My Twilight! (ON HOLD)

By RileyBrooks

735K 14.7K 4.7K

An incident changes Bella Swan's life forever, forcing her to uproot her life in sunny Phoenix and move away... More

Chapter 2!
Chapter 3!
Chapter 4!
Chapter 5!
Chapter 6!
Chapter 7!
Chapter 8!
Chapter 9!
Chapter 10!
Chapter 11!
Chapter 12!
Chapter 13!
Chapter 14!
Chapter 15!
Chapter 16!
Chapter 17!
Chapter 18!
Chapter 19!
Chapter 21!
Chapter 22!
Chapter 23!
Chapter 24!
Chapter 25!
Chapter 26!
Chapter 27~

Chapter 20!

18.4K 518 212
By RileyBrooks

Bella P.O.V


"Bella!" Charlie called from the bottom of the stairs, I could hear him moving there. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine Cha--- Dad!" I yelled out, moving over to my bedroom door and opening it. "I was just working on some homework  I had and spaced out, sorry. Tea is in the fridge on the top shelf, you just have to heat it up but take the glad wrap off first! Don't put the glad wrap in the microwave!" I yelled out before shutting the door again.

"Have you already had tea?" Charlie questioned.

"Uh yeah! I had a massive late lunch at the Cullen's house so I'm not too hungry now. I had a small sandwich earlier too."

"Oh, okay then," Charlie said before I heard him moving back into the kitchen.

I sighed, moving back over to my bed and throwing myself on it, bouncing slightly before settling into the bed comfortably. I heard my phone buzz and reached over to look at it. It was from Edward. I immediately felt the tear-less sobs coming on. Oh how I wished I could hate him, but I didn't, he head somehow wormed his way past the walls I had put up around my heart. I was really starting to fall for him. I never thought he would be the kind of guy to do this. It was cruel.


Unknown P.O.V (how exciting! :P) -


I grinned as I navigated the car down the long straight road. I had finally found her, after two years of searching she finally slipped up and I found her. I want to rip her to pieces but I know I cant do that. She is way more powerful than me, in fact; she is one of the most powerful vampires in the world. She just doesn't realize it yet. So you see my dilemma? I cant kill her because if I want to be able to rule over the whole world, I will need her by my side. Then we will be the most feared and powerful couple in the whole world. I noticed the small dreary sign on the side of the road as I drove past. It read; 'Welcome to Forks. We hope you enjoy your stay.' Oh yes. I had indeed found her.


Edward P.O.V-


I drove into the parking lot and parked my car into the first spot I saw before getting out of the car and rushing to the front of Bella's home group classroom. Bella would have to come past soon enough. There was no other way for her get in to her home group. For the first time in my vampire life, I felt dead. Without Bella, there was no light to my day. Only blackness. I need to get her back and soon.

The bell to go to home group rang yet Bella still had not turned up at school. I was worried. What if something had happened on her way home last night or Tanya hurt her. I immediately ran back to my car, jumping in and putting the key into the ignition. I put the car in drive and took off out of the parking lot quickly, heading towards Bella's house. I was there in a matter of minutes, due to my speeding.

I slowed down as I past her house and saw that her car wasn't home. I immediately panicked and got out my phone to send her a message. 'Bella. Are you alright? Your not at school.' After I sent the message I quickly rang Carlisle. He answered on the fourth ring.

"Hello. Is everything alright Edward?" He asked.

"No! Bella isn't at school and her car isn't at her house! What if she didn't make it home yesterday and had a car accident or Tanya hurt her or something?" I asked, panicky.

He sighed, "I am sure Charlie would have called us if she didn't come home last night Edward," He explained softly. "She could be down at La Push. She is quite good friends with the werewolves isn't she?"

"She could be but I sent her a message just in case."

"You don't actually think she is going to reply to that do you?" Carlisle asked incredulously.

"I guess not..." I admitted.

"Just give her some space son. Its the only way your going to be able to get her back."

"Okay, I guess I'll try that. But I'm only giving her three days, a week at most. After that I'm making her listen to me."

"Fine, but if you lose her forever, it will not go down well with Rosalie and Alice," Carlisle spoke quietly. "Listen, I have to go. I have a new patient to attend to. Don't do anything stupid okay."

"Okay. Bye dad," I said before lowering the phone from my ear and hanging up. By now I couldn't be bothered go back to school, especially if Bella wasn't going to be there. Instead, I turned my car towards home. I was going to drop it off then go to my meadow. It would give me time to think about what to do with Bella.


Tanya P.O.V-


I can't believe that Edward still doesn't realize we are meant to be together! Maybe he's just confused since he had to pretend to like that Bella chic for a while. He is mixing his feelings for me with what he feels for her. He is my one true love. Surely he knows I'm his. Maybe it would be best to eliminate Bella anyway, just get her out of the equation just in case. See if it does change how he feels for me. Yes, I will do that. Now... just to think of how to do it without raising any suspicion. I was brought out of my thoughts by the slight snap of twigs. I froze before quickly spinning around to face the noise to find a male vampire standing leaning against a tree, a broken twig in his hand. I crouched down defensively, and snarled at him. "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"My name is Jason, Tanya and after hearing your thoughts, I have decided that we can be very useful to each other," He said, taking a small step towards me.

I backed up defensively but stayed because his words had made me curious. "What makes you think we could be useful to each other?" I asked.

"Well you see, if you help me; Bella will be gone and this, Edward guy you are so hung up over will be all yours."

Now THIS perked my interest massively, "Okay... what do you want with Bella?" I asked, taking a single step towards him cautiously.

"You see... There is a legend that a descendant of a half human/half vampire hybrid will be born a human but when she is changed into a vampire, she will be the most powerful vampire in the history of vampires. The girl has a birthmark over her heart of a full moon, meaning that one of her powers will be that she can shape-shift into any animal she wants to. Now of course, it was thought impossible for vampires to breed with humans and many tried but failed but a long time ago, there was this very powerful vampire who had a child with a human. The Volturi thought that he was trying to make a powerful army to overthrow them so they murdered him. They tried to find the half human/half vampire child but the mother had disappeared with him. The vampires name was Jeremiah Swan. The exact same last name as Isabella. I have done some digging and I found out that Isabella Swan is in-fact, Jeremiah Swan's great, great, great, great, great, great granddaughter. She also bares the birthmark over her heart so it must be she who is the descendent they speak of in the legend," He finished, looking at me for my reaction.

"So, you are planning on turning her into a vampire and then taking her as yours so you can rule the world together?" I asked, confused.

"Why no I don't need to do that. She already is a vampire," He stated looking at me confused and shocking the hell out of me. "Don't you know that she is a vampire?"

What? She's already a vampire? "She's a vampire?" I repeated, this time out loud.

"Yes. I changed her two years ago when I killed one of her protectors."

"She cant be a vampire!" I burst out. "She has a human heartbeat, she was in a car accident and she bled, she has a human smell, eats a lot of food and cries real tears."

"Hmm... Interesting. The only explanation is that she has learned how to use those certain powers to do that because I am very sure that I turned her into a vampire. Trust me, I would know," He speculated.

"Oh... So anyway. You said something before, about killing one of her Protectors?" I questioned.

"Yes, as she is the most powerful vampire in the world, it has been destined that she is to overthrow the Volturi council and become Queen of the Vampires. This will totally change the revolution of vampires. So as being the future Queen, she has to have protectors that will shield her from threats. Their job is to risk their life if it means that it will save the Queen. One of them found her two years ago, and saved Isabella from death by me, by taking her place and allowing Isabella to get away."

"Why were you going to kill her if she is the destined, most powerful vampire in the world?" I asked, still beyond confused. My brain working extra fast, trying to process all of this information.

"At that time I had no idea of this legend. One of my clan found it one year ago. They are a librarian of Vampiric History and thought the book looked interesting so they read it and in the book was a section of old legends. See, I always planned on finding Bella again but now, instead of killing her, I am going to take her and convince her to be with me and rule the world," He replied.

"How are you going to get anywhere near her when she knows how powerful she is and what she is supposed to do?" I asked, doubting that we would be able to capture the most powerful vampire in the world.

"That is the beauty of it all my dear Tanya. Since I changed her accidentally and then she took off, she never learned what she was to this world."

"Well what is the plan to get her?" I questioned. We were going to need one hell of a plan if we were going to catch her.

"I have not yet come up with a plan but I will let you know when we need to meet. So... are you in Tanya dear?" He asked cockily, already knowing he had bought her over.

"If you stop calling me Tanya dear then yes, I am in. And you have to promise not to kill any of the other vampires in town because they are my beloved and his family," I bargained.

"Of course, I will refrain from killing anyone here. I don't want to raise any suspicion."

He turned to walk away, leaving me confused. "Wait, where are you going? How am I going to contact you when I have to tell you something or vice versa?" I asked quietly, not bothering to raise my voice because I knew he would hear me quite easily.

'I will contact you in your mind, Tanya," He spoke in my mind. It caused me to jump slightly and he let out a laugh before disappearing into the forest as silent as a shadow.

Well my day just got interesting, I thought to myself before turning and continuing what I was out here to do in the first place, hunt.


Bella P.O.V-


I had decided it was too soon to see Edward and the rest of his family at school so I took the coward's way out and took off to La Push to spend the night. I knew that if Edward decided he wanted to talk to me, he wouldn't be able to come past the La Push border unless he wanted to destroy the treaty. He wasn't that stupid and he wouldn't risk it just for me.

As soon as I got to the pack house I had told the whole pack what had happened over the weekend and was now sitting in Leah's room watching a movie. Suddenly, phone went off, signaling I had a message. I checked who the sender was. It was Edward again, so I just turned my phone off and put it back in my hand bag.

Leah frowned towards my bag, "Who was that?" She asked.

I sighed, "It was Edward," I replied.

She growled loudly, baring her teeth, "The nerve of that bastard! To message you even after what happened yesterday! Does he even care about your feelings? Or is he just thinking about himself. I told you not to go for a vampire! They are all prissy, up-themselves, arrogant and stupid!"

I bristled at the insult to what I am, "Leah! I take offence to that! I am a vampire! I am none of the above, or at least hope I don't come off that way."

She realized her mistake immediately, "Oh no, I didn't mean you Bella. You are a cool vampire. You're a shape-shifting vampire. The first one in history I am pretty sure."

I smiled teasingly, "How do you know if I am the first shape-shifter vampire in history? Have you been reading up on my kind?"

She blushed red, "Well... I may have a little, but only because I had never come across a vampire who could shape-shift before. I was just a bit wary and curious," She admitted sheepishly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"That's okay," I told her reassuringly, "I was just teasing you. You were just looking out for your pack. You didn't know if I was dangerous or not. I would have been offended if you hadn't looked it up to check."

"I'm glad your not angry with me. I didn't want my new best friend to get angry with me but the pack does come first," She explained to me.

"No don't worry! I understand! Family always comes first. It's not like it hurt me or effected me in any way so I really don't mind," I told her honestly.

"Good," She stated simply before turning her attention back to the television screen in front of us, causing me to laugh and eventually, her to join in.


One Week Later-


Bella P.O.V Still-


I had ended up staying at the pack house in La Push for a whole week. I just cant get over the fact that they treat me, a vampire, their enemy, like a family member. It is an amazing feeling, knowing that if something happens, there will be others there who will have your back. Unfortunately, time there passed quickly and it seemed like no time at all had passed until I was driving my car back towards Forks.

The first thing I noticed when I pulled into my driveway was the car sitting out the front of my house. Or more specifically, Edward's car. I didn't worry about pulling in my binds and erasing my heartbeat because I had already done that as I left La Push, instead, I undid my vision bind, Edward wouldn't notice, and checked to see that Edward was laying back in the driver's seat, and was watching me.

I sighed knowing that I wasn't going to be able to escape him for much longer. I had already surrendered to that the moment I decided to leave La Push yesterday. There was no more escaping this situation, I was going to have to talk to him at some point or another anyway and there was no time like the present.

After steeling my emotions for what was about to happen, I slowly got out of the car. As soon as Edward realized I was getting out, he too got out of his car and slowly walked up to me. He looked horrible, his normally perfectly tousled hair was all over the place in that real yuck, haven't showered in a week way, his normally bright gold eyes were now dull and glassy and if it was even possible, the shadows under his eyes and paleness of his skin looked much worse than normal.

"Bella," He started, his voice strained and weak, "Can we please talk? I have been so lost without you. I haven't been able to concentrate on anything I was so worried about you. I need you in my life. Just please come with me and I will explain everything," He finished, staring at me intently.

I sighed and whispered one word which made his face instantly brighten slightly, "Yes."


Pretty lucky! Two updates in one night!!

Now that's all for this chapter! A couple of new things introduced! Like the fact that Jason and Tanya are now working together! A shock right? In the next chapter Edward will be explaining why he stuffed up! Will upload it soon! :) Have a good time reading!

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Thanks xxx

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