My Dying Wish **UNDERTAKING E...

De ElloImTheDoctor

9.7K 303 125

After a tragic car accident with John Smith, Rose is left on her own again. Rose carries on but is still full... Mais

My Dying Wish (TenxRose)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Sequel Part 1
Sequel Part 2
Sequel Part 3
Sequel Part 4

Chapter 13

302 9 1
De ElloImTheDoctor

Okay almost 500 reads. That is mind blowing! Thank you guys so much! Enjoy! There will probably be only a few ouple chapters ahead. Don't forget to READ(Duh)/COMMENT/VOTE/SHARE/FOLLOW!

Kay thankiesss!


**NOTE: Side fonts=Rose thinking/remembering/dreaming/reading etc.. (MOSTLY)


For a moment Rose was starting to panic that she was resisting the sleeping drug or it wasn't working. She was worried about this whole thing and her team; what was happening to them? The machine still silently hummed, then made a beep and she felt a slight stink in her upper arm. The Machine must've injected her with the drug because Rose's eyes began to feel heavy and drooping. Go to your happy place Rose, go to The Doctor. Those were Rose's last thoughts before she fell into a heavy sleep, then the tube started to fill in with the clear liquid until Rose was completely submerged. Susan walked up to Rose's tube, "Thank you for your cooperation." Then smirked. "Ladies and gentlemen, we now have the body of a time traveler! Start drawing some blood, let's get to work." Susan ordered her group of scientists. 


     The Doctor slumped in the pilot chairs in the TARDIS. He missed his companions, and missed not having to travel alone. He had just returned from a little adventure on a far off planet where the people looked like humans, just with several more limbs. "They couldn't take their hands off me. So, so very many hands. They always have to touch what they don't know, eh?" The Doctor spoke to no one. "Well, looks like it's still just me and you old girl. Time for another adventure, and some where unlike Eguardina.." But before The Doctor could even touch the console the TARDIS starting to start moving and make it's familiar sound. "What, what? Where are you taking me?!" The Doctor asked the TARDIS. He hated when she took him to random places, but obviously he was needed somewhere. "BADWOLF IN DANGER. MUST SAVE BAD WOLF." The Doctor read on the screen, and all blood drained fomr his face. Somewhere, sometime Rose was out there in serious danger. "H-how can we get t-to her? We could rip the Universe apart!" The Doctor shouted as he was thrown about form the violent movements. The TARDIS didn't answer.

The TARIS came to a stop with a screech. "He opened the doors and found himself just beside a deserted field. "This doesn't make any sense.. any of it!" The Doctor rushed back inside the TARDIS and asked, "Why am I here, if Rose is in trouble we need to get to her! Not just sit in a field!" The Doctor wanted to aid Rose asap. "The TARDIS showed a layout of the lab below the surface. "Oh, clever. Well, what kind of lab is it?" The Doctor asked. "Unidentified" the TARDIS replied. "Well, that's bloddy useful. The TARDIS changed imagies to the a more full scaled picture of the lab and different colored dots representing people. The key showed the Doctor which colors meant what. 






'There are two dots that are green, which mean they have been in the TARDIS before, but who are they?', The Doctor wondered.  Several red dots surrounded the green and white dots. He would come back for them after he found Rose, but her dot didn't show up. "Where is Rose, old girl?" The Doctor asked. The screen showed multiple levels but indicated Rose was on one of the lower levels, which were heavily loaded with threats and enemies. "Well, which one?" He asked frustrated. "ERROR: UNKNOWN....SIGNAL FADING..BADWOLF DANGER. SAVE!" Was all the TARDIS could reply. "What do you mean fading signal...?" The Doctor muttered. His concern was growing, he couldn't just run in there without being noticed! 'It's not like I have a time machine or space ship that I could use...Oh wait, I do!' The Doctor thought. "Get ready Rose, I'm coming for you.." The Doctor said determined. 

The TARDIS came to a stop on one of the levels the TARDIS suspected that Rose was on. The Doctor put his sonic screwdriver and closed the TARDIS doors behind him. The TARDIS has charted that this level had a lower threat, The Doctor could guess that there attention was drawn where Rose was so he would have to make his way down. Avoiding unwanted attention. The halls were dimly lit, The Doctor checked through any doors he passed, he made his way along coming to the stair way. He quietly stepped along the stairs, going to level 7 out of 8. He reached the 7th level and saw...nothing. The hall was deserted and none of the lights or rooms were lit. The Doctor assumed that where ever Rose was, it certainly wasn't on this level. He continued. 

This floor was more of a tunnel, stone walls, different than the above. This hall had an eery feeling to it, it raised the hairs on the back of The Doctor's neck, something was not right here. It was a short tunnel that lead to metal dull gray doors, something like hospital doors. The Doctor peered through the small round windows and was taken back by what he saw. There were several humans in clear like liquid, floating in tubes. The lights flickered on as he entered the room, 'Where is everyone?' The Doctor thought as he looked around the room. His hearts, mind, and feet stop as he spotted the tube that held Rose. He couldn't think, his feet refused to move and his hearts slowly pounded in his chest. He forced himself to move, he put his hand to her tube, "I'm sorry, Rose. I'm so, so sorry." That was all he could sputter. An alarm triggered shortly after he touched the tube. The Doctor jumped startled, and guards started to pour into the room. "ON YOUR KNEES." They commanded as they hand-cuffed The Doctor. There were about 20 guards, the Doctor was out handed. A young brunette walked through the swinging dull doors. "Trying to take my prize, now are we?" The woman said. "Who are you?! WHY is Rose, my Rose in there?" He yelled angrily. 

"Oh, now-now. My name is Susan, and you must be...The Doctor?" She guessed. "What, what how- how do you know that?" He queried. "She spoke of you often. Telling me stories of the magnificent man who took her away to other civilizations and galaxies. Then you dumped her off with a cheap copy of yourself and whizzed away in your box. Never looking back." She sneered. "What, that- that is not true. She could never be happy with me, I did what I had to-to protect her." Why should he be explaining himself to her, this devil? "Protect her from what? Or were you just pushing her away, like you always do. You push everyone away that tries to even get close. Look what you did by "protectin her"! You caused her pain and now this." Susan knew she was right. "Why? What are you doing to her?" The Doctor was losing any self control he had. "Because, she is the big bad wolf. We need her blood. She will be very useful to us, one sacrifice to save the life of many others. Wouldn't you want that? The cure to every illness, lies in her blood." Susan explained. "Let her go! Take me, take my blood. I'm a timelord." The Doctor pleaded. "No, your blood wouldn't work. You're body is similar in looks but by far advanced. Her blood is the blood of a human intermixed with the power of god, the power of the universe. She is the one and only. We are already starting the process. It's only a matter of time, and nothing you can do to save her." Susan grinned, obviously enjoy this. "Boys cuff em to the table. Doctor, we will leave you alone momentarily to say your good-byes. Adios!" She waved her hand, then along with her, her squad piled out leaving the Doctor cuffed just across from Rose.

"Rose," he began, "there is so much to say, so much that I owe you. If you are there, which I know you are because you are strong, then please fight and come back to me. I probably don't deserve it but you don't deserve this. Rose, please-" He choked on his own tears. This was too much, he pushed her away thinking she would be safe but he really did it because he was afraid and now he would pay for it again. But this cost was fair too much. He sat there tears spilling from his eyes, he screwed up big time and he would kill himself for it for all time. "Rose, I need you. This one time I need you to come back to me, save me." He sat their watching her, his angel, being drained of her life. He needed to save her, he needed to reach her. 




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