Pregnant and Rejected

By Loverboy100

276K 8.2K 1.3K


I need your help
What Happened??
Payback is a bitch.
Good to be Home
He's woken up!
Not in the mood.
What have I done?
Shit is getting real
You guys....
Heat pt. 2
I can't feel him
Mother Mayhem
OKAY.... I Need Help

HEAT (pt.1)

9.7K 368 87
By Loverboy100

Okay so I have been getting a bunch of messages and I'm going to go through and edit the story. Just give me some time because after going through in myself it is very confusing and I'm sorry about that. I will try to edit an old chapter every time I post a new one and if that doesn't work out then I'll just finish the book then go through and edit it. Once again sorry!
WARNING: 🚫❌Some Nasty,Nasty, happens in this chapter Read at your own risk!!!🚫❌

ENJOY!!!! Pic of Nico and Drew!!

Trell Pov

It's so hot.

I'm burning up.

The moon must be almost at its peak.

I can feel my would taking control.

It's getting so blurry.

It's so hard to fight him off.

I can't really see anything now.

I can hear my bones cracking.

It's so fucking painful.

It's hard to breathe now.

Stay in control.

Stay in control.


Then my world goes black.

NICO'S POV(Trell's wolf)

Finally I'm out. That stupid human had me locked away so I couldn't get to my mate. Growling and shaking out my fur, I stretch. God, it's been forever. I have to go find my mate. Taking a minute to look around the room it looks like it's mostly concrete and it smells funny, a basement maybe. In the middle of a wall there are a set of steps that most likely leads to me getting out of here. Walking toward them I'm suddenly yanked back and there's a loud clanking sound.

What the..? Looking back I see a chain. Following those chains with my eyes it leads up to a collar...that's attached to my fucking neck. Which made me realize I'm not hairy. The fuck. I'm only in half form, and not even that. I still look mostly human the only thing different is my hair's longer, my teeth grew and my nails are out.


I hear a faint chuckle in the back of my head. Oh, you think you're so fucking smart don't you?

"Yes, I do you fucking bitch. My child is way more important than your need to fuck." he hisses at me.

Mate,mate,mate that is all I want right now.

Then I hear a howl. One that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

It's mate calling me. I howl back.

Come to me mate.

Another howl closer this time. Then another, and another till it's right outside the basement door. He's found me. In your face stupid human. He doesn't answer me back. Then there's banging on the door and I hear frustrated growling. He can't get in. The sudden feeling of satisfaction washes over me and I am positive it from the human.

Scratch, scratch, scratch, bang, bang, bang.

Then boom.

The doors off the hinges and laying in the middle of the floor. He's in. He slowly walks into the room. His fur is a deep chocolate brown color and his eyes are glowing a bright blue color, proof that he is a dominant beta wolf. He growls at me. It's a command to shift and come here. I try to walk toward him only to be yanked back. I whimper and pull at the collar letting him know I can't. He growls again, slowly starting to circle me. Lifting one clawed hand up he touches it only to pull away with a ferocious howl. It's silver, smart fucking human.

He goes behind me and growls breaking the chain with a hiss, also silver. Leading me out of the basement and up the stairs I start panting.

Mate , mate, mate.

God, I want my mate so hot damn bad. It is literally painful. I can feel my slick starting to stain the dark lie sweat pants I'm wearing. Walking Into the garage I think. He changes into his half form and start throwing things off shelves. This continues until he finds what he's looking for. It's a little drill looking thingy and he turns it on growing at me. I'm all too eager to comply. Then he put it on the plate and begin to drill. After a while you can here it slowly but surely start to crack. A sense of dread fills me, most likely from my human.

"If you do this there's no turning back and I swear to god I will mercer forgive you." he says, voice desperate and pleading.

"I want mate, start mating process tonight finally" I tell him

"What about our son Alex? He'll never forgive us. He'll smell it on us. We can't do this." He says, trying to convince me

"Pup, will love us anyway. He was just angry. Always love us." I say just as the collar broke in half.

"I hope to god you're right because if he leaves us. I'm done." He says,as soon as I start shifting into my wolf form. Then I can't feel him anymore.

Bones cracking, face changing, I'm changing into my wolf form. When I'm finished I see my mate has already changed into his wolf form. Rubbing up against him in thanks for removing the collar I then take off into the woods through the garage door. Come and get me mate I howl. Running through the woods I hop over fallen trees and large tree roots, dodge branches and tree stubs. I can hear him chasing means catching up, which makes me howl in excitement. I can see a clearing up ahead and just as I'm about to break through the treelike I'm tackled to the ground. Looking up my mates onto of me and he bends down to growl in my face. It means caught you.

DREW' POV(Drey's Wolf)

I was completely and utterly upset when I found my mate chained to that fucking wall. What is up with my mates human. First, he says he doesn't want to be my mate, which I don't understand. I'm literally one of the strongest wolves in the pack. Then, he chains herself to a wall using a suppressor collar that was coated in silver. He could have hurt himself for god's sake. The thought of my mate deliberately hurting himself made me growl. That's okay though because I got that disgusting thing off of him, and I am know chasing him through the woods happily.

The moon is in the sky casting a faint glow over my mates light brown fur. His hips sway as he runs in front of me. Panting I speed up done with this game of chase. Though it is incredibly arousing. I want my mate and I want him know. Leaping into the air I jump and land on top of him with a roll. Growling in his face I let out a puff of air. Caught you is what I say. Doing what can only be described as a smile he turns over still under me, making me back up a little and lift his ass up into the air. That makes me puff my chest out even further. He's telling me I have proven myself and he accepts me as a mate.

His tail is lifted, and his hole is a light pink color and is twitching almost like it's inviting me. And, I of course happily accepted the invitation, by licking my mates hole. Starting from the back of his ball sack I slowly make my way up to his whole tasting his slick. God, it tasted so fucking good. He then let out this breathy little whimper that made any controls I had snap.

Take mate, mark mate, give mate pups.

Those were the only thoughts that we're going through my head as I mounted him taking his scruff into my mouth. Thrusting forward I instantly found his hole and thrust forward. Making him whimper. He felt so fucking good. I just kept thrust hard, I could feel my knott starting to form which only made my thrust harder and deeper. When my knott was about the size of a golf ball it couldn't go pass the ring of muscle.

Must give mate pups, must give mate pups.

I repeated over and over in my head until I gave one hard thrust forcing my knott into him and biting his neck at the same time making him whimper again and me howl in triumph. We have just completed half of the mating process and I could feel our bond grow stronger. We could know talk to each other through mind like. Our humans won't be able to do that until they mate in human form.

"Okay mate?" I ask him through the link.

"Just tired. Can I have the pleasure of knowing your name mate?" He asked breathless.

"Drew and yours beautiful?"


Nico what a perfect name I think to myself. Then I feel him sway making me chuckle and lay us on our side.

"Sleep mate. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." I command.

I could feel him fall asleep almost instantly. Pulling him closer with my paw I growl a light 'mine' before laying my head down and closing my eyes.

A very big day indeed tomorrow.

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