The Big Book of Jokes

By Carolyn2626

1K 73 3


The Funny Story
Seven Facts In This World
The Business
Just a Short Story
The Naughty Kid
Wrong Number
Smart Son Joke
Cats Are Liquids
Future Plans
Ugly is winning
Mindless teacher
The smart boy
Prime Minister
Funny Jokes
School life
The Interview
The Misunderstanding Phone Call

Little mixed up Johnny

30 3 0
By Carolyn2626

One day in school...
Teacher: Ok kids. Your assignment today is to find out what 1+1 means.
Little Johnny reached home and asked  his mom. But his mom is still firing a maid.
Johnny: Mom, what does 1+1 mean?
Mom: Get out of here, get out of here!
Little Johnny wrote that down. Then he went to his brother. But his brother was listening to a music in the same time singing.
Johnny: Big brother, what does 1+1 mean?
Brother: Hit Bebe one more time.
Little Johnny wrote that down. He then went to his grandma. But his grandma is so old that she couldn't hear clearly.
Johnny: Grandma, what does 1+1 mean?
Grandma: Pinch the nipple?
Little Johnny wrote that down and went to his dad. But his father is still voting for a president.
Johnny: Dad, what does 1+1 mean?
Dad: George Butch! George Butch!
Little Johnny wrote that down. Then he went to his maid. But the maid is really busy.
Johnny: What does 1+1 mean?
Maid: I'll be back.
So little Johnny wrote that down. The next day at school...
Teacher: Ok. Johnny, what does 1+1 mean?
Johnny: Get out of here, get out of here!
The teacher slaps Johnny.
Teacher: Seriously, Johnny. What does 1+1 mean?
Johnny: Hit me Bebe one more time.
Teacher: Go to the principal office now!
Teacher and little Johnny went to the principal office.
Principal: Ok, Johnny, what did you do wrong?
Johnny: Pinch the nipple.
Principal: You are suspended!
Johnny: I'll be back.

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