Under the Influence

Od Louisa5853

72.3K 2.3K 1.5K

Cassie Rosario is a confident, career driven 27 year-old with major commitment issues. After meeting Eminem h... Více

The End.
The Night Cassie And Em Met...(Imagine 1)
The Time Cassie Got Really Drunk...(Imagine 2)
The Jealous Girlfriend...(Imagine 3)
The Announcement...(Imagine 4, Part 1 (?))
The Decision...(Imagine 4, Part 2)
The Surprise...(Imagine 5)
The Breaking Point...(Imagine 6)


2.6K 81 13
Od Louisa5853

May 23rd 2000.
New York, New York.

Jordan and I sat on our living room couches relaxing in our pajamas after yet another long work week. It was nearly midnight and I was practically nodding off whilst Jordan flicked through the television channels, deciding on MTV news. "Oi wake up! They're talking about your boyfriend" Jordan animatedly announced. Yes, I had told Jordan that me and Marshall were seeing each other after I was confirmed as his new tour manager. Not surprisingly she took it a hell of a lot better than Amy and thankfully didn't make a big scene of it. She did however get excited at the prospect of double dates with her and Mike, but I had to politely turn her down. I couldn't see either Marshall or me enjoying that.

I peeled my tired eyes open to pay attention to what the reporter was saying. "Today Eminem released his highly anticipated album the 'Marshall Mathers LP'. You can pick it up now in your local music store or any Kmart. Eminem skyrocketed into the spotlight last year with his hit single 'My Name Is' from the 'Slim Shady LP'. He is set to head on tour with rap legends Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre next month as a part of the 'Up in Smoke Tour'. Make sure to tune in tomorrow morning for a brief review of the new album by our very own resident hip-hop expert".

"Fuck" slowly I sat up from my position and furiously blinked attempting to wake myself up.


"I totally forgot that was today, I haven't congratulated him yet. Fuck! Where's my phone?" I scrambled around the couch feeling between the cushions for it.

"Coffee table". I got my hands on it and straight away began to dial his number. "It's not that big of a deal Cassie".

"Yeah but we've also hardly talked all week, it looks like I'm ignoring him on purpose. God, I'm so shit at this dating thing".

"You've only just started dating! Chill out, there aren't really any expectations yet. He's probably been too busy to notice anyway" Jordan pointed out.

"Doubt it".

I exited the lounge to call him in privacy and nervously tapped my foot as I waited for him to pick up. "Hello?" Marshall shouted into the receiver, as more of a statement than a question.


"Who is this?" Marshall slurred, he sounded wasted. He still spoke loudly, trying to talk over the loud background noise.

I chortled at the fact that he was so far gone he couldn't even read his cellphone to see it was me, obviously he was enjoying himself. "It's Cassie. Where are you?"

"Oh Cassie!"

"Is that Cassie?" someone that I recognized as Proof hollered in the background. "Let me talk to her! Cassie!" the reception became muffled and I could hear a light struggle when it seemed like Proof was trying to grab the phone out of Marshall's grip.

"No man, let me talk to my girl". Had he said that to my face, he would of seen me blushing like a maniac.

"Marshall I just called to say congratulations on the release".

"We're at the release party now!" he spoke so loudly into the phone that I had to pull it away from my ear just so I wouldn't go deaf.

"Ah that makes sense. Well I better let you get back to your party, go have fun". I heard Jordan switch off the television in the lounge and shuffle into our bathroom.

"But, I want to talk to you" Marshall said in an almost whine, a tone I could never imagine him using if he was sober.

"Marshall you're too drunk".

"No I'm not" he retorted.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow. You probably won't even remember this". There was no response and then I heard more scuffling before the line went dead. I laughed at the fact that somewhere in his drunk stupor he managed to hang up o me.

"What you laughing at?" Jordan called to me from the bathroom, I joined her and began to brush my hair out.

"Nothing". I desperately tried to avoid her gaze, I was never keen on delving into my personal life, even if it was with my best friend.

"Oh Marshall! You're so cute and hilarious!"She mocked me and pretended to swoon and falling backwards.

"Mike, I know we've only being going out for just over a week but I think I'm i love with you!" I mocked her right back and we both cracked up at our somewhat accurate imitations. The thing I loved the most about Jordan and I's friendship is we always knew how to make fun of each other and joke around, without taking it too far.

"At least I'm honest about it" she raised her eyebrow at me, trying to provoke a reaction out of me.

"Would you look at that, time for bed. Night Jords". Quickly I kissed her cheek and practically ran out of the bathroom and into my bedroom shutting my door behind me. I heard her grumble to herself as she passed my room.


I woke to a constant obnoxious ringing from somewhere within my bedroom. "Urghh" I groaned at my rude awakening.

"CASSIE! Shut the hell up! I'm trying to sleep!" Jordan yelled at me from her bedroom. I felt bad because our apartment walls were annoyingly thin and I didn't mean to wake her. Finally I located the source of the noise, my cellphone.

"Hello?" groggily I spoke into the phone without even checking the call I.D.

"Finally you picked up. Did you just wake up? It's 1 pm" a gruff voice spoke into the phone.

"Uh yeah, it's my day off. Wait-who's this?"

"Paul Rosenberg".

That woke me up as quickly as anything else could, I cleared my throat and spoke in the most professional voice I could muster. "Hi Paul, so sorry about that" I lied, truthfully I was mad that I was being called when I wasn't working. "We're you trying to contact me earlier?"

"Yes. Sorry I'll only be able to talk briefly with you, very busy day today. Marshall is in New York now and has a press conference later today with Dre for the Up in Smoke Tour, we need you to be there".

"I can-" I started before I was cut off.

"I'm aware this is very late notice, but we need you to help the two prepare, and release a statement of your own".

"No worries, I can make it. Where and when is it?" Considering the late notice I began to get ready as I was on the phone, expecting him to say some ridiculous time.

"London Hotel in one and a half hours. We need you to come down as soon as possible, go to the reception desk and ask for me, make sure to give your name. Thanks Cassie" He rushed off the phone. I hurried to get ready, throwing on a tight fitting black skirt, white chiffon blouse and a black blazer with red heels. Even though I had to dress fairly plain and professional for work, I tried to look as good as I could. I ran out of the apartment with my work bag in tow without even saying goodbye to Jordan, she'd have fallen asleep again anyway. After hailing a cab and telling them to head to the London Hotel as fast as they could, I'd arrived at my destination thirty minutes after Paul's call. This was practically an impossible time considering I lived in New York City and there was always traffic. I followed Paul's instructions and was led to the press conference room by the receptionist. The room was all set up with rows and rows of chairs and a stage with a long table and microphones, but the press hadn't arrived yet. In the far corner of the room I spotted a group of people I assumed to be Marshall and Dre's team all talking and preparing themselves for the conference. As I walked over I couldn't spot Marshall however I could spot Paul, his tall figure clearly standing out from the group.

Paul noticed me approaching and removed himself from the group to talk to me "Cassie, here already?"

"Traffic was light".

"Good to hear. So the plan is for you to release a basic statement now about the tour, with the help of Marshall's publicist Tracy. Then you'll prep Dre and Marshall on the tour information for the conference. Got it?"

"Crystal clear".

"Great. Let me introduce you to Tracy now" He led me back over to the group. "Cassie, Tracy. Tracy Cassie" he introduced me to a blonde lady who looked to be a little older than Marshall and I, before he left us to it.

Tracy extended her hand to shake mine. "Pleasure to meet you" I politely spoke.

"Nice to meet you too" Tracy said with a smile. "I'm glad another girl is around now, I don't think I could stand being on tour with only men again". I couldn't believe how nice everyone I'd met in Marshall's team had been so far.

"Me neither, I've done it before on Dre's tour and it was awful, incredibly messy".

"You've worked with Dre already?" Tracy asked.

"A couple years ago. Not on a full tour just a few concerts in a row".

"So you'll know how this all works then. I need you to release a statement now on the tour, just about the dates and acts. I assume you have a written one with you?"

"Let me just grab it" I looked through my bag until my hands landed on it.

"Perfect. I'll just record you on this" she pulled out a small recorder from her own work bag. "Ready when you are". I ran through the statement a couple of times to make sure it was perfect and when me and Tracy were satisfied with the result she walked me to where Marshall was. The conference was due to begin in 30 minutes and the press had begun arriving, quickly filling in the room. "I'll leave you to it" Tracy dismissed herself and headed back in the direction of the conference room. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to come and open it. Marshall opened it with a concerned look on his face, however he smiled when he saw me. He ushered me in and shut the door behind us, locking it. The room he was in seemed to be some sort of temporary dressing room, simply furnished with a couple of couches and table covered with various snacks.

"Where's Dre?" I questioned turning around to face Marshall.

"You'll see him out there. He know's enough about the tour".

"Paul told me I need to brief him on the tour too, he should be here".

"It's fine Cassie, I don't need briefing either" He plopped down onto the couch, legs propped on the table.

"Why am I here then?" I placed my work bag on the floor. It looked like I wouldn't be needing it anymore.

"Because we said we would see each other when we could, right? And I'm free now, so come here" he motioned for me to come sit next to him, I tutted in false disapproval and but joined him regardless. Marshall took his white cap off and ran his fingers through his hair before letting out a giant yawn.

"You look stressed" I pointed out.

"I am. And this is only just the beginning of the promo. I fucking hate public speaking".

"You'll be fine" I reassured him with a smile. "I've heard really great things about your album, everyone is talking about it" I attempted to lighten the mood.

"Yeah" he nodded agreeing with my comment. "You listened yet?"

"Um, no not yet" I sheepishly admitted. Marshall faked disappointment and jokingly shook his head at me. We looked at each other properly for the first time and I think both instantly felt the urge to kiss, after being apart for a week. He placed his hand around and under my thigh, pulling me closer to him until I was practically on top of him. I was thankful he locked the door, because I can't imagine how unprofessional this would look if someone happened to walk in and see me straddling my employee with my skirt hitched up.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I don't think we should be behaving like this. It could be deemed as immoral".

"You're right. We should stop". We both nodded in agreement before simultaneously leaning in for a kiss. I tried to keep it fairly light, I didn't want to get to hot and heavy right before the conference. He tightly squeezed me to him, his mouth smothering mine.

"10 minutes!" there was an abrupt bang on the door and what sounded like Paul warning Marshall of the the time. The interruption caused us to pull away from each other, but I remained seated on Marshall.

"Less stressed?" I tugged on the dog tags hung around his neck.

Wordlessly he went in for another kiss, I take that as a yes. "Didn't you hear Paul? You've only got ten minutes".

"Exactly, ten minutes" he suggestively purred.

"I'm not having a quickie with you in some random hotel, when we are both supposed to be working" I stated bluntly before hopping off him.

"Well when you put it like that" he snickered. "So you gonna brief me or what?" he reached over and picked a bunch of grapes off the table before popping them in his mouth.

"Marshall! You told me you didn't need briefing!" I hurried over to my work bag pulling out all the vital information. "You cheeky bastard" he just shrugged with a smile, fully understanding that tricking me was the only way he would get a kiss whilst at work.


To my luck the press conference went smoothly, considering how little time we'd had to prepare. The conference was absolutely decked out, the press were all desperately trying to get their questions answered and I realized that perhaps Marshall was a bigger deal than I was aware of. Marshall was working late today doing interviews for multiple magazines, but we had decided that if it wasn't too late we would meet up. However currently it was 12.28 am and I was debating on whether or not to stay up any more. Jordan was asleep and I was left sitting in bed reading, trying to pass the time. A wave of tiredness came over me and just as I put out the light and snuggled into bed a text came through from Marshall. "I know it's late, but you still up?"

"I'm in bed, you can come over if you want" I sent the text hoping he would agree, I really wasn't up for going out and getting changed out of my pajama's.

"What's your address?" that was easier than I expected. I texted him the address and 15 minutes later I received a text that he was waiting outside of my front door. When I opened the door I expected to see him accompanied by his security, but he was alone.

"Where's you security?" I whispered, as to not wake Jordan.

"It's late enough for me not to need them. Why are you whispering?" I pulled him inside.

"My roommate is sleeping".

"Roommate?" he said too loudly.

"Shh! Yes roommate. It's fine though, we just need to be quiet" I led him into to my bedroom.

"I can't make any promises" his arms snaked around my waist from behind whilst I shut the door, causing me to jump. "Nice pajama's by the way". I had totally forgotten that I was dressed in my Powerpuff Girls pajama's. Even though I was 27 year's old, I couldn't resist cartoons.

"Shut up". Regardless of the fact that it that my room was pitch black I shut my eyes and fell back into his body. Silence rang throughout the apartment, only our heavy breathing able to be heard. My back pressed to his front adding an element of excitement to the situation, not having any idea of what he might do next. He pressed his lips to the back of my neck and carefully traced his fingers over my stomach, raising goosebumps. "I want you so bad" he spoke between soft kisses. His prominent bulge pressing into my back and confirming his words.

"Then have me". With my permission Marshall turned me around to face him. We both went in for the kiss, but miss calculated each other's lips completely and ended up kissing each other's cheeks. Both of us cracked up laughing at our awkwardness "Oh my god, be quiet!" I wheezed whilst not taking my own advice.

"That wasn't very sexy was it" Marshall choked out whilst backing up till he sat on the bed. I tried to join him but tripped over on a pair of shoes on the way, falling on my ass. "Did you just fall over?" I could hear the smile in his voice, he must've seen it, because my eyes were adjusting to the darkness like his.

"I can't believe you just saw that, I can't see shit!" I carefully stood and managed to safely sit on the bed, resting on my head on Marshall's shoulder as both of us simply couldn't contain our laughter. His shoulders shook as he laughed silently and tears rolled down my face. "You are the clumsiest person I know".

"It's a miracle I'm not covered in bruises and cuts all the time".

"You wanna try that again?" I spoke in the quietest voice I could muster given our crazed state.

"Maybe I should find your face first this time" he raised his hands and cupped my cheeks, his thumb resting behind my ears. He kissed me, with playfulness but with desperation too. I knew he really wanted me now, considering we had only been together once before and we'd had many 'almost' moments. Briefly I teared away from his lips to pull his t-shirt off before doing the same to mine, I wasn't in the mood to wait around. I went to reconnect our mouths, but instead he picked me up by the waist and gently threw me down on to the top of the bed. Only the outline of his body was visible as he crawled up the bed to meet me, positioning himself between my legs. Due to the lack of sight all of my other senses were incredibly alert, every small touch sending me into a tailspin. Fumbling we managed to remove the rest of our clothing from each other, tossing it carelessly away. I reached down to him to make sure he was ready, his light moans filling the room from my gentle touch. "You ready?" he spoke in a low whisper into my ear, sending goosebumps down my body for the second time tonight.

I frantically nodded before realizing he couldn't really see me "Please". Somehow in this short time he'd practically worked me into a frenzy, and I didn't want to wait any longer. He thrust into me the initial connection causing us to both moan in relief. I raised my arms and lightly scratched up and down his back, slightly digging in my nails as he worked up a steady rhythm.

"Keep doing that" I complied to his request. A long strained moan escaped my mouth as I felt the pleasure building when he thrust into me especially hard. Marshall's hand flew to my mouth covering it "We can't wake up your roommate". I nodded, thankful he was trying to shut me up because I couldn't do it myself. He kept his hand in place when he sped up, both of us nearing our high. I continued to moan against his hand and he buried his head into the crook of his head trying to conceal his quiet noises. I steadied myself by gripping onto his biceps, egging him on further as he tried to urgently finish his mission. "Oh fuck" Marshall became sloppy as he lost all control above me, breathing heavily onto my neck as he came. All though I was close, I still hadn't reached my high and I could tell he wasn't finished with me yet. One of his hands flew to my hip securing me to the bed, the other remaining over my mouth. I had to bite down on his hand to suppress my moans, knowing they would be heard regardless if I didn't. I knew he was tired, but he kept steadily going as he put all his attention to me. The light from outside caught the gleam in his eyes, and I could see they were burning into mine with intense concentration. "Look at me" his demand turned me on tenfold and resulted in my back arching of the bed reaching towards the ceiling as I let go. I ignored him and squeezed my eyes tightly shut, trying to feel every ounce of what he was giving. "Open your eyes" cautiously they fluttered back open, my orgasm still going. I'm not exactly sure why he wanted to look into my eyes, but once he was satisfied that I had he removed himself from me and flopped down onto the bed.

"So much for keeping quiet" he panted, trying to catch his breath. "I mean I know I'm good but-"

"You were okay" I joked, wriggling under the covers.

"I don't think my hand would agree. I'll probably have bite marks still tomorrow morning" he joined me under the covers.

"That was the plan".

"Marking your territory?" I froze at that, which he didn't seem to notice as he pulled me to tightly to his side. Did he just allude to the fact we were exclusive? I didn't know if I wanted that, I hardly knew the guy still. We hadn't gotten particularly close with each other, and hadn't talked at all about our expectations. Marshall's breath slowed and I realized he had fallen asleep when his arm fell limp against me. Did he know that his small comment would be racing through my mind all night?


Author's note: I love how goofy Marshall and Cassie really are, I bet he's like that in his real life :). Of course I had to end with the typical Cassie overthinking and freak out at the end! Btw that is an actual picture form the Up In Smoke Tour conference, doesnt he look good? Just wondering, would you guys like to see more chapters in Em's POV? I did it once, but I wasn't too sure so let me know if you prefer all Cassie or if you'd like me to throw in his own perspective everyone once in a while. I've got some drama planned for the next chapter! Thanks for reading and please vote if you enjoyed! x

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