Winning her back

By Writer_x101x

537K 10.8K 1.2K

Ben and Lisa had been dating for five years, married for two. Everyone saw them as the perfect couple, the co... More

1. All good things come to an end
2. A new beginning
4. Cold night
5. The party ends
6. The Aftermath
7. Conflict of interest
8. Hurt people hurt people
9. When fear wins
10. Memory Lane
11. Back to reality
12. When the past catches up
13. Who to trust
14. Three's a crowd
15. Plot twist
16. The night is still young
17. Playing with fire
18. Regret
19. Door left open
20. Goodbye
21. The Sister
22. Knocking on someone else's door
23. Secret crush
24. Let me down slowly
25. Innocent until proven guilty
26. Moving on
27. The Truth (Part 1)
28. The Truth (Part 2)
29. When friends become enemies
30. Betrayal
31. The Chase
32. Clarity
33. The End: Part 1
34. The End: Part 2
35. Epilogue
Thank you

3. The Boss

22.3K 429 24
By Writer_x101x


"The ultrasound showed an accumulation of amniotic fluid inside the embryo. We'll have to keep a close eye just in case it travels down to the placenta. Other then that, your baby girl is perfectly healthy".

I smiled at the overly excited couple in front of me who couldn't stop thanking me. This was their sixth appointment and they still acted as if it was their first, holding each others hands, smiling at one another and looking at me with enthusiastic eyes.

I sighed internally and proceeded to print ultrasound pictures. I couldn't help but feel slighly envious of them. They were happy and head over heels for each other. They were about to have a baby. They had everything that I should have had.

I remember a time, not so long ago, where I used to love my job. Becoming a gynecologist wasn't something I decided in the spur of the moment, it was something that I've wanted ever since I was a child. I followed my mother's footsteps. Nowadays, things have changed. I dreaded every single time I had a pregancy related session.

"We're all done for today", I said handing them their pictures. "I'll schedule your appointment for three weeks from today".

After a couple more 'thank yous' and a little more crying, I was finally left alone. I had a bunch of paperwork left to do. I definitely wasn't looking at an early night.

I heard a tapping sound coming from outside the door. Soon enough, a familiar head which belonged to my current boss, came into view.

"I'm heading out", he said. "Are you done for the day?"

I leaned back in my chair and stretched out my legs. "I've got some paperwork left to do Sir. You head out, I don't mind closing up".

I heard him sigh before opening the door further, enough for his whole body to come into view. For a fourty year old man, he certainly wasn't lacking in the physique department. It didn't help that he was also very attractive.

"What have I told you about calling me Sir. You've been working for me for almost a year Lisa, I think we should be past first name bases by now".

I smiled at his words. "Everybody else calls you Sir".

He walked closer and put both hands on the desk which was currently between us. He leaned over with a smirk plastered on his face.

"I would rather you don't, it would make things much easier when I ask you out".

I giggled, shaking my head in the process. My boss .. Clark, had his fair share of lame pick up lines. Although they might not have helped him persue romance, they certainly cracked me up everytime. I couldn't believe he wasn't taken already. Besides his obvious eye catching appearance, Clark was smart and definately not lacking financially either.

"So what do you say?", he said, leaning closer to me.

"About what?"

He plastered a smirk on his face again. "Postpone whatever paperwork you have left and go out with me, tonight".

Clark had been passing flirty comments for a while now. However, he had never bluntly asked me out. Did I want to go out with him? Was I ready for that?Yes, I was attracted to him and yes, it would totally destroy our work relationship, but that wasn't the reason behind my hesitation. Ben was my first and only relationship. He was my first love, first boyfriend, first husband and first ex-husband. I had only ever been sexually involved with him. The thought of someone else kissing and touching me made me feel sick to my stomach.

I srunched my nose and smiled playfully. "My boss is kind of an asshole. If I don't finish up today, he'll be a total ass tomorrow".

He chuckled and straighted his posture. "I'll take that as a no then", he said before putting his hands in his pockets.

"Raincheck?", I said, fidgeting with my pen.

He nodded and made his way to the door. "You're a beautiful girl Lisa", he said with his hand on the door knob, "I hope you'll eventually meet someone you deserve".

With that, he left the clinic leaving me alone with my thoughts. Someone I deserve? Clearly, the universe had other plans and maybe, just maybe, it's better that way.


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