Minecraft Diaries & Sky Media...

By LunchTableCrew

5.8K 113 84

Hey guys, it's the @LunchTableCrew here with our first Collab book! This will be One Shots of our favorite ch... More

Requests Are Open
Levin X Alexis The Party
Laurance X Aphmau Healing A Broken Heart
Max X OC (Cassidy) Part 1
Garroth X Aphmau The 7/11 Job
Laurance X Reader Can't Stop Singing
Max X OC (Cassidy) Part 2
Garroth X Reader Song Fiction : I Wouldn't Mind
Ross X Reader The Lego Challenge
Red X Reader I've Been Waiting Song Fiction : Say Something
News About Sky Media
MithRoss Extra
Max X Reader The Do Not Laugh
A Few Questions & Thank You! Kinda Important A/n
Happy (Late) Halloween!
Aaron x Reader I Can't Help Falling In Love

Twitter Ross x Reader

97 1 1
By LunchTableCrew

Hey guys, it's Jazmerf0218 finally typing a One Shot on this book!!!!!! Hope you enjoy!!!!!

Your Name= (YN)

Favorite Color= (FC) (not him literally MyStreet reference)

Twitter account= (TA)

Hair Color= (HC)

Hair Length= (HL)


Your POV

Right now I'm standing outside of the office, I knew Ross was coming into work today to do recordings for the channel. I have had a major crush on Ross since I got a job at the office's. Sometimes I have to avoid Ross so he won't see me blush like an idiot in front of him. I let out a sigh, and place my hand on the door with my (HL) (HC) hair in my face.

        "Hey (YN), what's up you look a bit tense" a voice is heard behind me. I turn around to see it was Adam. "Oh me nothing's wrong if anything would be wrong then I would tell someone" I babble nervously. He raises his eyebrows and gives me the stare down. "Stop staring at me like that" I tell him. "This wouldn't have anything to do with Ross would it" he asks me. A small blush spreads onto my checks. To my luck it was viable for Adam to see. "It is" he yells. I quickly cover his mouth and look around me to see if anyone was around.

"Not so loud" I pled. "You like him! You like him" Adam says with enthusiasm, but quietly. "Please don't say anything" I pled even more. "Why you guys would look cute together" he tells me. "I don't think he likes me" I say. Adam thinks for a minute, "Then I'm going to have to find a way to get you two together" he says before running off. I stand there, trying to piece together what happened. I let out another sigh and walk into the office. I just have to survive today with out embarrassing myself in front of Ross. Easy enough, to easy even for a mouse.

         "Hey (YN)" Max calls me when I walking past his station. "Oh hey Max didn't expect to see you till mid-day" I tell him. "Yeah I decided to show up early with Ross" he explains. "Oh and Adam told me to tell you that your office is under construction". Adam didn't tell me about this outside. "So where am I suppose to work" I asked. "Your going to be put in Ross's office till your office is done" Max explained. "You mean just me and Ross sharing an office" I asked a little nervous. "Yeah why" Max asked. "Um no reason I'll just get to work now" I say quickly and run away.

           I ran into the girls bathroom and locked the door. This couldn't be happening, I mean I'm glad that I'm getting at least a space to work but what if Ross thinks I'm weird. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. I can do this, it's only Ross. I leave the bathroom and walk down to Ross's office. When I walk in I see that all my stuff from my office has been placed into Ross's. My pc, my (FC) fluffy chair, my neko atsume kitty (is that how you spell it), and other things.

        "Hey" a voice called behind me. I jump a little and turned around to see it was Ross. "Ross don't scare me like that" I tell him and put my hand over my heart. "Sorry, I was just finishing up moving your stuff in here" he explains. My eyes widen, "You moved everything that was in my office" I asked. "Well yeah I thought you could use the help" he replies. He smiles at me, I blush a little bit knowing he moved everything for me. "Um thanks" I mutter. We stand there for a little bit, then he goes to sit down at his pc.

         I walk over to mine, then pull up to my Twitter page, and log into (TA). I posted a video last night asking the viewers what kind of challenge they wanted me to do. I pull up the comments to see that everyone wanted me to do a Twitter Dare (something I made up). That settles that, I'll just need someone to do it with. That's when I noticed a specific comment from Ross. I'll do this challenge with you ok read the comment. I blush and look slightly back to see Ross recording.

           When he is done he turns to me and asks, "Do you wanna do the challenge video now". I smile and give him a nod. We walk out of the office and go into the challenge room. We decided to set the challenge up as a live stream. After setting everything up I pull up the dares and we get started. "Hey guys (YN) here with Ross the sloth" I joke. "I'm not a sloth" Ross complained. I laughed a little bit, Ross looked a bit shocked that I laughed. I wonder why?


Ross's POV

        I don't think I can put off my feelings any longer. I agreed to do this video with her so I can get to know her better. I didn't expect this challenge video to be difficult to do. I guess I was wrong.


Your POV

      "Ok so the first dare is for Ross" I snickered at the dare. "You have to be a Yandere for five whole minutes". "Whose going to be my Senpai" he asked. I think for a minute for the perfect person. "Do Adam, you'll grab a camera and pretend to film him while I film you two from a distance" I suggest. Ross grabs the other vlog and we go to find Adam. I stand somewhere where I can film everything. Ross stands behind a corner peaking out looking at Adam. It took awhile but Adam finally noticed and ask Ross what he was doing. Ross just kept saying "I'm making sure no one touched my Senpai". It was hilarious, Adam kept looking behind him to see if Ross was still there.

Time skip to a couple of dares later

"I think we can do one more before we close off" I tell Ross. "Yeah, this time except doing them at random let's just do the first one that comes up" he suggests. I smile and nod and reload the page. The first comment dare that pulled up was for both me and Ross. The dare said: I dare (YN) and Ross to kiss during the Twitter Dare video. This caused me to go into a deep blush.

"What's the next dare" Ross asked me. I looked at him and blush even more and hand him my phone. He reads the comment and pauses out of shock. I don't know if it was me but I could've sworn he blushed as well. "Well um I um" I stutter. "Um yeah well it is um the first dare to come up" he stutters as well. I feel Ross scouting closer to me. He puts his finger under my chin and lifts my head up. Before I could look down again Ross quickly puts his lips on mine. My eyes widen, but I soon relaxed and kiss back.

When we separate all we could hear was someone trying to keep their excitement in. "Thank you Twitter" someone muttered. We turn to the door to see Adam peeking in on us with a camera turned on. Yeah, thank you Twitter.

It's done hallelujah I did it!!!! Yassss so this is my Ross X reader tell me what you thought in the comments!!! I'll see you guys later!!! Bye bye!!!

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