Murderous Beauty

By TheEscapist

164 11 5


Murderous Beauty

164 11 5
By TheEscapist

-Chapter One-  New Beginning

I was unable to identify the images that swirled in my mind. There was a boy, slightly older than me but around the same age. Dark hair, alluring eyes…

Being close to him, within the circle of his arms…I was happy. His skin, exuding the most exotic, wonderful fragrance. My lips on his skin…kissing him, his lips on mine…the wonder of finally finding someone like myself.

The one person I loved lying on a bed, his skin deathly pale, his eyes blood-shot and attempting to comfort me. He was dying.

I could hear his breath, forced and ragged as though it was painful for him to breathe. He had been enduring so much torture…I was losing the only person I had ever truly loved.

Heart-wrenching agony as I watched him leave the world.

A scream…my own screeching voice intoxicating the air around me.

And then…darkness. 


My eyes flicked open. I had awoken in a luxurious king size bed, confusion seeped into my mind as I tried to figure out where I was. I couldn’t remember the day before; in fact I couldn’t remember a past day of my entire life. I had no idea who I was or where I had come from, I couldn’t even think of my parents or friends were. The only thing I could remember about myself was that my name is Culicidae. It was a completely bizarre name, I was sure it was associated with some kind of insect. Culicidae…who in the world would call their daughter a name that was supplementary with insects?

But as this was the only aspect of myself that I was certain about, I clung to it with everything I had.

Remnants of my visions during my sleep were difficult to hold onto and as my consciousness made itself known, they slipped away, one by one. I felt stripped bare, the only knowledge I possessed slipped from my hold, it seemed the more I tried to remember what had occurred during my dreams, the more difficult I found it trying to identify them.

The room I awoke in was pleasant. Rouge painted walls, thick, embroidered curtains that skirted an Edwardian bay window. It could definitely be described as classy. And the bed, full and cushioned with thick, expensive linen. The room exuded of luxury.

What am I doing here? I asked myself and for some inexplicable reason was disappointed at the lack of reply.

My legs and arms were stiff, it was difficult to move them. They felt like lead, like as though they hadn’t been used in years. I was also hungry, starving in fact. My stomach growled, desperate for some solid food to disintegrate. And my eyes were heavy, it took an abnormal effort to keep them open, it seemed they had become too accustomed to being closed.

Slowly I moved the layers of linen and blankets of my lifeless body and shuffled of the bed. Standing up caused blood to rush to my head, making me dizzy and unsteady. I staggered for a moment before walking towards the grand door. The cool wood beneath my feet felt good, solid and almost refreshing. Beyond the door was a large hallway, the middle met a set of stairs that circled to the floor beneath. I walked towards the stair and began to descend them, desperate to find out some inkling of my life. I walked down the stairs slowly as hasty movements caused my vision to blur and making it difficult to control my limbs.

As I reached the foot of the stairs, I heard voices. A man, his voice quick, urgent and dominant and a woman, her voice soft and compliant.

“Hello?” I called in a voice that sounded ill and aged.

The woman whose voice I had heard, rushed out, she had golden skin and dark luscious hair that fell to her elbows. The expression on her face was utter shock…and happiness.

“Culicidae! Oh my darling, you’re awake” she squealed before tackling me in a tight hug. By this point tears were streaming from her dark eyes and she cupped my face in her hands and kissed my forehead several times.

She patted my body all over as though she was ensuring every little part of me was healthy muttering “you shouldn’t be out of bed! You’ve just woken up.” She pulled back and upon her scrunched up in what seemed grief. Her eyes reddened and watered more. “I thought you were never going to wake up” she started a sob, which turned into almost manic laughter.

“Erm…who are you?” I asked, my voice muffled by her tight embrace.

“What?!” Her hands grabbed my face again. “What do you mean, who am I?” Fear laced her voice.

“I meant, who are you?” I asked again.

“Culicidae, I am your mother.” She told me seriously. “The doctor said you might have some memory loss” she muttered to herself. “I had no idea it would be so drastic…”

“My mother?” I was grateful that I had found a piece of my life…but the way she talked made me nervous. Why couldn’t I remember anything? What was wrong with me?

“So…that man in there,” I continued pointed towards the door that she emerged from, “is my father?”

Her expression suddenly changed, from concern to confusion. “Darling there is there is no man in this house…”

“Yes there is” I argued, my voice growing stronger. “I heard you talking to him”

“No darling.” My mother smiled. “Silly, you’re just confused, that car crash messed up that little head of yours” she stroked my hair lovingly.

“Car crash?” I was getting kind of sick of asking idiotic questions. “I was sure I heard someone” I insisted.

Look for yourself.” She replied leading me into the room. It was large, for a living room and as luxurious as the rest of the grand house. But it was empty, the large patio door allowed enough light for me to inspect every inch. There was no man in the room. Confusion creased my brow.

“I think I’ll call the doctor to check you over, now that you’re awake!” My mother kissed me on the cheek and led me to the sofa. “Sit tight. I’ll be back in a moment.” She smiled affectionately before leaving the room.

 So, at that point, I’d learned three things about myself. One, I had been in a car crash. Two, I couldn’t remember and thing. And three, my mother was lying to me.

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