Under the Influence

By Louisa5853

72.3K 2.3K 1.5K

Cassie Rosario is a confident, career driven 27 year-old with major commitment issues. After meeting Eminem h... More

The End.
The Night Cassie And Em Met...(Imagine 1)
The Time Cassie Got Really Drunk...(Imagine 2)
The Jealous Girlfriend...(Imagine 3)
The Announcement...(Imagine 4, Part 1 (?))
The Decision...(Imagine 4, Part 2)
The Surprise...(Imagine 5)
The Breaking Point...(Imagine 6)


2.8K 89 45
By Louisa5853

May 18th 2000.
New York, New York.

"Come in!" I called out in reply to the knocking on my front door.

"Hello?" I heard the front door open and Amy's voice.

"In the lounge". Amy came into view and stood in the dogorway unsure of what to do next, it was like she was nervous about what my reaction would be. She fiddled with her fingers, picking at her pink nail polish and giving me a weak smile. I sighed, wanting nothing more than to make up with her. "Come here you idiot" I opened my arms wide, waiting for her to come give me a hug. Amy's face lit up and she ran over to me jumping onto the couch and into my arm's. She squeezed the absolute life out of me, and she gave me a big kiss on the cheek. "Amy- your squashing me".

"Oops sorry!" she giggled and hopped off me with a massive smile on her face.

"Look-" I started.

"Please let me say my piece first". I nodded, giving her the go ahead and waited patiently for her to explain herself. "I know I've been an absolute shit friend recently, cancelling on you all the time and never picking up your calls" I pursed my lips at her, agreeing. "I should never blow you off for David, or any guy for that matter! You mean way more to me and I know if I was in your position I would be pissed beyond belief. Please forgive me? I'll be the best friend ever from now on I swear". She jokingly crossed herself and put emphasis on the last word, stressing her point.

"Apology accepted" I offered her a smile to show her I really did accept it.

"Thank god. I found David kissing another girl anyway, so I really did fuck up". She shrugged and sunk deeper into the couch.

"Honestly, Amy I can't say I'm surprised". I didn't want to tell her how much I had really despised David all this time.

"Yeah me neither. It was only a matter of time I think. Anyways, enough about that loser. Jordan told me you were meeting up with a guy the other day. Who is he?" She sat up alert, ready for my answer. Gossip was just about her favorite thing on the planet.

"No-one, I ended it this morning".

"Aww come on Cass. At least tell me who it was?"

"His name is...Marshall". My mind was arguing with itself as I debated whether or not to tell her exactly who it was. I knew I could trust her, but I also knew she would flip out hearing I met her favorite celebrity. Let alone slept with him.


"Mathers". It took a moment for the name to click but I could instantly tell when it did. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open, a look of utter surprise coming over her face.

"The Marshall Mathers! Eminem?" she shouted whispered, too excited to talk in a normal volume. Meekly I nodded, not saying a word. "Holy, fuck. Holy! Fuck!" she leapt up and shook my shoulders, trying to get me as pumped up as her. "You! My best friend, slept with Eminem?"

"Shh Shh". I pulled her down onto the couch, her excited actions unsettling me.

"I can't believe this!" she dramatically flopped backwards onto the couch, the information too much to handle. "Wait. Did you say you ended it? With Eminem of all people!"

"It doesn't matter that it's 'Eminem' " I said with air quotes, feeling uncomfortable calling him by that name. "I ended because we both have busy schedules and live in completely different states! It's unrealistic, and I'm not prepared to put energy into a relationship that would crumble anyway. I can't even say I ended it really, we only met up twice" I stated matter of factly.

"How do you know it would crumble though? If your not giving it a chance?"

"I just know it wouldn't work".

"Don't give up on it yet, the fact you even told me that you met someone tells me he's different. I never know anything about you dating life. Where's the harm in trying it out?" I dropped my eyes to the floor, unwillingly to participate in this conversation any longer. "Okay Okay, I see you closing up on me. I'll just say this one thing, was he any good in bed?" she wiggled her eyebrows at me suggestively.

"Right, that's enough talking from you". I got up from the couch and made my way to the kitchen with her following behind.

"One tiny detail? It's Eminem!"

"Nope!" I spun on my heels and gave her a devilish smile, knowing she was dying to find out anything she could. Amy just glared at me in response.

"You're no fun".


I'd spent all night tossing and turning, unable to get Marshall and our last interaction out of my head. If anything I wish I had just turned him down nicer, rather than making him think I was just some rude girl who had used him. I arrived at work exhausted and looking like I'd been run over by a truck. My hair was pulled into a tight bun and my eye bags made me appear like a raccoon. The building my office was located in was full of facilities and all kinds of employees in the music industry; recording studios, managers and contract makers. As I made my way to my office I passed my floors receptionist, "Morning Stewart" I greeted him with a sunny smile even though I felt far from cheerful.

"Good morning Ms. Rosario" Stewart happily replied, he was always full of energy no matter the time of day. "Uh Ms. Rosario? Someone has requested to meet you, should I send them up?"

"You know I don't meet in the mornings Stewart" I sighed deeply.

"I know, but they said it was important. I think they are looking into hiring you".

I glanced down at my watch, 9.30 am. Although it was incredibly early for me to talk business, I couldn't turn down a client. "Send them up at 11.00 am, no earlier".

"Of course, I'll let them know".

"Thank-you Stewart" I exasperated with a tired smile as I made my way to my office. I spent the morning answering phone messages and replying to emails, drinking copious amounts of coffee in between to keep me from falling asleep at my desk. My reading glasses were perched on my nose as I scanned over a email on my laptop when my concentration was interrupted by an abrupt knock on the door.

"Come in" I replied, my eyes not leaving the screen.

A man cleared his throat adverting my attention. There Marshall was, standing in front me his hands shoved into the pockets of his sweats. Why was he here?

I pushed my chair out from beneath me, making sure I stood at my full height. "What are you doing here?" my face must of shown my confusion, because I certainly wasn't making any attempts at hiding it.

He plopped down into my red leather couch, looking too relaxed for my liking. "Nice to see you too" he quipped, attempting to hide his amusement at my bluntness.

I followed his suit, sitting down back in my seat. "Seriously what's going on? You can't just turn up at my work place, it makes me look unprofessional".

"I'm here for business actually. I heard you might be able to help me find a new tour manager. Any suggestions?" he queried with a deadpan expression.

I certainly wasn't expecting him to say that. "You want me to be your tour manager?"

"Oh nah, not you. But could you tell me about any good ones?" he was completely serious.

"You ass-"

"Yo chill Cassie, of course I mean you" he chuckled at my rude remark, covering his mouth with his hand.


He sat forward his hands clasped and resting on his knees. "Yeah I mean, that way we can hang out and still work right? Plus my last manager quit on me, so I was already looking".

"And by hang out you mean?" I questioned.

"Date. If that's what you want". His eyes locked with mine and I could sense that he felt vulnerable. He had a nervous vibe to him, his knee bobbing up and down.

I wasn't 100% convinced that this was a good idea but Amy's words played in my head. How would I know it wouldn't work if I never gave it a try? And it was an appealing point that I could still work and not have do deal with anything long distance. "Okay...".


"Yeah". This time I said it with conviction and a smile.

"I don't have to try to convince you or anything? That easy?" he grinned and stood up, making his way over to my desk.

"Well I'm not completely sure but, the idea of bossing you around all day turns me on". I winked at him and watched his eyebrows raise at the comment.

"Yeah?" I nodded in reply, standing up as he reached me. Marshall towered over my small frame, he must be at least six inches taller than me. "I didn't know you wore glasses, you look cute". He bent down to kiss me but I placed a hand on his chest to stop him.

"Not at work".

"Cassie, come on. To seal the deal?" he placed his hands on my hips, pulling me back close to him.

"Nope" I wriggled out of his grip. "I have papers I need to prepare now for you to sign, making it official" I rifled around in my drawers looking for the documents I needed.

"What have I got myself into?" he joked as he made his way back to his seat.

"You have no idea. Here we are" I pulled out the papers as Marshall looked on with a bemused look.

There was another knock on the door and a large man, in every sense of the word, came in before I had a chance to answer. He was bald but had a large salt and pepper colored beard which I found ironic. However his face was hard and his demeanor slightly intimidated me, I would probably cross the street if I saw him. He extended his large hand out to me making me feel tiny. "Paul Rosenberg, Marshall's manager". What surprised me was as soon as he spoke he broke out into a friendly smile.

"Cassie Rosario. Nice to meet you" I returned his handshake, making sure it was firm and assertive.

"So you're Marshall's new tour manager?" he turned to Marshall when he said it, making sure he wasn't jumping to any conclusions.Marshall nodded once in reply to confirm the arrangement.

I motioned for him to take a seat next to Marshall and sat down too. "If you don't mind me asking, why aren't you Marshall's tour manager?"

"Well Cassie to be honest, Marshall is a fucking handful and I can't manage him and D12 at the same time on tour".

"Hey! I should fire you for that. You'll never work again".

"And neither would you" they both lightly chuckled. I appreciated their playful brother like relationship, I could see myself becoming friends with Paul.

After an hour or so discussing the tour and signing the documents the impromptu meeting was wrapping up.

Paul spoke, "So Marshall's album will be released next week and then we will go on the tour about three weeks later". Marshall stayed seated on the couch as Paul got up.

"I didn't catch what the tour was called?"

"Up in Smoke Tour. The main acts are Snoop Dogg and Dre, but you'll be responsible for managing the whole tour".

"Won't I need to meet with them? I mean considering they are the main acts, shouldn't they be in on this?" I inquired.

"Well they're both in California at the moment, so they said I could sort it all out".

"Okay. And individual management will be left to the performers managers, correct?"

"Yep. So that's it then. I'll be seeing you around Cassie, we'll be in contact more before we leave for the tour".

"Great, thanks Paul". He shook my hand and excused himself from my office, leaving Marshall with me.

"So your album is coming out soon, huh?" I sat next to him, crossing one leg over the other. It felt odd being alone with him in my office. My career was beginning to collide with my personal life, something I'd never dealt with before.

"Yeah. We've finished recording and all that, just putting the finishing touches on production now". He let out a large yawn and scratched the back of his head, he was tired which made two of us.

"What's it called?"

"Ah, I can't say" he shook his head.


"If I told you, I'd have to kill you". He mimicked slitting his throat so I punched him in the arm, lightly.

He mocked being hurt, dramatically rubbing his arm. "You can't kill me, I'm your boss now".

"We'll see". He abruptly stood, pulling me up my hands with him, causing his bracelet he always wore to clink against itself. "I gotta head off to the studio. Up stairs coincidentally".

"How much longer you in New York for?"

"My flight is at 11.00 pm tonight".

"Oh" I was disappointed we wouldn't have much time together before the tour, which was more than a whole month away.

"You free tonight?"

"Mhmm" I played with a lose thread on his t-shirt.

"I'll give you a ring later on". He pulled me in for what I thought would be the kiss he was waiting for, but instead he gave me a quick hug, his warm body enveloping mine. He removed himself from me and threw his hand up waving at me as he left.

I couldn't help but to let a huge smile take over my face as he left. I even skipped to my desk, excitement bursting out of me. Not only had I booked a new tour, but I was getting to work with Marshall. It seemed too good to be true, I wouldn't have to sacrifice my career in order for us to date and I got to see some of my favorite artists perform.


After what felt my longest day at work I'd ever had I finally finished. I love my job, but sometimes it drags on forever. Switching off all the lights in my office and checking I had all of my belongings I made my way out, when I felt my phone vibrate. One unread text message from Marshall sent a couple minutes ago; "You left yet?"

"On the way out now" I text back.

"Come up to the studio, It's booked for a couple more hours" he replied almost instantly which I thought was cute.

"Coming". Immediately I regretted my choice of words, I knew Marshall would have some smart ass comment about it. I made my way up to the studio floor, flashing my company card to the security as I entered. I walked down to the hallway till I arrived at the only studio with the lights still on. Tentatively I knocked on the door, hoping I wasn't interrupting anything important. For some reason I felt very out of my depth up here, I've never been on the studio floor before.

Marshall opened the door greeting me with a cheeky smile. "I'm glad you came".

I rolled my eyes as he moved aside so I could walk in. "I knew you would say something stupid like that". Nobody else was here, "Just us?"

He walked over to a swivel chair behind the main mixing desk and sat down, reclining back into it. A continuous beat was playing over the sound system in the background.

"Yup. I'm just perfecting this beat, everything else is done".

"What song is it for?" I kicked off my heels and sat in the spare chair beside him. How I managed to wear heels all day, I have no idea.

"Criminal. Wanna hear it?" he turned to look back at me as he fiddled with the various buttons on the soundboard.

"You sure you won't have to kill me?" he just laughed and set up the song. It started with a short monologue by him, then the beat I recognized started and he began rapping over it. I couldn't believe his talent, his skills had improved even since his last album. When the intermission at the bank played, I couldn't help but to laugh at his dark humor. Carefully he watched me the whole time, seeing how I was reacting to the song. I could tell he was pleased with my reaction because when the song finished he was smugly smiling to himself.

"What'ya think?"

"It's so good. I love that bit, how does it go? 'Hey, it's me, Versace!' Marshall helped me finish the line, "Whoops, somebody shot me!" we both laughed at it. "You are going to get in so much shit for this".

"You should hear the rest of the tracks. The media will have a field day with this. It's all just me goofing off in the studio though, people shouldn't take what I say so seriously" he shrugged.

"You like playing devil's advocate though, don't you?" I nudged him.

He stuck two fingers behind his head, imitating devil horns. "That's me. One evil motherfucker". I clutched at the cross necklace on my neck, pretending to be horrified by his actions. He must of thought I was serious because he began apologizing, "Oh shit, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were religious".

I shook my head laughing at his concern, "I am. But not like that, I'm not strict with it. Which you should know by now". I winked at him, referring to our previous encounters.

"How could I forget. So, you wanna have a go at making a beat?"

"I would have no clue how to".

"I'll show you" He patted the empty space on his lap, signalling for me to come over. I felt like a child, giggling whilst sitting on him. Being short did have its benefits some times. He hooked one arm around my waist, whilst the other took my hand in his and placed it over the buttons. "This alters the bass" he moved his hand so my fingers could push the button up. "And all these buttons make different noises, from pre-recorded instruments" pointing to a large portion of the desk. He spoke quietly in my ear, like someone might be listening in on us and he wanted this moment to remain private.

"What about that bit?" I pointed to a strange looking dial.

"That loops the beat or sound once you've done. Let's see what you've got." He sat back and I leaned forward to get closer to the board. I must of moved too quickly because he let out a pained grunt from behind me.

"My bad". I fiddled around, having a go at making a beat whilst Marshall directed me to use certain sounds or features. "Okay, I think I'm finished". Originally I was happy with it but when Marshall played it and my rookie beat filled the studio my opinion changed. "OMG that is so bad!" I cracked up laughing at my awful attempt.

"It's not that bad. You have potential".

I turned to face Marshall and couldn't help but to laugh again at how tactful he was trying to be. "I think I'll leave the music making to you. How did you get so good at it?"

"Since I've had the opportunity to make music in a place like this, I've basically become a studio rat. We spent 20 hours at a time in the studio making this album".

"Wow. And I thought I was a work-a-holic" I dangled my legs over his lap and hung my arms loosely around his neck. His hands moved to rest on my bum reciprocating my affection I was showing. Usually I would object to this, but not with Marshall. He made me feel relaxed, not like I needed to be on edge.

"I'm gonna be back in New York next week" he announced.

"Yeah?" the idea of that made me happy, I wouldn't have to wait until the tour to see him again.

"The album drops on the 23rd, and we come back on the 24th. We're doing promo and then I think on the 25th I'll be on TRL".

"I love TRL" I smiled at the image of Marshall having to introduce music videos by artists I knew he hated.

"Then we fly out on 26th. So I don't know how much we'll be able to see each other. I'm sure we can work something out".

"I'm sure we will". I glanced at the clock on the wall, 9.56pm, he would have to leave soon to catch his plane.

"I need to get going now Cassie" he removed his hands from me, signalling he wanted me to get up.

"I know" I made no attempt to move off him. "You have been waiting for that kiss though".

"In that case". His hands made their way back to my bum and a lazy smile fell on his face.

I lowered my head close enough that our noses brushed together, but not close enough for our lips to connect. I felt like I was stuck in a trance and I made no further moves to fully kiss him. Instead I stared into his eyes and felt my pulse climbing, unsure of what type of kiss this would be. It turned out to be a sweet and gentle kiss. Marshall grazed his lips against mine and I melted on top of him, pulling him closer to me. Our lips hungrily but slowly worked together, and my mind became clouded. His tongue began to explore my mouth, and all breath left me. I felt him against me when I moved my tongue with his, but he pulled away from me. Assuming he just needed a breather I go to kiss him again but instead he spoke against my lips, "Cassie. We have to stop now while we can".

"No we don't".

"I can't miss my flight".

"I know". I sigh at the fact we can't kiss anymore, just when we were getting into it. Even though he said we had to stop, he placed one final kiss to my lips, as if he was making sure he had enough until we next saw each other. I hopped of him and relocated my heels, while he turned off the mixing board and gathered his things. We left the studio and walked out of the building to the car park, our arms brushing against each other the entire time.

"Do you want me to drop you off at your apartment?" he rattled his car keys.

"It's alright, you have a flight to catch. And my cars here anyway".

"You sure?" I nodded to assure him. "You have my number right?"


"Okay I'll text you when I'm back in town and free". We hugged and said our farewells, he watched me making sure I got in my car safely, then hopped in his and drove off. I couldn't believe how excited I was to see him again, what had gotten in to me?


Authors note: Hi guys! Bit of a late update I know, so sorry about that! I've had a lot on recently, and I may need to start posting every five day instead of every three. Also this is I feel a much longer chapter than usual? Maybe because it took me so long to write lmao. Hope you like it, and vote if you do please! x

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