasn’t sure if it was a question.
“Yeah,” I replied quietly and he looked down at his hand, which when I followed his eyes had scratches and scabs all over them, the same sort of cuts I got.
“Alright off you go then.” He told me.
“Thank you professor.”
I left pretty quickly after that, because I was positive that he thought that I was up to something, and I wasn’t sure but I thought my Defence against the Dark Arts teacher was a werewolf.


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