Figuring Out Emma (Harry Styl...

By xPotatoesOreos1993x

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[BOOK TWO] Emma's not one to easily let down her guard, and for good reasons. But when Harry charms his way t... More

Chapter 1: Next Stop, London
Chapter 2: We Don't Bite
Chapter 3: Scares Me
Chapter 4: The Real Thing
Chapter 5: A Night To Remember
Chapter 6: Do You Trust Me?
Chapter 7: Guarded
Chapter 8: A Good Day
Chapter 9: Love Drunk
Chapter 11: Welcome to Paris
Chapter 12: Maybe They Were Right
Chapter 13: Drowning
Chapter 14: New Best Friend
Chapter 15: Bullied
Chapter 16: I'm Tired
Chapter 17: Because It's True
Chapter 18: Ride The Wave
Chapter 19: Lucky
Chapter 20: Does He Know
Chapter 21: Goodbye
Chapter 22: Are You Ready
Chapter 23: Testifying
Chapter 24: Conviction
Chapter 25: Can't Do This
Chapter 26: What Do You Want
Chapter 27: Nothing
Chapter 28: Stay With Me
Chapter 29: Mine. Yours.

Chapter 10: Obviously... Friends.

188 7 1
By xPotatoesOreos1993x


"How'd the interview go today?" I asked as Harry made popcorn in the kitchen.

"Pretty good  I suppose. You should have seen Niall when he was talking about Natalie, it was so adorable," Harry responded.

"I don't doubt it. That boy loves her to the moon and back."

"More like his love for her is larger than the universe," he corrected me with a lopsided smile.

"You think so?" I challenged.

"I know it for a fact."

"Oh really?" I laughed.

"Yes really, miss smart ass," he said as he flicked a piece of popcorn at me.

"Natalie would have murdered you with her evil eye if she were here."

"For throwing the popcorn? Probably," he agreed.

"Come on, let's go watch Friends With Benefits now! JT is calling my name!" I said as I stole the popcorn from Harry and ran to the living room.

"Calm yourself, Emma. It's just Justin Timberlake," Harry chuckled.

"Shut your mouth if you are going to be mean towards my JT. I do not appreciate people hating on Mr. Sexyperfectass."

"Mr. Sexyperfectass?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Yes, Mr. Sexyperfectass is my nickname for JT. You have one too, it's buttface," I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

Harry tried to keep a straight face but he ended up laughing hysterically. While he took his time calming down I started the movie and relaxed further into his couch. I'm pretty sure I felt Harry's arm behind my head but I decided not to say anything about it. It wasn't bothering me and it didn't seem to bother him, so why make a big deal out of it? I didn't see the point in doing that.

We were about half way through the film when someone barged into Harry's flat.

"Harry Edward Styles! You owe me a taco, and I want it now! So get off your flat little arse and make me one," Louis demanded. We both looked over and saw him standing on my end of the couch with his arms crossed over his chest.

"The film is almost over, I'll make it for you then," Harry replied calmly.

"Did you not hear me? I want it now, Haz. I'm starving here!"

"Well I'm currently busy."

"Yeah, of course you are. Busy cuddling with Em," Louis smirked.

Cuddling with me? I tilted my head up to find that Harry and I were indeed cuddling. I hadn't even realized that we were to begin with. Harry's cheeks flushed a bright red as he retracted his arm from around my shoulders.

"I'll go make that taco now," he said quietly, making his voice sound even deeper than normal.

"I figured you would," Louis smirked triumphantly.

What was that all about? I swear, these boys get more and more weird the longer I spend time with them...

As the days slowly pass by I can't help but worry about Natalie and how she is doing. Lately it's all I've been doing and I'm starting to believe that it is just becoming even more second nature to me than it was before. She's just been thrown one curve ball after another lately. I don't see how that's fair. Someone else whose life is much too boring could use one, not her. All I can say is thank god for Niall. He's able to help her in ways Anna and myself were never able to.

He's pretty bummed that he wasn't able to go and see her that first night but I think he's getting to the point where he's going to go whether management agrees to it or not. Every day he becomes more anxious as he wonders about how she is handling being at home. But at least he doesn't have to worry about hiding her from the public anymore after that interview from the day before yesterday. It made me smile seeing how bright his face lit up as he talked about her and just how in love he sounded. Seriously, I couldn't help but let out a chorus of 'awwwws' at the adorable little Irishman. I honestly can't picture Natalie with anyone else. Those two have to get married or I will die from a broken heart. That's how much I love those two together.

But speaking of the interview... what the hell was Harry talking about? Well to be more accurate, whom was he talking about? He said that she was a friend of theirs. Who is a friend of all of them? Could it be Anna? No, he hasn't shown any kind of special attention to her. It was probably somebody that I don't even know. Even so, why did the thought of Harry liking someone leave me so irritated? I don't care for him as anything more than a friend. He's a good listener when you need someone to talk to and he has a genuine heart. When he says something he means it.

Okay, seriously what is wrong with me? This has been bugging me nonstop since I saw the interview. I just need to man up and ask him about it. That's it, that is what I will do. There is no point in sitting around trying to figure it out myself when I could just ask Harry. I would end up driving myself  mad if I don't.

Climbing out of bed I put a pair of sweatpants on over my shorts and left my room. I ran a hand through my knotted blond locks as I walked to Harry's flat across the hall. Biting my lip in nervousness, I lightly rapped my right hand against his door. A few seconds later it opened up to reveal a disheveled looking Harry with nothing but white shorts on, his inked chest on full display. I had seen pictures but they didn't do the tattoos justice. They look much nicer, yet more silly, in person.

"Good morning, Emma," he spoke groggily in a raspy voice. I watched as he reached a hand up and pushed his hair back off of his face.

"Morning, I just came over to ask you something," I stated point blank, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Who were you talking about in the interview the other day?"

Harry stumbled backwards a step from his previous stance leaning up against the door. He had a panicked look in his bright green eyes as he fumbled over incoherent words. After clearing his throat he opened his mouth to try and say something again but no words came out. As more minutes seemed to pass by I began to grow impatient with him.

"Are you ever going to tell me or will I have to wait to read it in a magazine?" I asked him harshly.

"I... I thought it was obvious... I thought you knew," he whispered as his eyebrows pulled together.

"You thought that I knew what? Harry, enough of these games, just tell me!"

"It was you," he spoke a bit louder.

"What about me?"

"You were the friend I was talking about, Emma. You are the girl that I fancy."

Now it was my turn to take a step back. Harry anxiously ran a hand through his hair as I remained silent. I didn't know what to say to him. I didn't know what to think. I didn't know what to do. So I did the most reasonable thing I could come up with at the time. I ran back to my room.

"Emma! Wait, please!" Harry called after me as he tried to catch up to me I'm sure. But I had gotten a good head start. I slammed my bedroom door before Harry was able to reach it. The pained look on his face that I had caught a glimpse of made me feel bad for doing that but I was panicking. Not everything I did would be rational. Harry understands that right? I hope he does.

I leaned my back against the door as I let a sigh escape past my lips. My body froze when I swore that I felt Harry lean against the door himself on the other side. Listening intently for any indication that he was still there, I heard a faint "Good job, Haz, you really fucked that one up," in Harry's deep morning voice as he walked away.

My lower lip rolled in-between my teeth as I bit down on it in thought. Anna and Natalie had been right all along. Harry does like me as more than a friend. I had just been too blind to the fact that he was indeed showing more interest in me than them or any other girl for that matter. For what ever stupid reason that thought brought a minuscule smile to my face. But as fast as that thought came, so did another one.

If Anna and Natalie have been right about Harry, could they have been right about me as well?


Bloody fucking hell.

I really screwed this up. If I had only denied the damn interviewer this never would have happened. Emma would still be talking to me rather than locking herself up in her room.

Although, I could have lied to her as well and said it was somebody else, but the thought hadn't crossed my mind until it was too late. Besides I don't think I could lie to Emma. Not about something like that. Which a part of me really wishes I had because then my chances of winning her over in the end wouldn't have been shot to hell. But it's far too late now. All I can do is hope that she'll be able to look past my feelings towards her and remain friends with me. Because I really do enjoy her company.

She makes me feel genuinely happy. When she's with me she gives me her full attention, never missing a word I say. If I ask her for her opinion on something she tells me the truth because that is what she would want if she asked me something. Emma can make me laugh so hard that tears come to my eyes. She kicks my butt at Mario Kart and does that cute little victory dance that I just adore. Her knowledge of the world is so vast that we never have a lull in our conversations and she's always recommending new music and books and movies to me. When I'm with Emma I'm constantly learning the small things about her and her world, and the world around us.

I spent most of my day thinking about Emma and our fragile friendship. How it had a rough start and wasn't really a friendship but more of a tolerance, for her at least. Then how it slowly grew and became something palpable. I wonder if she was ever going to tell me about her mystery caller or about her parents. I wonder if she'd tell me anything real personal at all. Sure I know about her interests in music and school and such but material things don't show you who a person really is underneath or why they are the way are. For all I know, Emma could have been a victim of attempted murder or something horrible of the sort.

She's a lot like Natalie now that I think about it. They are both reserved and don't particularly like sharing their past with anyone. If Emma and I can maintain our friendship after this fiasco I'm going to need some insight as to what I should do to get Emma to trust me in that way. The best person to help me is Niall.

Deciding that I needed to talk to Niall sooner rather than later I headed back over to his flat. Emma wasn't anywhere to be seen so I assumed she was still hiding in her room. Letting out a sigh, I made my way into Niall's room to find him packing. Right, I had forgotten that he was heading to Natalie's hometown to see her. He was off in his own world until I had sat down on his bed.

"Harry, hey man. What's up?" he asked.

"Not much. I just had to ask you a question," I spoke as I played with one of the rings I was wearing.

"Shoot," he said sitting down on the other side of me.

"How do you do it?" I asked, knowing my question wasn't all that straight forward.

"Do what?"

"How do you... get past Natalie's walls? How do you get her to open up to you? How do you handle your anger when she won't? How do you do it?" I asked again. I could hear my voice begin to sound like I was hurting, and I am, but I tried my best to hide it from Niall.

"Um, well I don't really know Haz. I just make sure that she knows that I'm there for her. I give her time. Sometimes I'll keep asking her about it until she tells me what I ask to hear. It all depends on the subject and waiting for the right time. As for my anger, well I usually wait for a time when she's not around and then I let it out in one way or another. Whether it be playing my guitar or punching something." 

"That explains why you've been hitting the gym more," I laughed quietly.

"You have to let the frustration out somehow," he shrugged.

"What kind of frustration are we talking about here?" I laughed nudging his shoulder with my own.

"Oh shut it, will you," he shoved me back. It just made me laugh harder.

But once the laughter died down I stood up and walked towards the door. I turned back to give Niall a small smile.

"Thanks Niall," I said warmly, hardly looking him in the eye.

"No problem. Oh Harry, before you go. Why'd you ask?"

"Because I just needed a little insight," I said before walking away without giving him any other explanation.

"What the hell does that mean?" I heard him mumble to himself.

I smiled a little to myself at Niall's wanting to know so badly. He cared it seems, and that left a warm feeling in my heart. Maybe someday I'll tell him what is going on, after I figure it all out myself. But we'll have to see just how long that will be. I was heading towards the front door of the flat, keeping my head down when I heard her familiar voice.

"Carmichael, just get to the point please," Emma said into her mobile as she chewed on one of her nails. She let out a long, and disappointed sigh after remaining silent for a few minutes. "I didn't mean too, but I will keep that in mind. I promise."

I watched as Emma bit her bottom lip gently as she stared out the living room windows. She wrapped her free arm around her waist as she listened to what ever 'Carmichael' was telling her. Who in the hell is Carmichael? Why was he making Emma feel bad? Is he her boyfriend that nobody knows about? Who is he?

"Yeah, I'll talk to you next week. Same time, I suppose," she finally spoke again. "Bye."

Emma hit the end button on her screen and let out another long sigh. I slowly slid back behind the wall separating the living room and hallway. After waiting a few seconds I calmly walked into the living room as if I hadn't heard anything or knew she was in there. I forced myself not to spare a glance at the tall blond that was only a few feet away. Not until she spoke up that is.

"H-Harry," she stuttered in surprise. "What a-are you doing here?"

"I came to ask Niall about something. I was just heading out," I replied softly, not quite sure how to handle myself.

"O-oh," she mumbled softly.

I gave her a curt nod goodbye before I began walking towards the door again.

"Harry, wait. I need to apologize to you," she said as I felt her hand wrap around my wrist, stopping me from walking away. I turned my head to look into her stunning blue eyes, instantly losing myself in their depth. "I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier. I panicked and didn't realize what I was doing until after I had already done them. I - it doesn't bother me if you have stronger feelings for me than just friends. I just find it unfair to you, because I don't feel the same way," she whispered.

Those words tore a hole into my chest but I knew Emma wasn't done talking so I didn't walk away just yet.

"But I... I hope we can still remain... friends. I'm sorry, I know it sucks. It's like having your dog pass away and your mom tell you that you can still keep it, but... I enjoy your friendship, Harry. You help keep me sane the majority of the time," she rambled slightly.

"I didn't realize you were insane," I joked hoping to make Emma feel better. I guess it worked because she let out a small laugh that sounded full of relief.

"Well some of us have to be to make life interesting," she smiled a little sadly at me.

"I s'pose that's true, and Emma?"

"Yeah?" she asked quickly.

"I will always consider you a friend. No matter what."


A/N: Hello! So I hope you've been enjoying this story so far. I have been. It's a good change from my first book, in my opinion at least. 

I hope you stick around coz there is going to be some interesting things happening in the nearrr future.. well near-ish. But seriously, I hope you stick around. Thanks again so much for reading! xoxo

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