Come What May

By Nayaisinfinite

51.1K 891 37

Santana disappears for a year and comes back a brand new woman and with a pleasant surprise. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 5

2.5K 41 2
By Nayaisinfinite

Santana had reached her third trimester. She was so close to the end. She couldn't wait to reach the end. The third trimester by far was the worst. She wished someone would have warned her about how bad it was.
The back pain hadn't gone away and it happened more often. Sometimes, she just felt like not moving just to avoid the pain.
Her feet were swollen all the time. She could only last 20 minutes in heels before her feet began to swell and they left indentations on her feet. They were three times their normal size. They were basically hams. She had to wait for them to go back to their normal size before even attempting to put on her shoes.
She was always tired. She would literally take three steps and she would already be drained. It took a lot to be able to complete the day. All the extra weight she was carrying just made her use more energy which in return would tire her out. By noon, she was ready to take a break for a nap. Of course, she couldn't stop. She had things to do and had to help around the household.
She had been noticing stretch marks all over the place. She absolutely hated them. Call her vain, but Santana really cared about her physical appearance. The stretch marks were ruining her body. Monica had bought her some lotion to eliminate stretch marks. She really hoped it worked or else she would never wear a bikini ever again.
She had bladder issues. It was horrible. Santana sneezed and then froze.
"Bless you." Monica said.
"I think I just wet myself." She mumbled.
"Are you serious?" Monica looked up from her book.
"100 percent." She got up and there was a stain on the back of her jeans.
"Oh god, this is rich." Monica burst out laughing.
"Shut up." She blushed and went to take a shower. She had to close her legs tightly every time she sneezed.
The worst part were the Braxton Hicks. She hated the Braxton Hicks with a passion. If she had the choice of choosing morning sickness or Braxton Hicks she would choose morning sickness in a heartbeat.
"Ow, fuck!" She gasped.
"Are you okay? Is it time?"
"Just Braxton Hicks." She shook her head.
She had a major case of pregnancy brain. She forget everything. It would go in through one ear and come out through the other. Nothing really stuck. She had to right a not if she wanted to remember something.
"Hey, uh... um... uh... Monique?"
"I knew it was something around there. Hey Monica, do you know where I left the pen?"
"On top of the kitchen counter."
"Monica." She groaned.
"Do you know where the notepad is?"
"Next to the telephone." She heard scrambling.
"Monica, I can't find it."
Monica had started wearing her old name tag just for Santana. It seemed to help a lot.
The baby was kicking a lot more often. She loved it and had multiple videos of him just kicking her stomach. She enjoyed the feeling. She would press her stomach and he would respond a few minutes later by kicking. It was spectacular.
The first time Monica felt a kick she was completely shocked.
"Is that him?" Her eyes widened.
"Yes. That's my little guy." She beamed.
"Oh wow. I'm blown away."
They had the baby bag ready and by the door at all times. They were prepared for the baby's arrival.
Back home, her parents had finished the nursery. They couldn't wait for her to come back. She was due back immediately after giving birth. The days were marked and soon she would return to Lima.
She was ready for the baby to arrive. She couldn't wait to hold him in her arms. She couldn't wait to see him after 9 months of pregnancy.
Her due date arrived and then passed. Nothing happened.
"Looks like he's not ready to come out." Monica laughed.
"Well, I'm just about ready so if he could make an arrival that would be nice." The baby had his own plans. They spent most of the days on edge waiting for any signs of labor, but nothing happened.
She was 5 days overdue. The doctor said that if she didn't go into labor in the next 2 week that they would have to induce labor. She hoped that the baby would come on its own.
She spent most of the night staring at the ceiling. She rubbed her belly.
"C'mon, baby. Mami is getting a little impatient here. She really wants to see you." He kicked. She smiled. Maybe he got the memo.
She was 10 days overdue. She had tried absolutely everything to induce labor, but nothing happened. She spent the days waiting and waiting.
She began to get pains one morning. She thought they were Braxton Hicks. She had had a lot more false alarms in the past week. The baby liked to tease.
Three hours later, when her water broke she knew it was for real.
"Monica! Monica!"
"It's time. My water broke."
"Okay. Keep calm. Let's go." Monica grabbed the baby bag and they were on their way to have a baby..
"Can you drive any faster?" Santana groaned.
"I'm driving as fast as I can."
"We'll drive fucking faster." She snapped.
"Jeez, calm down."
"I can't calm down. I'm about to push a baby out of my vagina. You try doing that." She huffed.
Santana paced around the room. She was in major pain, but was only around 2 centimeters dilated.
"They already hurt so much." She complained.
"Are you sure you don't want an epidural?"
"No epidural. I don't want a needle in my spine. Just imagining it gives me the creeps." She shuddered. She ended up walking twice around the maternity word before going back to her room. She was 4 centimeters by then.
It took 7 hours before she was fully dilated.
"You're ready. Let's have a baby." Dr. Harris clapped her hands "On the count of three I want you to push. 1...2...3." Santana held Monica's hand as she pushed. She couldn't stand the pain. She just wanted him out so the pain would go away. She pushed again.
She repeated it for 4 more hours till she began to crown.
"She's crowning. Just a few more pushes left, Santana." She nodded and waited for the next contraction to hit before pushing.
"You got this, San. You're doing great. Keep going." Monica encouraged. She pushed again.
"The head is out! One more push! Push with all your might! One.. Two.. Three!"
There was silence and then a cry echoed in the room.
"You did it, San." Monica smiled.
"I want you to cut cord." Santana told her.
"Me? Are you serious?"
"Dead serious." She nodded. The doctor handed Monica the scissors. She cut the cord. They cleaned the baby and handed it to Santana.
The moment the baby was put in her arms was when the waterworks started. Tears of joy ran down her face.
"Hey, baby. It's your mami. I'm so glad you're here now. I've been waiting for you. I love you so much." She kissed his forehead. Monica took a picture.
"He's adorable, San."
"He is, isn't he." She smiled. "I'm going to name you Nicholas." She filled in the birth certificate and then handed it to the nurse.
The rest of the time at the hospital was mostly bonding with Nicholas and learning many new things.
Nicholas was here now and that was all that really mattered.

Last day of school!! Peace out high school✌️ See ya in the fall. Also, Nicholas has arrived and Santana is officially a mommy.
~LIntheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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