Come What May

By Nayaisinfinite

51.1K 891 37

Santana disappears for a year and comes back a brand new woman and with a pleasant surprise. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 4

2.4K 38 1
By Nayaisinfinite

It was a boy. Her baby was a boy. She had found out a week ago. Since then, she had been thinking of boy names none stop. Her parents were working on the nursery back home.
Santana was now in her second trimester. She was a lot bigger than she was in her first trimester. It was very obvious she was pregnant. She couldn't imagine how she would look when she would reach her third trimester.
She also had started to wear maternity clothes because nothing would fit anymore. She dreaded the day that she would have to wear the jeans with the elastic band and then that day arrived. She already felt self conscious, but the jeans made her feel worse. She couldn't imagine how Quinn felt when they teased her about it.
She put on a maternity dress that she had bought. It made her feel cute. She thought it complimented her and Monica liked the way it looked in her as well.
Second Trimester wasn't much better than the first trimester, but the morning sickness was gone. New things began to pop up.
Her back began to hurt a lot.
"Monica, my back hurts. Can you give me a massage?" She groaned.
"Again? This the fifth time." Monica sighed.
"I'm sorry I'm such a bother." She cried. Monica's eyes widened.
"No, don't cry. I'm sorry. I'll rub your back just stop crying." Monica said. Santana wiped her tears and laid down on the bed.
She also had stuffy nose. She remembered the first time she woke up with one and thought she was sick. The doctor just told her that it was normal during pregnancy to have stuffy nose. It was an unpleasant situation and she couldn't wait for it to be gone.
She had heartburn all the damn time. She couldn't eat anything without having heartburn. Monica teased her about having tums in her purse everywhere she went. It wasn't a lie. Santana took tums everywhere because it was that bad.
She also had go pee more often. She was up at ungodly hours.
"Santana?" Monica called out sleepily.
"Yeah?" She froze.
"What are you doing?"
"I have to pee."
"Yeah." She bit her lip. She continued walking to the restroom.
There were some good things to the Second trimester. She could feel small flutters in her stomach. The baby was moving. He wasn't exactly kicking, but at least there was moment. She loved the feeling. It filled her heart with content to feel him move around. She couldn't wait till he could kick.
Also, her skin was amazing. It was better than it had ever been. She had taken many selfies because she was sure her skin would never looked the same. She had a pregnancy glow. She was loving it.
"San, some friends are coming over. You don't mind, do you?" Monica asked.
"No." She shook her head.
"You can join us if you want to. We're just going to watch movies and probably talk about life and stuff."
"I'll think about it." She said walking to her room.
She heard the door open and close followed by laughter. Monica's friends had arrived. She put her earbuds in and tried to tune them out. It was no use. They were really loud.
She would have loved to hang out with Quinn and Brittany. Truth be told, she missed them. She missed the sleepovers they would have every weekend. She missed goofing off with them. She missed going to places with them. She missed everything about them.
She walked into the living room. Monica and her friends were cracking about something stupid. Monica turned around and smiled at her.
"Hey, San. These are my friends. Guys, this is my niece Santana." Santana waved. All of their eyes wandered to her baby bump. There was an awkward silence. Finally, one of them broke the silence.
"Name is Jessie. Nice to meet you." Jessie smiled. She had brown hair and brown eyes. She seemed like a kind spirited girl. Santana couldn't say the same about the other one.
"Taylor." The other one said monotonously.
"Come sit with us." Monica patted the seat next to her. She sat down reluctantly.
Santana soon got a craving for ice cream and pickles. She quickly went to grab the two items and came back.
She was enjoying her snack till Taylor had to ruin it for her.
"Eww, that's disgusting." Taylor cringed.
"Tay, c'mon, she's pregnant. It's probably the cravings and shit." Jessie elbowed her.
"Still, I mean that's gross. Pickles are all bitter and vinegary. Ice cream is sweet. That's just a disaster." Santana didn't like the taste very much after that and soon she felt it coming back up.
"Oh god." She clamped a hand over her mouth and ran to the restroom.
"Great job, Tay. You grossed her out." Jessie sighed.
Santana came out a few moments later.
"You okay, San?" Monica asked.
"Yeah. I'm good." She nodded and sat down. "Just a bit tired and my back hurts."
"You won't have back pain if you hadn't gotten pregnant." Taylor whispered.
"Tay!" Jessie scolded.
"It's true. If she wouldn't have been slutting around she wouldn't have gotten pregnant. She should have just keep her damn legs closed. It's disgusting. Even being near her repulses me." Santana stood up and walked out of the room before anyone could see the tears.
"Taylor, get out." Monica said coldly.
"Really? You're going to choose her over me."
"She's my family. She's important to me. Also, my sister will kill me if she finds out that I decided to allow you to stay after you hurt her. Finally, I'm kind of pissed at you at the moment. Get out."
"Fine. I'll see you on Monday." Taylor closed the door. Monica made her way to Santana's bedroom.
"San, don't cry."
"She's right, you know. I'm disgusting. I'm everything I told myself I would never become. A teen mom. Society acts different with us. They act like we're sluts. They just don't like us."
"Who gives a damn about society! There are a few people who can tolerate teen moms. There are people who don't mind. Then there are people who could care less. Stop trying to live up to others expectations and start living up to yours. The only person you have to please is yourself." Monica hugged her.
"Yeah. You're right." Santana nodded.
"Damn straight I am. Now, Jessie's waiting for us so c'mon." Monica smiled.
Santana knew she had made the right choice when she decided to live with Monica.

Sorry, if it feels like I'm updating slowly. School is coming to an end and everything is piling on. I'm just trying to finish up final projects and essays. Finals start this Tuesday. Pressure is on.
Sadly, I will not have much time during the summer like I was hoping for. I have summer school and it will most likely take up most of the day.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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