Paradox Of Sex [BoyXBoy]

By ToSynInFaythe

15.2K 107 31

In a world where gay love is forbidden, Jayce means everything to Griffin.  Jayce saved his life when they we... More

Paradox Of Sex [BoyXBoy]

Paradox: 1

4.6K 61 23
By ToSynInFaythe

In the Paradox, you don't speak without being spoken to. You don't breathe without paying, and you don't have children without being told to.

In the year 3000, the Paradoins took over. They put into action the RAD Laws. The Resurrection and Destruction Laws. These laws gave them the rights to control life and death in the former U.S.A. Now, what they say goes.

In this world, the commons' don't get the privilege of using the more advanced Artificial Intelligence. If a common was caught using it, they would be eliminated.

The Paradoin motto was, "Work to breathe; work to live; work to exist." What they actually meant was, "Pay to breathe; sell your soul to live, and if you don't follow our laws, you cease to exist."

In this world, with my rebellious nature, I was screwed.

* * *

We were hiding out in our terrible little house, ready to run if we had to.

And that time was coming soon.

I could hear the whirring of the probes' blades; the tiny machines had weapons that could tear a person apart in a second. They also had sensors to detect if a person was doing something wrong.

We were.

I was waiting outside, and Jayce was still inside, gathering our papers and money. The probes were nearly on us, and even though they were just A.I., they were still smart enough to be terrifying to anyone.

"Jayce? Jayce, babe, they're almost here, we gotta go now!" I screamed back into our shack, trembling as the probes hovered closer and closer. Hugging the sack filled with mine and Jayce's clothes, I readied myself to run. Or stay, depending on whether or not Jayce decided to hurry.

If he didn't hurry his ass up, we were both going to be publicly humiliated. Burned at the stake, impaled, anything the townspeople could think of. I loved Jayce, but this was cutting it too close.

"Griff, I'm coming, start running! Go now!" Jayce urged me on, and as the flashing lights panned out right over my head, I listened.

Bolting through the forest surrounding our pitiful house, I forced myself to breathe. Although it was kind of pointless while in the near-poisonous air, I made myself do it anyways.

A horrible, bone shaking scream tore through the air, and I froze.

It came again, and again, not stopping.

I turned around and started the other way.

"Griffin, I love you! Save yourself..." Jayce's voice faded away, and I followed his orders, tears streaming down my face.

Instead of ignoring him like they did in movies, and running back to heroically save him, I listened.

I ran away like a coward as the Paradoins stole the love of my life.

This is the Paradox.

* * *

My name is Griffin Sanders. I'm 25 years old. Normally, with my looks in a world where image is everything, I'd be worshiped like a god.

Where, in actuality, I hated looking like this. Brown hair, green eyes, tanned skin. I'd give it all up for the right to be with the man I loved.

Jayce Laurens was my other half; where I was rough, he was gentle and kind. Where I didn't have a clue, he could figure it out with his eyes shut. When I was lost, he took my hand and showed me the light. With his blonde hair and black eyes, he wasn't traditionally attractive, but he'd stolen my heart the day we met.

I found out I was gay when I was 11.

In the Paradox, boys and girls are allowed to live with their parents until they're 10, but then they're taken away and separated. Boys on the left side of the shield; girls on the right. My twin sister was taken away from me 15 years ago and I haven't seen her since.

There is a shield running right down the center of the Paradox, and it's magicked especially to prevent sexes from mixing ahead of time. Of course, when you become of age (17), the males are allowed to choose a wife. Jayce and I are among the few who chose to remain single...and outcasted. If you don't choose a wife, you're outcasted and left to do as you please, but without the benefits of a married couple. No insurance, no provided mansion, no free food. You had to work and pay for everything.

Jayce lived in the dorms with me from the time I arrived. He'd shown me around, taught me right from wrong; he saved me.

I was suicidal the first night in the dorms. Being away from my family for the first time, being separated from the twin sister with whom I shared everything, it was tearing me apart. I'd slit my wrists in the bathroom with one of the razors the councilmen had left.

Lying in the bathtub, I waited for the pain of being alone to go away. When it didn't, I picked up the razor again, only to feel a hand on mine and hear a voice telling me to stop.

Thankfully, I listened.

So we grew up together, and I fell head over heels for him. However, the entire time, I was terrified to tell him, because we both grew up knowing it was a horrible sin to love another man.

When I turned 20, I gave the government my year of service in the military. When a man turns 20, he's required to serve, and when he turns 50, he's required to serve until he dies.

Our world used to be different. The year before I was born, it was different. My generation was the first to be thrown into the new system. When President Zether fell, and the Paradoins took over, everything was different. My parents used to tell me stories about how our nation used to be called the United States of America, and how we used to have people of all skin colors living together. That we used to go to schools and have jobs that we chose, and that we had something called television.

I used to sing a song, as a small child, about the old land before the Paradox, about America. It was a song I still recall now, 25 years later.

My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers' died, land of the Pilgrim's pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring!

Later on, in the dorms, when I would hum that song, I would be punished if I was caught by a councilman.

The councilmen were the toy soldiers of the man in charge.

No one ever knew who the man in charge was, though, because if they knew, they may want to kill him.

I understood that; I wanted to kill him now.

He'd stolen my Jayce from me.

* * *

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