Everyone Wants To Know (Camre...

By sleepless-nightz

279 12 5

Lauren and Camila have a very complicated relationship, no one knows just how much the two girls know each ot... More

Everyone Wants to Know (Camren)

279 12 5
By sleepless-nightz

Everyone Wants to Know (Camren)

Camila slowly opened the door and was met with loud voices and booming music. She was going to end the night with a massive headache. She sighed. Why she had come to the stupid party she didn't know. Or she did. She just didn't want to admit it. She sure as hell wasn't going to admit it to anyone. Camila looked around the hallway. Already there were a handful of people shoving their tongues down a strangers throat. Gross, she thought.

A red solo cup was shoved into her hand. She had no idea what was inside. Alcohol she assumed. She brought it to rest on her upper lip and smelt the drink. Vodka. She wondered why people were handing out cups of straight vodka. Shots of vodka she could understand, but an entire cup? That's a little extreme. They could have at least handed her a chaser too. She couldn't say she was surprised, though. It was one of the infamous Lauren Jauregui parties after all.

Camila stepped into the house. She attempted to wiggle her way through the couples that were attempting to shove their body into their partners. Camila sighed, she already knew that she was not going to enjoy herself. As she made her way into the living room she was surprised to see just how many people were at the party.

"Mila!" Camila scanned the mass of bodies for the voice that had called her name. She spotted her best friend Dinah sitting on the couch. Camila laughed when she saw her friend waving at her enthusiastically. Camila pushed people out of the way as she made her way over to Dinah, she embraced the taller girl in a hug before she noticed the other 2 girls also seated on the couch. All three of them had drinks in their hands. 

Camila was dragged into a sitting position with Dinah before she turned her attention to the other girls, the shorter of the 2, Camila believed her name was Ally, was looking towards the dance area longingly, Camila shrugged it off and turned her attention to the other. She was smirking at Camila, Camila remembered her as Normani, Lauren Jauregui's best friend. Oh god.

"Looking hot, Camila." Normani shamelessly looked her up and down. "Trying to impress someone? I can see why she likes you." Normani nodded, almost as if she was approving of Camila. Camila rolled her eyes.

"She doesn't." The words were out of Camila's mouth before she could even stop it. Normani frowned but didn't push the subject any further. Camila let her eyes wander across the room, she had been in the room before, but with a lot fewer people, and the music wasn't as loud. There had been 2 of them and the music has been playing softly in the background.

Camila caught something in the corner of her eye. She saw a boy, he was glancing over at the girls with her on the couch every few seconds. Camila looked over at the 3 other girls before she finally realised he was looking at Ally, Camila smirked, "Ally, instead of eye fucking him, go and talk to him." Ally stared at Camila wide eyed, who in return sent her an encouraging smile.

Ally grinned before downing the cup in her hand before all but skipping her way over to the boy. Camila watched her as she walked up to the boy and started a conversation. Even though she wasn't really friend's with Ally the girl hadn't really done anything wrong by Camila and Camila thought it was very cute the way Ally seemed to light up when talking to the boy.

Camila turned back around to the other 2 girls who also sat on the couch. They were grinning at her and wiggling their eyebrows. She furrowed her eyebrows and frowned. The 2 girls nodded to something behind her and continued to grin. Camila turned around and suddenly understood when they were grinning at her.

Coming down the stairs, with her group of friends, in all her glory was the one and only Lauren Jauregui. Camila had to admit that Lauren looked extremely hot in her all black attire. The only thing that ruined her appearance in Camila's eyes was the blonde bimbo that hung off her arm. Lauren walked down the stairs making an entrance to her party. She wore that famous 'I just got laid' smirk as she had her arm wrapped around the bimbo's waist. Her hand resting a little too low for Camila's liking.

The group of football jocks that surrounded her shouted praises at her and wolf whistled as the pair walked down the stairs. Camila shot daggers at the pair. She knew she shouldn't be jealous. She had no right to be. Lauren could do what she wanted. She wasn't Camila's. No matter how much either of them wanted it.

Laurens piercing green eyes scanned the crowd until her eyes landed on Camila. Her eyes widened almost comically and she pushed the bimbo off of her. The bimbo stumbled a little before walking the rest of the way down the stairs to be swallowed up by the crowd. Probably to be asked how much of a good time Lauren was.

Camila and Lauren held an intense staring contest where Camila tried to kill Lauren with just her eyes. Camila was the one to break the contest. She turned around and looked back at Dinah and Normani. They were looking between Lauren and Camila with frowns on their faces. Camila let out a cold laugh "Likes me? Yea right." Camila snapped at the 2 girls before standing up and stalking off towards the kitchen.

Camila knew that she was going to this party was a bad idea. She knew that she would just end up hurt. Lauren didn't care about her, Lauren Jauregui just wanted one thing from her. She leant against the counter. Surprisingly there wasn't anyone in the kitchen, even though there wasn't any alcohol in the kitchen she still expected for people to be in the kitchen.

Camila closed her eyes and rubbed her face. "Camila." She heard the voice of the girl she didn't want to talk too. Camila opened her eyes and looked over in the direction that she heard her name being called from. In the doorway stood the reason she was hurt. Lauren Jauregui. Camila didn't think this night could get any worse. "It wasn't- I didn't-" Lauren tried to explain but Camila wasn't having any of it.

"Save it, Lauren. Tell someone who cares." Camila snapped. If she wasn't so hurt she would have cared about the hurt that flashed across Lauren's face as those words left Camila's mouth. She spun quickly and walked back into the living room and onto the dance floor so Lauren couldn't follow her.

Camila found Dinah and Normani on the dance floor. She quickly found herself another drink and downed it, she danced with Normani and Dinah to all the songs that came blasting through the speakers. The 3 girls had a few more drinks and really started to loosen up on the dance floor, Normani had found herself a dance partner and was currently trying to see how close their bodies could get. Camila could feel eyes following her every movement, she knew exactly who's eyes they were but she refused to acknowledge them.

Dinah leant over to whisper in Camila's ear "Big bad Jauregui can't take her eyes off you." Camila rolled her eyes and plucked Dinah's drink out of her hand, downing the rest in one gulp.

"Let her stare all she wants." Camila pulled away from Dinah and began to dance again. A few minutes later she felt hands snake around her waist. She knew they weren't Lauren's hands. She looked over her shoulder to see Austin Mahone with his hands on her.

"You looked lonely dancing all my yourself babe, I thought I would come and keep you company." He grinned at her. She forced herself to not roll her eyes. Camila found the gaze of Lauren over his shoulder. If looks could kill he would have been dead long ago. Camila thought it was quite ridiculous that Lauren was glaring at the boy while she had her arm wrapped around the bimbo from earlier. Camila smirked to herself. If Lauren wanted to play that game Camila was more than happy to play along.

She brought her gaze back to Austin, "I was getting a bit lonely." She smiled before turning away from him and pressing her hips back into him. She moved her hips to the music and she could feel his fingers digging into her hips and he pulled her closer to himself. Camila wasn't enjoying herself. It was all wrong. Wrong hands, wrong movements, wrong feeling.

She felt him lean down towards her ear. "Why don't we take this upstairs?" He whispered seductively. Suddenly he was yanked away from her and soon replaced with all too familiar arms.

"What do you think you're doing?" Lauren whispered in her ear.

Camila swallowed the lump in her throat. "Dancing." She replied as nonchalantly as she could with Laurens body pressed up against her back.

"That didn't look like dancing if you ask me." Lauren pulled Camila's hips back into her own.

Camila inhaled quickly. "Good thing I didn't ask you then." Camila pulled out of Laurens grasp and quickly found Austin glaring at Lauren. She smiled up at him as she made her way over to him.

"Jauregui seems to be into you." He nodded in the direction of the green-eyed girl who was glaring in their direction.

Camila shrugged. "She's not into anyone. All she wants is a fuck." Camila watched as green eyes snapped to hers. It was clear that she had been listening in to their conversation. She looked almost hurt, Camila didn't understand why, though. That was all Lauren Jauregui wanted from anyone.

He smirked at her. "So about my earlier offer. How about we take this upstairs?" He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into his body.

Camila shrugged herself out of his hold. "I have to use the bathroom, excuse me." Camila moved away from him and made her way to the stairs. Telling him she needed to use the bathroom was a complete lie. Although she was extremely annoyed at Lauren for pulling what she did with the bimbo, she would never sleep with someone just to get back at Lauren. She hated how much control the green-eyed girl had over her.

She made her way up the stairs, she had been to the house so many times before that she knew where every room in the house was. Just as she opened the door she felt a hand on her back pushing her inside. She stumbled a few times before finally regaining her footing. She heard the door slam and lock.

Just as Camila turned around to look at the person who pushed her into the bathroom. She felt herself being pushed up against the cold bathroom wall and a pair of lips on hers. She knew, as soon as those lips began moving against hers, that it was Lauren. Camila reciprocated for a split second before she pushed Lauren away from her. If Lauren though she was getting anything out of Camila after she fucked that bimbo she had another thing coming.

Having being pushed off Camila didn't stop Lauren though. Immediately she gripped Camila's hips, pulling her against her own. Her lips automatically found Camila's neck and sucked harshly on it. Camila's hand automatically found its way into Lauren's hair even though she knew she should be pushing Lauren off.

"Do you think you're funny?" Lauren mumbled into the skin on Camila's neck, causing shivers to run down her spin. "Dancing with Mahone, did you enjoy it Camz?" Lauren's fingers gripped tightened on Camila's hips. She bit harshly on Camila's neck, causing the younger girl to produce a moan. "Or did you imagine it to be me?" Lauren ran her tongue up Camila's neck and began to nibble on her ear.

Camila pushed Lauren away again and glared at her. "I can dance with whoever I want Lauren. Not everything revolves around you."

Lauren pushed Camila up against the wall gently, as much as she was angry at Camila for dancing with Mahone, especially when she knew it was just to piss her off, she didn't want to hurt the girl. She liked her a lot more than she wanted to admit. "You're mine Camila," Lauren growled. Her hands attaching themselves automatically back onto Camila's hips. Her lips on Camila's again, her hands quickly moving from her hips to her ass.

Camila pushed her away again and laughed. "So I'm yours but you're not mine? You fucked that bimbo earlier but now that you want me I'm yours? What about me Lauren? What about you being mine? It's not a one-way street. Fuck you Lauren."

Anger burned in Lauren as Camila accused her of sleeping with another girl. Sure, she was a bit of a player but she wouldn't do that to Camila. She cared too much to hurt her like that. Lauren gripped her undersides of Camila's thighs and lifted her onto the bathroom sink. "Camila," Lauren said sternly, looking into the brown eyes she's come to love. "I didn't sleep with her. You are mine and I am yours." Lauren gently stroked the tops of Camila's thighs. It was only now how much they had worked themselves up. The mood switched for angry to calm within seconds.

Camila brought her hand up to Lauren's cheek and gently stroked it. "Show me you're mine. Prove it to me." Camila whispered. Lauren could hear the tenderness in her voice. Lauren gently connected their lips in a sweet kiss, trying to explain to Camila how much she cared that her words couldn't say. The two girls had never been this gentle with each other before. Both girls trying to tell the other their feelings through kissing and touching. Seeing the other girl with another person set off sparks of jealousy and insecurity, neither girl had realised before just how scared they were to lose the other.

Both girls were surprised at how tenderly they were treating each other. Usually, they were very rough and straight to the point, that was how it had always been, but sitting on the sink in Lauren's bathroom as Lauren gently rubbed her hands up and down Camila's thighs Camila realised just how much she really cared about Lauren

Camila wrapped her arms around Lauren's neck pulling her closer. Lauren's hands moved from Camila's thighs to her sides. "You're so beautiful. I don't think I've ever told you." Lauren whispered against Camila's lips.

Camila laughed. "Hot, sexy and fuckable just to name a few, but never beautiful. Thank you, Laur, you're beautiful too." Both girls knew this was a turning point for the girls. Lauren slipped her hands under Camila's top who sucked in a breath at the cold touch.

Lauren laughed with her, "Well you are all of those things but above all you're beautiful. So breathtakingly beautiful." Lauren ran her hands up Camila's flat stomach and let her hands rest just under Camila's breasts. Lauren detached her lips from Camila's and moved them to her neck, Camila's hands automatically threaded through Lauren's hair.

Camila moved her hands to the bottom of Lauren's shirt and tried tugging it up. "Off." She managed to whisper. Lauren chuckled but detached her lips from Camila's neck and help Camila pull off her own shirt before pulling off Camila's. Her hands making their way back up her stomach this time to rest on her breasts, she gave them a gentle squeeze but quickly got annoyed with the fabric covering them. Making quick work of discarding the item, it was now somewhere across the bathroom but Lauren wasn't really worried.

Lauren lowered her mouth to Camila's left nipple, groaning when her tongue ran over the hardened nipple. Camila tightened her grip on Lauren's hair as she let out a small whimper. Lauren made sure to give both breasts the same amount of attention and soon Camila was a mess in her arms. Lauren could tell she was becoming desperate, she often felt Camila trying to pull her hand to where she needed her most. "Fuck Lauren, please," Camila whined once again trying to push Lauren's hands into her pants.

Lauren once again pulled her hands away from Camila's pants, causing her to whine. "Patience baby, I promise I will, I just want to look after you." Both Lauren and Camila froze when those words slipped out of Lauren's mouth. It was said in a sexual way but both girls knew it was meant in another way. They were being open with each other without being straightforward about it.

Camila didn't know how to reply so she simply smashed her lips against Laurens. She was trying to tell her that she would let her take care of her. Camila's hands found their way to the back of Lauren's bra, unclipping it and throwing it somewhere near hers. Camila automatically attached her lips to Lauren's nipple. The older girl groaned at the feeling of Camila's warm mouth. Camila was sat in an uncomfortable position so she pushed Lauren back, hopped off the counter and spun Lauren around so that her back was pressed against the counter. Lauren groaned again at the shift in power.

She would never admit it to the younger girl but she liked when Camila tried to take control. Lauren chuckled. "Sorry babe, my house, my rules." Lauren spun them around and placed Camila back on the counter. "And my rule is that you're up here," Lauren whispered onto Camila's lips. Her hands finding the button on Camila's pants and pulling them down Camila's thighs, Lauren dropped to her knees as she pulled the pants off Camila's ankles.

Lauren gently placed soft kisses on Camila's inner thighs. Camila let out a frustrated sigh and attempted to push Lauren's head closer to her centre. "For fuck sake, Lauren! Touch me!" Camila whined. Lauren gently ran her fingers over Camila's clothed centre, earning a shudder from the younger girl. She blew on the area Camila needed her and the younger girl let out a squeak, surprised at Lauren's actions.

Lauren slowly pulled down the last piece of fabric left on the younger girls body, she yanked them off the younger girls legs and pulled her legs forward so that Camila was almost falling off the counter. Lauren kissed her way up Camila's thighs as she heard the other girls breathing pick up.

Camila threw her head back as soon as Lauren's mouth connected with her centre. Her hand automatically gripping the older girls hair, pushing her further into her centre trying to feel more pressure. "Shit Lauren." Lauren ran her tongue all the way up Camila's slit, over her bundle of nerves and up her stomach until she reached her lips.

Lauren grabbed Camila's thighs and pulled her into her body and off the counter, Camila wrapped her arms around Lauren's head to stop herself from falling. Lauren wasn't complaining about the fact that Camila's breast were in her face. She backpedalled and sat on the toilet, Camila pulled back and raised her eyebrow, looking down at Lauren. Lauren grinned. "What? My legs were getting tired." Camila let out a chuckle and rested her head against Lauren's forehead.

"God you're such a dork," Camila whispered, smiling affectingly at Lauren.

"But I'm your dork, so it's ok." Lauren smiled.

Camila groaned and rolled her eyes. "Oh my god Lauren! Shut up and fuck me!" Lauren didn't need telling twice. Her fingers gently stroke at Camila's wet centre as her thumb found her bundle of nerves. "Fuck" Camila breathed out as she tightened her hold around Lauren's neck.

Without wasting any time, Lauren pushed two fingers into Camila's tight heat. Both girls groaned at the feeling, due to the position the girls were in neither had felt anything like this before. Neither girls moved for a moment, they just stared at each other before finally Lauren started to move her fingers. She watched in awe as Camila's eyes fluttered shut and he breathing picked up.

Lauren had never really taken any time to admire Camila, usually, they simply tried to get the other off first. Lauren didn't want to do that this time, she felt like they had reached a turning point in their relationship. She wasn't sure what was changing or even if they really had a relationship but she wanted to make sure she treasured this moment.

Camila let out a whimper and Lauren was brought out of her thoughts and back to the brunette on top of her. Lauren never stopped moving her fingers as she watched Camila start to rock her hips against Lauren's hand. Lauren crashed their lips together as she pulled Camila closer with the arm wrapped around her back. Camila whimpered again when Lauren hit a sensitive spot within her. Lauren liked to think so knew Camila inside and out but with this new angle, Lauren was managing to hit deeper within her.

Lauren struggled to keep her lips connected to Camila's who's breathing was becoming increasingly heavier. Lauren gently stroked Camila's inner walls, causing the younger to let out a moan. Camila dropped her head to Lauren's shoulder and Lauren thought she could come just by the sounds coming out of the brunette's mouth.

Camila's hips were bucking wildly into Lauren's hand. Lauren gripped her hips, stopping them from continuing their rapid movements. Camila whined as she continued to let out laboured breaths, trying to make Lauren's hand move inside her. Usually, Lauren would take Camila's signs of encouragement and continue, but she wanted to savour the feeling, although the moment was far from perfect Lauren loved it.

Lauren gently lifted Camila's chin and pressed their lips together. "You're so perfect," Lauren whispered against her lips as she started to move her hand again. Lauren focused on her hand movements and refused to look up at Camila and see the look on her face. Lauren pressed her thumb into Camila's clit as she stroked at Camila's inside walls. If Camila's whimpers and laboured breaths were any indications, Lauren knew she was close. Camila stilled and her walls clamped around Lauren's fingers. She watched in awe as Camila came apart above her.

Camila slumped on Lauren, completely spent. Her head rested on Lauren's shoulder, arms wrapped around her torso, trying to catch her breath. Lauren gently kissed her temple and ran her hands through her hair. They sat in the bathroom in complete silence. It wasn't until Lauren felt something wet on her shoulder that she noticed that Camila was crying. Lauren stilled her movements, "Camz? Why are you crying?" She whispered.

"I don't want this anymore Lauren" Camila sobbed, Lauren's heart stopped. "I can't just be a casual fuck anymore."

Lauren pushed on Camila's  shoulders, forcing her to look at Lauren. Lauren gently wiped away the tear stains on Camila's checks. "Ok," Lauren whispered, she watched as Camila's shoulders deflate and Lauren decided that she never wanted to see Camila look so sad again. "You were never a casual fuck to me in the first place." Camila looked at Lauren, trying to determine if Lauren was telling the truth. Lauren took a deep breath, ready to bare her soul to Camila. "You're the only person, Camila. There hasn't been anyone else since I first met you, I don't want anyone else." 

Lauren hesitantly lifted her eyes to meet Camila's, she was scared of Camila's reaction. She saw fresh tears run down Camila's cheeks, "I love you." Camila breathed out. The entire situation was not the way that Lauren or Camila would have wanted this to go, in a bathroom at a party after just having sex, but they both thought it was perfect for them.

Lauren rested her forehead against Camila's, "I love you to," they just sat in silence, keeping each other company with gentle touches and kisses being shared between them. 

Their silence was was interupted when Lauren randomly started giggling. Camila raised a questioning eyebrow, silently asking why she was laughing. "Everyone is going to want to know what happened."

Hey guys! So this is my first Camren one-shot (I have a couple of other Camren stories I'm working on atm! Feel free to follow me/ come chat with me on either here, or my tumblr/ twitter!

Tumblr: wecantfixpeople

Twitter: Zleeplessnights


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