When A Man Fell In Love With...

By twelvewolves

21.9K 296 77

When A Man Fell In Love With A Man More

When A Man Fell In Love With A Man

21.9K 296 77
By twelvewolves

Sorry if the grammars are wrong.

"Jagiya (Jagiya means "babe" in Korean), I'll wait for you outside and please be in a hurry we're gonna be late for my parents wedding silver anniversary celebration", - Baekhyun

"Yes, jagiya. I'll just go upstairs to get my gift for your parents", Mary Kate said. Baekhyun waited inside his car and he kept on checking his wrist watch because they are almost late and it's because of Mary Kate but Baekhyun doesn't want to blame his girl friend because he loves her so much. Finally, Mary Kate arrived so Baekhyun start the car engine and departed.

They were on a road and Baekhyun was driving. It's already 6:56pm so Baekhyun was really in a hurry driving at the road. The location of Baekhyun's parents wedding silver anniversary celebration is at a resort and the road they are passing by was near somewhere on a mountain place and cliffs. Mary Kate was already used to Baekhyun driving really fast even though she scold Baekhyun for how many times but he still never listen to her.

"Can you slow down a little bit? We are on a road where cliffs are near. It's dangerous and it looks like it's going to rain", Mary Kate said when the rain started to pour.

Baekhyun slowed down but when he is about to step on the brake, a big trailer truck who was also in hurry driving slipped on the road causing the truck to drive left to right until the truck kept on bumping Baekhyun's car. Mary Kate was holding on the holding bar of her side door. Baekhyun kept on driving just to get away from the truck that was bumping on his car but the trailer truck driver can't control his truck when the truck bumped Baekhyun's car again. The impact was so strong that made Baekhyun's car fell near the road cliff. Baekhyun's car turned around for like 6 times until a tree blocked his car for falling.

The car was upside down while Baekhyun and Mary Kate are both unconscious. Baekhyun opened his eyes, he was wounded with a little blood on his head but still he can move but when he turn on his right he saw his girl friend Mary Kate.

"Jagiya? Jagiya? Mary Kate!", Baekhyun saw Mary Kate full of blood on her head. Baekhyun can't get out of his seat because his seatbelt was stuck. He was crying trying to wake Mary Kate but she won't. Since he's also wounded and injured, he also lost his consciousness. The next day, Baekhyun woke up on a hospital bed. He saw himself with a small bandage on his head and a dextrose. He also saw his parents near him.

"Mom, dad where's Mary Kate?", Baekhyun's parents expression was a little blank.

"Where's Mary Kate?!", - Baekhyun

"Baekhyun, Mary Kate is in a coma. Her parents transferred her in a different hospital because her parents doesn't like to see you anymore. They told us that you should stay away from Mary Kate, I'm sorry", Baekhyun's mom told him. Baekhyun cried because he is blaming himself of what happened to Mary Kate.

After a week of staying in the hospital, Baekhyun asked some information from Mary Kate's friends where hospital was Mary Kate staying. One of Baekhyun and Mary Kate's close friend Kris helped Baekhyun. They were at the hospital where Mary Kate was staying. Secretly, while Mary Kate's parents were gone, Baekhyun got a chance to visit Mary Kate. Visitors are not allowed to enter the room where Mary Kate was lying on her hospital bed. Baekhyun saw from the glass window Mary Kate and he can't imagine seeing Mary Kate like that. Mary Kate has a lot of bruises and wounds, she has a big bandage on his head and their were a lot of wires connected to her.

"The doctor said they don't know when Mary Kate will wake up. They also said that the wires that are all connected to her is the only thing that can make her live", Kris said. Baekhyun just cried of what Kris just told him. Baekhyun ran away running upstairs of the hospital until he arrived to the highest part of the hospital which is the rooftop. Baekhyun was slowly walking to the edge of the building with his closed and teary eyes.

"This is all my fault, jagiya. I'm sorry, Mary Kate that I let this happened to you. God, please let Mary Kate live and just take me instead please", Baekhyun was about to jump from the building when he heard a guitar playing somewhere near him. He looked to his back when he saw a guy playing a guitar sitting on a bench.

"Can you leave?!", Baekhyun said. The guy saw Baekhyun at the edge of the building so he approached him.

"What are you doing there?", the guy asked.

"Can't you see? I'm going to jump from this building", - Baekhyun

"Do you want to die?", the guy asked again.

"Are you stupid?!  What do you think am I doing here on the edge of this building?!", - Baekhyun 

"Then fine.... jump", the guy walked away and continue playing his guitar. Baekhyun was about to jump but he was still hesitating. Baekhyun thought that the guy he talked to a while ago left already but he was still there.

"Come on go jump already. I think it will be the best show I will ever watch", the guy laughed a little. Baekhyun was about to jump from the building when the guy pulled him so both of them fell on the ground of the rooftop. Baekhyun's plan of jumping from the building was a fail.

"What are you doing?! I said leave! Leave me alone! I should sacrifice my life just to let my girlfriend live but you stopped me", - Baekhyun

"I may not know you and this is the first time we met but this is not the answer to your problem. Suicide is never the answer to any problem. I'm sure your girlfriend can do it just tell her to fight", the guy said.

"My girlfriend is in a coma and the doctor said maybe she will never wake up", - Baekhyun

"You know what? We're the same. My girlfriend? She's 4 years sleeping on her hospital bed here at the hospital because she's in a coma too and life support is the only thing that can let her live for this long time. The doctor told me she will never wake up. Her parents sometimes thought of giving up on her but I always say to them to trust me because I know someday she will wake up. Look? I'm still here waiting for her and I always say to her "Jagiya, just fight..... fight, jagiya fight", Baekhyun listened to the guy who was trying to cover his teary eyes with his smile when the guy took his guitar that he left a while ago on the bench.

"And this thing? It's the only thing where I get my strength. I always play guitar if I feel sad and alone. I never think of suicide because if I do kill myself, when my girlfriend wake up someday, I know she will be sad if she will know I killed myself. We may not know each other but I just want to say, fight.... just fight. Trust me someday everything will be fine", the guy smiled and he left when the guy came back to him.

"By the way I'm Park Chanyeol and you are?", Chanyeol smiled.

" Baekhyun, Byun Baekhyun", - Baekhyun

"Baekhyun? Well that's a nice name", Chanyeol smiled and he left. Days passed by, Baekhyun was always secretly visiting Mary Kate at the hospital hoping that she will wake up. Thanks to the random guy name Chanyeol, Baekhyun was still alive after having an attempt of suicide. After visiting Mary Kate, Baekhyun decided to go to the hospital's cafeteria for food. Baekhyun bought coffee and croissant bread but the cafeteria was loaded of people and had no seat to sit when someone called him.

"Baekhyun! Hey! Here! Sit with me!", Chanyeol called him. Since Baekhyun was really hungry, he sat and ate together with Chanyeol. Baekhyun was just blank eating while Chanyeol was just happily eating.

"Hey, at least smile a little while eating. Do you know that the food is more delicious if eaten while smiling?", Chanyeol said so Baekhyun smiled to him a little.

"So how's your girlfriend?", Chanyeol asked but Baekhyun just looked at him.

"Sorry. It's okay if you don't like to talk about her. By the way, do you know today is my girlfriend and I 6th anniversary? That's why I bought blueberry cheesecake as my meal today it's her favorite dessert", - Chanyeol 

 "Happy 6th year to you and your girl friend", Baekhyun greeted him so Chanyeol just laughed a little.

"Here, have a taste of this blueberry cheesecake", Chanyeol gave Baekhyun a spoonful of blueberry chesecake but Baekhyun refused it.

"Sorry if I treat you like my girlfriend. I'm really weird I just miss my girl friend", - Chanyeol

"It's okay I understand you. I miss my girl friend too", Baekhyun noticed that Chanyeol looked sad.

"Is there something wrong?", - Baekhyun

"No, nothing I'm just happy to had a friend again. Some of my friends left me because they told me I was crazy or obsessed about my girlfriend who's in a coma for 4 years. My parents even don't talk with me anymore because they thought I was just wasting my time waiting for my girlfriend to wake up but I love her. People can wait for a long time just for their love ones. Is it okay if I can be your friend?", - Chanyeol

"I understand you. I had a lot of friends too they were Mary Kate's friends too. They all blame me on what happened to my girlfriend that's why some of them abandoned and left me but it's okay, I can accept any consequences that will come to me I know it's really my fault. I should not drive so fast that time while I was driving on that road during the rain where cliffs are near", Baekhyun sadly said. Many months came, Baekhyun and Chanyeol became friends. They were always there for each other since they had the same situation about their girlfriends. After Baekhyun visited Mary Kate's room at the hospital, he was walking at the hallway when he noticed an open hospital room and saw Chanyeol talking to someone. He's holding the hand of a young woman sleeping and lying on the hospital bed with wires on her body.

"Happy 78th monthsary, jagiya. I know monthsaries are still important to you just like anniversaries. I celebrated our 6th anniversary 6 months ago eating your favorite blueberry cheesecake. I was eating it happily because I know you'll scold me if I eat while I am sad right? Jagiya, I hope in our 7th anniversary next year I hope you're already with me. Jagiya, please wake up.  Aren't you tired sleeping? Jagiya, still keep on fighting, fight, fight, fight okay?", Chanyeol said when he saw Baekhyun at the door.

"I was walking at the hallway then I saw you here", Baekhyun was about to leave but Chanyeol approached him.

"Don't leave. I'm sure my girlfriend will be happy if someone's visiting her even though she don't know you. I'll introduce you to my girlfriend", Chanyeol held Baekhyun's hand to introduce him to his girlfriend.

"Jagiya, I know you can hear me. I had a friend here he's Baekhyun. Baekhyun, this is my girlfriend Yoorim", Baekhyun smiled to her but he also felt sad seeing Chanyeol that he still treat his girlfriend like she can hear or talk to him. Baekhyun looked at Yoorim on the hospital bed with her life support that reminds him of his girlfriend Mary Kate who's in a coma too just like Yoorim.

"Baekhyun, at least say hi to my girlfriend", - Chanyeol

"Hi, Yoorim. I'm Baekhyun, Chanyeol's friend", - Baekhyun

"My girlfriend is pretty right? She's the most beautiful girl I ever saw", Chanyeol smiled. Baekhyun just smiled to Chanyeol but Baekhyun felt more sadness so he decided to leave Yoorim's hospital room and he went back to Mary Kate's hospital room. He approached Mary Kate's hospital bed and he held her hand crying.

"Mary Kate, I miss you please wake up. I'm scared..... I'm scared that I'll end up like Chanyeol. Mary Kate, please wake up. I can't imagine seeing you these coming years still like this I know it's my fault. Mary Kate, I'm so sorry. I love you please wake up please", Baekhyun suddenly remembered what Chanyeol told him before.

"Fight, Mary Kate fight..... fight, jagiya fight.....", Baekhyun said when a teardrop of tears came out from Mary Kate's closed eyes like he heard him even though she's not awake when Mary Kate's parents entered the hospital room and saw Baekhyun.

"What are you doing here?! I told you to stay away from my daughter right?!", Mary Kate's father hit him on his face with his fist. Baekhyun just let Mary Kate's father hurt him because he thought that he deserve it after the car accident.

"Look, Baekhyun look! Look at what you did to my daughter?! You promised before that you'll take care of our daughter but look! Did you take good care of her?! No you didn't! You don't love her! Because if you love her you'll never let this happen to my daughter now leave, Baekhyun and never come back", Mary Kate's mother said and Mary Kate's father pushed him to leave Mary Kate's hospital room.

People that are passing by at the hallway saw how Mary Kate's father pushed Baekhyun. Baekhyun was lying on the floor crying blaming himself on what really happened to Mary Kate when Chanyeol saw him so he helped him. After what happened, Chanyeol and Baekhyun was drinking together in a restaurant. Baekhyun already drank 4 bottles of beer.

"Baekhyun, stop. You already drank 4 bottles. Drinking will never solve your problems but to face them", Chanyeol tried to stop him but Baekhyun still opened a new bottle of beer when Baekhyun broke the glass of the beer making the glass having sharp edges and he start cutting his wrist.

"Baekhyun! Don't do it! Stop!", Chanyeol tried to stop Baekhyun cutting his wrist who was crying so Chanyeol suddenly hugged him.

"Fight, Baekhyun fight! Just fight! I know it's difficult just keep on fighting if you love your girlfriend. This is the time your girlfriend need you the most, you can't leave her. Your girlfriend is fighting for her life, my girlfriend too is fighting for her life for years but still here I am fighting for me to be strong. I'm thinking positive that someday my girlfriend will wake up. Baekhyun just fight I will help you. They need us. Don't give up and fight okay? I'm here and I will help you. We will help each other", Chanyeol said and he took the sharp glass from Baekhyun. Chanyeol used his handkerchief to cover Baekhyun's wounded wrist.

"I'm scared, Chanyeol. What if Mary Kate might end up like Yoorim? I can't imagine seeing Mary Kate that way especially if I am the reason on what happened to Mary Kate. I'm scared, Chanyeol", Baekhyun said so he just hugged him. Week after, Baekhyun and Chanyeol decided to eat at the Starbucks after visiting the hospital. Baekhyun ordered for a coffee and a croissant bread while Chanyeol ordered coffee and a blueberry cheesecake.

"It's you and Yoorim's monthsary again right? That's why you ordered blueberry cheesecake again?", Chanyeol smiled and nodded when Chanyeol noticed a small piece of croissant bread on Baekhyun's chin. Baekhyun didn't notice it and kept on drinking his coffee so Chanyeol removed the small piece of croissant bread on his chin.

"Don't do that. People will look at us in a weird way", Baekhyun laughed.

"So what if people will look at us in a weird way? We are just best friends! By the way you look better that way so you should smile a lot", Chanyeol smiled. Next day, Baekhyun visited Mary Kate again. He's talking to her telling stories and updates about his life.

"Mary Kate, I had a new friend and I think he's weird. I had a lot of guy friends but Chanyeol he's different. I don't know why but he treat me like a woman. It's really weird. When I'm with him I can forget my problems for a little while because he's funny. He always tell me funny jokes especially when he laugh and smile, he really look stupid which is really funny. When you wake up I'll introduce you to him okay?", Baekhyun kept on smiling telling Mary Kate a story. After visiting Mary Kate, Baekhyun decided to visit Chanyeol at Yoorim's hospital room but Baekhyun was suprised to see that Yoorim's hospital room was already empty and the nurse are already cleaning the hospital room. Baekhyun saw Chanyeol sitting at the corner of the hospital room so Baekhyun approached him.

"What happenned? Where's Yoorim?", Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun with his teary eyes.

"Her parents gave up. They removed her life support and now she's gone.....", Chanyeol cried so Baekhyun hugged him.

"If her parents love her, why do they let go of their daughter? I even bought blueberry cheesecake for her for our 82nd monthsary today but then when I entered her hospital room she's already gone", Chanyeol

"It's Yoorim's parents decision. When parents decide for their child it means it's for their own good. It doesn't mean that they don't love Yoorim anymore but maybe they thought that it's time to let go of her", - Baekhyun

"Let go?", - Chanyeol

"Yes, let go of her. For 4 years you waited for Yoorim to wake up, can't you also think and feel sometimes that Yoorim also get tired fighting for herself to live? With the life support that are connected to her for 4 years, seeing their daughter unconscious on hospital bed for 4 years, for her parents it's tiring and painful to see that and maybe for the better and good they let go of Yoorim somewhere far away where her parents know Yoorim is at a good happy place., a place where she's okay. Chanyeol, I'm sure at the place where Yoorim is staying right now she's already awake watching you. Maybe it's time to let her go", - Baekhyun

"Do you know Yoorim asked me to let go of her since before she was in a coma? We dated for 8 months, we became a couple for 1 year. That 1 year and 8 months that I am with her are the days I will never forget in my life. She would always make surprise for me during our monthsaries and anniversaries, she would always bake me a blueberry cheesecake because it's her favorite dessert and I always play guitar for her but after a week of our 1st anniversary, she broke up with me. She was honest to me saying that she fell in love with someone. I didn't get mad at her maybe because I just really love her so I followed her everywhere with her boyfriend until she told me...."


"Stop following my girlfriend, bro", Chen, Yoorim's new boyfriend angrily said.

"Chen, it's okay. I'll talk to him", Yoorim talked to Chanyeol and he even gave Yoorim a blueberry cheesecake but she refused it.

"Chanyeol, please forget about me and I am so sorry for breaking your heart. I love you but that was before, I love Chen now. We can still be friends and that's it. I'm sorry if I am not the right one for you and I promise you, Chanyeol someday you'll find the right one for you", - Yoorim 

"Yoorim, I still can't forget you. Please come back to me I love you so much", Chanyeol said with his teary eyes.

"Chanyeol, if you love me then let me go....", Yoorim said and she walked away.


"After a week of what happened, she and her boyfriend got in to a car accident. Her boyfriend got minor injuries and when he knew Yoorim got in to a coma he never visit her anymore. The time Yoorim need Chen the most he was not there. The time when Yoorim need someone to pray and stay for her, Chen was not there but me I was always there for her. That time I know Yoorim needs someone to be with her because I know she doesn't like going to hospital. I always stay for her because I know she's scared with all those wires connected to her, brain operations and medicines. 4 years, Baekhyun..... 4 years I waited someday that she'll wake up but I think it's really time that I should let her go. The last time we talked she told me if I do love her then I should let her go.I'm letting her go now but please, Baekhyun help me..... help me forget her", Chanyeol cried so Baekhyun hugged him. Months passed by, Baekhyun helped Chanyeol forget Yoorim and still, he's waiting for Mary Kate to wake up.

"I thought you're going to visit Mary Kate today?", - Chanyeol

"It's okay I can visit her tomorrow. You told me yesterday that it's your treat today at Starbucks right?", the two ate together at the Starbucks again. Baekhyun ordered coffee and croissant bread while Chanyeol ordered the same food too unlike before Chanyeol would always order blueberry cheesecake. Afterwards, Chanyeol and Baekhyun decided to walk at the park together with Chanyeol's guitar with him. They were seating near the colorful dancing fountains while eating popcorn when Chanyeol took his guitar.

"Hey I'll play guitar and you sing", Chanyeol smiled.

"No, Chanyeol no. Just ask me to do anything except singing", Baekhyun laughed.

"Just one song please? Sing for me and I'll play guitar for you", - Chanyeol

"Okay", Baekhyun said so Chanyeol start to play the guitar and Baekhyun sang. (Please click the YouTube link at the side for the song that Baekhyun sang and the guitar song that Chanyeol played). After the two performed, they just laughed.

"I used to sing that song for Mary Kate before", Baekhyun laughed a little.

"Really? You know I never play guitar in front of someone if I do then she or he must be a special person to me. Baekhyun, I think.... I think I'm in love with you", - Chanyeol

"Stop joking around, Chanyeol and here let's..... let's just eat popcorn and watch the colorful dancing fountain", - Baekhyun

"I'm serious, Baekhyun I'm in love with you. I know I always joke around when I'm with you but this time I'm serious and I really mean it, Baekhyun I do love you", Baekhyun walked away from him so Chanyeol followed him.

"Don't you love me too?", - Chanyeol

"Chanyeol, I still had Mary Kate with me", - Baekhyun

"Don't you think it's time to let go of her too?", - Chanyeol

"I can't, Chanyeol I'm sorry", Baekhyun walked away. The next day, Baekhyun visited Mary Kate at the hospital.

"Mary Kate, I don't know if you will like the story I will tell you today. Mary Kate, what if.... what if I told you I fell in love with someone? Remember the guy that I always talk about? Chanyeol? I think I'm in love with him too", Baekhyun said holding Mary Kate's right hand when Baekhyun didn't notice that Mary Kate's left hand moved a little like she heard what Baekhyun said to her when Mary Kate's mom entered the hospital room.

"What are you doing here again?", Mary Kate's mother angrily said.

"I promised this will be the last time I'm visiting Mary Kate. I'm letting her go. Don't you think it's time to let go of her? Every time I visit her, for 1 year and 7 months that she's on that hospital bed don't you think she's also tired? If we will wait for her for years it will be tiring for us but it will be more tiring for Mary Kate. Me, you, even the doctors don't know when will she wake up. It's always difficult for me to see Mary Kate like this because I know it's my fault but it will be more difficult for her if she'll be in a coma like forever. I can't see her suffer anymore like this", - Baekhyun

"I will never give up for my daughter. I will never stop fighting and I know someday Mary Kate will wake up", Mary Kate's mother said so Baekhyun left. Mary Kate's mother and Baekhyun didn't notice that a teardrop of tears came out from Mary Kate's closed eyes like she can hear them even though she's not awake.

Even though Baekhyun still loves Mary Kate, he thought that Mary Kate might end up like Yoorim who fought for her life for 4 years and never waking up. Chanyeol felt depressed after not seeing Baekhyun for how many days. He would always stay at the Starbucks, the place where Baekhyun and him always eat together. Chanyeol was just sitting alone blankly with his coffee when someone put a blueberry cheesecake on his table. Chanyeol looked to his back when he saw someone so he happily hugged him. 

"I miss you! I thought you're never coming back to me", both of them hugged each other when Chanyeol noticed that the other costumers in the coffee shop are looking at them weirdly.

"Sorry. I remember before that you hate it if I do this kind of things since others might find it weird ", Chanyeol said so Baekhyun laughed at him.

"No, it's okay. I don't care what people will think of us the important thing is you're with me and I love you", Baekhyun said so Chanyeol hugged him again. Baekhyun and Chanyeol became a couple that day even though some people hates them because of their relationship but they don't care about it as long as they love each other. After a year, Baekhyun and Chanyeol celebrated their 1st anniversary eating in a restaurant and walking around the park then Chanyeol dropped Baekhyun to his home.

"So I'll see you tomorrow, jagiya", - Chanyeol

"Yes, jagiya", Chanyeol already left when Baekhyun was about to get his door key from his pocket, he saw a young lady waiting in front of his door.

"Jagiya?", the young lady ran to him and she hugged him.

"Mary Kate?", Baekhyun said.

"Jagiya, for how many months I was searching for you because my parents was not giving me any information about you then finally I found you. Baekhyun I miss you so much!", - Mary Kate 

"I...... I miss you too, Mary Kate", after Baekhyun let go of Mary Kate thinking that Mary Kate might never wake up, 4 months ago, after 2 years and months of coma Mary Kate woke up. When Mary Kate woke up, the first thing she asked to her parents was Baekhyun but her parents don't like to talk about Baekhyun anymore. After Mary Kate was released from the hospital, she immediately asked her close friends where did Baekhyun go until a friend of them named Kris told Mary Kate Baekhyun's new home address.

"I thought you'll never wake up", - Baekhyun

"Baekhyun, I woke up for you. I fought, I heard you saying to me before to fight. I fought, jagiya you told me to fight I did because I love you", after knowing that Mary Kate woke up, Baekhyun don't understand his feelings. He loves Chanyeol but he loves Mary Kate too. Next day, Baekhyun and Chanyeol are at the park sitting on the bench. Baekhyun told Chanyeol that Mary Kate woke up from her coma.

"It's.... it's unfair. Why? What happened? It's unfair. How did Mary Kate wake up after 2 years and months of coma while I remember Yoorim before who was in a coma for 4 years? Why did God made Mary Kate live again? It's unfair", - Chanyeol

"Chanyeol, don't ever think that it's unfair. It has a reason why Yoorim left. Remember what you told me before about Yoorim when she broke up with you? When she made a promise to you that someday you're going to find the right one for you? That's me, Chanyeol. Before she left this world, she fulfilled that promise to you, she gave me to you, she left because you already had me. She stayed on that hospital bed for 4 years to fulfill her promise to you now tell me is it unfair?", Baekhyun asked with his teary eyes.

"This is not about Yoorim anymore, Baekhyun! Now I only care about is you! Mary Kate came back to you, you'll leave me right? Like what Yoorim did to me? You, guys always left me I just don't know why", Chanyeol walked away so Baekhyun followed him.

"Chanyeol, listen to me. I never told you I'll leave you. Chanyeol, I love you, you know that just please give me time to think", - Baekhyun

"It's okay. Because I love you, Baekhyun if you still want Mary Kate I'll let you go. Go with her, I'll be fine", Chanyeol smiled just to hide his tears and he walked away. After months, they never talk and see each other anymore until one day, Mary Kate and Baekhyun decided to get married.

"It's your wedding day! Don't be sad! Aren't you happy? That's your dream before right?", - Kris 

"That was my old dream, Kris I had a new dream now", Kris looked at Baekhyun confused of what he just said.

 "Mary Kate, are you sure you're going to marry Baekhyun? What if he will hurt you again?", Mary Kate's mom said.

"Mom, I love Baekhyun. If you love me as your daughter you should love Baekhyun too as your son", Mary Kate said and she hugged her mom. Finally, the wedding march song started to play. Mary Kate was smiling walking at the red carpet while Baekhyun was still not sure if he'll marry Mary Kate or what.

"Baekhyun, do you accept Mary Kate as your wife?", the priest asked. Baekhyun took him long to answer the question.

"Jagiya, are you okay?", - Mary Kate

"Yes, where were we? Father, can you repeat the question?", the priest repeated what he said but Mary Kate suddenly lost her smile.

"Just.... just go, go Baekhyun", - Mary Kate

"What? What do you mean? We need to continue our wedding, Mary Kate father please continue", - Baekhyun

"Stop the wedding. Father we won't continue anymore", the guests started to whisper to each other and felt confused.

"But, Mary Kate why?", Baekhyun looked at her confused.

"When I was in a coma before I always heard your stories about Chanyeol. Go, just go", Mary Kate smiled to Baekhyun with her teary eyes.

"I'm sorry, Mary Kate. I never expect myself falling in love with a man especially I'm a man too. I'm sorry for hurting you again", Baekhyun said with his teary eyes.

"Falling in love is never a mistake, Baekhyun. When I fell in love with you it's one of the best thing that happened to me. When you said to me to fight when I was in a coma, I fought. You taught me how to fight reason why I had a second chance to live. You gave me a second life, Baekhyun and if I'll marry you it's like I just wasted my second life because I know you will not be happy with me. Now go find Chanyeol", Mary Kate smiled with her teary eyes. Baekhyun hugged Mary Kate and then he left. While running away, Mary Kate's father was supposed to run after him but Mary Kate stopped his father

"Dad, if you love someone you should let him go", Mary Kate's parents just hugged Mary Kate as she watched Baekhyun leave their wedding. Baekhyun ran away to find Chanyeol. He went to the park where him and Chanyeol always stay. Baekhyun sat on a bench in front of the colorful dancing fountains, the place where Chanyeol confessed to him before hoping that Chanyeol might come there again when someone approached him.

"I miss you so much! Not seeing you for how many months are the worst part of my life", - Baekhyun

"Mary Kate called me to her wedding but when I arrived, she told me you left to search for me so I decided to come here at the park and then here, I saw you", Chanyeol said and both of them laughed.

"I love you", - Baekhyun

"I love you too", Chanyeol said when a colorful fireworks display was shown at the park so they watch the colorful fireworks.

--THE END-- 

                                                                                                BUT WAIT....... xD

"I just had the weirdest dream ever! Baekhyun and Chanyeol got married and then--", Tao fell asleep in a wedding when he was interrupted when he saw that the wedding they were attending was Baekhyun and Chanyeol's wedding.

"That was not a dream? It's true", - Tao

"I hope after their wedding ours will be the next", Kris said so Tao looked at him weirdly.

"Are you..... are you gay too?", Tao weirdly asked when Kris smiled and winked at him.


Message: Sorry again for the wrong grammars. This story was made by imaginations only. Please don't plagiarize this story, don't translate it to other languages and don't use this story to write it as a novel book.

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