30 Day Letter Challenge - Mua...

By MuahahaX3

4.2K 37 22

This is the 30 day letter challenge. I started this on November 11th, so I have a lot of days to catch up on... More

30 Day Letter Challenge - The Beginning.
Letter One - Your Best Friend.
Letter Two - Your Crush.
Letter Three - Your Parents.
Letter Four - Your Sibling.
Letter Five - Your Dreams.
Letter Six - A Stranger.
Letter Seven - Your Ex.
Letter Nine - Someone You Wish You Could Meet.
Letter Ten - Someone You Don't Talk To As Much As You'd Like To.
Letter Eleven - A Deceased Person You Wish You Could Talk To.
Letter Twelve - The Person You Hate Most/Caused You The Most Pain.
Letter Thirteen - Someone You Wish Could Forgive You.
Letter Fourteen - Someone You've Drifted Away From.
Letter Fifteen - The Person You Miss the Most.
Letter Sixteen - Someone That's Not In Your Province/Country.
Letter Seventeen - Someone From Your Childhood.
Letter Eighteen - The Person You Wish You Could Be.
Letter Nineteen - Someone [THING] That Pesters Your Mind.
Letter Twenty - The One That Broke Your Heart The Hardest.
Letter Twenty One - Someone You Judged By Their First Impression.
Letter Twenty Two - Someone You Want To Give A Second Chance To.
Letter Twenty Three - The Last Person You Kissed.
Letter Twenty Four - The Person That Gave You Your Favorite Memory.
Letter Twenty Five - The Person Going Through The Worst Of Times.
Letter Twenty Six - The Last Person You Made A Pinky Promise To.
Letter Twenty Seven - The Friendliest Person You Knew For Only One Day.
Letter Twenty Eight - Someone That Changed Your Life.
Letter Twenty Nine - The Person You Want To Tell Everything To.
Letter Thirty - Your Reflection.
And I'm Done.

Letter Eight - Your Favorite Internet Friend.

130 2 0
By MuahahaX3

As a person who used to play Maplestory, I have many internet friends. Some of them I've met through my MS friends, some of them through real life friends, so I definitely have many. I can't pick out a specific person, so I will put a few, just like my best friend letters.

Dear Lily, 

I have so many things to say about you. You're amazing, your art is beautiful, and don't let anyone bring you down. I still haven't forgiven -insert multiple names here- for doing those things to you. How dare he insult your art! And the other guy, I know he broke your heart, but move on; it's for the best. You guys met through the internet, you probably wouldn't have lasted very long. I could be wrong though.

When we first met, it was in Orbis. You still had your Darling Diva hair and were wearing those wizard robes. I was a higher level than you at the time [archers forever <3], but we became friends really quickly. I introduced you to my best internet friend at the time, and then suddenly we had a whole group of friends today. At first, that girl and I were best friends [wifeys], but later on, I didn't talk as often as I usually did to her. It's probably because I matured and found out that I couldn't really express myself to her. With you though, you grew up a bit and I introduced you into a bigger world. You're a bit more knowledgeable now, and you can understand how I feel. You are definitely my best internet friend now, and you're great.

Friends Forever,


Dear Angela, 

Ohohohoho. You are so, so, so cool! I mean, you're really understanding, really kind, really considerate and you always have time for others. You're such a beauty, so smart. You really are the entire "package." It would sound more normal if I was a guy, but clearly I'm not.

We met through Maplestory. Let's see, our first meeting was... Oh, yes! Through Christina. You were her "twin" in the game [though to be honest, she kinda dropped you after], and it turned out we were both friends with... Oh, damn, I forgot his name. WHY!? Something with a B... I am so sorry about that. Maybe I'll remember later on in the letter.

Next thing is that you were always there for me, and you genuinely cared. Especially when I was venting about You-Know-Who [yes, it was Voldy!] and you listened when I gushed, fan girled, and screamed about Taemin. Oh, I love him so much!

BRAM! THERE YOU GO! I remembered his name. YES!

Moving on, Ela, what I really want to say is that you are an amazing friend. I wish I could meet you in person! Well, I could, but I don't think that it's such a good idea right now. Maybe some time in the future, when it's sunnier and less cold. 

Friends Forever,


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