Her Existence (The Prophecy N...

By SamanthaDeal4

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The second book of the series Her Prophecy where we follow Alex on her hard journey deciding between becoming... More

The Battle Begins
The Fight Starts Now
Losing Him
A Prophecy
King Joshua and Queen Alexandria
Tiny Battle
Small Secrets
Josh's Old Ties
Finding Alex

New Powers

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By SamanthaDeal4

Alex POV

I awoke to a loud beeping it was very annoying, I opened my eyes, but quickly closed them, the brightness of the lights made my eyes sting slowly I opened my eyes as they adjusted to the lights and looked around. I was in the infirmary the beeping was the monitor for my heart, I turned my head and saw Josh slumped over my bed, his hair was a mess his hand was clenched I could see the white of his knuckles.

I tried to reach for him but I had wires connected to my hands preventing me from reaching him. I gripped them and tore them off a loud flat line came from the machine Josh sprain up and looked at me. He released a long breath and looked at me "don't do that again" he smirked but he seemed saddened but also angry. I reached for Josh as he stepped forward I gripped Josh's arm and pulled him towards me, I kissed his lips lightly but Josh kissed back the kiss was like the night before the battle with the angels desperate, scared, and wanting to savor the feeling.

The door to my room burst open banging loudly against the wall, Josh jumped back I was saddened by the loss of contact as doctors came storming in along with my father. They froze when they saw that I was awake.

They all slumped forward releasing a long breath they have been holding I laughed at their actions. I tried sitting up but I was too weak to try Josh placed his hand on my back and helped me up, he grabbed a remote and had my bed form into a sitting position.

Destruc came forward and gripped my shoulders tightly "don't scare us like that again" he looked saddened by my state but I pulled him into a tight huge "don't worry dad, I'm right here" he hugged me tightly and slowly released me he kissed the top of my head "I'll give you some time" he turned towards Josh and nodded I looked back between them "Am I missing something?" I asked confused

Destruc left the room closing the door, Josh walked over to my side of the bed I scooted over to give him room he sat down on the bed and pulled me onto his lap. I wrapped my arms around his torso relishing in the warmth. I placed my chin under Josh's head, he held me tightly against him, like he was afraid I was gonna disappear soon.

"Alex, I'm so sorry what happened to you, it's all my fault this never should of happened" Josh whispered I felt a tear hit my cheek I looked up at Josh, his head was bent forward and he was crying, I pulled back and cupped Josh's cheeks in my hands I rubbed my thumb where the tears were "this isn't your fault, stop blaming yourself you are the one who saved me, I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for you" I whispered trying to calm him down.

He shook his head "Exactly you wouldn't be in this hospital if it wasn't for me you never would have been kidnapped you never would of been placed in danger this is all because of me" he held me tighter.

"Stop!" I snapped "Stop blaming yourself for all of this I would of been taken by the man in the alley and who knows I probably would of been dead if it wasn't for you, who saved me" I gripped his shirt bringing him closer I looked him dead in the eyes "Don't think for one second I would be better off without you, you saved me, you keep me safe every day. I thought I never would find someone who loves me well I was wrong I found someone who loves me for who I am a demon and angel, I don't think many guys would want to try to handle this" I gestured to myself.

Josh chuckled at the last part he placed his forehead on mine "I love you Alex" "and I love you Josh, now stop worrying and kiss me" I pulled Josh towards me his lips meet mine the kiss was full of love not an ounce of fear or regret. I knew I found the right man for me and he was here holding me in his arms.

Josh was the first one to break the kiss "I have to tell you something, but I need you to understand I didn't know that it would happen." he said sternly I nodded my head and looked at Josh he lifted his hand face up I was confused until a small black orb formed on his hand I gasped "Josh was is going on" he smirked at my comment "did you know when a demon or half demon falls in love and sleeps with the one they are in love with the other person gains part of their powers." my throat ran dry

"A-Are you serious" I asked Josh nodded his head I'm part demon now which means I will be able to protect you even more now thank you Alex" Josh whispered against my ear "for what?" I asked confused "for loving me and allowing me to be able to protect you" I chuckled I pulled on his shirt pulling myself closer to him "any time" I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me.

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