The 'First' Bodyguard (Old V...

By SheWhoOwnsThesky14

336K 10.5K 1K

*written in 2012 at 14* *Follow my new account for the new version of The First Bodyguard @InTheClouds1020* ... More

November, 2020 update+trailer
The 'First' Bodyguard
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
The End :)
August, 2020 Update
HAPPY HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH: Why I changed Melody's Ethnicity.

Chapter 18

10.5K 358 34
By SheWhoOwnsThesky14

I KNOW I HAVEN'T UPDATED THIS IN LIKE MONTHS!!! I"M SOOOO SORRY!!! I had terrible writers block for this chapter and gahhhh it was bad lol. BUT I am getting back on this story though, DON'T WORRY. This chapter is short though, I'm sorry for that. I just wanted to upudate SOMETHING for you guys!! THE ENDING IS COMING! I think I might drag it out alittle..... maybe ;D 


Feel better Ashley!!! 

Chapter 18

"Cotton candy here I come," Aaron said, smiling as his blue eyes caught the cotton candy stand. 

"You're a little kid," Dylan said, shaking his head. Aaron stuck out his tongue at him. 

"That may be true but you're paying," Aaron said, pushing Dylan towards the stand. 

I laughed at the two and look over at Jasper. He still had that sad look in his eyes and I felt bad. Like it probably didn't feel good to have everyone find out your girlfriend had cheated on you. 

"Guess it's just me and you," I said, smiling at him. He finally met my eyes and smiled back. That was a good sign. 

"Ever been on a ferris wheel?" He asked, stuffing his hands on his pocket. If I didn't know better, I would've said he was nervous. 

But Jasper Cross doesn't get nervous. Right

I bit my lip. "I don't really like ferris wheels," I admitted. Jasper's eyebrow shot up. 

"Is Melody Edwin afraid of heights?" He taunted, his signature smirk coming back. 

I playfully hit his arm. "No!" I said, shaking my head. "I just rather not get on a million and five year old death trap, thank you very much." 

Jasper laughed at me and I glared at him. 

"Come on," he said, taking my arm, "You'll be fine!" 

I let him drag me into the line at the ferris wheel. I pulled away from him and crossed my arms when we stopped. 

"I can't believe I survived getting shot to die in a ferris wheel," I mumbled, glaring at him. Jasper cracked a smile. 

"You're not going to die," he reassured me, waving me off. I looked up at the death trap, not feeling all that great. I looked around and noticed the people around us. 

They were couples everywhere. From all different ages but couples nonetheless. The girls had their arm around their boyfriend's arm as they looked at the death trap with such excitement I didn't understand. 

They I realized by Jasper brought me here. This was a couple ride. 

I felt my eyes widen and my heart speed up. Was I on a date? Did Jasper think we were on a date? 

"You know I should probably go and find Aaron and Dylan…" I said, trying to get out of here. Why hadn't I noticed this before. He totally thought we were on a date. He moved his head to the side. The light blonde wig looked weird on him. 

"Not trying to bail on me, are we?"

He was getting better at reading me. I needed to get out of here. 

I opened my mouth to totally lie to him and object but suddenly we were at the front of the line. He grinned. 

"Too late, we're next." 

Nervously, I followed Jasper into the little sit on the death trap. I absentmindedly started playing with the fake brown wig I had on. 

I was on a date. With Jasper Cross. Bloody hell. 

The operator locked us in place and started the ferris wheel. 

"You look weird as a brunette," Jasper commented, probably trying to fill in the silence. I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Yeah well you're not looking so hot as a blonde either," I shot back. He stuck out his tongue and I laughed. Jasper slowly moved his head away from my direction and stared into the sky. I realized he probably had a lot in his mind. With everyone he thought was his friends ended up betraying him. 

"You ok?" I asked softly. I didn't want to seem like I was be annoying. I was generally worried. 

"Not really," he admitted, looking down at his hands. I stared at him. How hard was it for him to admit that? I needed to do something. I needed to get him distracted.

"Are you going to cry?" I asked suddenly, getting him to turn to me. He shook his head softly, smiling. 


I shrugged. "You can cry if you want, doesn't make you anymore of a man to me." His face dropped as he stared at me. But after a moment I sent him a smile. 

"I know what you're doing," he said, the right side of his lip rising. 

I gave him an innocent look. "I'm not doing anything," I said, still smiling. He straighten up. 

"Men don't cry," he responded, giving me a look. I snorted. 

"Ok," I laughed, turning away from him to piss him off. 

"I'm a man!" He defended, getting me to laugh again. 

"Whatever you say Jasper." 

"Oh yeah? I'll show you." I turned to see what stunt he was going to pull only to have him crash his lips to me. I stood there in shock as the ferris wheel came to a stop to the top. Jasper moved in closer to me, placing his hand on the railing. He wanted a reaction from me and he wasn't stopping until he got one. 

Clearly, when it came to Jasper, I had no self-control. 

I kissed him back, placing my hand on his cheek and around his neck. I could physically feel him smiling as the kiss got deeper and deeper. 

But suddenly my phone rang. I pulled away in a  jump but I didn't let go of Jasper. Not yet. Our foreheads were leaning against each other as our breath was still rapid. 

"Let it ring," He whispered, as the arm around me gripped tighter. I wanted to. The way he was looking at me right now, it was driving me crazy. 

"It… could be important…" I breathlessly said back. He sighed and I pulled away, reaching for the phone. 

It was Dylan. 

"Edwin," I said into the phone. 

"Where are you?" He asked, his voice sounded strict. 

"On the ferris wheel. Why?" 

"We have a problem," Dylan said, angrily. "You guys need to meet us back at the parking lot. We're heading back now." 


Aaron, Dylan, Jasper and I pretty much ran down the hall into the oval office. President Cross sat on his chair, like always but around him were men dressed in a black and white tux that I never had met before. 

"What's going on?" Jasper asked as soon as the door was closed behind us. 

"This is Agent Riley Fay and Agent Brett Simmons," President Cross started. "Of the FBI." 

"What the hell is the FBI doing here?" Dylan growled. He was glaring at the younger looking agent with some much hate. 

"We've came to help the secret service with this case," Agent "Simmons" explained, as if it were that obvious. He was a man in his mid thirties with a completely professional looking expression implanted on his face. He had light blue eyes and dark hair, completely different from the young man next to him. 

He was my age, I could tell from one glance at him. I guess the secret service wasn't the only agency secretly training teenagers. He had light blonde hair and a gave me boyish smile as his green eyes found mine. 

"What do you mean the FBI is taking over?" I asked, crossing my arms. My accent seemed to catch the agents off guard as they looked shocked. 

"So you're Melody Edwin," The younger one said, still grinning. I don't like the way he said my name. 

"You didn't answer my question," I snapped, glaring at him. 

The older one shook head. "We are not taking over. Think of this as a partnership." I laughed. Partnership my ass. 

"What exactly does the FBI want?" Aaron asked, mimicking my moves as he crossed his arm too. 

"We're taking Brandon into our custody," Agent Fay explained, placing his hands inside his pocket. 

"You can't do that!" I snapped at them, "Brandon is under arrest by the secret service for-"

"Terrorism and a temp Assassination," Agent Fay finished, "We know. We also know you guys haven't gotten any information from his since he got here. So we're taking him with us. And you really can't do anything about it."

And there are the claws, I thought. 

"Now all you can really do is corporate," Agent Simmons added, "Or the FBI will really be taking over." 

"When?" I asked him, not too happily. 

"Tonight," Agent Fay said, smiling. With that I watched as the two agents left the room, holding their heads high as if they won or something. 

I shook my head. They didn't know me. I don't give up. 

"Can they really do this?" Jasper asked his dad. President Cross looked at the paper on his desk. 

"They have a court order and everything," Lincoln said, sighing. He looked slightly older, as if the stress was physically making him age faster. It probably was. Let's not forget the press conference where he tells everyone I'm an agent is tomorrow. He had a lot to deal with all at once. 

"So there's nothing we can do?" Dylan asked, raising his eyebrow. He was completely still angry and I didn't understand why. 

The case was falling slowly out of my hands. I felt it. Something worst was coming. And I felt like I was never going to revenge my fathers death. 


I woke up the sounds of screaming. I quickly got the gun I had under my pillow and check to make sure it was loaded. It was. 

I opened the door slowly to see Aaron running to my room. 

He was out of breath. 

"It-It's Brandon- he's escape!" 

My whole body froze at the sentence. Brandon was out; Brandon was roaming the White House. 

"Where's the President?" I asked, terrified. Aaron looked at with widen eyes. "WHERE'S THE PRESIDENT?" 








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