University (BoyxBoy)

By gilandalv

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Jared is from a small town in east Texas. He recently started college and is new to the city. He came out to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine

Chapter Six

458 35 16
By gilandalv


Dustin’s POV

“I’m bulletproof, nothing to lose. Fire away! Fire away!” I sang under my breath. Gosh that song has been stuck in my head ever since that day in the showers. “Ricochet, you take your aim. Fire away! Fire away!” I continued, trying to be as quiet as possible. I didn’t want to wake Ricky up. Ricky was my roommate. He sleeps in on Saturdays and well, he gets grumpy when woken up.

It was 11:00am. I had just come back from my morning run. I don’ work out or lift weights or anything. Just run. I find it liberating. It’s a chance to clear my mind and just relax. Anyway, I grabbed some boxers, a towel, and my shampoo and stuff. I headed to the showers.

As I showered, I couldn’t help but think back at last night. How could I be so stupid?! I should have never ran back to Conner. I had told Heather and Anthony that he had broken up with me. But the truth is, I dumped him, not for long anyway. I guess I just needed someone. Not Conner though, I realize that now. I broke up with him for a reason. And I can’t believe I was stupid enough to go back to him. He told me he changed! But it was a lie. He proved that to me last night. I had only been dating Conner for a few months really. He was my longest relationship. I wasn’t in love with him per say, but I didn’t have a strong affection towards him. But now isn’t the time to dwell on the past. I need to focus on today. . . I need to focus on Jared.

Jared seems super sweet. I feel bad for coming off to him as a jerk. I do that sometimes. I wasn’t in the best mood recently. I was always arguing with Conner. .  . Every time I saw Jared I would try not to pay too much attention to him, even pretending to forget his name sometimes. Ignoring him was hard, but I had too. I was in a relationship and as far as I knew, he was straight. I always thought he was cute though. I mean lookatim, he is very attractive. He’s the rugged, all-American, football playing, southern accent, cowboy sexy sunova bitch.

Anyway, I didn’t really know he was gay until last night. The way he talked to me was different then the way a straight guy would talk to me. And I also caught him eyeing my naked torso all night. And since I officially and hopefully permanently broke it off with Conner, I decided to give Jared a shot. I don’t want to make it seem like a rebound, ‘cause he’s not. I’d been pretty emotionally distant from Conner the past few weeks. Our relationship was mostly sexual. I knew we were going to end up splitting sooner or later. Conner was a good guy, most of the time at least, but I had a gut feeling that he was more into the sex. I feel like he only liked me because I was always there. I don’t blame him. I was the same. Not for the sex though, but for the affection. I longed to be loved…to be appreciated. Conner just wanted to fuck.

After I gathered all my thoughts, I stepped out of the shower and headed back to my room. Ricky was barely waking up. 11:30. Figures.

“Get up lazy,” I threw a pillow at him. He mumbled something I couldn’t understand and turned over to his side, facing the wall. Whatever.

I went over to my dresser and searched for something to wear. It was my first date with Jared. I wanted to look nice, but not look like I was trying too hard. So I pull out some jeans and a solid blue t-shirt. I went over to the mirror and messed my hair up a bit. Not too much though. I wanted to look effortless yet still sexy. I put on my belt and shoes. Some tweed toms I had gotten recently. I look back in the mirror and smile.

“Date today?” I hear a croaky voice tease me from behind. Good he’s awake

“Something like that.” I spray on some cologne.

“Calvin Klein? Whaa? Is it you and Connor’s anniversary or something gay like that?” he teased again. He knew I only used my CK for special dates.

“Uh, no Ricky. Me and Connor broke up actually.” I confessed in a sigh. I tried not to sound too distraught about it.

“Last night? Damn. Sorry bud.” Ricky was a great roommate and an even better friend. He was really my only friend. Sure I hung out with Heather and Anthony, but I was mostly the third wheel. And every time I hung out with Connor and his friends, he’d usually pay more attention to them, than to me. “I didn’t like him anyway bro. You deserve better.” Ricky was very sweet to me. He was always there to console me when I was depressed. He knew how to cheer me up and forget about my problems. I really liked him. He was the most honest, genuine friend I’ve had.

“Thanks, Rick,” I smiled at his face through the mirror. I grabbed my wallet and went over to give him a kiss on the forehead. “Don’t wait up,” I said to him. He fell back down and tucked himself back into bed. Damn lazy-ass.

I head out the door and pull out my phone. I was smart enough to put Jared’s number in my phone last night. Although it was pretty hard to distinguish the numbers by looking at them backwards in the mirror. If I hadn’t they would have come off with my sweat on my run this morning. When I came back it looked like a big black blob smeared across my chest.

I search for Jared. I didn’t know his last name. I’ll ask him today. I hit call. I wait. To my surprise, he picks up right away.

Jared’s POV

“Doo doo da da da da” the iphone marimba tone rings from my phone. I rush to my night stand and pick it up. DUSTIN JENNER. I forgot I had his number already saved in my phone from the time I went through Anthony’s phone.

“Hello?!?!” I answer. Did I sound desperate or what?

“Hey,… Jared?”

“Yeah it’s me.”

“Hey. It’s Dustin. I was just headed downstairs. How about that coffee I promised you?” said the sexy voice on the other side of the phone line. Damn! He’s too cute. The fact that he called me instead of a simple, meaningless text means a lot.

“Sure. I’d love some” not really. I hate coffee.

“How soon can you be down at the lobby?” he asked.

“Give me 5 minutes, tops.” I responded. I really didn’t need five minutes. I could be down in 30 seconds. The truth is I had been ready since 10:00 waiting for his call. Yeah, I was pretty desperate. I got weird looks from Anthony every time I flinched when I thought I heard my phone go off. I told him I was waiting for an important call from Brooke. I didn’t want to tell him about Dustin. Not yet.

“Alright Jared. I’ll be here.” He says and then hangs up. I have 5 minutes. I check my armpits to make sure my deodorant is still fresh. It was. I go to the mirror and fix my hair again. Looking good. I check to see if I was wearing matching socks. I was, not that he would inspect my feet to see if they matched. I do a breath check. Hmm. I grab a piece of gum from my drawer.

Okay Jared. You’re ready. I say bye to Anthony who was watching TV, and head out the door. I take my time as I walk slowly through the hall and down the stairs. I didn’t want to start sweating. I was nervous enough.

I make it to the lobby. I was a minute early . . . oh well. I inspect the main lobby and do a 360 turn. Hmmm. I check again. And stop when I see him.

Dustin’s POV

There he was, looking as hot as ever. He was wearing a nicely fitted polo shirt that showed off his rocking body. The buttons on top were left unbuttoned, showing a nice 4 inches of bare chest, and leaving the rest of his body to my imagination.

I wave over to him and put on a cheeky smile. He smiles back. “So you ready?” I asked, trying not too sound too eager, but I was. He was just so cute. I know I’m fresh out of a relationship, but it really wasn’t much of a relationship the past weeks.

“Yeah. Where are we going?” he asks, shiny brown eyes staring into mine.

“I thought we’d go somewhere off campus.” I told him. “There’s this new teahouse I saw the other day by Ret…” I stop myself. I couldn’t let him know I worked at a night club. I don’t think he’d be too impressed by that. “…by this book store I go to.” There! I cleared it up. I think there’s a book store around there. Hmm.

“Cool” a short, yet reassuring response. We go outside. The day is gorgeous. The sun is gleaming, it’s not too cloudy. The weather is a perfect 78 degrees. No humidity. Perfect day to go out on a date.

Jared’s POV

We walked side-by-side. Our hands would brush against each other ever so often, sending electric shocks up my arm. I’ve never been on a date before. Not with a guy. Ever. There was small talk about school, politics and other things. I let him talk all last night so this time I thought I’d open up a little more. I told him about how I was from a town smaller than the university campus. He laughed when I said that. He has a super cute laugh. I told him about Brooke and how much she meant to me. She was the first person I told I was gay. Then I talked about football and how I almost broke my leg in a game. I felt like I was rambling and just going on and on sharing useless facts about myself. I didn’t know how to flirt, but I’m pretty sure I wasn’t doing a good job by going on and on about myself.

“Sorry. I’ve been talking too much about me.” I excused myself.

Dustin chuckled, “Don’t be. I like hearing you talk.” You see, Dustin actually knows how to flirt.

We turned on a street that looked very familiar to me. We started walking and it came to me. I’ve been here before. The street looked different in the daylight. Normally, I’d pass by here at night, when the streets were roamed by club rats and smelly hobos. This is the street where Retro was. The street I would walk by to see if I’d run into Dustin. Sure enough we walked right past the club entrance. It looked much more ratchet and ghetto in the sun. I thought again about that night I saw Dustin go in there. I had been meaning to ask him, but I think it’d be too soon. I mean what was I supposed to say, “I saw you go into a gay club while I was stalking you a few weeks ago.” Yeah…I don’t think so.

We came up to a place called Brasil. It was a very eclectic teahouse. The kind of place people would go to at night and listen to people read poetry and snap. Strangely enough, I don’t remember seeing a book store on the way over here. Dustin reaches for the door and opens it, letting me enter first like a total gentleman. We walk over to the counter, where we were greeted by a young 16-year-old-looking girl who started smiling and blushing as we approached her. Sorry bitch, we’re gay. I laughed inside. “Coffee or Tea?” Dustin turns back and asks me. I was right behind him so when he turned, he didn’t expect me to be so close. AWKARD. “Ummm, Sweet Lemon Iced Tea.” I said. It was the first thing I saw on the chalkboard menu hanging from the ceiling. “I’ll have a pumpkin flavored latte, please,” he said “And let me also have two…” I tune out to what he is saying and reach out into my pants for my wallet. I feel a hand grip onto my forearm. It was Dustin’s. “Hey I said my treat, remember?” He smiles back at me. Blue eyes shining as he spoke. “Oh right, thank you.” I said awkwardly. Gosh this is weird. I’ve always been the gentleman type, so it was pretty different having someone pay for me. Who said chivalry was dead?

Our drinks were handed to us and we walked on over to a booth by the large glass pane windows. We sat in front of each other. I took a sip of my drink. It was surprisingly delicious. It was made from real lemons and not artificial ingredients. The glass was rimmed with sugar crystals, giving the tea a sweet sugary taste. I heard Dustin chuckle softly and then it grew louder as I set my tea down. I started blushing. “What is it?” I asked nervously, my voice shaking.

“Nothing,” he continued to laugh, “it’s just you a got a little…” he grabs a napkin from the dispenser. He presses it to my lips. “There…it’s off now.” My insides warmed up. “You had some sugar on your lips.”

“Oh, well thanks,” I smiled to him. He smiled back. God he was so fuckin’ sexy. The rays of sunlight hit his body in just the right places. His eyes twinkled and his hair looked like strands of gold going off into different directions of his head. His hairy was messy but in a good way. He didn’t need to fix it. He looked sexy as-is.

We quietly sipped our drinks for a few seconds. It was a little awkward, but I didn’t mind. I was on a date with Dustin, fucking Dustin Jenner. I went for another sip, when I was caught off guard by the following question from Dustin, “Top or bottom?” WHAT THE?!?!?! I sort spat out my drink a little. Did he just say what I think he said? Yes he did. “Excuse me?” I ask confusingly.

“Did you want the top half or the bottom half?” he says as he nudges the plate from his side of the table to mine.

“Oh God, I thought you meant… Erm… I meant yeah, top,” which is coincidentally the same answer I would have given if he had actually asked what I though he asked.  I noticed a gold bracelet slide down his arm as he slid the plate over to me. It was engraved with his initials, DIJ. I wonder what his middle name is. Anyway, I grab my spoon and start picking at the top half of the dessert. I had no idea what it was, but it was good. We were sharing a dessert. Awww. Like a couple. The best part was that every time our spoons would clink he would chuckle and I would look up to see his infatuating smile and dreamy eyes. Did I mention how gorgeous he was? Like if James Dean and an Abercrombie model had a baby.

“You’re really cute Jared,” he said to me. Cute? Really? Awww.

“Really? You think so?” I asked to him, giving him a silly expression and shrugging my shoulders.

“Yes. I really do,” he said through a smile. Wow! Did I just…Was I...Flirting? Jesus Christ I was! “You’re not like most guys Jared,” he continued.

“What do you mean?” I wanted to know.

“I mean…you’re very different from the jerks I’ve been dating.” He was much more serious now.

“Jerks? You mean like the guy from the party?” It was a dumb question to ask. Seeing as I already knew the answer to it.

“Yeah, especially him.” He uttered.

“What did the bastard do to you? I’ll teach him!” Shit. I didn’t realize I said that out loud; although it was true. If he had hurt Dustin in any way, I’d go the extra mile to find that SOB and kill him myself.

Dustin raised his brows and began laughing at my sudden outburst. “No, no, that won’t be necessary. Although I appreciate the thought.”

“Sorry,” I mumbled under my breath. “It’s just I saw you last night. You didn’t look okay.”

“I wasn’t. And I’m sorry I was cold to you. I know you were trying to help. . .I just needed to be alone and gather my thoughts.”

“It’s fine, I understand. But, if you don’t mind me asking, I mean you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. I know it’s your own business. But what did he do to make you,” I hesitated to continue, but I did anyway, “to make you cry?”

“It’s fine. I can talk about it.” He took a long pause. I assumed it was going to be a long story.

“It actually goes way back to when we started dating.” He begins. I assumed correctly. “I had seen him around campus before, we had some classes together. He was really cute. Is cute, I should say” I beg to differ. He continues, “We started talking as soon as spring semester ended. One thing led to another and well, we started dating and eventually became boyfriends. I didn’t really know him that well, my first mistake. It wasn’t until a month after dating that I found out he was a drug junkie. At first it was weed. I was a bit skeptical, but since he was my boyfriend, I figured I would just have to accept that about him. The summer went on and we were pretty close, as far as I was concerned at least. I think he just liked the sex.” Ooooh I imagined Dustin having sex. Not with that douche bag though…with me. “Anyway, the weed led to other substances. That I wouldn’t tolerate. We started arguing, each fight longer the last one. He had told me he was doing crack, and that was it. I broke up with him. I couldn’t date someone who was endangering their lives and living recklessly. Where was the joy in that? That was the day I met you at the coffee shop. I was pretty heartbroken.”

I started to feel for Dustin. And my anger for that douche bag kept growing and growing, when come to think of it. I didn’t even know his name. It was probably too hard for Dustin to say it.

Dustin makes a long pause, takes the last sip of his latte and sets it down. “We weren’t broken up for long. A week at most. For some reason, I couldn’t stand to be apart. It wasn’t so much that I wanted to be with Bryce.” His name is Bryce. I’ll kill the fool! “I just wanted to be with someone, not for the sex, but to be in an actual relationship. To have a connection with someone.  You know?” No…I don’t… “Well he told me he was clean. He told me he had gone 20 days without doing anything. He swore to me. I believed him. Mistake numero dos. So at the party, everything was going fine, he was a little tipsy but the again so was I. He took me upstairs to fool around. We got in the room and he locked the door. I started undressing and then I noticed him pull something out of his pockets. It was a fucking syringe. He was doing heroine. It led to another fight. It got physical at one point. I was just fed up. I couldn’t take it. I was mad at him of course, but more at myself for being blind. I left and ran downstairs. I told him I didn’t want anything to do with him ever again. And I don’t.” he finished and stared out the window.

Yikes. I didn’t think I could like Dustin any more than I already did, but after hearing that compelling story, I was now dying to be with him. I wanted to hold him and kiss him. I wanted to be that other person he wanted to connect with. I wanted to be his boyfriend. And from that moment, I knew I was going to do my best to make that happen.

We leave our empty mugs on the table and walk out. It was now mid-afternoon. I hadn’t noticed how long we had been in there. I didn’t mind though. I could be there with him all day if we could. We headed back to the street, passing Retro again. I knew that at some point I’d ask him about it. But not now. We made it back to campus. Saturdays were nice. It wasn’t as crowded on the weekends. People went out to do laundry or they went home to visit family for the weekend. We came back to the entrance of our dorm; I grab the door and hold it open for Dustin. He stops behind me.

“Come on,” I motion over to the door.

“I’m actually going home tonight.” He says, “I go every Saturday night for dinner.” He explains

“Oh well, when will I see you again?”

“I’ll be back Sunday night, so I guess Monday…”

“Can I take you to dinner?” This was my first time asking a guy out on a date. It didn’t feel weird. Not with Dustin.

“Dinner? Yeah I’ll take you up on that offer.” He looked a bit surprised. He let out a smile, giving me reassurance.

“Cool, I’ll call you on Monday.”

“Cool” He says. I thought this was goodbye, but it wasn’t. He takes a few steps over to me. He is now in my personal space. He leans forward, setting a hand on my left hip. I’m pressed against the glass entry door of the dorm house. He comes close and sets his luscious lips on my right cheek and I hear the smack of a kiss. Oh Jeeeezussss! I nearly fainted. And then he moves up my face and whispers, “Bye Jared” in my ear sending chills down my body. I tremble as he backs off and walks backwards towards the atrium still looking me straight in the eye. I feel my dick get harder and harder. I can’t believe he kissed me. As soon as he turns around I run through the lobby and upstairs. Fuck I needed to masturbate…like now!!!!

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