Slowly Falling in Love (Starc...

By Neygu753

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Will Star is the one will slowly falling in love with Marco? Or Marco will be the one slowly falling in love... More

Chapter 1: Where's Your Wand?
Chapter 2: I'm Still Magical
Chapter 3: Do You Like Marco?
-Chapter 4: Let's see the future
Chapter 5: You Are Gonna Be Cinderella
Chapter 6: Something Dumb
Chapter 7: Betrayal Plan.
Chapter 9: Questions That I Want To Know The Answer.
Chapter 10: Wayward Princess.
Chapter 11: The Broken Hearted Show Up
Chapter 12: I'm Just Jealous
Chapter 13: Goodbye Earth
Chapter 14: Reverse The Time
Chapter 15: A Little Weird
Chapter 16: The Last Visit Part 1 (Clean The Lie)
Chapter 16: The Last Visit Part 2 (Love Is A Powerful Magic)
Chapter 16: The Last Visit Part 3 (Truth Or Dare With A Twist)
Chapter 16: Last Visit Part 4 (Last Kisses?)
Chapter 17: Best Friends To The End (Bad End)
Chapter 17: We Love Each Other (Good End)
Chapter 17: Slowly Falling In Love (REAL ENDING)

Chapter 8: I need to tell you something very important.

734 24 3
By Neygu753

Marco's POV


I'm in my room practicing karate. I need to concentrate because I really want to get my black belt. I'm practicing this old practice breaking wood.

Breath. Concentrate. Relax.
"Haaaa yaaa-"

"Marco!" Star shouted.

"Star what is it? You interrupted me, you already know that I want to get my black belt." I exclaim.

"Oh your practicing again I thought you hated that poor little precious wood that is given by the world that nothing did wrong to you"

"Did you watch nature channel? " I asked her.

"No, I was reading nature books in my tub then I got bored so came to you" Star said.

"What do you want?"

"I got this weird grumbling sounds from my stomach" Star said rubbing her stomach.

"Your just hungry"

"Whoa, your a psychic? How did you know that? I didn't even tell you that I was hungry"

"Just come on let's go to the kitchen"

I grab her hand and walk to the kitchen.

Wait if she's been reading nature books then that means whatever I will try to cook she will stop me and said it didn't do anything to me.

I stop in the middle of the stairs.
"Star, how about let's just get some pizzas?"

"Ooo, pizzas yeah let's get pizzas I have no idea what that is"

(Time skip)

We arrived at the pizza parlor.

"This is a pizza" I said placing the pizza on our table.

"I don't know Marco but that looks dangerous" she reply crossing her arms.

"It's not dangerous in fact this is delicious" I corrected.

"It's a food!?" Star exclaim.

"Of course, after we finish this let's get some ice cream" I said

I look at the plate but the pizza is gone.

"Star where's the pizza?"

"I didn't eat any pizza" Star said looking around and tapping her fingers on the table.

I stare at her and saw a pizza crumb on her cheeks.

"Fine I'll buy another one"

(Time skip)

"So where is this ice cream" Star ask while were walking to the carnival.

"I hear there's a trending ice cream at the carnival."

"What is this carnival? "

"It's a fun place I'm sure"

We continued walking to the carnival. We saw Jackie enter before us.

"Hello Jackie" Star shouted and wave.

Jackie turn and wave back at us.

"What you guys doing here?" Jackie asked

"Were here for ice cream" Star answered.

"Well, me too. They said that it is so delicious especially the chocolate because their using the finest cocoa in the world. "

"I can't wait to try it" I said

We all walk together to the
ice cream vendor.

"Can I have 3 chocolate ice cream? " as I order and hand the money.

He gave 3 chocolate ice cream cones and I gave the two to Star and Jackie. Star excitedly grabs her cone while Jackie is nervously grab hers.

"What's wrong? you don't like chocolate?" I asked her.

"Oh no, I do love chocolate but should I pay you back? I mean it is not my money and you didn't even owe me anything" she said nervously taking the ice cream from my hand.

"Oh don't mind it, I insist, you don't have to pay me back"

"Are you sure because I think I'm just bothering you and Star because you guys looks like on a date?"

"What?! No! I mean you should eat your ice cream before it will melt" as I change the subject while eating my ice cream.

Oh man this ice cream is so delicious. I wish I can learn the recipe.

"Hey Marco, what are they doing?" Star ask pointing at the people play some carnival games.

"Their playing some carnival games if you won you'll get some prizes" I said.

"Whoa, can I play? Please Marco"
"Yeah sure, knock yourself out" as I hand her some money.

Star run towards the crowd leaving me and Jackie alone.

"Um, so Marco what will you do know? " Jackie ask

"I don't know I'll just wait for Star until she run out of money or got bored"

"Marco, I need to tell you something very important" Jackie said looking at the ground.

Jackie's Pov

What are you doing Jackie? You can't tell him. What will the group do to you? And your already sure that you will get rejected.

"What is it? " Marco ask raising his eyebrow.

"I- well, you see- ah- I, I have a friend that fell in love" I lied. Great, you didn't tell him.

"So what? "

"Well, you see since your a man... She really wanted to tell him but she's scared because she might get rejected"

"Well, sorry Jackie I can't help your friend. I haven't been into relationships" Marco said leaving me.

"Yeah, sure, I'll just ask another person. Thank you for the ice cream by the way" I said waving at him.

"Jackie, what do you think your doing anyway?" I ask myself.

"Don't waste your time thinking about him" a voice of a girl said from my back. I turned around and saw Stephanie.

"Um, excuse me? " I ask crossing my arms.

"You'll get rejected"

"How can you say that? I didn't even tell you I have a crush on him"

"Trust me. He already have someone in his heart that you can't replace whatever you do. And it's a bit obvious that your in love and I'm not dumb"

"And who is it? You?"

"No, someone he very close to him and I'm sure that you can guess who is it"

"Star?" I ask and she just nodded. "If you don't want me to replace her? What will I do with my feelings on him?"

"Give up, forget him on your heart"

"It's not that easy"

"It's not like his the only guy in the world, there's a lot of boys hoping for your heart and besides your still 14"

"I can't do it"

"I'll show you how loser he is and someone is better than him for you" Stephanie said

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