By zylgnagnaba

216K 5K 994

Valerie Scott and Harry Styles are forced by the Modest! Management to live together and pretend that they're... More

Chapter 1: Expect the Worst
Chapter 2: The Show Starts in 5, 4, 3, 2, Action!
Chapter 3: Break a Leg!
Chapter 4: Retrieval Operation
Chapter 5: The Remedy Causing Dilemma
Chapter 6: Cat and Mouse
Chapter 7: The Unaccustomed Book
Chapter 8: End of May
Chapter 9: Lost in Paradise
Chapter 10: Splash of Foolishness
Chapter 11:Laugh Out Loud
Chapter 12: I Don't Like You At All
Chapter 14: Cherishing Cheshire
Chapter 15: Mixed Thoughts and Emotions
Chapter 16: Virtual Loving
Chapter 17: Just a Kiss
Chapter 18: The Vow
Chapter 19: Worst Day Ever
Chapter 20: Dark Valerie
Did You Know That ...
Chapter 21: LA Love Story
Chapter 21.1: TAKEN
Chapter 21.2: Mean
Chapter 21.3: Devious Love Birds
Chapter 21.4: The Villain in Me
Chapter 21.5: Here Comes Trouble
Chapter 22: Cake for Thought
Chapter 23: Lies and Celebration
Chapter 24: Almost... Almost!
Chapter 25: Fist of Fury
Chapter 26: Melancholic September
Chapter 26.1: I love you, Harry...
Chapter 26.2: Compromise
Chapter 26.3: Strike One
Chapter 26.4: Kryptonite
Chapter 26.5: Under the Sheets
Chapter 26.6: Strike Two
Chapter 26.7: Strike Three
Chapter 26.8: Strike Four
Chapter 26.9: Homerun
Chapter 27: Vicissitude
Post Interview Questions here!
Chapter 28: Autumn Feels
Chapter 29: Say It Again
Chapter 30: PDA
Chapter 31: Who's Gail?
Chapter 32: The Disclosed Reality
Some sort of review...
Chapter 33: Lovestrucked
Chapter 34: When in Milan
Chapter 35: When in Milan 2
Chapter 36: Home
Chapter 37: Dance for You (Repost)
Chapter 38: Up and Down
Chapter 39: Don't read this! OMG
Chapter 40: New Beginning
Casts, Credits, and A/N :')
Important! Please READ. :')
The Next Books...

Chapter 13:Goodbye,Paradise!

4K 83 5
By zylgnagnaba

  Copyright © zylgnagnaba 2013

“GET UP, LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE!” Harry chants after opening the window of our cabin, letting the glare come in and strike my face.

I cringe and grumble, “AARGH!!!” I hide myself inside the blanket but he unfortunately pulls it off my body right away.

I murmur like a little child having tantrums, hitting and kicking while lying on the bed. “What is it to you?” I shout while I’m still frowning and my eyes could barely be opened.

“It’s a beautiful day at the beach. Everyone’s waiting for us already.” He pursues. His hazy image while my eyes squint tells me that he’s waving both his hands in the air.

“But I can’t even get up!” I groan. I tilt my body to the side and bury my face on the pillow.

“Not a problem.” He sniffles. I am too weak to even fight him, so he pulls both my hands and makes me sit up. He grabs my waist with both his broad arms, completely taking me off-guard.

“Hey! What are you doing?” I yell while resisting him. He carries me upside down in his shoulder. My head and arms are hanging behind his shirtless bod as he pins my legs to his chest.

“Put me down!” I shrill while paddling my feet in the air.

He slides open the door of our cabin and gets outside with me still hanging on his shoulder like an abducted person. I kept on screaming and shuffling, trying to be released from being man-handled by him. Matter of seconds and my stomach is already aching, both because of screaming and the bone in his shoulder.

“Harry, please put me down.” I beg him, the strength that I have left in me now completely dwindling.

“Bad girl!” He chides and spanks my butt. I gasp in utter shock and I keep my mouth open for a little while.

“Did you just spank my ass?” I shout at him sharply. The idea of him who just spanked my behind seconds ago now sinking in me. How could he?

“Steady. I might drop you.” He reprimands; his grip now even tighter.

I grumble and let out a sigh in defeat. I stop jerking as he continues walking. “Fine. Just hurry up! Your butt smells.” I complain and chuckle, we both know it wasn’t true, at least. Or else no matter how weak I am, I’d really fight to be free from smelling his arse.

“Sorry. I forgot to wash.” He snorts sarcastically.

“Gross!” I grimace and we both laugh.

From a ground of fresh green grass, Harry reaches walking on a white sand beach. For a while, I felt like being cradled disregarding my upside down position. I also got entertained by my dark hair swaying and bouncing up and down, following to Harry’s every move. Then, I felt the cold breeze of the sea crash and creep into the surface of my hind legs which caused me to have goosebumps.

“Bombs away!” Harry chants and puts me down to the ground. I wobble and quickly plop down on a beach recliner beside Eleanor whose busy reading a magazine.

“Ahh! My head.” I murmur and hit my head with both of my wrists. My head is spinning and I feel it’s about to explode.

“Coffee, Miss?” A waiter appears on my side, holding a tray and handing over a cup of coffee. Harry takes it for me, sits beside my torso and lets me sip the coffee.

After finishing the coffee, he places the cup on the small table beside the recliner, and then I rest my head to the back of the recliner. He leans closer to me and massages either side of my head. That feels better! Freaking hang-over.

“So how are you?” Eleanor speaks up. She shifts position to face me and drops the magazine to her side.

“Terrible!” I groan. Harry chuckles and I playfully slap him.

Louis, who was playing football with the three other boys, left them and walk towards us. He sits on the space beside Eleanor. Perrie’s on one of the recliners, sunbathing while listening to the music through her earphones, and perhaps snoozing.

“So, Val. Do you know what happened last night?” Louis, as insincere as he is, asks mockingly.

“I don’t even remember anything.” I frown, shaking my head. If I don’t remember anything, I am sure they will remind me, and so I ask, “Why? What happened?” I peer at them.

“You almost got us in trouble.” He tells me and snakes his arms on El’s shoulder in the process. El instinctively snuggles in his shoulder and both of them look at me with a playful smile on both of their faces.

“Huh?” I beg for pardon.

“You puked on this Devon guy’s shirt.” Eleanor giggles.

“I did?” I got shocked and sit straight against Harry abruptly. Louis and Eleanor share a look and look back at me and nod their heads.

“Who’s this Devon guy anyway?” I mumble and cling on to Harry’s shoulder once again, and then wrap my hands around his waist. My head is still heavy, I’m afraid I might puke again.

Eleanor grunts, “This guy at the bar who’s trying to flirt with you. So Harry went in the way and confronted him.” She rolls her eyes and sigh, annoyed by the existence of the guy who tried to flirt with me, I guess.

“How come I don’t even remember anything?” I murmur.

“You even kept on denying to him that Harry’s your boyfriend.” Louis chuckles.

I pull my head up and face Harry despite my headache. “Oh my, I did that?” I say while pulling off a sorry face.

“Yes.” Harry nods and sighs.

“I’m sorry.” I apologize while cuddling him tightly.

“I understand. You were drunk.” He says and brushes a kiss on my forehead.

“The most fun part is when you passed out after you threw up on his shirt.” He laughs hysterically and claps his hand like a retard. “Oh, I love it.” He continues laughing.

“How embarrassing.” I mutter to myself and nuzzle my head to Harry’s neck. I open my eyes and gaze at his tattoos on his arms and chest up close. I let out a deep breath and mutter to myself, “God, I hate those tattoos.”

Harry lets me hop on his back and carry me on the way to the sea. The water is a bit freezing but we dip in it anyway to cure my headache. Later, the rest of the guys joined us swimming on the beach. Before I knew it, it’s going to be our last day and night at the resort. We’re already going back to London tomorrow and we’re back to our regular life also. This is one short vacation but it’s all worth it. I hope this would happen again, except me getting drunk and throwing up on a stranger’s shirt. That’s really embarrassing, though I fail to recall what truly happened.

As I look at each of their face, Eleanor, Perrie, Liam, Niall, Louis and Zayn’s, and realize how close I got with them over the time, and how happy we are when we’re all together, I can’t help but feel sorry for myself knowing deep inside that these are all just products of Harry and I’s pretend relationship. At the back of my mind, I know I do not deserve this kind of happiness. The closer and closer I get with them, the harder it is for me to lie and the more liable I am of my actions. I just feel so bad that I had to live a lie just to meet these awesome people. But what if things just fall into different places and I get the chance to meet them in an exactly different circumstance? What if I never have to lie? What if?



The sun is about to set on our last afternoon at the resort. I decided to take a walk at the beach with Harry while the rest are taking a nap in their respective cabins. I’m going to miss this place. I’m definitely coming back whether or not I’m still Harry’s pretend-girlfriend.

Both barefoot, Harry and I walk casually on the sand. I am wearing a little floral and flowy dress which gets swept by the wind as we walk by the shore. Harry wears a pair of pants and grey shirt with a brown fedora on his head. This would be the first time that we set aside our pretentions and just be ourselves out in the open, walking down the shoreline without apprehensions. I just miss being an ordinary person,the one that’s not watched by the public, especially the critics who are waiting for me to mess up.

This made me miss Glasgow more. You can do whatever as you pleases. People won’t care about it. You can make mistakes and be foolish for a while and no one’s going to make a big of a deal about it. People are so busy with their own lives, so might as well live yours. Likewise my parents who never took the time to ask me what do I really want in life. They just knocked in my bedroom door one night and hand me this university application, saying “Here’s what we want you to do, sweetie.” “You’ll love it there.” Blah blahblah! Period.

What’s the difference between my parents and the kind of job I have right now? In my job, I have a choice and I can be myself. Plus, I’m also one step closer to achieving my dream of becoming a fashion designer one day. It has always been my passion and I’ve always envision myself doing that in the future. I don’t want to remain as the person who wears the dress of various designers to sell it. I want to be the one creating them. Dreams and aspirations drive you, and hopefully, it will take me where I want to be someday.

As Harry and I continue walking, I spotted this little boy playing with his little sister on the sands, making castles. As the boy tries to assemble the bucket of sands, his little sister wrecks them with a shovel. Despite of being disrupted by his sister, he continues working without cussing on her sister. I felt a big smile rose on my face as I look at the adorable sight. The sight brings me back to the time when I and my big brother were still kids. I miss that.

“You really love kids, don’t you?” Harry speaks up as he catches me smiling while looking at the two kids.

“Who doesn’t?” I glance at Harry and drag my sight back to the kids, “They’re adorable.” I stated lively.

“You want to sit here for a while?” He offers and sits down on the ground few yards away from the site of the kids that I continue to admire looking at.

Gently, I sit next to him while pinning my skirt in between my legs. My eyes get glued to the two beautiful things for seconds and then I drag my sight to the orange sky. It’s beautiful! I’m currently experiencing Utopia. Everything’s just perfect. As the sun sets, the crested moon awaits to take over, shine and light up for the night. Beyond the beauty of the nature that I behold in front of and around me, is no doubt an Extreme Being who controls everything. He’s indescribable.

“So Valerie, you never told me anything about your family.” Harry gibes, gaining my attention back to him.

“Well, you never asked so why should I tell you?” I smirk at him.

“That’s why I’m asking you now.  What do your parents do?” He asks curiously.

“We have a family business. It’s not big. Just enough to get us by every day.” I answer casually.

“Siblings?” He peers at me.

‘I have a big brother named Vitaly. There are only two of us.” I sigh meekly.

“And you’re not happy about that. I can tell.” He chuckles.

“No.” I retorted. “It’s just that I’ve always wanted to have a little sister or brother.” I murmur.

He snickers and shrugs, “Then why didn’t you ask your parents?”

“In fact, I did couple of times. They just said it’s not economical. Two spoiled brats are enough.” I sniffle while playing with the sand.

“They have a point.” He shrugs. “I’m happy with Gemma.” He sneers, trying to make a point.

“Good for you.” I replied mildly and let out a sigh.

Harry changes his position to an Indian sit and faces me, “Do you have a problem at home.” He asks intently.

That made me snap out of my blank thought and answer sharply, “What? No.” I exhale deeply, “I’m just not comfortable talking about my family.”

“Why not?” He frowns and continues, “Aren’t they nice to you?”

“Of course not. They’re the best one could ever have.” I defended, looking straight to Harry’s green eyes.

“Then what’s the matter talking about them?”

“Harry, I don’t want to be homesick, okay? Just stop!” I plead him, waving my hands evasively.

“Okay.” He smirks. “By the way, remember when I told you Mom’s getting married?” He enthusiastically states.

My face suddenly lit up and nodded, “Yeah?”

“It’s happening next week. So, we’re leaving for Cheshire the day after tomorrow.” He states.

“What do you mean we?” My eyebrows furrow and I look at him intently.

“You’re coming with me. Mom wants to meet you.” He snorted.

“Ahh! No.” I shake my head disapprovingly. “I’m not going to Cheshire. I’m not meeting your Mom.” I frantically say while gasping for air. “Tell her I’m busy.  I have photo shoot, it’s fashion week, I couldn’t make it. Whatever excuse, just talk me out of it.”

“Valerie, I can’t lie to my Mom.” He argues and stares at me with contempt.

“Then just tell her we’re not really in a relationship.” I suggested gibberish.

“Sure. Then I’ll just tell Mr Shaw that you …” He cunningly started off with a sentence and I interrupted after he utters that god-forsaken name.

“Okay, okay. I’m coming.” I murmur. “It’s just a simple favor. Who wouldn’t want to be invited in a wedding?” I stated sarcastically with a fake excited tone. “I’m just going to meet your Mom. What could possibly go wrong?” I try to convince myself.

Harry then stands up, grab my hands and lift me up. I look at his eyes and gulp. Worry became evident on my face.

“Come on, Val. Don’t worry. You’re wonderwoman.” He persuades mockingly and chuckles.

I hate it when it comes to meeting the parents of any guy I am in a relationship with, though Harry and I are just faking it. I suck at that. Back in high school, no mom has ever liked me for their sons. I know exactly why.


Liam wakes us all up early in the morning to get ready and pack our things up. This is goodbye, paradise! We’re already going back to London today.  After making sure that we did not leave anything unpacked, Harry and I step out of our cabin already. Then we spotted Liam sitting on a recliner and Niall standing by the poolside. Their suitcases are ready and placed near the curb. We both walk to the patio and place our stuffs along with theirs.

“I’m going to miss this swimming pool.” Niall murmurs as he looks down at the pool.

Liam, Harry and I laugh at Niall’s foolish remark.

“We better get going, mates before this place gets flooded by Niall’s tears.” Harry yells to the two couples who were still inside their cabins.

“Coming!”Zayn answers while exiting their cabin, Perrie follows after him, both of them dragging down their suitcases.

“Where’s Louis and El?” I ask worriedly. “Aren’t they planning on ever coming home?”

“Relax. We’re here!” Eleanor comes out of their cabin first, carrying her bag. Seconds later, Louis did also. I sigh in relief, and then we all grab our stuffs and exit the villa. We all walk all the way to the lobby, check out and return all our keys to the receptionist who accommodated us when we first got here.

We all head out of the building after. Harry, me and Niall seated consecutively at one of the steps outside the reception area while we all wait for the valet to bring our van to the driveway. Louis, Eleanor and Perrie seated on their luggage; Liam and Zayn stand by the curb and play with the leaves of the little palm trees on the side.

Out of boredom, I dig out of my bag a board marker with bold black ink. I look at Niall who’s wearing a loose tank. He’s the only one who’s got bare and clean skin out of the five lads.

“Niall, you want to have a tattoo?” I persuade Niall while showing him the marker.

He furrows his brows and asked, “Where did you get that?”

“Quiet.” I whisper, “I stole this from the receptionist.” I chuckle.

“What?” His eyes grow big. “Give that back to the lady. You’ll get us in trouble.” He hounds.

“Joke! Of course I asked the lady nicely if I could keep it as a souvenir.” I babble. “Now, do you want to have a tattoo like them?”

“Ah no, Valerie.” He squints and clutches his arms away from me. “Thanks but no, thanks.”

“Come on, Ni. It’s not permanent.” I grumble and pull off a puppy-face.

“Fine.” He groans. “Anything to make little Valerie happy.” He rolls his eyes and sighs.

“Yey!” I cheer. “What do you think about tribal tattoos?”

“I think they’re fine. Whatever.” He shrugs and curls his lips, seemingly uninterested.

“Cool. I just want you to close your eyes while I make a tribal tattoo on your shoulder.” I instructed enthusiastically. Niall does as I say and covers his eyes with the other hand.

“You’re not going to regret it, Niall. Valerie’s an artist. I’ve already seen her works.” Perrie encourages Niall and winks at me. I continue focusing myself on my work on Niall’s shoulder.

“I agree.” Harry supported, “You’re going to love it.”

“Finished!” I chanted. They all got surprised as to how fast I finished Niall’s tattoo. “But don’t open your eyes just yet.” I say quickly as I covered the tattoo with my hands.

“Okay, you can now open your eyes.” I instructed. Niall bends his head down to look at his shoulder that I’m still concealing with my hands. The rest huddled around to see the tattoo.

“Niall said he’d like to have a tribal tattoo. So, I gave him exactly what he wanted.” I shrug and stated to them. “At the count of three, you will behold Niall’s first ever tattoo so don’t get all dramatic and cheezy about it, okay?”

They all nod in excitement and Niall sweats all over his forehead in anticipation.

“Ready?” I scan all their agreeable faces. “One, two …” I slowly move my hands, “Three!” I uncover the tattoo and they immediately burst out laughing after seeing it.

“Damn, Valerie! You got me again.” Niall murmurs while looking at his shoulder with the word TRIBAL boldly written on it. Everyone laughs at Niall as I victimized him again with one of my schemes.

“Oh my, Valerie. You never fail to make us laugh.” Zayn stated in fits of laughter as he grasps his stomach and throws his head back and forth. Louis high-fived Zayn and Liam, all three laughing, misty-eyed.Perrie and Eleanor fell on the ground after their suitcase collapsed for laughing so hard. Harry wraps his arms around my neck and cradles me to his side while laughing. Yet again, we ruin the peace and tranquillity of the place with our noisy laughter.

Now where’s that van?


Niall’s tweet:

Niall Horan @NiallOfficial

I said I wanted a tribal tattoo and look what @ValScott got me.…

Number 1 trending worldwide for eight hours




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