Hard To Love

By xoxolazygirl

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"No need to be a d*ck. You know that's supposed to be a part of your body and not your personality, right?" ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3. Karma is a B*tch
Chapter 4. Confrontation
Chapter 5. Disappointment
Chapter 6. Shall we make amends?
Chapter 7. We are friends
Chapter 8. Sweet Dreams?
Chapter 9. Friendzone's a b*tch
Chapter 10. Start of something new
Chapter 11. Kisses, fights and more kisses
Chapter 12. Happy Birthday Emma
Chapter 13. It's over
Chapter 14. Friends in need
Chapter 15. Feelings
Chapter 16. Parties and Tequila shots
Chapter 17. A Different Birthday Celebration
Chapter 18. Make a move
Chapter 18. Part 2. The aftermath
Chapter 19. He's okay-ish
Chapter 20. Close
Chapter 21. Part 1. The Ugly Truth
Chapter 21. The Ugly Truth. Part 2
Chapter 22. This Is It
Love Me Harder.

Chapter 2. New/Old Friends

149 9 13
By xoxolazygirl

So, the annoying voice in my head that kept saying "Post! Post! Post" for the past three hours won.

This Chapter is dedicated to raphoenix23 because she's amazing and getting to know her has been the best thing that has happened to me this year. I'm gonna stop now because my inner marshmallow is showing.

Emma's POV

When I read Demi's text on Monday morning with which she let me know that she was here one word popped in my mind, Finally.

Today was the first day of classes. And I have been waiting for Demi to show up on my dorm building for some time now.

"You know, one day I'll stop waiting for you and you'll be on your own.'' I said to her once I reached her.

Another thing I hate about Demi? She's never on time, she's always late from 5 to 30 minutes, thankfully (that was sarcastic btw) today it was just 15'.

And I know what you're thinking...

If I'm complaining about her so much, why is she my bestfriend?

Well, she's the best person on this world and I love her to death, but that doesn't mean I won't call her out when she's wrong. Plus I'm a bitch.

"Gee someone's in a bad mood. Say Good morning first and then start lecturing me" she said rolling her eyes at me.

"You'd be in a bad mood too if you had been waiting for 15 minutes" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Stop whining." She flashed me a smile "I brought you coffee, now be a good little girl and say you love me" she said chuckling handing me the plastic cup of coffee.

Damn it, she knows I love coffee and she's using it against me.

Sneaky little bitch.

"I hate you'' I took a sip from my coffee. The flavour of it calming me right away and making me smile at her "Goodmorning Dems"

"There's my girl" she said laughing

Me and Demi were very different but that never stopped us from being bestfriends.

We met when I moved since we had some classes together but we didn't really talk, just a few typical "heys" and small chat. We became close around the time we were 14 and ever since we've been inseparable.

Demi has always been very kind to the point where people took advantage of her.

She was always willing to help and had been walked over too many times. On high school she used to be everyone's counselor. People would always come up and ask for her advice at random times which drove me nuts because she needs to learn how to say no at some point.

I on the other side, am a whole other story... I don't let people get close to me and always have my guard up which in many cases has saved me because I hadn't gotten upset over people that clearly weren't worth it.

Being a bitch is the easy way out, I have to admit it.But it comes pretty naturally to me and it's not like I'm acting. Yes, I like to come off as more strong and fierce than I actually am but that doesn't mean it's not a part of me, just not the biggest.

So when someone actually gets past this facade I have on and they actually get to know me, that's when they get to know the real Emma. And that's when I know they are worth it too, because they didn't choose to believe the first impression they got off me but took the time to get to know me. At the end of the day, those are the real people and the kind of people I actually want in my life.

Oh another thing about me, my mouth has a mind of it own. Sometimes it gets me in trouble but most times it makes everyone burst out laughing with the hillarious responds I give people. Now that I think about it...the exact opposite happens. Most times I get in trouble, but oh well.

For people that don't know me though I can get intimitading. Demi has gotten asked many times how she manages to put up with me.

Isn't that rude or what?

"Here we go" I said once we reached the actual area where the classes/ theaters were. I inspected the place by looking around for a while before turning my gaze to Demi who had lost all color from her face.

"Oh my god, do you have a pit in your stomach too or is it just me?" she asked letting out a breath

"Definatelly you" I said and she glared at me "Kidding" I said raising my hands in surrender stance. "I'm nervous too, but we're together, that's what matters." I said trying to ease her worries a little bit.

"You have no idea how glad I am we're together in English first year" Demi said while we were walking.

Demi wanted to be a teacher. She must have a lot of patience. Then again she's friends with you, which proves how patient she actually is. The rational voice in me said and I couldn't exactly object to that statement.

Back to the whole teaching thing. I love kids but I couldn't handle a class full of them. I'm a pretty patient person too and I'm very good at self-control but still, a class full of kids would drive me mental. So I gotta give her that.

Thank God she's taking English for her first year.

"I am too" I said smiling

"God this campus is huge" She said looking around.

"Doesn't it feel weird? I mean it feels like yesterday when we were nervous about our senior year in highschool and now, here we are freshmen in college." I said walking in the theater.

A few seconds later we took our seats. A lot of students took English as a major so a simple class wouldn't work.

"God it is weird. But it is a good kind of weird..." Demi said letting her bag down. "I guess" She added quickly shrugging her shoulders.

The proffesor decided to speak up a couple minutes later "Good morning everyone. My name is Alexander Anderson but I prefer you called me Proffesor Anderson or Mr Anderson. I wanna get a few things straight before we get started" He said in an all authority tone. His blue eyes scattered around the whole theater, not stopping at anyone but making sure all eyes were on him."I expect hard work whether you'll be studying english for the next 4 years or just this year. I will not tolerate laziness and I expect you to be on time in every class and to hand in your essays on time as well. This is not high school and I will not sugar coat anything for you. Whoever works hard will be rewarded in the long run." He kept his voice stern letting everyone know that there was no room for jokes "The fact that I'm young doesn't mean I will tolerate certain behaviours. With all that been said, please write down the textbooks you'll be needing.'' He sad pointing to the screen behind him.

"Grumpy pants" I mumbled for only Demi to hear.

"Shut up" she whispered her eyes widening a bit.

He was indeed young though. He didn't look one day over thirty.

And I have to admit that he was pretty attractive too.

So not the point here Emma. He's still a proffessor, and one with a not so great attitude.

Once class was over and he already had asigned an essay for us, me and Demi got up. The small theater was already semi empty.

"Why do I feel like this is going to be a long year?" Demi said keeping her voice low but with a frown on her face while putting her notepad in her bag.

"Because probably it is. When I called him grumpy pants though you told me to shut up" I protested.

"Oh I'm sorry for not wanting to get in trouble on the first day here" She rolled her eyes.

"We wouldn't have gotten in trouble it's the first day" I said shrugging my shoulders.

Anderson wouldn't be that strict on the first day, would he?

"He seems like the type to yell at you for nothing."

"Yeah that's exactly what he's like." Said a voice from a few seats away. I turned my head to find a girl looking at us with a small smile on her face. She had brown-ish hair and blue eyes. "Sorry for the intervention. I couldn't help myself." She chuckled.

"It's okay." Demi assured her "So he's like that all the time?"

"More or less." The girl added with a shrug of her shoulders.

"God, it's gonna be a long year if he acts like an ass. I won't be able to keep my mouth shut and I'll get in trouble" I said sighing "He's not even that good looking to get me distracted" I added rolling my eyes.

"Thank god" said the girl with a chuckle "Finally someone's who's not drooling over my brother"

Oh man. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Did she just say brother?

Didn't I tell you that I usually get in trouble because of my big mouth? Well.. that's what I meant.

My eyes widened a bit and I scratched the back of my head "Oops" I said with an awkward smile. "He's your brother?" I asked the girl in a pitched voice.

She chuckled and nodded.

Way to go Emma.

"Oh man, you should really keep your mouth shut." Demi said sighing

"Oh no, please don't stop on my account. We can all talk about how much of an ass he can be, trust me he can." the girl said "Oh I'm sorry, where are my manners? Hi, I'm Stella" she said.

"I'm Demi and this is Emma" Demi said "Sorry about dishing your brother" she added quickly with a nervous smile.

"Oh it's fine." Stella said chuckling "Nice to meet you both."

The three of us eventually walked out of the theater, bantering with eachother.

"So did you both move here recently?" Stella asked.

"Yup, a week ago actually." I comfirmed.

I was glad she didn't get mad at us for talking about her brother and she actually seemed nice so far. I should probably try to keep my mouth shut though.

"You live together?"

"Oh no." Demi said way too quickly for my liking. "God no! I wouldn't last a week with her in the same house without going mad"

"Excuse me" I started but Demi talked again

"Yeah you're excused"

"Shut up Dem" I rolled my eyes and turned to Stella "Don't listen to her Stella, she's only saying that because she's a freak when it comes to cleaning her place"

"Oh please. I actually bother to make my own bed in the mornings" Demi scoffed at me.

"Oh come on!" I groaned throwing my head back "What's the point?" I asked "I'm gonna fall back asleep at night, If no one's gonna see it or I'm not putting clean sheets on why bother?" I rolled my eyes and focoused on Stella."Anyways, I live in the dorms and Demi's got an appartment."

"Alright" Stella said chuckling

"So I should probably say that now just so you know" I said turning serious.

Stella looked at me with a curious expression.

"I get pretty sarcastic to the point of insulting you once I feel close to you, so just tell me when you've had enough okay?"

She chuckled "Sure"

Another bubbly person I'm gonna ruin as the times goes by.

Demi was bubbly and full of sunsine when we met too. And now look at her, all bitchy and sassy, especially when she's talking to me.

God, I'm a bad influence.

"So as you can probably tell she's the rude one and I'm the nice one" Demi said smirking "We try to keep some balance."

"Rude" I said glaring at her and then laughing.

"Moving on" Demi said a bit too loud "Would you like to get coffee with us?" She offered looking at Stella being the good person that she is.

"Sure, If I'm not bothering you two" Stella said with a shy smile on her face

"Of you're not bo-" I stopped once I spotted an all too familiar brown haired girl looking at me. She smiled and and started walking to us.

Oh no.

Please no.

I'm not ready for this.

"Emma" she said "It's really you?"

"Hey Charlotte" I said smiling what I was sure was an awkward smile.

"It's been what? 4 years since we last saw eachother in person?" she asked and I nodded "My mom told me you'd be studying here as well, but I didn't think we'd run into eachother so soon." she said

Yeah I was kind of hoping we didn't.

Damn my mom and her mom (Stacy) for staying friends after all these years.

"This is Demi and this is Stella" I said pointing to them "And this is Charlotte, an old friend of mine" I said, I didn't know how I could describe her so I went for that.

"Nice to meet you both" she said

"Nice to meet you too" Demi said and Stella nodded with a small smile.

An awkward silence fell between us and Charlotte spoke up again "It was nice seeing you again Emma, I hope we can hang out some time" she said smiling, I could tell she was being honest but I didn't know whether I wanted to hang out with her or not yet.

"Sure, we'll talk." I said brushing off the subject. Yes we will talk, when we run into eachother again...someday...in a couple of years...or maybe decades.

"Great, I gotta get going now, see ya"

"See you around" I said and she walked away

"What's the deal with you and her?" Stella asked bluntly. Hm, she's catches on quickly.

"What is it that obvious?" I asked

"I could feel the tension from over her " she said chuckling

"I will explain over coffee" I said and then a thought hit me "Shit, I almost forgot, I wanna check out the gym facillity around here. Do you mind waiting for a while? If I don't look around now I'll forget it."

"Nope, I'll just talk with Stella until you're done. Go ahead." Demi said

"Okay, I'll be quick" I promised before taking off to a different direction that the one we were headed to.

After walking, actually wandering, around, I did find something that looked like a gym but it was obvious that it wasn't for girls. No no, forget I ever said that. It could work for girls too, just not me. It was actually a big room with a few weights and punching bags. Not my cup of tea, Thank you.

Oh well, I'll find a normal room that doesn't look that its only for guys, by asking in the front office.

Maybe I'll look for a yoga studio close to campus too. I'm still debating.

I then noticed there was a person in the room. A guy. He was breathing heavily while punching the hell out of a punching bag and me being me, just couldn't walk away and keep my mouth shut.

I examined his back,which was all I could see. He was built but not too much and he had a few tattoos on his arms.

Oh well, I should be walking away but did I? No!

I'll never learn.

"Wow" I said stepping into the room "Who got you all worked up?"

His back was still facing me and it was obvious that he was oblivious to my presence until I spoke up.

He stopped punching the bag and turned around to look at me "Excuse me?" he asked trying to catch his breath.

Oh that's the guy that was staring at me at the mall on Friday.

Weirdo. Hot, but weirdo.

"You seem mad." I said "I mean, I wouldn't wanna be that punching bag." I said with a small smirk on my face while pointing ath the punching bag that we has holding still.

Why the hell am I talking to a guy that I don't even know?

Seriously Emma why can't you keep your mouth shut for once? Said a voice inside my head.

And why does he seem so familiar? I mean he looked familiar on Friday too, it's not just today.

"Do I know you?" he asked irritated but as if he was thinking the same about me.

Gee don't get your panties in a twist dude.

"No, I don't think we've met, I'm Emma. Emma Greene" I said extending my arm ready to shake his hand.

I think his eyes showed some emotion for a second, but once I blinked it was back to normal. He didn't shake my hand, he didn't even smile, he just stood there looking at me. Okay jerk face be like that. But I'm gonna play dump and pin this on the fact that you have boxing gloves on and not on the fact that you're probably an asshole with no manners.

I put my hand back down by my side.

"Well" he started "Emma Greene, I think you leave me alone and get the hell out of here." he said through gritted teeth.

Excuse me?

What's his deal anyway?

I stared at him. Is he for real? I was trying to be nice but I guess he doens't want people to be nice to him so I'm done playing nice.

"I got the memo, no need to be a dick." I said getting irritated. Does he think he owns the place or something? "You know that's supposed to be a part of your body and not your personality, right? Anyway, sorry I bothered you, see you around...or not" I said shrugging my shoulders before walking away

What an ass.

My day is going great so far isn't it? First Charlotte and now that jerk.  


So, let me know what you thought of the chapter by leaving a comment.

What did you think of Emma's and Demi's relationship? What about the girl they met, Stella and Emma's childhood friend, Charlotte? 

Oh and lets not forget the guy Emma ran into? What did you think about the hot stranger?

Chapter 3 Preview: Christina smiled and nodded "Where's Stefan anyway?"

"I'm here. I'm here." Said a guy coming out of the kitchen wiping his hands on a towel. He put the towel down and looked at me "Oh the new girl" he said smiling flirty "Hello there."

"Stefan behave" Christina said and turned to me "Emma this is my nephew Stefan. He helps around here with pretty much everything just like me, in the kitchen, with serving, cleaning, pretty much everything like I said. Stefan this is Emma, our new waitress, be nice."

"You know it" He said winking at her, he then turned to me and took my hand before kissing the top of it. "Pleasure"

"I'm sure" I replied smirking at him.

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