Max the Stalker

By Byanca16

271 8 7

I’m the kid you ignore in the hallways. The kid that the jocks will think it’s funny to pick on. The kid that... More

Max the Stalker
Chapter One
Chapter Two

Chapter Three

30 1 0
By Byanca16

It had been two weeks since I last saw her. Two WHOLE weeks went by, and nothing. Not so much as a wave or, even eye contact! It’s really beginning to worry me. I mean at this rate, we’ll never elope and get married!

Every day I looked out the bay window above the kitchen sink overlooking my backyard. But obviously I wasn’t looking at my backyard; I was searching for any type of movement from her house.

It really scared me that something could have happened to her. I mean while I was at school who knows what kind of dangerous things could have happened to her?

Some armed robber could have stormed into her house, beaten her senseless and shoved her in a closet! Or worse… he could have done… that. If you know what I mean.

I took a deep breath, and moved to the spot where she stood when she came before. I knew this was the precise spot, because I counted the tiles. Eight tiles from the patio doors, and four from the counter. Right on the spot where a something was dropped and left a teeny tiny scuff mark. That could only be seen if you knew it was there.

I tried sniffing for her scent; but t nothing happened. The only odor to come in contact with my nostril was the stale aroma of cleaning products.

I really need to get a life.

Taking a deep breath I began taking large strides around my kitchen, searching for some grub. I only ended up finding a few pieces of moldy bread, a brown banana, and stale crackers.

It was time to do some grocery shopping.

It was a good thing that my mom’s friend picked her up from work, and left me the car. It was beat up old rusty Junker, but it worked, and was great on gas.

I grabbed the keys off the hook, and was on my merry way.

I pulled into the grocery store parking lot, and hopped out the door. I didn’t even bother locking it, I mean if someone wanted to steal it, great. Then maybe insurance could get us a nicer vehicle.

I can’t be the only one who feels like a king when the automatic doors open for you, right? All that I’m missing is a crown, and a beautiful queen…

I shook that thought off. Thinking of her will only cause misery.

I sauntered down the aisles of the store. Grabbing anything that looked delicious and cheap. I was on a budget, and we still needed milk, eggs, bread, etc.

It felt like I had been trudging around the store for ages now, and I was getting impatient. Since Mom did most of the shopping, I hardly knew where anything was. I turned the corner into the aisle where the bread was supposed to be, and bumped into someone; causing both of our baskets to collide, and spill onto the floor.   

“Oh my goodness! I’m so sorr-“ I cut myself off when I looked up into the person’s eyes. It was her. My heart thumped in my chest. Breathe Max, breathe.

“Oh no it’s fine…” She said her voice barely above a whisper.

“So what brings you here?” I asked, and then mentally slapped myself. Stupid! Stupid! I thought. It’s a grocery store, what do you come here for? To hunt elephants, ugh I can be so dumb, and bad with words.

“Oh, wait never mind don’t answer that… It’s pretty obvious what you’re doing here, I mean it’s a uh, uh…”

“A grocery store,” she said adding in a cute little giggle.

“Right right! So you’re obviously here to um, uhh buy…”

“Groceries,” she finished again, adding in that adorable little giggle.

“Oh yeah right, right. So Whatcha buying..?”  I might as well be the king of stupid questions.

“Just some random things, yah know? We’re kinda out of everything at my place,” She told me.

“Ha! Same! Weird huh?” I piped.

“Yeah,” she replied shyly, her cheeks turning a light pinkish color.

“We should hang out,” I blurted out. The look on her face said it all; she looked absolutely repulsed by that idea, and took a step back.

“I-I… don’t know what to say… “ she said, her frail voice said squeaking a bit.

“I’m sorry for even suggesting the idea… just forget it,”

“I would love too,” Her response surprised me.

“What, really?” I asked, I wouldn’t even be surprised if my eyes widened in shock a bit.

“Yeah…” she replied shyly, looking down, and tucking a strand of her hair behind her left ear.

“G-Great!” I responded, overjoyed.  She looked down again, this time smiling, and blushing.

“So, uh when?” I piped a tad bit too overexcited.

“When what?” She asked knitting her brows in confusion. My heart literally sank to the lowest depths of my chest, but slowly rose when she broke into a fit of laughter. She hunched over, clutching her stomach, and put one of her hands onto my shoulder. I froze with the sudden contact. But the sparks that seemed to fly melted away the uneasiness.

She just kept laughing and laughing, a few stray tears rolled down her face, but she wiped them away with her spare hand.

She let out a couple of breaths (while still laughing), but slowly stopped. She straightened herself out, and cleared her throat.

“Oh, um sorry for that. But I’m literally never busy, so whenever’s fine,” She said casually shrugging.

“Alright well I’m the same. So how about this Friday we met up at that park about two blocks from my house?” I suggested.

“Hmm… sure,” Was her answer.

“What’s a good time for you?”

“I dunno like five?” She began picking up the items that she had dropped during the collision.

“Alrighty, see you at five…” I said implying for her to tell me her name. Her eyes darted around, before she had the ‘deer in the highlights’ look.

“I gotta go!” she said quickly, before dashing in the direction of the cash registers.

“Better not stand me up!” I shouted playfully in her direction.

But she was just a tiny dot in the distance.  

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