The All Boys Boarding School

By storiiee

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Anything can happen in an all boys boarding school, especially with Chaz around. More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four

Chapter Two

821 15 4
By storiiee

heres chapter two of my new boyxboy :] enjoooyyyy please vote and comment :)


Chapter Two

     I woke up and stretched my arms out… smiling, remembering how Riley and I had started talking again. It’s not like we’d stopped but, it had been a while since we’d talked properly.

     Riley was still asleep so I went to the bathroom and started to strip. It wasn’t many times I got to use the shower first, I always ended up rushing so I wasn’t late to homeroom.  After 5 minutes (I don’t like to shower long alright) I turned off the water and stepped out the shower expecting to see my towel.

     It wasn’t there. -_-

     I sneaked out the bathroom, still naked, trying not to wake up Riley. I wrapped my hand around the door knob to open it slowly; the door creaked slightly as I opened it. It’s weird how everything became louder when you were trying to be quieter.

     The door opened and I covered my crotch with my hand and made my way to my closet where my towel was. I opened the closet door and at the exact same time the room door opened and I screamed putting my hands in the air like I was surrendering. I didn’t realise I had wedged my eyes shut, I opened one eye and the other when I realised it was Chaz at the door.

     “What do you want Chaz?” I asked with an exasperated expression on my face.

     “Well I was here to see Riley but” he looked me up and down, “I guess I’m seeing something else.”

      I looked down to see what he was staring at and remembered that I was still naked. I swiftly opened my closet door and grabbed my tower, quickly wrapping it around my waist, blushing as I did everything. This was so embarrassing. My worst enemy caught a sneak peak of my junk with my best friend in the room… sleeping. How I feel like I cheated.

     “He’s asleep, please just leave.” I begged, I didn’t care how stupid I looked this was amazingly embarrassing.

      “No.” he said simply. I turned around to get some clothes on, we had 40 minutes to get to homeroom and I hadn’t had breakfast. Chaz sat on Riley’s bed stroking his hair, while I finished getting dressed. Once I was done I went straight out the room and slammed the door.

     “Hey man.” One of my good friend Scott came over to me with a sandwich and a bottle of water.

     “What’s up Scott.”

     “You Naomi from St. Hopes well guess who was sleeping in her bed last night.”

     “Dude!” I gave him a manly hug because of his ‘conquest’; he’d been trying to get in Naomi’s pants since 8th Grade, 8th GRADE! “Finally! How was she? Was she good? Was she tight?”

     “Shane, Naomi’s pussy is the tightest damn thing I’ve ever fucked. It was hot and I’m seeing her again tonight.”

     We talked about his and Naomi’s night and then headed off to class, once again we got their before Mr Beckford came in as usual. After 10 minutes he came in a school started once again.

     I took of my shirt ready to put on my gym shirt, I was alone in the changing room, I always made sure that I came earlier so that no one would see me, I wasn’t muscly like some of the guys here so I didn’t want to face the mockery that came from the popular guys that had muscles and abs.

      I came later than I normally did, so I had to rush a little bit to make sure no one saw me. Just I was about on my gym shirt I dropped it; I followed it to the ground to try and pick it up. I always found that when I rushed everything took longer. I grabbed it from the ground and picked myself up just as the changing room door opened.

     I scrambled to my feet putting my shirt on. I felt my shirt being lifted up off me before I even got my head through the whole. Who the hell was this weirdo? My eyes opened in shock when I saw Chaz standing before me. He could see the shock in my eyes and smirked evilly, quickly trapping me with both of his big muscly arms.

     I may not like him but I couldn’t deny that the boy had muscles.

     “Chaz, what are you do…”

     He placed a finger on my lips and shushed me, looking up and down. I felt uncomfortable remembering that I wasn’t wearing a shirt and was only in some short shorts. We were staring at each other for a long time, a little too long, I felt uncomfortable and tried to push him but he barely moved.

     He leaned in as if he was going to kiss me but his head went to my ear instead. He whispered sensually in my ears. “It’s you I’ve always wanted.” He moved away from me and went his usual changing spot and as if on cue boys started coming through the door.

     I stared at the ground in disgust and what had just been said to me. ‘It’s you I’ve always wanted.’ He whispered. It replayed again and again in my mind. I hated him, and he’d taken the chance of Riley and I dating a way, I couldn’t forgive him that. Never.

      I quickly put my gym shirt on and a pair of bottoms and rush out of the changing rooms and out to the fields. Gym was going to be hard if I couldn’t get the thought of Chaz out of my head,

     ‘It’s you I’ve always wanted.’

     Today was long like I expected it to be, I couldn’t help but think about Chaz’s weird advances and how it would make Riley feel if he ever ever found out. It would break his heart; Riley was absolutely smitten with Chaz. I still remember their first few dates. I wasn’t there but he told me about them in so much detail I might as well have been.

     I was sitting next to Scott, for a Chemistry lesson, I couldn’t really talk to him about boy trouble. He’d get all awkward because he’s straight so I kept my thoughts to myself and sat bored though the chemistry.

     At lunch I sat with my usual crowd of friends which sometimes did but other times didn’t involve Riley. There was Scott, Darren, Mark and Will. We were all so different I don’t even know how we became friends but I’m happy we did.

     “So guys, did I tell you about scoring last night with Naomi?”  Scott asked with an excited expression on his face.

     “Dude, you’ve been talking about it since breakfast. Shut up already.” Darren snapped looking absolutely pissed. Darren didn’t seem like he liked girls or boys, he hated any conversation to do with hooking up and stuff.

     “Guys, guys, GUYS! She was so tight, the tightest pussy I have ever fucked… it was magical and she’s so hot.”

     “I’m off girls forever after having a foursome with Carrie, Tina and Sara. They were nasty; they kept trying to stick a dildo up my ass.” Darren spoke again. I’d remember him saying something about a foursome but he never said how it was.

     “Darren no one gives a shit, unless you’re gonna go homo like Shane and Mark.” Shane said smirking.

     “For your information I’m bi.” I added in to the conversation between Scott and Darren. Mark and Will were sitting quietly eating there lunch like they always did, they didn’t really talk much unless they were drunk or spoken to.

     Darren and Scott started talking and I started to day dream. I turned around and saw Riley and Chaz come in to the lunch room holding hand, they both caught my eyes. Riley smiled and Chaz winked sending shivers down my body.

     ‘It’s you I’ve always wanted.’

     Riley gave him a kiss on the cheek and made his way towards us sitting next to Will on the edge of the table. I wanted to tell him, I’d have too he’s my best friend I couldn’t lie,

     “Riley can we speak outside?” I asked tentatively. He nodded in response and got and made his way to the doors which lead to the fields, I looked back to find Chaz and when I saw him he was already looking at me. His eyes boring in to mine, he then licked his lips seductively sending more shivers down me

     “So what did you want to talk about?”

     “It’s Chaz.”

      Riley groaned angrily as if he knew what I was about to say, normally when I talked about Chaz it was about what a dick he was. “Seriously, Shane you’ve got to get over this. I’m dating him because I love him.”

     “You don’t know what Chaz did though.” I closed my eyes dreading saying the news about Chaz had said to me he used him.

     “What did I do?” Chaz was suddenly next to Riley smiling slyly at me. I had to admit he looked kind of sexy. I shook my head to shake it out and in shock out how fast he got here.

      “Nothing.” I mumbled looking to the ground. I was such a coward I should have just said it, Riley would believe me, I’m his best friend. I had no reason to lie, except that I had a crush on him.

     “Rile, do you mind if Shane and I have a word.” Chaz asked looking in to Riley’s eyes, I bet he was hypnotising him. Riley went back inside the cafeteria and left us alone We were the only few people on the field.

     “Riley wouldn’t believe you.”  He said smugly, I wanted to slap that smirk growing on his face.

     “Yes, he would. We’re best friends.”

     “Well I’m his boyfriend, the one he loves. Would you want to ruin that?”

    He had a point, I wouldn’t be able to bare it if he got heartbroken and it would be my fault, if only I asked him out sooner we could be the ones together not them. “No I wouldn’t”

     “You going to tell him what I said?” I shook my head as a reply. Good, that means I could do this then.” He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. I instantly pushed him away and wiped my mouth, but he came back to try again.

     He pressed himself against me and started grinding against me. “Shane, you make me so hard.” He whispered whilst grinding on me.

     “Get the hell of me.” I tried to shout it but I came out as a sort of whisper. He trapped me with his arms like he did before.

     “It’s you I always wanted.” He whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek.

     “What?” I managed to squeak out.

      Chaz was right up in my face still rubbing his now erect self against me, I squirmed uncomfortably. “I said ‘I want you’. I don’t love Riley. I only started dating him to make you jealous. I know you are but you’re jealous of the wrong person because you want him and not me.”

     “I’ll never want you.” I spat.

     “So I will keep dating him until you change your mind.”

     “No!” I could feel tears fighting to get out but I held them back.

     “I have a better idea; I will make Riley hate you.”

      He got out his phone and started to fiddle with it, he saw the confused expression on my face and smiled and before I knew it he lips were on mine and a camera snap was heard. He stepped back and showed me the photo; it somehow managed to look as if I kissed him.

     “If you don’t want Riley to see this, you’ll stay with me tonight.”

     I couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down my face, he came towards me and held my face licking each tear off my face. He then repeated his sentence.

     “If you don’t want Riley to see this, you’ll stay with me tonight.”

With that he walked away.


author: i hope you liked this installment. please vote and comment it would be appreciative :D

storiiee shall kiss you for reading this mwah! xoxo

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