Worth Solving {Dylan O'Brien}

By AintThatDevine

771K 17.8K 4.7K

Genesis and Dylan started talking over a wrong number but something compelled them to keep the calls going. A... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Fourty-Five
Chapter Fourty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Fourty-Eight
Chapter Fourty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
For You, With Love

Chapter Eighteen

17K 346 67
By AintThatDevine

A/N: Wow, I getting really bad at updating. My apologies loves! It's mainly because my mind just spits ideas out for other fics, so it seems right when I'm planning on updating WS, I get an idea and get distracted with that! But I did have to cut this short since I had to go to the gym!I'll try and update again soon! Xx -Melissa 


{Dylan's P.O.V.}

Jeff's text came out early in the morning, early enough for Gen to still be tucked under my arm with a mass of covers engulfing us. With it just the beginning of October, I knew exactly what the text was for without even reading. The cast halloween party.

Hey everyone! Hoping you can all get down to the LA studio at noon for our picking of the host for the third  annual cast halloween party!  -JD

Sticking my phone back onto the side table along with a lamp and my watch, Genesis stirred lightly against me. I looked down to her, drousy green eyes fluttering open. "Morning."

Gen smiled lightly, "Morning." She mumbled, clearly still stuck in the temperal sleeping phase that she could keep up until noon on most days. "Who texted?" She asked, waking up ever so slowly as she tucked her chin to the worn Oxford t-shirt she wore to sleep in. 

"Jeff. He's making us meet to figure out who's hosting our Halloween party. He says it's random but it's whoever gets the short end of the stick has to do it." I recalled the time being roughly 10, sunday morning meaning Gen had class soon. "Do you want me to drive you today?" 

I felt Gen stretch out her short legs, more life in her eyes now. "I'm supposed to meet Elizabeth at the ice cream parlour up the street to talk about the book. She said she'll give me a ride." 

"And you're fine with that?" I asked questionably, never thinking i'd see the day.

"Nope." She nuzzled into my chest, sighing lightly. "It's easier not to argue with her, honestly." 

Now that sounded more like Gen. 

"When do you need to be there?" I asked, lacing her left hand with mine. 

"About eleven since class is at noon." Gen replied softly, her eyes dwindling off to stare at the window across from her. Even though the curtains were drawn shut, a steady stream of light fell upon the room. 

"Well it's ten now. You could sleep some more if you want to." I told her, sleep sounding deadly appealing. 

Gen shook her head softly, looking up at me. "I should get up if I don't want to look like a bloody ripper or something."

I rolled my eyes, grinning at her choice of reference. "I don't believe you."

Gen groaned funnily, laughing into my chest before pulling herself up. "Sure, sure." Nearly rolling off of the bed from laziness, Genesis managed her way out of the room and headed to do whatever she did in the morning.

Running my hands through my hair, I got up myself, knowing i'd be asleep again in seconds if I didn't get up now. I shook my head as I walked towards my bathroom at Gen's comment about herself. She really couldn't see it.


Gen knocked on the front door lightly, coming in a moment later. "Dylan, you home?"

"Dining room." I mumbled, staring at the papers infront of me. 

Gen leaned against the pillar just to the side of me, a small smirk on her lips. "Short end of the stick?" She asked, failing to cover up her laughter.

"Oh, don't think you're getting out of this. You're helping me."  I told her, looking behind me.

"Who says?" Genesis walked up behind me, resting her hands on my shoulders. 

I groaned, "Pleaseseee." Whining, I lifted my head up to find Gen smiling. 

"It would be an honour to help host the Teen Wolf Halloween party." Gen squeezed my shoulders before taking the empty seat next to me. "Actually, I've always wanted to go to one, they look so cool." Her face flushed momentarily, "Forget I said that please."

I grinned, shaking my head. "Well, I really doubt you're going to like hosting. JR claims that's why his hair is grayer this year than before."

Gen ruffled my hair, "That's going to be your problem, not mine, love." 

Rolling my eyes, I nudged her arm. "So where do we start?" 

Genesis let out a huff, "How about invitations?" She left and came back with her laptop, the kind that detached and became a tablet. Taking out her stylus, she pulled open a paint app. "I'll design them if you make the guest list."

"Life saver." I pecked her on the cheek, getting up to get my own tablet to put up the cast's contacts. "Hey Gen, I-"

Gen pressed a finger to her lips, her mobile pressed between her ear and shoulder as her pen moved swiftly across her tablet. "Sure thing." She laughed lightly, "So it has traveled over there. Actually, i'm surprised you havn't called sooner." Smiling, she switched hands, continuing draw with her opposite hand. "Erm, are you sure?" She glanced back to me, biting her lip. "I can ask him..." Setting down her stylus, she turned to me, covering the mouth piece of her mobile. "Um, it's my Mum, and, she wants to talk to you."

My eyes widened a little, the words seeming extremely dangerous. "Sure, yeah." I puffed it off as if it was nothing. "I can handle talking to a parent." I laughed nervously, the same expression wriddled on Gen. "What's her name?" I asked, taking the iphone 5 from her hands. 

"Marabelle." Gen wished me good luck silently, carefully moving back to work on the invitations. 

"Hello?" I said hesitantly, feeling my heart thumping in my chest. I was honestly scared out of my mind. 

"Is this Dylan?" A polished British accent flew through to my ears, one much stiffer than Gen's was. 

"Yes ma'am, it is." I answered, awkwardly walking away from Gen and towards the back porch. The waters could calm me to the slightest, enough to get me able to talk to Genesis' mom. 

A laugh that felt almost forced greeted me, "Please, call me Marabelle." She let out a happy sigh. "So, I thought I'd call. I was on my way to pay for my shoppings at Tesco's and there was a magazine stand, and go figure, my daughter is on the front with a handsome lad with her."

I made a small joke about her being with someone else, the punch line pointed at me. I couldn't help it, when I get nervous, I can't take anything seriously. 

"Don't be so modest, Dylan." Marabelle said lightly, keeping the connection airy between us. "I'm just glad she finally has someone. Ever since Tanner she hasn't been the same." She pondered for a moment, "Goodness," She hesitated, "Are you two actually together?"

"Well, um, no, but i've been planning to ask her on a proper date." I chewed on my bottom lip, staring off at the ocean waves colliding and crashing.

Marabelle made a noise of delight. "How lovely! What are you planning?"

"Um, well, i'm not quite sure yet. It needs to be something special." My eyes lit up, "Do you have any ideas?"

Marabelle thought for a moment, 'umming' for a few seconds. "When she was younger, she loved going to down the beach at dark, walking along the shore and things like that." 

An idea sparked in my mind, "Would something like a picnic on the beach be something she'd like. Candles and a blanket, somewhere in that area?" 

Marabelle laughed happily. "I think that sounds perfect for Genesis, Dylan." Waiting a minute to say something else, she grew serious. "I'm guessing by now that you know about her, condition.. yes?"

"The panic attacks?" I asked, noding even though Marabelle was across the world from here. 

"Her anxiety disorder, yes. There's this trick one of her mates used to have, that could stop it if she started having one. It was handy with how dangerous it could get if she couldn't get through it, which she usually can't by herself. If you press back on her fingers enough it would trigger something that would calm her down." Marabelle sighed, "Thing is Dylan, i'm worried about her being there with you."

"Oh, no, we're not, er we havn't. Uh, none of that going on, no need to worry really. I-"

"Dylan, darling, that wasn't what I meant." Marabelle told me, sounding flushed. "I mean of how you're followed by those paparatzzi and something like the stress that comes with that could be bad for Genesis. It worries me because she's spent all her time keeping to herself after Tanner. I know she's been over there for a good month, but I still think it might be a bit much to throw her under."

"She's been adjusting really well to it." I replied, "At first it was a bit much, but lately she's been okay. She's says it's better to get used to know since it'll get even crazier after the book comes out." Listening for a moment, I thought she'd hung up on me. "Marabelle?" 

"Yes, love, sorry." Marabelle cleared her throat, "What was this about a book? One by her?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Yes?"

"Dylan, I have to say I haven't heard anything about this." Marabelle humphed disaprovingly. "I know she's an English major and all, but her own book getting published?" Sighing again, I could tell she was annoyed, "Does it have a release date tied to it?"

"She told me that this morning it was decided that it'd be released just after the New Year. It'll be releasing a week earlier with Bloomsbury in the U.K. and then with Poppy in the U.S." I explained, patting my fingers on my knee absently. 

"How on earth did she swing that?" Marabelle asked in an outstanding tone. 

I shrugged, clicking my tongue. " From what people have been saying, she's extremely talented."

"What do you mean by that? Haven't you read it for yourself?" She asked, half heartedly taken aback. 

"No actually, she hasn't let me." I laughed lightly. "She's trying to make it a sort of surprise." 

Marabelle sighed, "That sounds like her." Taking a breath, she sighed for what seemed like the millionth time. "Well Dylan, I'm glad you're there for her. Seeing as i'm her mum, I suppose now would be the time to embarrass her a bit."

I grinned, "Go for it." I knew Gen would hate me for letter her mom tell me, but I had to know. 

"How about I start with the fact that she watches your telly show religiously. She literally would not shut up about Teen Wolf for an entire bloody year!" Marabelle exclaimed, "Whenever a series would end she would complain all of the time and walk around in her hoodie with some funny last name on the back of it until the show would come back."

"Oh, god." I held back as much laughter as I could, my hand cradeling my head as I listened to Marabelle. 

"But there was a good thing that came out of it. Teen Wolf was the one thing that could make her smile. It came out a year or so after Tanner's accident and until then, she really didn't do much other than go to school and come back without a word said. I'm pretty sure it saved her."

"Saved her from what?" I asked, finding her wording strange. 

"Well, from herself."

I bit down on my lip, understanding what she meant. "I'm glad that the show could."

Marabelle took in a small breath, "Actually, Dylan, it was more you than anything. She always took from Stiles, it's because of you."

"Marabelle, I don't-"

"Dylan." Marabelle stopped me from drawling on.

"Okay," I replied quietly, rubbing my forehead with shut eyes. "Okay." I let out a small breath, "Well, I should go, I left Gen to work on the party and I'll feel bad if I leave her any longer."

"Alright, love. Well it was nice talking to you, Dylan." Marabelle sighed, "Bye, darling."

"Bye." I replied quietly, hanging up and walking back into the house.

Gen looked over her shoulder as the door shut, "How'd it go?"

"Good." I nodded with a smile, "So, when you said you were a fan of Teen Wolf, you were not kidding. Whining for months until the next season."

"Oh god, she didn't." Gen graoned, running a hand down her face. "I'm going to kill her."

"Forget about that right now," I walked up behind her, wrapping my arms around her still in the chair. Resting my head on her shoulder, I nuzzled into her neck. "I want to take you on a date. A real one."

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