Demons (klaus mikealson) (Und...

By Fran_Joon

22.7K 644 44

naomi bennet is the younger sister of bonnie bennet. she's a natural mind reader and witch. she decides to go... More

what are you?
you followed me
a true friend
the encounter
never been kissed
new Orleans
fresh air
girls night out
the godmother
Road trip
where were you?
I forgive you
happy birthday
the turning
2 days left
mark of the croissant
supernatural purgatory

you knew

354 14 0
By Fran_Joon

"Huuuuh"i said as i rocket out of unconsciousness. I turned around relizing i was butt ass naked on the ground.

" thank god " tyler said

I quickly covered by boobs with my hands. Though it didn't really help i was still pretty much expsed.

" here's my shirt" he said handing me a button down.

" what happened" i asked

"You don't rember" he said I shook my head " you shifted"

" shifted" i said confused

" you turned into a wolf, "he said my eye's widened in shock

" i thought it was anna" flash backs started occurring of what happened last night. I began crying. I'd never gone threw such agonizing physical pain in my life

"Shhh" it's okay he tried reassuring. Tyler was in nothing butt a pair of boxers.

" here " he said handing me his pair of jeans

" but what about-" was all i could get out before he answered

" I'll be fine " he said " but i can't allow you to be walking around butt ass naked".

" how are we gonna ,
get home"i asked

" i called damon , he should be here in a couple" , " but what I'm not getting is , how'd you not know" he asked

" what do you mean" i asked

" well, when someone first activates the werewolf gene it automatically reveals itself"

" like..... " i said asking him to elaborate on the matter

" well for me. When i first killed someone, my leg snapped my eye's got yellow , and my fangs bared"

I started to think back to when I killed those six witches.


I closed my eyes and began going through her mind. I saw her talking to some witches. I opened my eye's " klaus it's a trap" then all of a sudden five people stood around us and began chanting.

" aaaaaaaaaaah" i screamed falling on the floor in pain. I felt like i was on fire.

I looked across and saw klaus was on the floor also in pain " now it's time for you to pay klaus mikealson" ana said

" what are you doing to me" he asked

" I'm going to calcify you klaus, first I'm going to stop your heart"

" aaaaaaah" klaus yelled

" then I'm going to run your veins dry, by this time you should feel your bones begin to harden like rock and your body becomes stiff"

I looked up from my pain and watched as klaus began graying " you can't do this to me" he said

" i already have"

" noooooo" i screamed feeling the pain leave . I felt a surge of energy exert from around me. Then watched as one by one all the bodies dropped . I watched as klaus began un graying.

Then suddenly I fell to the ground in pain , i felt different physically. " what's happening to me " i said looking up at klaus

" the curse" he said in shock

" that bastard" i yelled

" what is it" tyler asked

" when i killed those witches, klaus was there with me . I rember falling on to the floor in pain and the he said something about a curse"

" curse of the werewolves" tyler finished

" i can't believe him" i said angry

Tyler turned around as i dressed. His clothes wear baggy but comfortable and i felt very bad because tyler sacrificed his clothes for me and he was in nothing but boxers

" are you cold" i asked

" nahh"he answered shaking his head just then stefan pulled up. In damon's car

*honk honk*

" get in " i rushed inside wearing tyler's baggy clothes i took the passenger seat next to stefan and tyler sat in the back

" so " stefan said " your a wolf"

" apparently , I am" i said still thinking about the one million things I'm going to do to that bastard when i get back in the compound

" what happened to her" stefan asked tyler

" klaus knew she triggered the curse and didn't tell her" he explained

After 20 minutes of driving we pulled up to the compound. I viciously knocked on the door. Elijah answered i ran past him, rebbecca and an old woman , and went straight to klaus's room. Where he was sitting and writing. He noticed i'd walked in.

" let me explain" he said putting his hands out in front of him in a gesture for me to calm down.

I used my powers to throw him against the wall.

" you evil , self righteous, pompus ass bastard , you knew , " i screamed

" I'm sorry" he yelled

" oh , your gonna be"i said slamming him up against another wall.

" do you have any idea, what it's like to have your bones bend and break and have no control over it"

" naomi" elijah called

" it's a bit like this" i said makin klaus's spine bend ,

" and like this" i said having his wrist brake backwards

" aaaaaaaaaaah" he screamed

" naomi, stop this madness" elijah called

" i couldn't tell you" klaus spoke

" i see your still able to speak threw the pain, i didn't have that luxury" i said making his leg snap backwards

Rebbecca then came around and shook me from my concentration.
" what in the bloody hells, wrong with you"she said

Klaus was still on the floor withering in pain . I used my magic to snap his bones back into there correct order which was just as painful

" you have till Friday to get this hex off me, and have me do the spell after Friday I'm taking damon, tyler and stefan out of here and where going back to mystic falls"i said walking to my room which was two doors over.

" what the fucks, wrong with you are you trying to have me give your eulogy"

" damon, you don't understand" i said

" i don't want to understand, i came here to keep you alive and that's very hard to do when you keep angering a man that can kill us all"

" damon, she shifted" tyler said

" what do you mean shifted"he asked

" he means i turned into a fucking werewolf, i triggered the gene saving klaus's dumbass and he never told me so yesterday when I went to go help tyler find a spot to shift I shifted to" i said

" oh" damon said looking at me

" yeah, oh"

"Well are you okay"

" no , I'm not okay" i said " i could really use a bestfriend hug"

Damon came an sat down on the bed and hugged me. " it was so painful"i said

" it's gonna be ok" he said reassuring

Everyone fell silent when klaus walked in the room " leave us" klaus commanded damon and tyler.

" no way am I leaving her with you Mr . Psyco pants" tyler said

" no harm shall befall her, i simply whish to talk to her"

" it's okay guys, he won't try anything" i said telling the guys and threatening klaus

" we'll be right outside , if you need us " damon said walking out with tyler

I looked up at klaus and waited for him to open his lying mug. " i understand what you did back there was out of anger so i will forgive your indiscretion" he said

" funny, I don't rember asking for forgiveness" i spat

" i know you are angry at me, had I known last night , was a full moon i would've told you" he said

" how bout telling me the minute it happened, after all you are the reason my gene was triggered , if my memory serves me correct i was saving your ass from becoming a fucking statue"

" i kno-" but i cut him off after

" what did I get for that, let me tell you what I got, i got slammed into a bunch of walls, used, manipulated but i stayed ,not for elijah, not for rebbecca, not for hailey, and certainly not for you, i stayed for a kid , I don't even know and you wanna know why. I felt bad for it . It's bad enough having to fight to live before your even born, but having klaus mikealson as a father that poor animal. You know before I shifted i actually used to think you where more decent, in my head the threatening and the slamming you where just tryna keep your kid alive, i thought maybe he was misunderstood, if i had a father like his I'd probably have snapped to, but you can't blame your father for everything, he doesn't make you kill people, he doesn't make you use them, you do that all on your own , and I get it now, maybe it was me just trying to see the good in people. But the more I kept searching the more I relised there is no good in you and the second the minute hand strikes 12:01 am and it's Saturday I'm getting the fuck outta here"

" very well, then I'm glad to inform you, that the rubrin witch is here and I'll call elijah friend to help you learn the rest of the spell" he said walking away furious

" 2 large peproni pizza, mozzarella stick and 18 piece hot wings" i said as damon wrote all of it down on his note pad

" tell me why we can't just have it delivered"

" cause I don't want any of the vampires in the compound killing the poor delivery boy" i said

" but why do I have to go with tyler" damon asked

" cause tyler's a wolf and vampires hate wolves"

" is that all" he said

" yeah, pretty much" i said then they left, i can't exactly rember the last time i ate i think it was last night while me and elijah where binge watching episodes of legend of the seeker. He seemed pretty into it . It's either that or he was pretending to be into it cause I was. But with enough determination and energy drinks i made it all the way to episode 16 before passing out.

Knock, knock

" damon, the pizza place is across the street from delilah's flower shop"

" it's elijah" I got up from my bed and answered the door.

" hey" i said awkwardly

" hey" he replied i motioned for him to come in.

" so...." i said awkwardly

" 18 piece hot wings , getting a bit gluttonous arn't we" he said

" hey you haven't had food in 1,000 years , you don't know what 18 piece hot wings feels like" i said chuckling

" on the contrary, i do eat food"

" no, you eat entrees and delicacies and things served on tiny little plaits, with parsley or some other fancy leaf , you don't eat food"

" be that as it may" he said smiling causing me to chuckle cause he just proved me right
" I've come to ask you a couple of things"

"Elijah , i know"

"Know what" he asked

" i know that you knew, i know that klaus told you "

"I-" interupted him

" before you say what your about say, i get why you guys didn't tell me, i put the pieces togather after i went off on klaus, elijah i don't know if you know this, only a hand full of people do, but i haven't had much if any experience dating and i'm not mad , I should be but I'm not, and don't get me wrong your like the perfect guy , your handsome, tall, caring , a lot more refined but i guess I kinda like that about you, but as much as I'm totally into you and your shakespearn ways, I'm equally afraid of how things will end. As much as i like you i haven't really thought about everything. Your a vampire, I'm a witch, your gonna look exactly the same in 70 years from now. I'll be old and waiting to meet my ends. And being with you i might as well be sighning , my life away to klaus cause let's face it y'all never leave him. Rember that time we took that walk and i told you the list of things i wanted to accomplish before I get old, as much as i whish i could be with you, as much as i want to. I can't . When that clock hit 12:01 am and it's Saturday I'm gone. I've been hexed, I've killed, I've turned, I've been pushed around all by your tyrannical brother also another word i learned for you- he chuckled - and i hope that soon before I die we cross paths again"

He walked up to me and held my face. " you are true blessing and any man you come into contact with should be lucky to have even breathed in your direction"

"As far as first boyfriends and kisses go I'm glad it was you"

" wish , i could say the same, my first kiss came from Lucy Marmadue, she kissed so sloppy i was afraid she was planning on eating me if kol hadn't been there to help i'd've been licked into oblivion"i started laughing

" i shall be taking my leave, i'll see you tomorrow" elijah said

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