Blood Sacrifice

By SPK_Has_Clawz

2.2K 56 26

“It had been a year. A year since I had gotten that reading from that cryptic mad woman. And unlike many peop... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Crying over Spilt Blood
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Part 2 - Exposed
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - The Soul of a Sinner

Chapter 4 Part 1 - Past the Point of No Return

153 7 4
By SPK_Has_Clawz

Heyya guys Priya [ThisKittyHasClawz] here. I know it's been quite a while, but I've been insanely busy over the course of the past few weeks. Me and Prea are both in the same boat, havin' a MA-HOO-SIVE workload, and having to apply to colleges too. And that's only when we don't have family stuff goin' on [no, we're not related, but we do both have HUGE families].

Well, I apologise for the lateness, and can only hope that this chappie makes up for it!

The song on the right is Life Must Go On by AlterBridge, which goes really well. It's the song I'm curently going crazy over. Originally when writing this, I was gonna post a SlipKnoT song - Disaster Piece, to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of their album Iowa [like the American State]. But the AlterBridge song goes better. Check the SlipKnoT song out if you want though...

And I apologise to the BOLD button for abusing it... O_o

Here it is!


Chapter 4 Part 1 -Past the Point of No Return

Victoria sighed. Walking down the stairs, she felt only regret, as she imagined the hurt that everyone would all no doubt suffer at dinner. Her last dinner with her family for an immeasurable time period.

Victoria and her insufferable cousin stared angrily at each other, as they set the table. The atmosphere was so thick, so tense, it was almost tangible, visible. 

They sat in silence as Victoria's mother plated up the meal. It was fish pie. Melanie's favourite.

For the next few minutes, all that could be heard was silence, though that didn't mean that the three individuals were just eating their dinner.

The silent conversation between her cousin and her mom wasn't inconspicuous; their long hard looks at each other, and distinctive gestures were so obvious in the dense atmosphere, that it would have been less obvious if they were whispering.

Eventually, the gestures stopped, and the words and anger came gushing out of her mother.

'Victoria, where were you? Have you any idea how worried I was? Not only does you dear cousin here tell me you weren't at college today,but no one knows where you are! Not her, not your friends...You are throwing away your education, and for what? Don't you want to make something of yourself? And what were you doing anyway...Well, what do you have to say for yourself?' Victoria sighed again. This was only ever going to be a small part of the lecture Victoria was aware she would receive. She tried to stay calm; Victoria didn't want her last day at home to consist of a borderline violent shouting match.

'Mom, I just had to do something okay. I just needed to get some extra materials for revision, and go to the library and stuff. And then I went for a walk, sat  in the park for a while.' She quickly thought on her feet, trying to think of an excuse that was not only believable, but didn't involve sword-like keys, odd neighbours, or murder. It wasn't like she could tell her mother the truth, was it?

'Revision? Why would you need to revise? You've got it all up there in your head! Taking a walk? When have you ever done that?' Her mother wasn't just talking angrily now. She was full on screaming at Victoria from across the table. It wasn't exactly a nice expereince. Though Victora's father was known to be a calm man - at least, before he left - her mother wasn't, and the calm that she had tried so hard to hold on to was dissipating rapidly.

'Mom, WHY would you shout at me about my education meaning something, if you think that me revising is pointless? You are such a hypocrite! And so what if I don't take walks; does that mean I never can? Can't we just have dinner in peace? Is it really that hard? I took ONE day off, and I bet I'll STILL ace the exams. Meanwhile, my DARLING cousin flunks so much, it's a miracle when she's in school, and it's not like she'll pass anything if she tried! Why on earth are you so wound up anyway?' Victoria shouted, seeing everything through a tinted veil of red.

'Why involve me! It's got nothinig to do with me!' Melanie shouted.

'How dare you call me a hypocrite, Victoria! It's not like you're the perfect person, is it? How could Mel do anything like that anyway, she's too well behaved to skip school!' Her mother shouted. She was defending Melanie? Over her own daughter?

'If that's how you feel about it, then fine! And when did I say I was perfect anyway? I've lost my appetite, I'm going.' Victoria shouted, and left the room, leaving her dishes on the table.

She stormed upstairs, still angry, but regretting having to leave on a day filled with so much anger and upset.

She took out her notepad upstairs, and scrawled a quick note.

Mom - 

Sorry about skipping school. If it really meant so much to you, I wouldn't have done it.

I'm leaving for a while,  just to sort things out. So don't come looking for me, or call the police, and don't try to call me. I'll be busy.

I'll miss you, but I suppose you'll have Melanie to keep you company for a while. I still don't understand how and why you defended her over me.

It doesn't matter now. Just, look after yourself, and don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I'll be back soon, but I don't know how long I'll be gone.

It's not your fault, I planned to do some stuff anyway.

I love you,

Victoria. xxx

It seemed ridiculous to Victoria when she read it back. It seemed so unreal, so...odd to be writing down so many of her feelings. When she could run down he stairs, hug her mother and tell her herself.

She took the notepad and slunk into her mother's room, where she deposited the notepad under her mother's pillow. She didn't trust her cousin as far as she could throw he+r. And she wanted her mother to read the note before anyone else.

Tip-toeing to her room, Victoria closed the door quietly. She opened her window, and threw her duffel bag lightly onto the grass lawn under her window.

She jumped out of the window, using the ivy clinging onto the brick walls as hand- and foot-holds.

She unlocked the trunk of her car, andshoved in her suitcase. And then, she was ready.

There was no going back, she thought, staring at the stars overhead, I've past the point of no return.

Victoria climbed into the car, and started it, wincing at theroar of the engine.

She drove off the road, and drove into the highway, driving despite being confused about where to go.When asking herself about who she could talk to, who she needed to visit, she found her answer.

She stroked a necklace around her neck, and figured out the first stop on her first ever journey.

Looking up at the dark starry night, Victoria sped up,.

The eyes of Fate were shining down on her. Just like they did a year ago.

Victoria prayed that Fate knew what she was doing. ecause she herelf has no idea what she was getting herself into.


Hope you guys liked it! I know it was a little it of a filler, but there had to be one somewhere. My bad luck that I got it instead of Prea. Grrr! :P Anywayz, if there are any typos in there [i can be known as the Typo Queen....sadly] then let me know, tell me what you think of it, and so on. Where you you think she's gonna go? And why d you think her journey's all about? Don't forget to vote comment tweet, like, etc. Thanks for reading Love Priya xoxo

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