Phantom Anthem

By 1StoryMaker

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Danny's life is still the same but things are just getting worse. Danny doesn't know how. Afterall he is just... More

I'm not Dead!
Authors note


111 6 0
By 1StoryMaker

"Did I hear that right? Or am I loosing my mind? Cuz Sam....and pregnant just sounds weird together."

All eyes were on Sam, no one paying heed to Tucker's ramblings.

Finally, Sam managed to look back at Lilith and cleared her throat before saying, "Anything else for show and tell that we should know?"

Lilith shrugged. "Let's see. Two drawers are still left here." And she made a move for the next one. And shut it.

The last drawer had a photograph. Lilith passed it over to Sam, "I have absolutely no idea what this is supposed to be. It looks more like a pair of grey squishy peanuts."

"....squishy peanuts?"

She shrugged at Tuck and looked at Sam who just went still.

Dan spoke up, "that seems like a uterine scan. And there are"


"Huh?" Tucker frowned.

"It's a picture of twins in someone!" Sam exclaimed. "Any idea whom does it belong to?"

Lilith shrugged again. "I found it after I saw Future Danny being taken away. He had been looking at it before the attack."

"So you were there when he was attacked and did nothing?"

" I, I was doing something else but yes I didn't help him out."

Sam felt her blood boil over. All was getting too much.

"OK. Listen here. We have been brought here to do something which we have no clue about. No one has seen or heard from future Danny, future me is or was apparently pregnant with twins...which future Tucker seemed to either skip telling us or didn't know.

All ghosts are working together but none of them know everything, while you seem to know everything. You were here before us. If we hadn't come here, would you have even bothered to share this tidbit?

I saw you, I know you didn't show us what's in that second drawer.

I will be honest. Right now, I'm sick and tired of this. And I don't trust you. Not right now."

Danny looked like he was about to interrupt but when Sam shouted out the last few words, he stopped and looked at Lilith, who had her eyes closed and was shaking her head.

Tucker seemed to be at a loss for words. But their silence just showed that they agreed with Sam, to an extent.

"You haven't given us any reason to trust you and isn't trust a two-way street? You clearly don't trust us to explain everything." Sam added softly.

Lilith looked at her and tilted her head to one side, "I don't think I ever got the chance to explain everything. As I said before, I hate explaining everything if I'm not sure of it. Hate given false information. I only want to help get your future selves out."

"Wait. didn't tell them everything?"

"Yeah. I kinda wanted to check this place out since I was informed that there were signs of them coming here." Lilith turned from Dan to Sam again, "That's why I left like that and didn't explain. Thought it'd be better and faster. Maybe I'll find something before someone else destroyed it. Good thing too."

It was then that Danny spoke up, "in that case, will you explain everything to us now?"

Lilith paused at that.


She saw them all nod. Dan also seemed to nod, "I'm not all aware of everything. Plus I think they need to know how we all fit in here."

She nodded. "Fine. Better pay attention. I won't repeat any of this again. I'll tell you what all I know."

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